
Even Start

Sep 16th, 2016
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  1. Da Vinci had been gazing through the lens that Professor Levi left in her care. It was an interesting device. Able to see into the future. The man having traveled to her workshop in that pocket of space she resided in. Many things she saw in the future. Some pleasant and some not. But all of these were just ghosts of what could happen if things didn't go down a different path. Shifting through however something caught her attention. Having spied this particular future before it wouldn't have been a problem... had it not been for that. That being Fuyuki City. There was something amiss. A huge section that wasn't there before, and shrouded by a fog like film trying to hide it from view. That shouldn't be there. It was only a little bit ago that the inventor looked in on the city, which seemed to have many interesting happenings arise within its boundaries. This was not right. Quickly shifting the lens she soon found a ripple effect through the time stream. Places suddenly moving and forming, reforming, twisting into something that was not what was supposed to be so. Quickly putting the device down, legs carrying her toward the desk that was littered with papers and maps. A few failed inventions. But that isn't what she was looking for. Shuffle and shift, the swish of papers sliding over the surface and the plunk as some hit the floor. Where was it... where was it... Oh! With a cry of victory, she held up the device. She needed Master of Grand Order, however, hadn't seen her in quite some time. Hoping everything was alright with the pain in the neck. At least she didn't get coming to her with things that needed to be fixed... body parts to be sewn back on... There was just no end to the things that happened with that child. Setting the device down on the table a few dials were turned. Loud whirring and clicking as the thing came to life. Soon it would swirl and opened to reveal the item within. Not one to be good with alchemy, she had turned to others for this gem. Lifting it up within her palm, the gem turned over between her fingers. It gleamed and glittered... calling to her to be used. Normally very wary of such things that were not science related, but this was a desperate time. Leaning the staff against the table and the mechanical limb brought up, the gem was placed inside the glove. A compartment opened, was it made to fit this item? Who knew, but it slipped in as if it was made for the spot. Pressing down, a small click heard, and as soon as the compartment was closed... there was a bright flash of light. Leonardo's gauntlet seemed to hum with life. It was time to go. She will just have to find Mai later. With this side, free hand grabbing up the staff and turned. She needed to find out what went wrong, and the Caster was only one person. Not equipped to handle something this big all by herself. Help was needed. A gate opened before her, a last look at her shop and home, a sigh leaving her lips... it was time to enter the world once again. Only being there briefly, and knowing that the Servant wasn't meant for the war... but now her purpose was laid out before her. Stepping through, the form felt itself being pulled and moved from time and space. transversing the expanses of the unknown to come out to her destination. It only was a manner of seconds after the first movement through the gate was taken, and once body formed at the connecting end, the gate closed. Leaving the shop empty and silent till the proprietor returned. Now it was time to hunt down the Masters and Servants to help write the wrong done to the timeline. But where to start. Dark head turning this way and that, staring up and down the street of which Da Vinci had appeared upon, she just turned and started down the street. Set with a determination and mission. Hoping to find the help that was needed to correct the wrong.
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