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Nov 26th, 2017
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  1. No. 6: triple god killer, 5 turn cd active. cannot equip god killers so is technically worse than god killer latent god killer viz. unconditional 25x lead, meaning he probably has some farming utility besides as a god killer for various teams. if you don't have viz, esp god killer viz, he has high utility. rating: B+
  3. Kiri: triple dragon killer, puppeteer active, lskill is 80% red damage reduction on a 25x lead, meaning you can make her into a 100% resist lead. shes not as good as, say, neptune or minerva because she only resists red in lskill and not l/d and has to run red cards as subs to get to 100% resist, which fucks with her total damage output especially when considering that she's only 25x over 36 for the revo grecoromans. still, though, she CAN work as a resist lead, and most importantly is an inheritable puppeteer active. cannot equip dragon killers, however there's no double dragon killer in the game that can equip dragon killers so she's not technically outclassed by a latent setup. rating: A+, one of the best cards in collab and a must-roll esp for her rarity
  5. Chazel: triple devil killer, haste system active that breaks dark and danger orbs to green. he can't equip devil killers so is technically worse that devil killer latent mito. more importantly, he's a 7x6 lead who works with rushana effectively (x3atk/rcv for green and light combos, is a healer), and if you run rii-inherit rushana as sub this effectively works. especially if you don't have devil latent mito, you want this card, but even in general he'll be useful for rushana rii shenanigans/ rating: B+/A-
  7. Lasios: bad base active (35% damage reduction for 3 turns, left column light, right column red, 12 cd). can be made equip evo, which is notable for having a finger (one of only two equip evos with a finger and probably gonna be the only one NA gets for at least months). more interestingly, he's a 4 second fixed move time lead who gets to 100x ATK/6.25 RCV for light and fire combos. this means he's gonna destroy in 4 second fixed move time dungeons where his lskill won't matter anyways. get at least two, and keep one unequipped while the other equip evod and unskilled (17cd). rating: niche B+, assist evo if unskilled B+
  9. Kuria: bad base active (1 sec movetime, left column blue, right column dark, 8 cd). mediocre awakenings (2 fingers, 2 sbrs, sb, 7c).
  10. she's the real loser of the bunch. her lskill is actually p okay for no-awakenings dungeons (atk x4 and yog shield for d/w combos, +3 seconds movetime) but lasios and especially weld are still probably better, since their multipliers are much, much higher. she might be okay if paired with anubis and with tadis as a sub in no-awakenings dungeons, since that's 8 seconds of effective movetime for a 120 atk/1.5 rcv team with 25 shield team . even then though it's hard to argue such a specific and expensive teamcomp for such a mediocre payoff (120x for 10c plus active in 8 seconds on a 6x5 board versus 110.25 for Weld matching blue and red in 4). she's a really good dath sub, considering her 2 sbrs and 7c and 2 fingers, but lol if you're using dath nowadays. Arguably her best use is as a 6c force inherit for row farmteams that aren't blue - rlb, rcc/mgoe/pixel echidna, etc rating: C+/B-
  12. six stars:
  14. Enra: triple 7c. that's all that needs to be said. she's also bind immune and her base active is a 9 cd double orb changer that makes hearts. (water and dark to red, danger orbs to hearts) difficult active to use effectively especially since her active is danger orbs to hearts, but again it's only 9cd and she's a fuckin' bind immune triple 7c. her lskill is a weaker, weirder version of yog (atkx6 above 80%, atk/rcvx2 otherwise, atkx2 and yog shield for red/red combos). might have use as a lead but i wouldn't bet on it, her multipliers are kinda low for her lskill and she's meant to be a combo based yog lead without fingers and is red, which doesn't...really work. rating: A+. she has three fuckin 7cs and is bind immune, that's all she needs to be one of the best pulls
  16. Weld: base active is urd with one turn delay at 11 cd. that's good enough on its own, but he's blue which gives blue teams urd active access that's oncolor. lskill is a no-match 3 110.25 atk with yog shield for matching b and r. seems like an awkward lskill but then again he's probably killer in 4 second fixed move time, like a better and more durable lasios (shield generally > rcv), especially with his three prongs and 1k weighted stats. he can be made assist evo, which is notable for being the only one in existence with a prong. if you have scheat, you want this card, essentially: he's literally the perfect inherit for her, can be paired for revo hermes for a 2/73.5/1 team with a 25 shield, but i dunno why you would. rating: A-, assist evo normally: A, if you own scheat: A+
  18. Tadis: 1cd 1 second movetime base active. hugely powerful, for obvious reasons: anubis is one of if not the best leads in the game, he has an active use conditional, tadis fits it perfectly. his awakenings are all pretty good as well: two prongs means he actually does damage, his stats are 1k weighted and weighted towards HP and ATK, meaning his prongs are more effective and he brings a ton of hp to the table. he has 3 team RCV awakenings making up for his abysmal RCV stat. he can equip machine killers, although you probably want to 6 sdr him anyways. between his finger and his active he effectively brings 3 TE awakenings as a sub, while also cancelling movetime debuffs (a huge problem in the current meta). most interestingly, as a lead he's a 100x basically unconditional (4x unconditional for green, atk x2.5 every time a skill is used) lead, which combined with the base cd of his active allows for ganesha/tadis(rii) shenanigans for high-level farming. basically a must-own all around. rating: A+, especially if you have anubis. one of the best cards in collab and a must-roll(edited)
