
Moondancer's Bad Day by DCFTEF (Dad/Moondancer)

Apr 19th, 2016
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  1. Moondancer's Bad Day by DCFTEF (
  3. ---
  5. >Hi.
  6. >My name is Moondancer
  7. >Student at Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.
  8. >I got in big trouble this morning
  9. >In my house the rule is, last one to use the stove makes sure it's turned off
  10. >Well, that's usually Mama
  11. >Except last night I warmed up some pudding to have while I studied
  12. >I made sure the flame was out
  13. >But I forgot to turn the burner dial off
  14. >Luckily, Papa has to get up several times a night to pee
  15. >He smelled gas, and quickly shut it off
  16. >He opened all the windows to vent the gas out
  17. >When that was done he went back to bed
  18. >Papa never even woke up Mama, me, or my little cousin who's staying with us
  19. >He saved our lives and never even told us about it
  21. >But I sure heard about it the next morning
  22. >Papa was waiting for me at the breakfast table
  23. >He showed me what I'd done wrong and reminded me what could have happened
  24. >Then he told me what was going to happen
  25. >And he told me to go cut a switch
  26. >I begged Papa not to do it
  27. >Mama and my cousin were right there to see me pleading for my bottom
  28. >It was so embarrassing
  29. >But Papa didn't budge
  30. "Go out there and pick your switch unless you want ME to do it!"
  31. >Yikes
  32. >Holding back tears, I ran
  34. >My day only got worse
  35. >The newspaper colt saw me cutting my switch from the bush in front of the house
  36. "Ha, Ha! Somepony's gettin' a spankin'!"
  37. >Little brat, I hope he falls off his bicycle
  38. >Up to that point I hadn't cried
  39. >I deserved what I had coming, I knew it
  40. >I could have killed my whole family in our sleep
  41. >So I had resolved to endure Papa's punishment without tears or complaint
  42. >I wasn't fooling myself, I knew I'd cry when Papa whipped my behind
  43. >But I was gonna stay strong and accept it like a mare until that point
  44. >I was doing pretty good too, until that newspaper brat teased me
  45. >That just set off the waterworks
  46. >I'd messed up really bad
  47. >Papa was really mad
  48. >And this was really gonna hurt
  50. >I didn't even reach the house before things got worse
  51. >My eyes were so teared up I couldn't see well
  52. >It was fogging my glasses, but I didn't stop to clean them
  53. >I just wanted to get inside so the whole neighborhood didn't see me in disgrace
  54. >I shut my eyes and ran for the door
  55. *CRASH*
  56. >Straight into old Mr. Yasgur, the milk-stallion
  57. >Milk. Everywhere.
  58. >And of course, Papa comes to the door to see what the crash was
  59. >At least nobody is hurt
  60. >But Mr. Yasgur clearly sees what's going on
  61. >Weeping filly, angry daddy and a freshly cut switch
  62. >It doesn't take Fetlock Holmes to figure this mystery out
  63. "Awww, now Mister, what's the poor girl done to deserve all this?"
  64. >Well, at least he was nicer that the newspaper colt
  65. >But I desperately wanted my shame to be confined to the family
  66. >I internally prayed to Celestia;
  67. Please don't let Papa tell, please don't let Papa tell, please don't let Papa tell...
  68. >But he did worse;
  69. "Moondancer, tell Mr. Yasgur what you did."
  70. >I had to explain my offense
  71. >About the pudding. He asked what flavor it was (butterscotch).
  72. >About the flame and the burner. He asked what model stove we had so he and Papa talked about stoves for 5 minutes while I stood there, holding a switch and crying
  73. >About how I could have caused an explosion and burned my whole family
  74. >About how sorry I was and how lucky we were to avoid a disaster
  75. "Well, young lady, that is pretty serious, as I'm sure your Daddy will impress on you."
  76. >Papa offered to pay for the smashed milk bottles
  77. >Implying that my behind would be paying for those too
  78. "No, don't worry about that. The little lady has enough problems already. You let me worry about the spilled milk. And be gentle with her...I'm sure she's plenty sorry."
