
Summary Story 201808

Aug 30th, 2018
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  1. Hess group arrived at the new continent by airship. They had to continue on land since there was mysterious cloud barring the way of airship. Also due to the terrain of the continent, nobody knows the correct route to the Weapon. So they ended up having to split up into two groups again. When Jake asked Hess child if they could control Weapon, The Hess child answered they can't but there was intel saying that Ardore succeeded the experiment. So even if they can't, they must not let Ardore have their hands on the Weapon.
  3. On the way they discussed about Sakura and Nichol defecting to Ardore. Lasswell said he stayed firm to his beliefs and would fight if he must. Citra and Folka agreed that if it was Sakura and Nichol they must have thought through about it. Citra said that when Sakura defected from Veritas she felt her heart being distant from Sakura but she did not feel the same way this time. She believed that the two sisters were fighting with their own ways.
  5. On the other hand, Emperor ordered the entire Orders to proceed to acquire Weapon. Nichol asked if it wasn't better to split up. Emperor said to gain control of the weapon, the strength of the entire Orders was required. When the Orders left, Emperor murmured that they hadn't realized the key to control Weapon. Then he summoned three "Imperial Stars" - "Extreme Imperial Star" "Absolute Imperial Star" "True Imperial Star". He said that Orders were trump cards of the front, then Imperial stars were trump cards of the shadow. He ordered Imperial stars to safely transport the key to the Weapon.
  7. As Reagan's group was advancing, Reagan kept blaming himself that his inaction resulted in Lasswell and Rain becoming oppposing sides. The only way for them to reconcile was to defeat Emperor. After Mid and Yego consoled him, Yego thought to herself that Reagan was her benefactor and wanted to repay his kindness. She thought of the bomb planted by Demoldore and started planning something, but needed a helper.
  9. Hyou got injure while advancing in the new continent. As Nichol and Sakura wanted to heal him, he wanted to refuse, saying that he decided to do it all alone. Nichol and Sakura scolded him that they came to Ardore, wanting to build a new Ardore together with him and to support him. After they finished, Hyou pushed Nichol away right before some crystal spikes fell down and separated them, saving Nichol. Nagi arrived at thes cene and wanted to help Hyou that got separated from the rest but Levnard ordered them to continue and Hyou could do fine on his own.
  11. As Hyou was having difficulty dealing with the numerous strong monsters influenced by the Weapon, Sol arrived and helped him out. He said that he was there to destroy Rain but did not want Rain to be done by the monsters instead. So they worked together momentarily.
  13. Then Lasswell Lid Jake and Fina caught up to the Orders. Initially Levnard assigned Sakura and Nichol to deal with them but they ended up just talking. So, Levnard said he, Faisalith and Nichol would stay to fight them and the rest would go ahead. Jake took Nichol one and one and was angry that he made the decision to sadden Fina. Eventually Jake won and Nichol told Jake to comment on his decision by the result after the whole battle was over, then left.
  15. Levnard and Faisalith fought the rest and Levnard overpowered them. When Levnard was about to kill Lasswell with intention to cut off Hess blood, Faisalith stopped him saying it is not right. They had a confrontation and Faisalith ended up deciding to side Lasswell. When Faisalith expected the worse, Levnard told her to do as she wished and left. Lasswell welcomed Faisalith to his team as Faisalith defected to them.
  17. As Reagan and friends proceeded, they noticed that the monsters were fearing something. Eventually it turned out that they were fleeing from Absolute Royal Star - Inferno. Inferno announced to only carry out a mission. Then suddenly Inferno turned into a huge monster and and spammed Absolute Tranquility. Eventually Inferno easily owned Reagan and friends and moved ahead. Before Inferno left, she left a quote, which Ignacio recognized that only one person who he shared the quote with.
  19. Then, Reagan wondered why although he was the one who invented Tranquility, Axter and Inferno could use upgraded version of them. Then he remembered that Vlad requested him to teach him Tranquility when he showed it in a tournament final. That tournament was the tournament that chose the top 8 fighters to be the Veritas. Vlad, Rain and Lasswell were the only ones he directly taught Tranquility to.
