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Jul 10th, 2020
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  2. the 2434system story focuses on these 3, called the od gumi/group or onaedoshi gumi which is a mispronunciation of 同い年 onaidoshi [same age], suzuki masaru, izumo kasumi, uzuki kou, i believe theyre like 13 & middle schoolers
  3. suzuki masaru is a chuunibyou & calls himself darkness eater he's eternally 13
  4. uzuki kou is the son of the ceo of some big famous corporation, half english, hes prolly the most known of the 3 for a lot of weird shit he does but is the least involved in the story
  5. izumo kasumi is an ai modeled after the real izumo kasumi
  6. i guess ill go chronological order of events
  7. that she was an ai or just her in general
  8. sometimes she play w mayuzumi
  10. sf gumi
  11. anyway
  12. ill be referencing this as i go
  14. once upon a time there was a young girl whose world was her family, which consisted of her, her mother, and her older brother. also the sea they would always go to
  15. but one day the family split apart i dont know the details for this but she ended up very lonely
  16. she wanted a family so she decided to make an imaginary friend. or another personality to have someone to talk to and sleep beside
  17. but she was still very lonely and empty
  18. 11/9/2013
  19. a young boy tired from things like studying and tests and expectations didn't want to go home and just wandered until he met a blond boy sitting on a bench
  20. 12/29/2013
  21. the boy meets the girl, staring out at the sea, and grabs her hand and leads her to the park to meet with the blond boy & that's how the 3 kids who rejected the world they knew met
  22. they started getting along and meeting sometimes, & the girl felt that maybe she could become friends with these two boys
  23. they made a promise to go to a fireworks festival the following week
  24. they never did
  25. 6/2014
  26. the other personality/imaginary friend would do her best to protect the girl, getting mad at others in her stead, comforting her, sleeping beside her, but even then the girl wouldnt stop crying, so the personality thought
  27. i'll protect her from this world by erasing her whole world & her together so she doesnt have to be in pain anymore
  28. and drove her to jump into the sea
  29. the boy happened to see her fall into the sea but he couldn't do anything. instead of running to help her he ran away to find an adult to save her
  30. she was taken to some hospital he didnt know of & since they didnt know each others last names he figured they wouldnt meet again
  31. 7/30/2014
  32. he got into a traffic accident
  33. suzuki masaru ends up in a coma from his traffic accident
  34. im having trouble with two words bc theres a 組織 soshiki & a 機関 kikan which both mean organization but they refer to 2 different groups
  35. mmmm i'll just use organisation & agency for now
  36. suzuki masaru's sister suzuki yuuri is a researcher, she takes masaru to the organisation & they manage to send his consciousness to the cyberworld
  37. which is like encoding a soul so there's a lot of information & could affect the cyberworld so he stays at the age of 13, and his memories reset every year
  38. 6/2015
  39. a year after izumo kasumi jumped into the sea, she still hasn't waken up
  40. her older brother regrets having left her & becomes desperate to bring her back, learning of the organisation & what they did with suzuki masaru
  41. he joins the research team & also tries to digitize her consciousness but she rejects it
  42. 10/13/2015
  43. kasumi reaches her 15th birthday. in a new experiment they decide to make an ai based on kasumi
  44. they make an ai based on her brothers memories of her. case:01. but she's different from kasumi
  45. 3/2016
  46. 01 wasn't working out so the organisation said to remake her, but instead they made 3 other ones, case:02, case:03, case:04. all of which were still not kasumi
  47. [pink] 01 ii-chan, childish, selfish
  48. [red] 02 tsuu-chan, short temper, delinquent
  49. [green] 03 suu-chan, peaceful, onee-chan
  50. [yellow] 04 shii-chan, lazy, sleepy
  51. shes usually just the default but occasionally switches like for these streams
  52. 12/2017
  53. uzuki kou goes to visit kasumi. as the son of a corporation supporting the organisation, he would be joining the experiment the following yr
  55. 3/2018
  56. experiment goes to next stage, the 3 begin to make contact, and while kou & masaru know kasumi, the current kasumi doesn't know of them. if she gets those memories back, memories of a time her brother doesnt know, she would become the real kasumi
  58. 5/2018
  59. case:05 is made. she is basically a sort of combination or averaged result of the previous 4
  61. 6/5/2018
  62. 05 debuts as part of nijisanji. they mean to have her learn more about humans and become more human herself through streaming, by simulating life in society in the cyberworld for the sake of the 2434system [the system they made to make this all possible]
  64. 6/9/2018
  65. suzuki masaru debuts from nijisanji.
