
GX Vid Notes on Becoming King of Games!

Oct 30th, 2015
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  3. This is it, the end of the game. Almost 30 whole parts… time to wrap things up.
  5. The first thing to do is buy Dorothy's Gift again. I knew that I needed just 30 more cards to get all 1200, so it's not too important in how many I get this week. I count out about 17 new cards and move on.
  7. On Friday, the long awaited Duel Festival finally happens! You always duel two random opponents from the current dorm you're in. I like to be in Slifer Red here, that's why I often have 1 win left on Jaden, Chumley, and Gerard. You can also face Syrus here, but never Blair. I don't know why they don't let you face her to be honest.
  9. 1st Duel
  10. - Of course Blowback doesn't work when I want it to lol. But still an easy duel.
  12. 2nd Duel
  13. - Since I got my 10th Jaden win off of the Walk Home event, this is just extra really. I open nutty and won fast.
  15. If you're in Slifer Red for the festival, you'll always face Bastion and Zane as your last two duels. You have to get 10 wins on Bastion to unlock the Dragons pack, but since you always can face Zane here, I get up to 9 total wins on him.
  17. 3rd Duel
  18. - I really wanted to use Ring to pop Witch so I could search for Cyber Stein. I'm lucky he topped Dark Hole so that I could win next turn.
  20. 4th Duel
  21. - I open the kind of hand where I literally didn't want to put anything on the field. So I just hope that I stay above 5000 life next turn so that I could win with Cyber Stein. What's crazy is that he opened his own Cyber Stein, but didn't use its fact. It's interesting to see in terms of AI when Zane may or may not use Stein.
  23. With winning the festival, you get a whole 15,000 DP :) With this, I had more than enough to buy all that I needed of Dorothy's Gift to get all 1200 cards.
  25. So before the festival, I had about 194 wins. I leave 6-7 spots open, since I could potentially not face any Slifer Red that I didn't need a win on. I got my 10th win on Gerard, but still needed my 10th on Chumley.
  27. 5th Duel
  28. - I opened all monsters, not too fun. I use Stein on turn 2, and get him down to 2600 life, since attacking with a Nimble and Stein itself wouldn't have won the game.
  29. - You see Chumley do a really trollish play. He uses Card Destruction, trying to find an out for my board. The second my turn starts, he uses his own Call of the Haunted, then immediately uses Torrential. I've only seen this happen a couple times; I think the AI decides that it has nothing to destroy Cyber-Twin by battle, so it uses Torrential on its own summon. It wouldn't use Torrential that way in any other scenario.
  30. - He then directly after has a counter for my Reborn. I have no plays so the game goes on a little while. So I just have to top a few monsters, then eventually use Burst Stream.
  32. With just one more win needed, I decide to face Fontaine one last time.
  34. 6th Duel
  35. - I misplayed and discarded a Change of Heart with Graceful. I was thinking that Limiter and Megamorph together could win, but my life isn't lower, so Megamorph would do nothing. I had to kind of play on the fly there. That's why I go straight for Y-Dragon Head, Since Jinzo and Y together, with a Limiter, could put damage on the board. However, with the glitch with Trunade and quick plays, Jinzo by itself could win the game.
  37. At around 15:50, I go to my PDA and look at my status. I have my 200 wins, so during the week I just need to get the rest of the cards, and do that last duel exam.
  39. On Tuesday is the last time you need to buy Dorothy's Gift. However one thing I realized right there, is that buying all cards in mass doesn't necessarily get you what you need. So the best thing to do is to buy packs individually here, getting one to two cards each time. You should always be able to get what you need that way. When you buy a pack without getting any new cards, you know you have 100%.
  41. So finally, the last thing to do in the game is the last exam. You get all the written exam questions right, getting to 60%. Really, that's the last criteria necessary. So all you need to do is pass, getting 100 on the Timed Duel, and at least 100 points on the Practical Exam.
  43. I guess I was a bit nervous during recording lol, I played like it was the Burn exam initially, forgetting that it was really the trap exam. Oh well, dumb mistakes.
  45. At around 23:40, it finally happens! I got the ranking of King of Games, it's so beautiful :-) hope you enjoyed the credits and Winged Kuriboh at the end!