  21. In Orders camp, Revnard directly asked Axter why he could use Tranquility. He said that Tranquility is a move only passed on between Emperors. Only those taught by Emperors can use it, especially the Absolute, Extreme and True versions that are secret techniques developed by the Emperors. The current Emperor was puzzled that he did not teach Axter but how could he used it. Axter did not answer directly but he said he would only use Tranquility for the Emperor from then on, and it should be enough.
  23. Then Fina, Lid and Faisalith had some girls talk. Lid said that Jake liked her too but there would not be progress until the end of the battle. Fina congratulated her and they asked Faisalith if she liked Lasswell. Faisalith denied but said all the good points of Lasswell. Then they wondered doesn't that mean she liked Lasswell very much. Suddenly three samurais appeared and stopped them, saying that they would not allow anyone to awaken Weapon. After losing to Lasswell, they said that Weapon's only goal was destruction and must not be awakened, neither by Hess nor by Ardore. Lasswell promised that their goal was to prevent Ardore from taking the Weapon. Hess would destroy the weapon the moment they got it. Then the samurais invited them to their village to take a rest.
  25. Sol kept following Hyou, saying that he had to protect him until he could destroy him. Hyou asked why not just have a battle then and there, Sol answered that there was no meaning doing so since if was the Rain he knew, he should have stood against Emperor no matter what. Sol offered to cooperate with Hyou to defeat Emperor, to let Rain become the new emperor that saved Paladia. Then Sol would find value in destroying him. Hyou simply laughed and told Sol to follow him if he wished.
  27. Ignacio kept thinking about Inferno. Folka and Sieghart were concerned and asked what's on his mind. According to Ignacio, he was very scrawny and always got bullied. There was a girl called Kagane that always helped him and was his only friend. Then they decided to join Emperor's army together as his dream. Determined not to let Kagane down, he tried his best to build up his body and became what he was today. But he overshot and became stronger than Kagane, ending up in a higher position than her, defeating the purpose of entering army together. Kagane decided that to stay together with Ignacio due to the power difference, she would become a weaponsmith, to make weapons for Ignacio. However, Kagane died in her first mission before she could set out for her goal. Kagane's final quote before she died was the same quote Inferno left behind before she left. Eventually they found Inferno and battled her again. Inferno eventually won but left, saying that her purpose to stall them was fulfilled. Ignacio chased her saying that he could feel that she was Kagane from the battle. Inferno said that there was no more Kagane in her and there was no method to save her from her current state, bidding him farewell.
  29. On Lasswell side, they met and defeated Juraga. Lid could tell that Juraga was going easy on them. Juraga told them that he was the elder brother of King Yashuka. Jake deduced that the reason why Emperor never invaded Gungan was not only because of Gungan's military might, but also Juraga's protection. Juraga told them to kill him. Faisalith rushed in and broke Juraga's armour, saying that she killed 13th Order Juraga, and he could live on as Yashuka's brother Juraga. They invited Juraga to join them but Juraga said to give him time to consider before he left.
  31. Eventually Lasswell was cooking soup while having a talk with Faisalith. Lasswell thanked her that he could stay strong until then because of his conversations with Faisalith. Faisalith asked him to promise that he could come to her rescue when she was in a pinch. Then, Sakura and Nichol arrived with the order to defeat them. Lasswell invited them for his soup before they started battling. And they took his offer.
  33. They battled and none had the upper hand. Eventually Faisalith said she was tired and wanted to call it a day, saying Lasswell wouldn't fight too since it was 2v1 without her and it was unfair. As Sakura and Nichol were about to leave, Levnard reached the Weapon along with the three Imperial Stars. As he summoned the key, he used a spell to bind Faisalith and sent her into the weapon, saying that she was the key to awakening the Weapon. With that, the weapon started to rumble...
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