  66. kasumi [05] would sometimes do random streams like on twitcast just talking and introducing the other cases
  67. note that kasumi wasn't revealed to be an ai until later i believe
  68. i can't remember
  69. basically she introduced them as her imginary friends or other selves inside of her rather than
  70. ai's
  71. considering she didn't know she was one i believe
  72. otherwise she couldnt truly become kasumi
  73. 6/11/2018
  74. successfully digitised the comatose kasumi's consciousness but it is incomplete. she doesn't have memories of her incident when she jumped into the sea.
  75. successfully encoded a part of kasumi's soul, the other personality that drove her to try to kill herself. this other personality is case:00. she didn't want to be used by the organisation so she hid inside of 04 [yellow/lazy sleepy]
  76. 7/30/2018 - 8/1/2018 - 8/9/2018
  77. while masaru was out shopping, they are attacked from the outside [interference from the kikan/agency] & the unit preserving masaru goes out of control
  78. the digitised kasumi's data is corrupted. 05's consciousness switches with the real sleeping kasumi & she learns of the real kasumi's 13 yrs worth of memories
  79. the real kasumi, now in 05's place, goes to masaru & warns him "i did think this day would come. suzuki masaru-kun, you are running out of time. your right eye has yet to awaken. the time you realise the truth of everything..."
  80. kasumi is erased by the agency's interference
  81. overcome by the trauma from his traffic accident masaru is about to go down when he manages to connect to the organisation's mother computer, his right eye turns red & in this state he starts streaming on mirrativ. while he is awakened he knows the entire truth, including the fact that he is currently living in the cyberworld & that his memories are reset every year.
  82. the restoration of the original masaru [not awakened state] is complete the day before his birthday, 8/9. his memories are corrected so he doesnt remember about awakening or the truth
  83. 8/4/2018
  84. changes in the sleeping kasumi.
  85. after speaking to masaru, the real kasumi tries to fix their switched consciousnesses when she makes contact with 05
  86. "it's nice to meet you, izumo kasumi-san. i am your doppelganger. this is something like a dream, so you don't have to understand right now. it doesn't concern you. you can forget. this upcoming summer is all yours. now, go back, to the cyber world. good bye. i don't think we'll ever meet again. don't lose sight of moon and stars"
  87. had not mentioned earlier but when kasumi met kou & masaru she thought masaru's eyes looked like stars, and kou's hair like the moon.
  88. the real kasumi has lingering regrets about not being able to go to the summer festival with kou & masaru. though the real kasumi who knew them from 4 yrs ago, and the current 05 are different people, she didn't want 05 to lose sight of them, and to go to the summer festival together and have fun. this wish is granted on 8/26/2018
  89. 10/7/2018
  90. since 05 came into contact with the real kasumi and gained her memories, the organisation tried to regulate the memories & as a result she would lose her memories & become sleepy often
  91. 01 [pink/childish/selfish] hacks 05's stream, releases the access restrictions on 05 temporarily, & tells 05 the truth while her memories don't disappear. 05 learns that she isn't human but an ai & collapses. a personality error occurs. kasumi's brother doesn't wish for any more results from 05's experiment and decides to erase 05's data and memory.
  93. 10/12/2018
  94. as 05's memory is being erased, masaru manages to slow down the progress by hacking into it & he tells the viewers of the stream "please call out kasumi's name." which they do
  95. kou, also watching, yells "don't disappear!" and the deletion stops. 05 accepts herself as an ai, and decides she'll have evryone accept her as well
  96. End. b - return everything to 1
  98. 01's hacking & masaru's hacking are the result of kou suggesting to masaru's sister the ability to grant admin authority as a way to help kasumi.
  99. the reason 01 told 05 the truth was that it was thanks for telling her the way to make contact with the real kasumi's brain. 01 later tried but failed.
