
Dark Gate Academy: Smutbin

Dec 10th, 2016
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  1. The promised lewdbin of SakiXRyoji's first time, finally delivered on. 100% canon.
  2. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. "Ryoji... I'm ready."
  5. "Ready? For what?"
  7. "You know... for that."
  9. "Sak, are you sure? You don't have to rush into this."
  11. "I know... But I love you, and... I'm ready. We can do it... tonight."
  13. "Then I'm ready too."
  15. With your face cupped in her hands, you steadily move your own hands onto Saki's hips. You press your lips against hers as you shift your body weight, positioning yourself in between her legs as the slowly open up to you. Slowly, your hand begins to creep ever closed under her skirt, your fingers gently beginning to peel down those simple white panties that you found yourself catching a glimpse of several times throughout the day... when Saki breaks away, and begins to push you back.
  17. "Ryoji, wait..." she whispers, her breathing heavy. You can tell she's excited, and very anxious.
  19. "Well, that was fast," you smirk. "Going for a world record in changing your mind?"
  21. Saki pouts as she pushes you back a little more. "Ryoji, this is serious."
  23. "I know," you reply, leaning back. "Sak, I've always been happy to wait for you. If you're still not ready-"
  25. "I am," Saki replies with determination. "It's just... there's something we need to do first."
  27. "And what's that?" you ask. "Light candles? Set the mood?"
  29. "Ryoji, you've never seen me... you know..." Saki mutters. "Naked. And I've never seen you... naked. I want to."
  31. Oh... she's right, now that you think about it. In fact, you're only now realising how little of Saki's body you've actually seen laid bare. What lies beyond that uniform, contained by that bra, under that skirt? You're amazed at how little thought you've actually given it... you suppose it's because Saki has consistently been able to tighten your pants while fully clothed. Just a little adjusting of the hair or that crack in her voice when she whines your name... or all those very, very lewd situations she would somehow find herself in, and you were set.
  33. "Okay," you reply. "So how are we going to do this? Just... stand in front of each-other and strip?"
  35. "That seems the best way to go,” Saki nods. “I mean, it's a lot better than standing back to back, r-right?”
  37. Saki giggles nervously, and you find yourself doing much the same. “Heh, right... okay... let's, uhh... do this.”
  39. “Ryoji, you sound nervous.”
  41. “Nervous?” you scoff, as you rise to your feet from the bed. “Me? Come on, Sak. This is Ryoji Shida, the master delinquent we're talking about here. I don't get nervous... okay?”
  43. “Ryoji, you're nervous!” Saki gasps, rising from the bed herself.
  45. You shrug. “Alright, I'm a little nervous. Can you give me a break? This is my first time too, you know. Hell, my experience with sex is pretty much limited to video tapes and those dirty magazines.”
  47. Saki blushes profusely as she speaks. “Well... I've never even seen a... you know... before.”
  49. “A what?”
  51. Saki points directly towards your crotch. “Wow, really?” you ask. “Not even in a dirty movie?”
  53. “I've never seen any lewd films before...” Saki admits.
  55. “What?” you gasp. “You've never seen a dirty movie bef-wait, of course you haven't. Almost forgot who I was talking to for a second.”
  57. The two of you share a laugh, one that cuts through the immediate awkwardness... until it comes time to do the deed.
  59. “So... we just undress?” Saki asks.
  61. “I think that's the gist of it,” you reply. “Want me to go first, or should we do it at the same time?”
  63. “No...” Saki mutters. “Ryoji, I'll go first.”
  65. “Are you sure?”
  67. “Yes,” Saki replies, giving an emphatic and determined nod. “I should go first. Then, it'll be a lot easier for you. Okay... here is goes...”
  69. Saki starts slow and uneasy, first pulling her shirt up over her head, letting it drop to her side. Her chest is revealed to you, concealed only by a white bra. She was always one of the bustiest girls in the class, something made all the more accentuated by her diminutive height. You eyes can't help but focus in on the large bust, as Saki bites her lip when she notices you staring. “This is so embarrassing... okay, I can do this...”
  71. “I believe in you, Sak.”
