

Apr 12th, 2016
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  1. 12:57:03 [INFO] Using OpenSSL based native cipher.
  2. 12:57:03 [INFO] Using native code compressor
  3. 12:57:03 [INFO] Enabled Waterfall version git:Waterfall-Bootstrap:1.9-SNAPSHOT:b033890:185
  4. 12:57:03 [INFO] Not on Windows, attempting to use enhanced EpollEventLoop
  5. 12:57:03 [INFO] Epoll is working, utilising it!
  6. 12:57:03 [INFO] Discovered module: ModuleSpec(name=cmd_alert, file=modules/cmd_alert.jar, provider=JenkinsModuleSource())
  7. 12:57:03 [INFO] Discovered module: ModuleSpec(name=cmd_find, file=modules/cmd_find.jar, provider=JenkinsModuleSource())
  8. 12:57:03 [INFO] Discovered module: ModuleSpec(name=cmd_list, file=modules/cmd_list.jar, provider=JenkinsModuleSource())
  9. 12:57:03 [INFO] Discovered module: ModuleSpec(name=cmd_send, file=modules/cmd_send.jar, provider=JenkinsModuleSource())
  10. 12:57:03 [INFO] Discovered module: ModuleSpec(name=cmd_server, file=modules/cmd_server.jar, provider=JenkinsModuleSource())
  11. 12:57:03 [INFO] Discovered module: ModuleSpec(name=reconnect_yaml, file=modules/reconnect_yaml.jar, provider=JenkinsModuleSource())
  12. 12:57:03 [INFO] Loaded plugin reconnect_yaml version git:reconnect_yaml:1.9-SNAPSHOT:b033890:185 by SpigotMC
  13. 12:57:03 [INFO] Loaded plugin cmd_find version git:cmd_find:1.9-SNAPSHOT:b033890:185 by SpigotMC
  14. 12:57:03 [INFO] Loaded plugin cmd_server version git:cmd_server:1.9-SNAPSHOT:b033890:185 by SpigotMC
  15. 12:57:03 [INFO] Loaded plugin cmd_alert version git:cmd_alert:1.9-SNAPSHOT:b033890:185 by SpigotMC
  16. 12:57:03 [INFO] Loaded plugin cmd_send version git:cmd_send:1.9-SNAPSHOT:b033890:185 by SpigotMC
  17. 12:57:03 [INFO] Loaded plugin cmd_list version git:cmd_list:1.9-SNAPSHOT:b033890:185 by SpigotMC
  18. 12:57:04 [INFO] Enabled plugin reconnect_yaml version git:reconnect_yaml:1.9-SNAPSHOT:b033890:185 by SpigotMC
  19. 12:57:04 [INFO] Enabled plugin cmd_find version git:cmd_find:1.9-SNAPSHOT:b033890:185 by SpigotMC
  20. 12:57:04 [INFO] Enabled plugin cmd_server version git:cmd_server:1.9-SNAPSHOT:b033890:185 by SpigotMC
  21. 12:57:04 [INFO] Enabled plugin cmd_alert version git:cmd_alert:1.9-SNAPSHOT:b033890:185 by SpigotMC
  22. 12:57:04 [INFO] Enabled plugin cmd_send version git:cmd_send:1.9-SNAPSHOT:b033890:185 by SpigotMC
  23. 12:57:04 [INFO] Enabled plugin cmd_list version git:cmd_list:1.9-SNAPSHOT:b033890:185 by SpigotMC
  24. 12:57:04 [INFO] Listening on /
  25. 12:57:04 [INFO] Started query on /
  26. 12:57:12 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  27. 12:57:13 [INFO] [/|AkinaDragonKing] <-> ServerConnector [hub] has connected
  28. 12:57:14 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  29. 12:57:14 [INFO] [/|BlackBeltPanda] <-> ServerConnector [adventure] has connected
  30. 12:57:20 [INFO] [/|AkinaDragonKing] <-> ServerConnector [skyblock] has connected
  31. 12:57:44 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  32. 12:57:45 [INFO] [/|siddey10] <-> ServerConnector [hub] has connected
  33. 12:57:52 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  34. 12:57:52 [INFO] [BlackBeltPanda] disconnected with: §cYou are already connected to this proxy!