  79. >Then Papa said something really nice;
  80. "I'll give her all she deserves, because my heart would break if I were to give her a single lick more."
  81. >Well, it would have been nicer if he wasn't talking about whipping my bare heinie
  83. >At least Papa asked Mama to take my little cousin to school first.
  84. >He respected my dignity enough to let this be private.
  85. >But he didn't do it right away.
  86. "Eat your breakfast, your oatmeal is getting cold."
  87. >He set the switch right there on the table and poured his coffee
  88. >Then he sat there and ate his own breakfast like nothing was wrong
  89. >He even commented on a few stories in the newspaper; ones he thought might interest me
  90. >Papa is always trying to get me out of the dusty library, to be more up to date on current events
  91. >But this morning I had other things on my mind
  92. >I had to eat my oatmeal and half grapefruit, staring right at the branch that would soon be cutting blinding, painful streaks across my rear
  93. >How does he expect me to eat when I'm absolutely sick with worry?
  94. >It's really hard to choke down the next bite when you feel like throwing up.
  96. >But I would have choked down a whole barrel of oatmeal to delay what was coming.
  97. >I picked at the last few bites, making them smaller and smaller until I was just picking up a few oats on my spoon each time
  98. >Papa finally got impatient
  99. >He told me to wash my dishes and meet him in the living room
  100. >I must have taken forever washing my bowl and milk glass because before I knew it Papa was standing in the kitchen doorway
  101. >Tapping his hoof impatiently
  103. >Oh hooves felt like they were wearing lead horseshoes
  104. >I knew I deserved this and I was trying to be brave
  105. >But my back end didn't agree with my front end
  106. >It figures; that's the end that was going to get whipped
  107. >It didn't want to move
  108. >I had to take tiny steps, practically dragging my back legs on the way to certain doom
  110. >Papa went through the motions of inspecting the switch I'd cut
  111. >It was a formality; I knew it was okay
  112. >I've cut enough switches in my life to know what my Papa wants
  113. >Don't get me wrong!
  114. >I'm not a bad filly, who gets in trouble all the time
  115. >But if you'd ever gotten a switching from my Papa you'd know; once enough to make you an expert!
  116. >Sometimes Papa jokes that we don't need to pay a gardener
  117. "Moondancer will prune the bushes next time she's naughty."
  118. >But it doesn't happen as often as that
  119. >Papa is usually very forgiving
  120. >And that's why it hurts so bad to disappoint him today
  122. "Come on, Moony, let's get this over with."
  123. >It's time to get in position
  124. >Bent over the arm of the sofa
  125. >Just looking at it makes my heart race
  126. >But I've resolved to be brave
  127. >I lifted my front hooves up
  128. >I leaned forward so my back hooves came off the floor
  129. >Helpless now, just waiting for my punishment
  131. >Even though I couldn't see it now, from my awkward position I could hear Papa break the tip of the branch off with his teeth
  132. >He stomped on the end a few times too
  133. >Papa is kind to do this
  134. >Removing the hard tip...fraying the end of the switch
  135. >This way it doesn't leave a welt
  136. >But it's still gonna hurt plenty
  138. >No! I couldn't take it!
  139. >I lost my nerve and hopped up from the arm of the sofa
  140. >Crying for all I was worth I would beg Papa to punish me some other way
  141. >Surely he would melt when he saw how scared and truly sorry I was
  142. >I spun around to begin pleading in earnest
  143. "Papa, please, I..."
  144. >But the look in my Papa's face just froze the words in my mouth
  145. >He was sad
  146. >In fact he looked as close to tears as I was
  147. >And I understood
  148. >Papa loves me, it hurts him to do this
  149. >And I'm making it worse for him by begging and crying
  150. >He saved the whole family last night
  151. >He doesn't deserve this now
  153. >Head hung low, I apologized
  154. "Sorry Papa. I won't move anymore, I promise."