  73. “That's easy for you to say,” Saki gives a small disarming laugh. “You're going to see your naked girlfriend when this is through.”
  75. You chuckle, as Saki begins to work on loosening her skirt, letting it drop down by her ankles. She motions to step out of it, but finds her leg getting caught up, causing her to trip forward, leaving her planting herself into her chest as you catch her. “Whoa Sak, you can't keep your hands off me,” you joke, causing her to smile as she pulls herself back up.
  77. “Almost there...” She giggles slightly as her hands move behind her back, playing with the hooks of her bra. The backstrap falls loose, as Saki slowly but surely removes the bra... though makes sure to keep her breasts covered by her arm as she does.
  79. “Isn't that cheating?” you ask.
  81. Saki pouts. “I just need to take a second,” she explains. She closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, and lowers her arm.
  83. Wow. They're perfect. A tactless way to put it... so the way you would like to put it, is to call them a pair of perfect rounded melons. Of course, Saki probably wouldn't appreciate that. Her nipples seem average in size, and they're a nice shade of pink. Even as Saki lets the drop from her arm holding them up, the jiggle and bounce they give off is enough to send your heart racing. Looking at her, that beautiful, smooth, curvaceous body on this tiny woman, you just want to grab her and fling her onto the bed right now... but you wait. She still hasn't finished, and you're still fully clothed.
  85. You smile at Saki and she smiles back. That's all she needs to gain the confidence to grab her panties and pull them down. On the way, she completes the package by removing her socks, as you get a good look at her nether-regions. She's mostly shaved down there, with just a small neatly trimmed patch, like a garden to tend. You should have expected as much from Saki, always wanting to keep things in order.
  87. “Uhh... w-what do you think?” the nervous Saki asks. “Should I give a twirl?”
  89. “Couldn't hurt.”
  91. Saki slowly turns around, giving you the full 360 degrees. You always found yourself staring at her rear any chance you could, but now seeing her lovely, pillowy round buttocks laid bare, it's too much for you to handle. By the time Saki has completed her turn, your shirt is off, you've hurriedly unbuckled your belt, and your pants are dropping down to your ankles.
  93. Saki gazes at your stomach in wonder, she always did have a thing for abs, while you grab the waistband of your underwear, pulling it down with a single swoop. The wide-eyed look on Saki's face tells the story.
  95. “So that's your... wow...” she mumbles in wonder with a gaping mouth.
  97. “Yep... that's me,” you smirk. “Little Ryoji right here.”
  99. “Little?!” Saki snaps, before clearing her throat. “Umm... that's definitely not the average... right?”
  101. “Probably a little bigger,” you shrug. “How should I know?”
  103. “You don't know the size of anyone else's?” Saki asks.
  105. “Eh, Ken's about the same-”
  107. “-Lucky Nanami-” you hear the rather flushed looking Saki mutter under her breath.
  109. “-But why would I know any other guys? I only know Ken's because we're roommates and accidents happen, but the size of a guy's junk is his own business. Is it off or something?”
  111. “I don't know,” Saki replies. “My only knowledge comes from biology textbooks... so m-maybe they really underrated them?”
  113. “You're impressed.”
  115. “N-no!” Saki instinctively protests. “I mean... yes, of course I am, but that doesn't mean I'm some lewd animal who just wants to rush you right now and grab hold of it and... do obscene things! I can control myself, I am not a lewd person, and-”
  117. “-Sak. It's cool.”
  119. “Right...” Saki breathes heavily, calming down. “Do you want to do a twirl?”
  121. “Well, in the interest of fairness...” you oblige, giving Saki the full view. She smiles and stares as you turn back to face her, as she admires all of you and you admire all of her. “Saki... you're so beautiful.”
  123. Saki giggles, embarrassed. “You're not too bad yourself, jellybean.”
  125. A long silence passes, just the two of you staring at each-other, when Saki speaks up. “Ryoji... we're finally doing this, aren't we?”
  127. “Yep,” you reply. “Waited for this one for a long time.”
  129. “Ever since we watched the fireworks together?” Saki presumes.
  131. You smirk. “Nah, ever since you beat me up on my first day. Just because I didn't realise my feelings didn't mean I couldn't have dirty thoughts about the sexy head of class.”