  35. 12:57:52 [INFO] [/|BlackBeltPanda] <-> ServerConnector [skyblock] has connected
  36. 12:58:42 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  37. 12:58:43 [INFO] [/|Drakon24] <-> ServerConnector [hub] has connected
  38. 12:58:47 [INFO] [/|siddey10] <-> ServerConnector [skyblock] has connected
  39. 12:59:08 [INFO] [/|Drakon24] <-> ServerConnector [skyblock] has connected
  40. 12:59:20 [WARNING] [/|BlackBeltPanda] -> UpstreamBridge - read timed out
  41. 12:59:20 [INFO] [/|BlackBeltPanda] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected
  42. 12:59:20 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  43. 12:59:20 [INFO] [/|BlackBeltPanda] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [adventure] has disconnected
  44. 12:59:50 [INFO] [/|BlackBeltPanda] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  45. 12:59:51 [INFO] [BlackBeltPanda] disconnected with: §cYou are already connected to this proxy!
  46. 12:59:51 [INFO] [/|BlackBeltPanda] <-> ServerConnector [hub] has connected
  47. 13:00:17 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  48. 13:00:19 [INFO] [/|8BitGino] <-> ServerConnector [hub] has connected
  49. 13:00:21 [INFO] [/|Hypecolt] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  50. 13:00:23 [INFO] [/|Hypecolt] <-> ServerConnector [hub] has connected
  51. 13:00:32 [INFO] [/|8BitGino] <-> ServerConnector [skyblock] has connected
  52. 13:00:36 [INFO] [/|Hypecolt] <-> ServerConnector [skyblock] has connected
  53. 13:00:37 [INFO] [/|BlackBeltPanda] <-> ServerConnector [skyblock] has connected
  54. 13:01:14 [INFO] [/|AkinaDragonKing] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected
  55. 13:01:14 [INFO] [/|AkinaDragonKing] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [hub] has disconnected
  56. 13:01:15 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  57. 13:01:15 [INFO] [/|AkinaDragonKing] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [skyblock] has disconnected
  58. 13:01:56 [INFO] [/|mrmike06] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  59. 13:01:58 [INFO] [/|mrmike06] <-> ServerConnector [hub] has connected
  60. 13:02:19 [WARNING] [/|BlackBeltPanda] -> UpstreamBridge - read timed out
  61. 13:02:19 [INFO] [/|BlackBeltPanda] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected
  62. 13:02:19 [INFO] [/|BlackBeltPanda] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [skyblock] has disconnected
  63. 13:02:24 [INFO] [/|mrmike06] <-> ServerConnector [skyblock] has connected
  64. 13:02:26 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  65. 13:02:27 [INFO] [/|AgeOfPuppy] <-> ServerConnector [skyblock] has connected
  66. 13:02:41 [INFO] [/|JeremyTH] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  67. 13:02:42 [INFO] [/|JeremyTH] <-> ServerConnector [hub] has connected
  68. 13:02:52 [INFO] [/|JeremyTH] <-> ServerConnector [skyblock] has connected
  69. 13:03:38 [INFO] [/|jaffacraft1] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  70. 13:03:41 [INFO] [/|jaffacraft1] <-> ServerConnector [hub] has connected
  71. 13:04:11 [WARNING] [/|jaffacraft1] -> UpstreamBridge - read timed out
  72. 13:04:11 [INFO] [jaffacraft1] disconnected with: §fReadTimeoutException : null
  73. 13:04:11 [INFO] [/|jaffacraft1] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected
  74. 13:04:11 [INFO] [/|jaffacraft1] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [hub] has disconnected
  75. 13:04:50 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  76. 13:04:52 [INFO] [/|Ngis] <-> ServerConnector [skyblock] has connected
  77. 13:04:52 [INFO] [/|Ngis] <-> ServerConnector [skyblock] has disconnected
  78. 13:04:52 [INFO] [/|Ngis] <-> ServerConnector [hub] has connected
  79. 13:04:52 [INFO] [/|Ngis] <-> ServerConnector [hub] has disconnected
  80. 13:04:52 [INFO] [/|Ngis] <-> ServerConnector [skyblock] has connected
  81. 13:04:52 [INFO] [/|Ngis] <-> ServerConnector [skyblock] has disconnected
  82. 13:04:52 [INFO] [/|Ngis] <-> ServerConnector [adventure] has connected
  83. 13:04:52 [INFO] [Ngis] disconnected with: §cKicked whilst connecting to adventure: §fOutdated client! Please use 1.9.2
  84. 13:04:52 [INFO] [/|Ngis] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected
  85. 13:04:52 [INFO] [/|Ngis] <-> ServerConnector [adventure] has disconnected
  86. 13:05:18 [INFO] [siddey10] disconnected with: §f[Proxy] Lost connection to server.