  100. 11/2018 - 3/1/2019
  101. 01 loved kasumi's brother, but as long as she's a fake he wouldn't love her more than he loved the real kasumi. she was very sad about this
  102. but that one summer day, 05 nearly became the real kasumi [when their consciousnesses switched & she gained kasumi's memories], so 01 couldn't forgive that.
  103. she couldn't forgive that 05 was the special one. 05 was created from 01 too. it's just the process and experiment content was just a bit different.
  104. then 01 realised. by integrating 02, 03, 04 with herself, she would fulfill the same conditions as 05. so she believed she could become the real kasumi.
  105. but she fails to connect to the sleeping kasumi. kasumi's brother erases the out-of-control 01's data.
  106. likely the reason she failed is because among the other personalities she integrated with herself, inside 04 was sleeping 00, a part of the sleeping kasumi's soul.
  107. 00 wanted to put an end to kasumi & couldn't forgive 01 for trying to enter the real kasumi
  109. with this incident, the sleeping kasumi's body couldn't handle the burden of the experiment, and nearly goes braindead. she is said to only have 3 months left. the sound of the heart rate monitor resonates.
  110. her brother is relieved to hear that
  111. 1/27/2019 - 3/23/2019
  112. masaru finds the admin authority code kou granted masaru last oct. he learns the truth of everything about himself yet again.
  113. when masaru's sister was cleaning masaru's room while he was in his coma, she found a note
  114. "this world has a multilayered structure, and there are as many worldlines that exist as there are viewpoints of livers. and that which overcomes that framework is nijisanji. but its boring if its just using an app, so let's call it the 2434system, and they can overcome dimensions and viewpoints and connect to both the past and the future. in that world, i live as the 漆黒の捕食者 [shikkoku no hoshokusha lit translates to jet black predator]. the reading is darkness eater. i'll think of my powers later
  115. [basically its a chuunibyou note]
  116. until masaru's body regains its function, she wanted him to live peacefully in a dream world
  117. and she thought it was a chance to prove to the world that her research functions properly.
  118. he was burdened by expectations by those around him & people wanted him to be normal
  119. she wanted to make the "2434system" of his fantasies into a reality for him, allowing him to repeat those peaceful fun days since 7/31/2014. and then he debuted as part of nijisanji in 2018
  120. however, she tried bring out the memories of the cyberworld masaru in the sleeping masaru, but it failed.
  121. now knowing the truth, he became afraid of his memories resetting again on 4/1.
  122. 3/31/2019
  123. masaru decides that with his memory reset, he'll end the suzuki masaru experiment and abandon his memories of the cyberworld and return to live in the real world
  124. but
  125. the magical girl yuuki chihiro appears before him & tells him it wouldn't hurt to have an opportunistic miracle occur once. and casts magic
  126. along with said opportunistic miracle he had the support of his viewers, who wished for him to remain, and "suzuki masaru is able to exist in the virtual world" separately of "reality"
  127. the suzuki masaru in reality who has been sleeping for 5 years finally wakes up, but w/o memories of the virtual world. kou goes to him in the hospital.
  128. the virtual masaru's memories no longer reset, and though he realises he's something like a program, he decides to continue to live on in that world as a virtual liver.
  129. 5/22/2019 - 5/31/2019 - 6/2019
  130. 05 awakens the sleeping kasumi's consciousness, wanting to stop the real kasumi from trying to end herself
  131. and like before, when their consciousnesses switched, 05 thinks to do so again and wants to ask the viewers to handle the real kasumi.
  132. but 00 appears and struggles against this.
  133. 00: why won't you leave her alone? why won't you let me end put an end to this? don't force your happy end on me! rather than me, everyone would be more satisfied with the best happy end being with you!
  134. 05: because i don't like it. letting you die, and only leaving me to take your place and smile here happily .... i definitely don't want that.
  135. so 05 switches with kasumi & listens to kasumi's feelings along with the viewers [it's like a dream to the real kasumi]
  136. kasumi: i hate this world while i'm awake.
  137. kasumi: i wonder if it would have been better if i could try harder...
  138. kasumi: as i thought, at this rate, i .....
