
Download DRBCP Questions

Jun 14th, 2016
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  2. Download: http://writingsdepot.com/downloads/drbcp-questions/
  3. 1) Various high-availability technologies are part of the Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) and Business Continuity Plan (BCP) in many organizations. Considering the cost of implementation, identify which technology you think will give you the best ROI and why.
  4. 2) The 2001 terrorist attacks in NY and the subsequent collapse of the World Trade Center buildings had IT officials all over the world scrambling to revisit their high-availability implementations. Speculate on the lessons learned after 9/11 attacks in terms of disaster recovery. Describe what companies might do now that they were not doing before.
  5. Download: http://writingsdepot.com/downloads/drbcp-questions/
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