  133. “Ryojiiiiii!” Saki whines, that crack coming through. It's enough to set you off, as you move towards her, and in a flash fling her onto the bed. She climbs back, getting into a comfortable position as you mount the bed with her.
  135. “Wait a second...” you mutter, coming to a realisation. “I can't believe I'm the one saying this, but we don't have a condom-”
  137. “It's okay,” Saki reassures you. “Just for tonight, we'll go without one.”
  139. “You sure?” you ask. “Not like Saki Kobashi to be such a daring risk-taker.”
  141. “I'm not taking a risk,” Saki explains. “I brought birth-control with me.”
  143. You pause, the implications of that sentence swirling around in your head, before it clicks together and you smirk. “Why Miss Kobashi, could it be you were considering this for a while?”
  145. “No,” Saki maintains. “B-but it never hurts to be prepared for any situation!”
  147. As the two of you talk away like this was just any other conversation between the two of you, you find yourself placing your hands on Saki's thighs, opening her legs as you slip in closer, your member slowly grinding against Saki's lower lips, the act of that alone enough for Saki to give off some excited squeals. It just feels... right. You were awkward and weird moments before, but now... you're both prepared for this. You're both ready.
  149. “Here it goes...” you warn Saki, as you place your hands in hers, your fingers interlocking together as you begin to insert. “Saki... I love you.”
  151. “I love you too, Ryo-JIIIIIIII!” Saki screams in a mixture of pain and pleasure as you insert yourself inside her. So wet, so warm, so comforting... despite all size and appearances, it's a perfect fit... through Saki's volume could be cause for concern.
  153. “Saki, might have to keep it down,” you whisper. “Parents next door, remember?”
  155. Your mom and dad went up to bed together as the two of you were undressing. You didn't want to quit while you were ahead at the time, and just silently hoped that the footsteps wouldn't come to your room, as you mom would have a heart attack seeing her little boy standing naked with his girlfriend in the middle of the room. They're no doubt trying to sleep in the next room, and your cries, your cries, and especially her moans could alert them. In fact, there's no doubt you already have.
  157. “Okay, you got it Ryoji,” Saki nods, as you slow down the pace just enough for her to be able to form coherent sentences. “I'll tr-YYYYYYYYY OH MY GOODNESS, THIS IS... OH GOLLY THIS IS...”
  159. Oh golly? Even in the throes of passion she's still Saki.
  161. “MORE,” Saki yells, unable to contain herself. “I LOVE YOU, RYOJI! NOW RAVAGE ME! TAKE ME, RYOJI!”
  163. In your haste, you grab the blanket on the bed and pull it up to Saki's mouth, giving her something to bite down hard on in order to contain her screams. You never in a million years expected Saki to be this loud, but there you have it. Only gets you more excited, really. You always knew that under all the properness and the orderliness and the repression, there beat the heart of a very, very lewd girl.
  165. You continue to thrust, and Saki continues to try to contain herself to the best of her ability, until finally, you feel an intense sensation pulsing throughout your body. You give one final grunt and push as you unload, Saki unable to contain herself as well, her hands reaching for you buttocks to push you in further as the two of you reach a climax together.
  167. You collapse, laying onto Saki at the end, as the both of you try to regain your breath together. Pressed up against her heaving chest, you find yourself playfully fondling with Saki's breasts, just enjoying yourself until the time has past for the two of you to speak after being overcome with such an intense wave of pleasure.
  169. “Ryoji...” Saki begins. “Do... do you think they heard us? I really tried to keep it down, I swear...”
  171. All you can do is laugh, and kiss her on the cheek. You wrap your arms around her, and she wraps hers around you, the two of you snuggling tight, exhausted. There it was, the single most intimate moment two human beings can share, and you just shared it with the most important person in your life for the first time. This is a monumental moment, a memory neither of you will ever forget. All the problems in your mind drifted away as you shared this one all-important moment of love with Saki. After something like that, what else could you say? Well, you have an idea...
  173. “So Saki... round two in about twenty minutes?”
  175. “Ryojiiiiiiiiii!” Saki exclaims. “... We can definitely go in ten.”
  177. THE END
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