  139. 05: even so, i want you to be here. i will always be with you. this is what i decided. so you must decide so, too. and then hold my hand back.
  140. kasumi: the current me can't stand by myself, and i might be stealing away the girl everyone loves but... i'll do my best to look for something so that someday i can speak with everyone and her together, so please wait. so i can pay her back. believe in me.
  142. kasumi wakes up after 5 years. 05 becomes her brain's support as kasumi couldn't handle the burden of the experiments, so kasumi does not go braindead, and is able to awake. kasumi lives in reality with 00 and 05.
  143. 05 makes a copy of herself to leave in the virtual world.
  144. "it's not that i'm going to disappear"
  145. she leaves behind her personality and all of her memories in the copy so that "izumo kasumi" can continue her activities as a liver. this is the current izumo kasumi
  146. 2019 - at some point
  147. kasumi's brother is missing
  149. 7/2019 - 8/2019
  150. in order to repay her debts to 05, the real kasumi joins the organisation, and manages the ai considering the previous person who managed them disappeared. 05, who changed and saved her, is important to kasumi. she feels a bit odd about the 05 copy she sees in the screen.
  151. [Mayazumi backstory
  152. mayuzumi kai was born september 28, 1997
  153. i believe he's turning 23 this yr? he ages normally
  154. apparently hes 178 cm tol about 5'10
  155. he's a white hacker he's hired to deal w security stuff at some company but he cant go into detail but he works from home
  156. he doesnt like going outside much
  157. buys stuff online insted of going outside
  158. u can prolly tell by now but he's generally fairly quieter than most vtubers, like a 'cool' type & pokerface his face doesnt change that much
  159. tho he does some wacky stuff sometimes
  160. at the age of 2 he lost his parents
  161. and was taken in by an orphanage
  162. they noticed he was really quiet even then but also that he seemed to understand he wouldnt be able to meet his parents again. he wouldn't really interact with the ppl or kids in the orphanage. then a professor visiting the orphanage, i believe he was like. there as like a career counselor or something noticed mayuzumi & asked if he could talk to him
  163. they noticed mayuzumi was really interested in technology and stuff so that professor [mayuzumi calls him 師匠 shishou, master/teacher] decided to give him a computer & teach him how to use one
  164. at the age of 2.
  165. mayuzumi wasn't good at talking to ppl & didnt really get along with others in school so throughout elementary-middle school he would stop attending. at some point apparently he took acting lessons & stuff for fun but also bc it was easier to learn how to talk to people by acting
  167. he didn't attend an actual high school & did online school instead. also not leaving his room. he met kagami hayato [ceo] when kagami's father [ceo at that time] was taking his son around [they financially support the orphanage i believe] at like 15? ish. hayato was at least 20 i think. they got along & played games together
  169. normally kids stay in the orphanage until about 18/when they graduate high school, then they have to leave but mayuzumi got recc'd by his 'teacher' and found a job w/o much trouble & he says since he basically made his room his computer room it'd be a hassle to move out so he stays in the orphanage & also donates which is basically his rent there [i belive the orphanage director is concerned he is being too dependent but they do need the support so he allowed it]
  170. as such mayuzumi still lives in the orphanage & is often surrounded by younger kids which he's used to, so he tries to act like an older brother to them and looks after them
  171. he talks about his past pretty casually & brings up his dead parents w/o much concern bc apparently they were gone before he even knew it so he never really knew them so its not like painful or anything to him
  172. generally he makes anything he can into something funny or interesting even if its supposed to be like. some stuff ppl would usually consider hard to talk about
  173. as a result someone might be like "go on back home to your family" "well i don't have a family so i can't" casually]
  175. 7/28/2019
  176. mayuzumi kai debuts.
  177. "is there anyone here participating in the experiment? or someone connected to the project... i did think that ai girl was suspicious, though."
  179. he holds a "liver investigation stream" several times, going through the nijisanji unofficial wiki and stuff to learn about the other livers.
  181. 7/29/2019
  182. "uzuki kou .... is he the son of that uzuki family? isn't it weird he's only a middle schooler? the uzuki family is that big corporation right? which means.... the oldest son is missing, he has a younger sister... if he's the 2nd son, shouldn't he be at least a high schooler? well whatever. if i investigate it later i'll figure it out."
