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a guest
Sep 23rd, 2020
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  1. [2020-09-23 19:31:01] Starting TVLINK (version 1.1.4) on port: 2020
  2. [2020-09-23 19:31:01] Refresh sources now...
  3. [2020-09-23 19:31:01] Refresh source [IPnet] links - 28
  4. [2020-09-23 19:31:01] Refresh sources end.
  5. [2020-09-23 19:31:48] [] Query: [UA: Закарпаття] [A323B5EF] available links - 1
  6. [2020-09-23 19:31:48] [] Error: get stream [UA: Закарпаття] []
  7. [2020-09-23 19:31:48] [] Error: get stream [Empty channel] []
  8. [2020-09-23 19:31:48] [] Query: [UA: Закарпаття] [A323B5EF] available links - 1
  9. [2020-09-23 19:31:48] [] Error: get stream [UA: Закарпаття] []
  10. [2020-09-23 19:31:48] [] Error: get stream [Empty channel] []
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