  155. >He nodded and gently motioned toward the sofa
  156. >And I got back in position without another word
  158. >I flinched when I heard a fearsome swish through the air
  159. >But Papa was only testing his swing
  160. >'s not like he hasn't had plenty of practice
  161. >The real sign that he was ready came next
  162. "Eek!"
  163. >I don't care who you are, a little blank-flank filly or a mature young mare
  164. >When a stallion, even her own Papa, grabs her dock and pulls her tail out of the way a girl is gonna squeak a little
  166. "Sweetheart, I'm very sorry to do this, but you know why I just can't let this slide, right?"
  167. >I sobbed with guilt
  168. >I deserved this, I should welcome it
  169. >But I was scared out of my wits
  170. >Any moment now my rump was going to be in agony and I'd be howling
  171. "Y-yes, Papa. I'm sorry I was careless. I could have *sob* killed everypony and I feel awful."
  172. >Papa didn't say anything else
  173. >He just gave a pat on my back
  174. >I clenched my teeth and tensed every muscle
  175. *Swishhhhh*SNAP!*
  176. >Oh my gosh it couldn't possibly have hurt that much last time!
  177. >I gasped for air before I could even squeal in pain
  178. >Papa gave me a moment to catch my breath after the first one but after that the switching really began
  179. *SNAP!* *SNAP!* *SNAP!*
  180. >Just a flick of the horrible switch was enough to paint a stinging line of pink across my backside
  181. "Whhhaaahhh! Ow! Ouch! Eek! WhaaAAAHH!"
  182. >I tried to stay still and be a good girl
  183. >I really did want to make this easy on Papa
  184. >And who am I fooling? I hoped behaving myself would end this ordeal sooner
  185. "OwwooOWWwwooOWWww! I'm EEK! sorry, P- Papa!"
  186. >But Papa had a certain number of lines he planned to paint across my tush and I wasn't getting up until the job was done
  188. >It was hard to believe how such a little stick could hurt so much
  189. >Barely enough to support a pigeon
  190. >But it stung so badly that my legs and rump danced despite my efforts to stay still
  191. >Stiff enough to hurt like murder
  192. >But bendy enough that it wrapped around my rump with each whack
  193. >Yep, I'd really picked a good one
  194. >BOO, HUUU, Why do I have to be so good at picking switches!?
  196. *THWOP* *THWOP* *THWOP*
  197. >The stinging flicks of the spanking's beginning gave way to more solid whacks
  198. >Now each painful lash burned and left a lingering streak of torment
  199. >The worst is where two lashes cross
  200. >And as the switching went on those horribly sore spots began to cover my cheeks
  202. >It might sound like this spanking went on forever
  203. >It certainly felt that way to me, laying on my belly crying my eyes out
  204. >Wishing on every magical fairy-tale star for this lash to be the last
  205. >But remember practicality; I still had to go to school, Papa still had to go to work
  206. >He didn't have all day to spend burning up my butt
  207. >Thank Celestia for that!
  208. "OWWW! Bwwwhhhuuuu, Paaappppaaaa, please, Eek! Please no more!"
  209. >Papa had a set number in mind, and when he reached it he just stopped
  210. >No warning, no grand finale...he just laid down the switch
  211. >And the worst was over
  213. >Allowed to get up, I danced around on all 4 hooves
  214. >My poor heinie was absolutely blazing
  215. >Moving it stung...standing still burned
  216. >Nothing made the pain feel better, I just had to wait for it to fade away
  217. >Which could take hours
  219. >Papa tolerated the 'Dance of the Well Spanked Filly' for a minute or two
  220. >Then it was time to get me moving
  221. "Gather your school bags now, or you'll be late"
  222. >Hey, you know me
  223. >My saddlebags were already packed last night
  224. >But it was torture bending down to slip them on my back
  225. >Why didn't I just use magic?
  226. >You try concentrating when you feel like you just sat down on a camp fire.
  228. >Before I left, Papa gave me a kiss and the money for a cab
  229. "School is important,
  230. "Just because you learned one lesson this morning doesn't mean you can be late for all the rest."