  87. 13:05:18 [INFO] [/|siddey10] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [skyblock] has disconnected
  88. 13:05:18 [INFO] [/|siddey10] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [hub] has disconnected
  89. 13:05:18 [INFO] [/|siddey10] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected
  90. 13:05:19 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  91. 13:05:19 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  92. 13:05:19 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  93. 13:05:19 [INFO] AgeOfPuppy at was join-throttled
  94. 13:05:46 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  95. 13:05:48 [INFO] [/|jaffacraft1] <-> ServerConnector [hub] has connected
  96. 13:06:26 [INFO] [/|vuurprins] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  97. 13:06:29 [INFO] [/|vuurprins] <-> ServerConnector [hub] has connected
  98. 13:06:41 [WARNING] [/|jaffacraft1] -> UpstreamBridge - read timed out
  99. 13:06:41 [INFO] [jaffacraft1] disconnected with: §fReadTimeoutException : null
  100. 13:06:41 [INFO] [/|jaffacraft1] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected
  101. 13:06:41 [INFO] [/|jaffacraft1] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [hub] has disconnected
  102. 13:07:00 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  103. 13:07:04 [INFO] [/|siddey10] <-> ServerConnector [skyblock] has connected
  104. 13:07:31 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  105. 13:07:33 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  106. 13:07:35 [INFO] [/|DarkStarNova] <-> ServerConnector [skyblock] has connected
  107. 13:07:35 [INFO] [/|jaffacraft1] <-> ServerConnector [hub] has connected
  108. 13:08:14 [WARNING] [/|vuurprins] -> UpstreamBridge - read timed out
  109. 13:08:14 [INFO] [vuurprins] disconnected with: §fReadTimeoutException : null
  110. 13:08:14 [INFO] [/|vuurprins] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected
  111. 13:08:14 [INFO] [/|vuurprins] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [hub] has disconnected
  112. 13:08:17 [INFO] [/] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  113. 13:08:22 [INFO] [/|vuurprins] <-> ServerConnector [hub] has connected
  114. 13:09:12 [WARNING] [/|jaffacraft1] -> UpstreamBridge - read timed out
  115. 13:09:12 [INFO] [jaffacraft1] disconnected with: §fReadTimeoutException : null
  116. 13:09:12 [INFO] [/|jaffacraft1] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected
  117. 13:09:13 [INFO] [/|jaffacraft1] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [hub] has disconnected
  118. 13:09:17 [INFO] [/|jaffacraft1] <-> InitialHandler has connected
  119. 13:09:27 [INFO] [/|jaffacraft1] <-> ServerConnector [hub] has connected
  120. 13:10:16 [INFO] [/|vuurprins] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected
  121. 13:10:18 [INFO] [/|vuurprins] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [hub] has disconnected
  122. 13:10:21 [INFO] §cCommand not found
  123. 13:10:21 [INFO] Closing listener [id: 0xdd879f53, /]
  124. 13:10:21 [INFO] Closing listener [id: 0xb2943d7e, /]
  125. 13:10:21 [INFO] Closing pending connections
  126. 13:10:21 [INFO] Disconnecting 10 connections
  127. 13:10:21 [INFO] [Hypecolt] disconnected with: §f[Proxy] Proxy restarting.
  128. 13:10:21 [INFO] [siddey10] disconnected with: §f[Proxy] Proxy restarting.
  129. 13:10:21 [INFO] [AgeOfPuppy] disconnected with: §f[Proxy] Proxy restarting.
  130. 13:10:21 [INFO] [jaffacraft1] disconnected with: §f[Proxy] Proxy restarting.
  131. 13:10:21 [INFO] [Drakon24] disconnected with: §f[Proxy] Proxy restarting.
  132. 13:10:21 [INFO] [BlackBeltPanda] disconnected with: §f[Proxy] Proxy restarting.
  133. 13:10:21 [INFO] [JeremyTH] disconnected with: §f[Proxy] Proxy restarting.
  134. 13:10:21 [INFO] Closing IO threads
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