
WOTL - ENG Start Screen

Jun 26th, 2019
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  1. England is flying high.
  3. After the §YBattle of Agincourt§! and the §YTreaty of Troyes§!, England found itself with the upper hand in the §YHundred Years' War§! - §YHenry V§! and his heirs finally had the legitimacy England had been fighting to gain for decades.
  5. This is where our story and that which occurred in reality diverge, though. In 1421, §YThomas§!, Duke of Clarence and brother of Henry V leads his troops to victory at Baugé, pulling out a victory over a much larger Franco-Scottish army. A year later, Henry V passes away, and grants Thomas control over the war in France while simultaneously naming him Regent until §YHenry VI§! reaches maturity. Two months later, King Charles VI of France dies and Henry VI is placed next in line for the French throne, thus fulfilling the ultimate goal of the Treaty of Troyes.
  7. In 1424, the §YBattle of Verneuil§! takes place, with Thomas leading the English forces. The battle is a decisive English victory. Charles VII, in an attempt to salvage his legitimacy as King of France, moves the royal court to Bourges.
  9. 1425 - English forces, along with their §YBurgundian§! allies and a band of Swiss mercenaries, move south from Normandy and seize the city of §YOrléans§!. The very next year, word reaches the English forces in Gascony that the French troops in Bourges are preparing an assault on Orléans. §YJohn, 1st Duke of Bedford§! and brother of the late Henry V, prepares his forces to march north.
  11. They reach Bourges and take the French army by surprise. Of the 10000 French infantrymen and crossbowmen, half are killed, one-third desert, and the rest are taken captive. §YCharles VII§! is found hanging from a chandelier in his bedroom.
  13. In 1428, peace is negotiated between the last members of the House of Valois and the English. First Regent Thomas is severely ill, and has named his brother, John, Second Regent. The §YSecond Treaty of Bourges§! is signed, granting Louis III of Anjou, now an English vassal, control of France until his death in 1434, upon which Henry VI, at the age of 12, accedes to the thrones of both England and France.
  15. The English may have established themselves as Lords of France through sheer military might and diplomatic genius, but their rule is far from stable. All around France and the resurrected Duchy of Aquitaine dissent spreads. Word of rebellion can be heard from Calais to Cotentin to Auch. English rule over France may not last...
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