
Unlimited 6

Feb 8th, 2021 (edited)
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  2. <size=20><color=#367ECB>-=Rules=-</color></size>
  3. 1. Cease racism, homophobia, or prejudice, and don't intentionally harass other players.
  4. 2. Do not stall/delay round end for ANY REASON, if you are stuck, leave and rejoin.
  5. 3. <color=#52ACF7>NTF</color> and <color=#c0c0c0ff>Facility Guards</color> aren't allowed to team with enemy factions, and <color=#ff0000ff>SCPs</color>/<color=#ff00ffff>Serpents Hand</color> cannot team with anyone but <color=#ffa500ff>Class D</color>, and <color=#008000ff>Chaos Insurgency</color>. Cuffed <color=#ffa500ff>Class D</color>/<color=#FCFF8F>Scientists</color> are exempt from these rules as they can escape and join different factions.
  6. 4. You are allowed to mic-spam or yell, but expect to get muted by people. (To mute a player press N)
  10. Changes:
  11. -=- Max of 9 players in respawn waves -=- Respawn timer is longer, meaning staying alive will mean much more. -=-
  12. - Chaos Insurgency Logicers now do full damage to SCPs, just like before the nerfs, making Chaos once again a force to be reckoned with.
  13. - Chaos Insurgency and SCPs no longer win together, and must fight.
  14. - Frequent Blackouts happen throughout the Facility, making it dark and dangerous (5 Rooms go dark for a minute, every minute), and entire blackouts can happen.
  15. - Shooting people in torso has a chance to cause bleeding, Shooting people in legs has a chance to cause slowness, Medkits cure these.
  16. - SCP 939's Bites will now cause a bleeding effect of 1 HP per second until the player uses a medkit.
  17. - All SCPs can talk to humans with V, never trust voices.
  18. - All Player names and badges are hidden in game, making it much harder to Identify players except through spectator.
  19. - Scientists now spawn with the Class D's and only spawn with a Medkit, to make up, more Scientists will spawn with more players in-game.
  20. - SCP 049 now instantly revives Zombies, and zombies can infect players that they hit, causing them to lose health until they use a medkit, if they die while infected, or to the infection, they will turn into a Zombie.
  21. - Walking into the middle of a Sinkhole will now take you to SCP 106's Dimension.
  22. - Special Classes, Coarse TP, 914 Class Changing, 914 Recipes and other mods from the main servers aren't added, our MVP plugin and a few other tweaks are.
  23. - Unlike the main servers, Items and Ragdolls will not despawn.
  24. - Players will blink more frequently around SCP 173.
  25. - Facility Guard's Health is now 110, SCP 173's Health is now 4000, SCP 049's Health is now 1800, SCP 939's Health is now 2500.
  28. Big thanks to: SirMeepington, Amathor, iopietro, Beryl, Cyanox, KadeDev, lXxMangoxXl
  29. <b><size=30><u><color=#8DFF8D><link="https://discord.gg/Hh4jrtV">(Clickable) Discord</link></color></u></size></b> <b><size=30><u><link="https://www.patreon.com/UnlimitedSCP"><color=#ffff00ff>(Clickable)</color> <color=#FFDF00>Patreon</color></link></u></size></b>
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