
Ayato Amagiri

Jul 6th, 2016
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  1. Agility -----------------
  2. "The fourth floor, huh... Well, since there are also footholds, I think there shouldn't be a problem." Though there was an iron fence about two meters high between the walkway and the building, Ayato jumped over it lightly, without needing a running start. Taking hold of a nearby tree branch, he casually climbed up. For Ayato, a member of the <Starpulse Generation>(Genestella), such a task was indeed trivial.
  4. Speed====================
  5. The Star-Power(Prana) of the girl increased explosively, and the
  6. atmosphere rumbled. A chemical element was converted by the Mana,
  7. which given direction, awakened the phenomenon.
  8. (This presence, don't tell me she is...!)
  9. "Come into bloom – Six-Petal Burst Firebloom(Amaryllis)!"
  10. At that moment, a huge fireball appeared before the girl, and was aimed at
  11. Ayato.
  12. "A <Witch>(Strega)!?"
  13. Suddenly jumping from the window, he adjusted his posture in the air and
  14. landed.
  15. A roaring sound echoed almost at the same time. Looking up, a huge
  16. firebloom (flame flower) opened its bud in the air. It was a large flower of
  17. exploding flame, with overlapping blazing petals.
  18. The air vibrated as the gust of heat rushed past. It showed just how the
  19. explosion possessed a tremendous power.
  20. "...No, no, no."
  21. As Ayato was taken aback... Inside the window, where some sparks still
  22. poured down, the girl appeared and let her body lightly leap from the
  23. opened window. Like Ayato, she gracefully dropped to the ground without
  24. any problem from the height of the fourth floor.
  26. "Oho... to be able to dodge that, you are pretty good." The girl's anger
  27. spread in her voice, even though she offered some admiration
  29. Speed-----------------------------
  30. Nine fireballs in the form of a lovely primrose, each with a different orbit,
  31. attacked Ayato.
  32. As Ayato twisted his body and dodged them, the fireballs that had already
  33. hit the ground burst and disappeared along with the dull sound of an
  34. explosion.
  35. The concrete pavement, set in the style of cobblestones, now had holes
  36. completely gouged out of it. Though it might be preferable to the earlier
  37. explosion, this power was also enough to let a chill run down one's spine.
  38. Regarding the body tissues of the <Starpulse Generation>(Genestella), the
  39. muscles were made stronger than those of ordinary humans; Furthermore,
  40. if the Star-Power(Prana) was concentrated the physical body could raise a
  41. defensive force, enough to at least protect against a bullet. Still, if it hit
  42. directly, one could not get away unscathed.
  43. Besides, and in addition to all that... The remaining fireballs were still
  44. incessantly attacking Ayato from all directions.
  45. "Wa-wa-wah...!"
  46. However, Ayato outdid each of the attacks by a hairsbreadth.
  47. Sometimes by leaping vertically, and sometimes by bending his body, he
  48. dodged them at the limit.
  49. At those movements, the girl was surprised once again and opened her
  50. eyes wide.
  52. Speed--------------------
  53. When Julis swung the fine sword like a baton, spears of huge pale flames
  54. manifested along the arc. The flames which carried the shape of the
  55. trumpet lily were flying, just like that, to pierce through Ayato with the
  56. momentum of a rocket.
  57. "Argh!"
  58. Though Ayato somehow parried it with the sword as a shield, the shock
  59. sent him flying wildly.
  61. Speed---------------------------
  62. As a huge fire ball appeared before Julis, the gallery stirred.
  63. It was the same technique she used to kick out Ayato from her room, but it
  64. was twice as big this time.
  65. "That's not good! It's her best move!"
  66. "Wai––, it's not a joke!"
  67. "Retreat, retreat!"
  68. Even if one was caught and injured, it would be of course at their own risk.
  69. The gallery hastily retreated further.
  70. Julis, without looking at such curious onlookers, instantly calculated the
  71. most optimal trajectory and released the fire ball. Though Ayato bent his
  72. waist and stood ready, just before he dodged, Julis tightly clenched her
  73. fist.
  74. "Explode!"
  75. "...!"
  76. Upon command, the fireball exploded in front of Ayato's eyes.
  77. Even if it was difficult to make it hit directly, it would be impossible to
  78. completely dodge it if the explosion occurred at this distance. If caught in
  79. this explosion at point-blank range, <Starpulse Generation>(Genestella) or
  80. not, he would not be able to move for a while.
  81. The visibility was lost due to the raging flames. While protecting her face
  82. from the thunderous blast, Julis was convinced of her victory.
  83. ––However.
  84. "Amagiri Dragon Arts First Sword Fighting Skill –– Twin Water Dragons!"
  85. As what one would think looked like a sword slash flashed, the flame
  86. petals were torn up crosswise.
  87. "Wha–... don't tell me, the Falling Stars Arts(Meteor Arts)?"
  88. The Falling Stars Arts(Meteor Arts) was a skill which temporarily raised the
  89. output of the Shining Type Armament(Lux) by pouring the
  90. Star-Power(Prana) into the Mana Dite.
  91. It was officially known as "over-excitation total response phenomenon", but
  92. it was not something that could be learned in a day.
  93. A suitable training, and above all thorough adjustments of the Shining
  94. Type Armament(Lux) were required.
  95. If it was pulled off with just a borrowed Shining Type Armament(Lux)––
  96. The next moment when Julis felt something close to a shiver, a black
  97. shadow which appeared from the break of the flame closed the distance in
  98. one breath.
  99. Once she recognized that the shadow was Ayato, he had already jumped
  100. into her bosom.
  101. It was an incredible speed. It was in another league compared to his
  102. movements up to now.
  103. ––For an instant, Ayato had a feeling that something like spark of light was
  104. scattered around him, but he could not be concerned with that.
  105. "Y-You!"
  106. Julis who reflexively tried to attack, was struck by Ayato's sharp voice.
  107. "Get down!"
  108. Before Julis understood what was going on, she was pushed down.
  109. Ayato's face was within a hair's breadth and her heart leapt.
  110. The light that dwelt in those eyes was earnest, as if it was a different
  111. person.
  112. "Y-You, what are you...!"
  113. Still, raising her voice in protest –– she unintentionally opened her eyes
  114. wide.
  115. There was a shining arrow stuck in the ground where Julis had been
  116. standing until now.
  117. It was not a physical item. It was something created by a Shining Type
  118. Armament(Lux).
  119. The Shining Type Armament(Lux) temporarily concentrated Mana, and
  120. generated a blade or a bullet. The maintained weapon did not have any
  121. problem keeping it's shape within the activation tool, like a sword; however
  122. a ranged weapon could not maintain it's form for long once fired. It became
  123. particles of light and faded away before her eyes.
  124. "What are you doing?"
  125. It was obviously an attack aimed at Julis.
  126. It was probably a planned surprise attack under the cover of the explosion.
  127. In fact, whatever had been shooting from wherever, it must not have been
  128. noticed by anyone at the time. Though extremely reluctant admit this, if
  129. Ayato hadn't saved her, it would have completely succeeded.
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