  231. >I thanked him and apologized again
  232. >As my taxi rolled away I saw him lock the front door and trot off to work
  233. >He'd be late because he'd spent time dealing with me
  234. >But he didn't spend money on a taxi for himself
  235. >He'd rather make sure I'm not late for school
  236. >That's just the kind of Papa he is
  238. >Well, at least I got to take a cab to school instead of walking, right?
  239. > bad day continues
  240. >It's one of the older model cabs with no leaf-spring suspension or padded seat
  241. >And Canterlot has cobblestone streets
  242. >EVERY bump in the road gets transmitted right up to the hard bench seat
  243. >And my pitiful punished posterior
  244. >I tried standing up but the driver didn't like it
  245. "I'm sorry Miss, you'll have to be seated on the bench
  246. "Safety first, you know!"
  247. >Ouch!
  248. "Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns? I'll have to gallop pretty fast to get you there before the first bell."
  249. >Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, please don't do that!
  250. "That isn't necessary, Sir."
  251. "Nah, don't worry, Miss. You won't be late for class on my watch!"
  252. >And he took off running
  253. >My sore rear bouncing on the hard wooden bench
  254. >The whole cab shaking as we rattled along cobbled streets
  255. >It was like getting spanked all over again
  256. >But what was I supposed to do?
  257. >I couldn't ask the cabby to slow down
  258. >He might ask why, and I wasn't going to tell him I'd just gotten a switching from my Papa
  259. >He was kinda cute...I'd die of embarrassment
  261. >I got to school on time
  262. >Gave my driver the excess of what Papa had given me as a tip
  263. >Though I'd rather have given him a punch on the snout!
  264. >My poor bottom was worse than before
  265. >Ponies have pretty soft tails, but mine felt like sandpaper against my hindquarters
  266. >At least my friends would commiserate
  267. >I felt sore, guilty, ashamed, angry...just generally awful
  268. >But I knew my friends would make me feel better
  269. >There was one in particular I really wanted to talk to
  270. >Twilight Sparkle and I have been pals since foal-school
  271. >She'll understand me
  272. >I'll feel better once I talk to her
  273. >And that will help me get through the day
  275. "Hey, Have you seen Twilight Sparkle?"
  276. >By 4th period I'd had no luck finding Twilight
  277. >She's really busy these days
  278. >Full schedule of classes plus private lessons from the Princess
  279. >I'm proud of how successful my friend is
  280. >Years ago, when we were both little fillies we made a deal
  281. "One of us is gonna be Valedictorian, one of us will be Salutatorian"
  282. "It doesn't matter which one is which, the other won't be jealous"
  283. >That's gonna be a great day for both of us
  284. >But now I just want to talk to Twilight
  285. >Get a hug...some much needed sympathy
  286. >The other fillies are sweet, they told me how sorry they were I got in trouble
  287. >They tell me how glad they are I didn't get blown up
  288. >They tried to reassure me my rump doesn't look too bad
  289. "You can hardly notice it!"
  290. "Unless somepony looks right at your bottom."
  291. >I still felt like every pony in school was looking
  293. >Okay, 6th period
  294. >Twilight and I both have that period free
  295. >It's was huge relief, I'd been bottling up emotions all day
  296. >I just need to put my arms around Twilight and have a good, long cry
  297. >The fillies bathroom in the West corridor seemed like the best place to wait
  298. >She usually pops in there right after potions class
  299. >We'll have plenty of time to talk then
  301. >The door opened!
  302. >But it's only Lemon Hearts
  303. >She's my friend too
  304. >I'm happy to see her but she's not the one I was hoping for
  305. >She saw that something was wrong so I told her the whole story
  306. "Ohhh, I'm so sorry!"
  307. >It was nice to get a hug and a little sympathy
  308. "If it's any consolation I got yelled at last night too
  309. "My Dad threatened to cut my allowance if my Literature grade doesn't come up to at least a B."
  310. >I offered to help;
  311. "Okay, I'll come by after school then and we can study."