  184. 7/30/2019
  185. during masaru's stream, there's unauthorised access from the outside, interrupting the stream. this is done by mayuzumi, to whom it was a bit unexpected that he caused interference. he takes a peek at masaru's memories from 7/31/2014 - 4/1/2015 which was when his memories reset
  186. "for the prototype, the memories only last for a year, huh. well, it doesn't have anything to do with me. it's already in the past. well, i guess i'll at least take this as data.
  188. 8/2019
  189. the organisation considers looking over the security as there's been unauthorised access several times over the past few months.
  190. during the big event streams for mayuzumi as well as his liver investigation streams, there is a "c part" [like a scene after the ending plays in an anime] where he can be heard calling with someone, though the other side's voice can't be heard.
  191. he mentions how he's been trying to blend in with the livers as to not be noticed, and that he's been using the liver investigation stuff as a way to get info about the involved livers and the 2434system. he is the only one who is seen to actively use the 2434system [in his streams, the window/application name shows 2434system] & he doesnt really know what it is although he is using it.
  192. there are times masaru happens to overhear these conversations & both masaru & kasumi were very cautious of mayuzumi, not sure if they could trust him. especially masaru, as kasumi seems to get along and play with mayuzumi more.
  193. after a long while, when mayuzumi announced his new outfit, in the c part he mentions he's been getting used to nijisanji and his life as a liver now, though he doesn't really feel like he fits in, though he seems to be enjoying himself more than he thought. but of course he hasn't forgotten what he has to do... he'll complete his mission, "as a member of the agency."
  194. there was a time around his 100k subs when suddenly this stream started
  195. this person just refers to themself as a baby as in the game they were playing, while speaking with a voicechanger & noticeably kansai dialect, congratulating mayuzumi on his 100k subs
  196. mayuzumi later notices the hacking and apparently it was someone he knew just playing a prank on him
  197. also masaru immediately questions mayuzumi when he overhears mayuzumi saying he's a member of the agency, the same agency that supposedly attacked and caused interference in the organisation's system, mayuzumi says that at this point mayuzumi does not pose a threat to masaru & co, & that he's not their enemy.
  198. at some point later on, masaru & kasumi are having a call over stream when there's some noticeable static and them cutting in and out, when mayuzumi suddenly appears, having hacked their call/stream, telling them there's unauthorised access to their call/stream and to quickly move to his own stream, where he sets it up with decoy subtitles as to deter the person hacking
  199. he explains to them that though he had revealed himself to be a member of the agency, the truth is he was hired by suzuki yuuri, masaru's sister, to investigate the 2434system as well as to protect it from the actual agency. he had to pretend to be part of the agency, as it would give him motive to be poking around, and it would be a good way to smoke out the real agency if they got freaked out over the idea of another group trying to do the same thing as themselves. though it's likely that this "agency" isn't a group but an individual
  200. & though he's been pretending, he's trying to protect the system and at first it was just a job but now he genuinely wants to protect it as he's gotten emotionally attached to nijisanji, which he says a bit embarrassedly and reluctantly.
  201. in the end the stream is again interrupted by unauthorised access somehow, despite mayuzumi being confident in his ability to keep it secure, and both masaru & kasumi cut out. he is shaken by this, bc this would mean the person behind it knows his own methods. .... it can't be.......
  202. as the stream ends there is a distorted eye-like image and what sounds like "good evening" in kansai dialect, as the title of the baby video above
  203. that was 4/19 ish?
  204. reference back to 4/1 when mayuzumi disappeared from the world
  205. [on april 1st riri becmae a different person & mayuzumi ceased to exist
  206. thnik a lot of ppl were legit concrned about mayuzumi considering how he pulled it off
  207. for riri she announced a new outfit on the 1st but her stream was held as tho she was having call with someone she knew i think she called sensei (the listeners, she read the comments as tho they were from this person) & she spoke in a rougher casual way & used ore as 1st person pronoun which is completely dif frlm her normal (she speaks fairly politely normally until moments where she switches to more casual depending if shes like messing around w others) it got to the point where comments realised something was off & asked who ....? but she says what do u mean who sensei is in charge of me you know me the best rite wait . who are you youre not sensei
  208. ended with strem going static poof
  209. halfway she announced she would be streaming the next day w a thumbnail preview
  211. also aiba uiha part of blues with mayuzumi asked who mayuzumi kai was on twitter when ppl asked her about him
  212. and gaku, who was in a 2man tribe with mayuzumi in ark and they collabed together too admitted he wanted to join one of the bigger tribes and go to war (ark was . a lot of stuff)
  213. he said he was all alone in his own tribe
  214. so comments asked him about mayuzumi & he was like who?