  47. Just for convenience, I show off the deck at the very end. Here's a written out decklist:
  48. Monsters: 18 (21 counting the 3 in extra)
  49. 2 Cyber Stein
  50. 3 Mystic Tomato
  51. 3 Nimble Momonga
  52. 1 Reflect Bounder
  53. 1 Sangan
  54. 2 Shining Angel
  55. 1 Y-Dragon Head/Z-Metal Tank
  56. 1 Witch of the Black Forest
  57. 1 Blowback Dragon
  58. 1 Cyber Dragon
  59. 1 Jinzo
  60. 1 Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End
  61. 1 Cyber-End Dragon
  62. 1 Cyber-Twin Dragon
  63. 1 Gatling Dragon
  64. Spells: 16
  65. 1 Book of Moon
  66. 2 Burst Stream of Destruction
  67. 1 Change of Heart
  68. 2 Giant Trunade
  69. 1 Graceful Charity
  70. 1 Harpie's Feather Duster
  71. 3 Limiter Removal
  72. 1 Megamorph
  73. 1 Metamorphosis
  74. 1 Monster Reborn
  75. 1 Mystical Space Typhoon
  76. 1 Nobleman of Extermination
  77. Traps: 6
  78. 1 Call of the Haunted
  79. 2 Metal Reflect Slime
  80. 1 Mirror Force
  81. 1 Ring of Destruction
  82. 1 Torrential Tribute
  83. Total: 40
  84. Extra:3
  86. Now then, this whole playthrough was meant to show off how to become King of Games, relatively in the fastest manner I've found. Of course, I did a few events here and there for the hell of it, but all in all I'm glad I was able to put a playthrough of this game out there, that fully intended to reach the end of the game, even if it was with a damn emulator lol.
  88. I think a regular run of this game, playing on console or something, could be done. But it would just take such a long time, especially in how you go about buying cards. I hope parts of my playthrough could help in terms of how people can play this game with any convenience.
  90. A couple of things I would change about how I played:
  91. - I think with MST, you don't really need to have Set Timing on it to activate on the Draw Phase. There were numerous times in game, where it would activate in the DP and I didn't need it, wasting a bit of time. I liked to have it in the DP, mainly to use it on the opponent's Draw Phase, so that if something like Jammer was activated, they could probably discard they're newly drawn card. But really, it's not necessary; I would suggest just turning off all activation timings with MST to be honest.
  92. - Another thing to look into is who to get extra wins on in game. Going through all the dorms, you get about 180 wins. So how you find getting the last 20 can make the game faster. If you look at my total wins (posted on the very bottom), you'll see that my extra 20 wins came from the following:
  93. Titan (2)
  94. Pharaoh (1)
  95. Alexis' Lackeys (2)
  96. Chazz's Lackeys (2)
  97. 11 extra on Fontaine
  98. 1 extra on Jaden
  99. 1 extra on Bastion
  100. - You have to face Titan once, but I have no idea if the 2nd time is necessary, I'm guessing it's not but I always do it. With Pharaoh, you run into the cat facing Banner over and over; it's technically optional, but it's an easy duel, and you get a free card at the end so it's worth doing IMO. You pretty much have to do the Obelisk Blue Girls' Dorm event, since getting Alexis' number makes things convenient, so I would say dueling her lackeys is necessary. It's completely optional to do the event that faces Chazz's Lackeys, but you get 3 free cards at the end of it, so I think it's kinda worth it. The Jaden win I got with Walk Home, an already optional event, so you only need to go to 10 on him. And with Bastion, I think you'll always have about 11 wins on him when you go through the game.
  101. - I got all my other extra wins on Fontaine since I think she's so weak, but it's optional in who you want to face. You have more than enough time in-game to beat whoever you wish; it's not like I've personally timed the average individual duels with everyone, it's just a gut feeling I have really. I think all in all, it's worth exploring who you want to face for extra wins; I think an easy candidate is Sartyr, since he really sucks lol.
  102. - Small note: I'll probably watch all parts of my playthrough once or twice, just to catch little things, seeing where I could have done things better. I'll post anything I think is worth acknowledging here I think.
  104. And that's it, hope you guys enjoyed the playthrough! Feel free to message me with any questions or comments. Take care!
  106. Overall wins: 200
  107. This video: Gerard (1), Jaden (1), Bastion (1), Zane (1), Chumley (1), Fontaine (1).
  108. Total (completed): Syrus (10), Titan (2), Banner (10), Pharaoh (1), Bastion (11), Blair (10), Alexis' Lackeys (2), Torrey (10), Beauregard (10), Brier (10), Sartyr (10), Dimitri (10), Damon (10), Jaden (11), Chazz's Lackeys (2), Chazz (10), Crowler (10), Alexis (10), Gerard (10), Zane (10), Chumley (10), Fontaine (21).
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