  312. "Thanks! That'll be a big help!"
  313. >But the bell rang and she had to gallop off to class
  314. >I was still waiting for Twilight...
  316. >I waited almost the whole period
  317. >Where was she?
  318. >Since I had this period free I checked all the usual spots
  319. >Library, cafeteria, library again
  320. >Seriously, this is Twilight we're talking about...where else would she be?
  321. >I began to get upset
  322. >I was gonna feel really lousy if I didn't get to talk to my best friend
  323. >It's all that was keeping me going
  324. >That little morale boost I knew Sparkle could give me
  325. >It would be enough to get me through the rest of this awful day
  326. >But where is she?
  328. "Are you looking for Twilight Sparkle?"
  329. >A colt in a lower grade asked me
  330. "Uh, yeah? How did you know?"
  331. "Because you're talking to yourself."
  332. >He pointed down the hall with his hoof
  333. "I saw her in the geology lab just a little while ago"
  334. >I totally forgot to thank him...I just went off running
  335. "A'Hem! No running in the halls, Miss Moondancer!"
  336. >Damn...Ms. Inkwell. Okay, I went off at a brisk canter
  337. >It didn't take me long to reach the geology classroom
  338. >And I was just in time
  339. *CRASH*
  340. >Yep, I ran straight into her
  341. >Second time today
  343. >We were both a little dazed, but Twi recognized me so I must not have run into her too hard
  344. "Hi Moondancer...what brings you here? I thought you had this period free?"
  345. >My muzzle hurt, but I was just so relieved I threw my arms around Twilight
  346. "Oh my gosh, I'm having the WORST DAY EVER!"
  348. >We ducked into the nearest fillies' room so we could talk
  349. >And I poured my heart out to Twilight
  350. >Beginning with the pudding
  351. >I told her about the stove, and the gas I left turned on
  352. >About how Papa found it
  353. >About picking my switch in the morning
  354. >The newspaper delivery brat...nice old Mr. Yasgur
  355. >And my switching,
  356. >How much it hurt, how humiliating it was
  357. >How ashamed I felt for almost blowing up my whole family because of pudding
  358. >I didn't leave out the torturous ride in the taxi either
  360. "And then I finally found you!"
  361. >Twi listened to every word of my story with sympathy
  362. "I'm so sorry for you, Moondancer!"
  363. "But everything is okay now, right?"
  364. >Wait, what did she say?
  365. >She's supposed to commiserate with me...agree with me even if I'm wrong
  366. >Make me feel better
  367. "It was super lucky your Dad smelled the leaking gas
  368. "And nopony was hurt."
  369. >Well, yeah...but...
  370. "I know the switching must have been awful, but it's all over now."
  371. >This is not right, this is not what I've been looking forward to all day
  372. >She gives you a quick hug and pulls away
  373. "I'm really sorry you got in trouble. I hope you're feeling better now but I've got to run. Princess Celestia gave me 3 new spells to practice"
  374. >She paused and asked me;
  375. "So, you're gonna be okay, right?"
  376. >I'd feel better if we could spend some time talking
  377. >But I didn't say that out loud like I wanted to
  378. "Yeah...I'll be fine."
  379. "Alright...ohmygosh, I'm late...I gotta go! We'll talk later, okay?"
  380. >Sure. Later.
  382. >That was it?
  383. >I was looking forward to that all day to help me through this sad abyss
  384. >Two minutes, a quick hug and she's gone?
  385. >I wanted to cry again, but what was the point?
  386. >So I just washed my face and left the bathroom
  387. >The last few hours of this day were gonna drag on like months
  388. >And the big morale boost I was hoping for amounted to a big pile of horseapples
  389. >I'm on my own
  391. >Well, there's still some time left on my free period
  392. >May as well hit the library
  393. >What else is there to do?
  394. >You can always count on books
  395. >They'll never leave you hanging
  396. >They'll always be there when you need them
  397. >Like you thought your friend would be
  399. >Sigh.
  401. END
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