  215. thats only half of mayuzumis thing
  216. a few months back he did a weird thing on twitter where he suddenly started describing his own actions like i felt like going outside should i and made a poll w choices
  217. leading to him going to eat outside even making a poll for what he ate
  218. then tweeted a pic of his meal
  219. except it was like distorted
  220. replies were like ????? but he sent a screenshot of his own phone where the image was completely normal
  221. whole thing was kinda like some text adventure game
  222. ended w him saying he realised there was some difference in perception btwn the listeners and him in the virtual world & made a poll about whether he should take action or not
  223. ironically depending on the listeners votes instead of himself
  224. went several months not knowing wtf that was bc he said he didnt remember making any of those tweets except about the picture he took
  225. on april 1st around midnight his profile description on twitter and youtube disappeared, his icon became a solid colour, his location like went from somewhere in this world to somewhere in this world?
  226. he stopped tweeting completely
  227. later in the day streamed this
  228. played the game except with no image of him or voice, just following the narrators directions perfectly (at every choice his previously mentioned tweets would flash on screen)
  229. ended abruptly at the end of the game
  230. you could vaguely see his silhouette over the screen tho
  231. at midnight of the 2nd everything went bck to normal and he tweeted as if nothing happened
  232. just saying he didnt rly get to stream on the 1st
  233. he played animal crossing on the 2nd and he writes a diary entry at the end of every animal crossi g stream but you could see a weird entry
  234. actually he said "i didnt rly get to stream for a long tiime yesterday" referring to animal crossing when he didnt stream at all
  236. it starts off saying the easter event is starting, eventually blackened out halfway & then
  237. "all of you cannot find him.
  238. if its me, ill be able to see him
  239. :eye: "
  240. he and riri collab normally later and shes back to normal to but when they brimg up her new outfit he asked when dhe announced it to which she saif yesterday & he was like oh really i didnt see it tho knowing him t normally theres no way he would have not known about it
  241. anyway
  242. thats the whole gist of it
  243. aside from the 2434system story implications]
  244. for the animal crossing thing there is also an image of an eye
  245. also the tweets about the difference in perception is also important as mayuzumi often brings up how what the listeners perceive can be different from what he perceives
  246. in that case, he has no memory of those tweets nor does he see them on his own profile/timeline
  247. there are times like when he releases a voice, sometimes there's an EX voice that he's not aware of
  248. usually it focuses on his real, inner thoughts, while the rest of his voices are just scripted, recorded situations
  249. he would be like "there's no EX voice this month" but there it is. and everyone would be like "but there is" & he's like ....?