  20. Rii: she's an inheritable leaderswitch and the only one of her type. that's....kind of all you need to know. beyond that as a sub she's actually pretty decent; she brings 3 team hp awakenings to the table, as well as 2 prongs. her lskill is a resolve with atkx10 below 20%, which combined with her active (which has a x3 to dragons component) means there's probably a cheese strat based around getting to a final floor, self-suiciding, then leaderswitching in rii for a x30 boost (which is what anubis brings, for ref). more importantly, though: inheritable leaderswitch. rating: like, A+++++, a must-roll above all others, especially if you have ganesha or anubis or rushana or tadis or basically any glass cannon lead that doesn't give a 7x6 board in lskill. hard to overstress how gamebreaking she is
  22. Niece: active is a 50% heal, 5 turn awoken bindclear, and red to dark/blue to green double orb change on 10 cd. her awakenings are super mediocre, there's only 4 and it's te/sb/sbr/7c. most importantly she has 1400 weighted stats, i think the highest in the game, and 9200 fucking hp. She's basically the best dark inherit in the game right now, and considering prevalence of awoken binds she basically works as the awoken bindclear inherit that actually does other useful shit unlike, say, grodin, if you run a dark team or have, say, anubis you want her just because as an inherit she brings so much to the table. she's also insanely good as a kamimusubi sub, inherit, and inherit for kamimusubi, since kamimusubi (niece) is a 15 cd heal/awoken bindclear/orbchanger to active kami that doesn't break hearts. she also works as a romia sub with rii inherit, although i think this doesn't work very well because romia's multipliers are abysmal and you're at 32 combined cd for niece(rii). rating: A. A+ if you have kamimusubi, keep as many of these around as you roll since her stats and utility is so nuts
  24. Ideal: the ostensible "grand prize" for the collab, she comes in two forms: sub form and lead form. sub form is l/d, lead d/l. both forms have the same active: dkali board and 2 turn delay on 13 cd. sub form lskill is 2.5 atk for matching 3 orb types, gaining 3.5 for each additional for a 13x for all six matches. lead form lskill is 3x atk at 2 combos, gaining 1.5x for each additional for 15x at 10. both forms have one sb, one sbr, is bind immune, and has two team hp awakenings. sub has 3 7c awakenings, while lead has guard break and 2 team rcv awakenings. both forms have 1300 weighted stats - sub's are more even, with an utterly fuckin ludicrous 1500 rcv, while lead's are heavily weighted towards atk with 3500, making her- i think - the highest raw atk card in the game. JP currently uses ideal as a top tier lead, which i don't really get because she doesn't have any durability beyond her awakenings which makes her (basically) 1.1/15/1.2 as a lead, comparison to bh, who's 1.5/13.5/1.5, doesn't really seem that great. on paper lead ideal seems like a weird mix between bh and anubis, where she lacks the extreme healing capabilities that anubis does but also lacks the really good all-around durability that bh has, and in anubis' case doesn't have the extreme spike that anubis does. maybe the +3 seconds movetime means you effectively don't need any finger subs, or can make do with like only romia or even odindra or something as your "finger sub", and just stack the rest with 3 or 2 7c subs like skuld or the gr3s (who either have low or no fingers), but assuming she pairs with diablos most of the time as a lead she seems like a sort of barely better bh, a free card, than some incredible top-tier must pull.
  25. As a sub, obv, she's a delaying dkali board with 3 7cs, so she's fucking nuts. don't get me wrong, she's still insane and you should be very lucky if you get her but unlike other rarest possible pulls in a collab like, say, diablos, uruka, kenshin, summer fujin, or even stuff like halloween nene she doesn't come across as game-breakingly good or convenient as the others. it doesn't help that there's a cheaper bind-immune 3 7c within her collab that basically covers one of her areas already, but yeah. rating: A+ if sub, A if lead. don't fucking pull for this card, there's really nothing she provides that other cards don't already. she's great but nowhere near as essential and unique to get as, say, rii or tadis or even arguably kiri(edited)
  27. in summation i would say in general you should pull for tadis, kiri, and especially rii no matter what. you want all the triple X killers if you don't have an equivalent already - god killer viz for no. 6, devil killer mito for chazel, and kiri has no real equivalent plus she's one of the top three pulls of the 12 possible anyways. if you have scheat you want to aim for weld specifically, and if you have ilm and/or saria you want to probably aim for 2 lasioses. if you lack multiple 7c cards and even if you don't you probs want enra considering she's one of only two bind immune 3 7c cards in the game (the other being ideal). rii, as aforementioned, is the most game-breaking and insane card of the bunch and you should probs continually pull for her no matter what, to the point where I'd almost recommend buying packs for her. she's insane. niece is super nice to have dupes of especially if you run dark-heavy teams or get anubis/kamimusubi. ideal, again, is nice to get but nowhere near essential
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