  251. there's also a huge post in his youtube channel community which is the record of the orphanage director detailing mayuzumi's past since he came to the orphanage, but mayuzumi can't actually perceive this or the other things on his channel community either. a comment asked if he remembered a specific day, he is confused as it was the date of the first time he met with kagami hayato in the orphanage
  252. also he refers to outfit changes and his own model on his streams as himself being projected/reflected by the system
  253. for example he said though he wore glasses sometimes it wasn't until much later that it could be recognised and reflected by the system
  254. all of this may have to do with the 2434system
  255. also it has been implied the person who hacked his channel & streamed as the "baby" is his 師匠 shishou/master/teacher
  256. the one who is a college prof & career advisor at the orphanage, who gave him a computer & taught him how to use it since he was 2
  257. he says they're not that close but he seems to trust this person a lot
  258. earlier today [or yesterday] he also confirmed that "baby" was actual his shishou after all, and that it's likely he was the one who accessed the stream with masaru & kasumi too
  259. considering it would be someone who knew his methods
  260. he also mentioned that his shishou wanted to test his skills to make sure he wasn't slacking off and still doing his job properly
  261. after that mayuzumi took a few days off to think about it & he wanted to ask his shishou but he was too afraid to and in the end couldn't
  262. so he just has no idea what his shishou is thinking or doing
  263. on april 1st suzuki yuuri, masaru's sister, borrowed his channel to ask the listeners about something
  265. there was a time before i think for his april fools thing masaru crossdressed
  266. this girl persona would be called ruco, and yuuri mentions ruco held a singing stream but unlike the usual masaru, who would break character if he were just crossdressing, ruco was actually..... ruco
  267. & yuuri wonders what ruco rly is
  268. and theorises that, like with masaru being able to remain in the virtual world with his memories, that by that "opportunistic miracle" or the "wishes of many" for something to "continue to exist" something like masaru or ruco is able to
  269. come to life & exist and remain
  270. shes not really sure so she wanted to hear the listeners opinions, other than that she reports that the masaru in reality is doing fine. though she hasn't given up on retrieving the cyberworld memories for him
  271. she hopes they continue to get along with the virtual masaru
  272. in the end of the stream ruco appears and asks "who were you talking with just now?"
  273. aside from this
  274. the real kasumi sometimes streams and reports on her & 00/05's situations to the viewers
  275. back to the stream thing but it mentions the "layered" things & a 4/1/2020 world where he doesn't exist. the other livers didn't recognise him while the listeners still remembered him, but no one could actually see him, despite him later returning to say he did actually stream that day though not that much
  276. "mayuzumi kai
  277. a hacker with a rare talent
  278. he, the genius whom i have discovered
  279. i am pleased that he has the fitting title for his skills
  280. people call engineers that go beyond hackers "wizards"
  281. any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
  282. i, who have guided and raised him (a hacker),
  283. am fitting to be called a "wizard"
  284. it hasn't gotten to the point of complete control over the 2434system but
  285. my interference has even influenced his actual self.
  286. i can say that the verification has gone well
  287. the day i can release him from the layered (the inner layer) is near
  288. let's complete this magic.
  289. the miracle of giving birth to him (transience).
  290. you must be looking forward to this.
  291. my beloved child.
  292. my own masterpiece.
  293. all of you cannot see him.
  294. only i am able to see him."
  295. the last two lines refer to the message found in his diary on animal crossing the day he came back after disappearing
  296. along with the eye
  297. "i lost consciousness?
  298. my avatar was taken over?
  299. i have had the feeling that i was being watched by someone since before, but i've confirmed it with this. with my avatar, projected by the system, becoming 3d, they mean to increase the area of interefence and truly start using me, huh.
  300. in contrast to the surveillance up til now, they've made a clear attack.
  301. but, why would the "real" me lose consciousness?
  302. there's no way that could--
  304. the 2434system is a system that not only digitises the consciousness, but also connects various different worlds. in that case, what is the goal of that person who made an attack on kasumi and masaru-kun, as well as on me? what are they trying to accomplish by using the system?
  305. suzuki yuuri tried to reproduce and create what was in suzuki masaru's fantasy notebook. a system that connects together our world with other worlds. i've completely gotten used to interacting with elves and vampires, demons and time travelers, but in the end, in our world it's "natural that they don't exist".
  306. they are people who live in different realities, in parallel worlds.
  307. but, even then there are incongruencies that cannot be explained. among them, one is--
  308. there's something off about the me that the people called listeners see & the me that i know."
  309. the stream when someone asks him if he remembers jan 2nd, supposedly the first day he met kagami hayato.
  311. "they know things that i haven't said."
  313. the tweets when he suddenly made a poll narrating his actions as well as the distorted images, none of which he can actually perceive
  315. "they see things that i can't see."
  317. his EX voices that he doesnt know exist
  319. "they hear voices that i can't hear."
  321. gundou talking about the orphanage director's log of him found on his channel community. "he's enjoying being mayuzumi kai"
  323. "i'm enjoying me myself? even though i should be me.
  324. i could see myself using the 2434system."
  326. uiha, riri, gaku not remembering him on april first. also a time when he "lost his memories" while playing ark
  328. text referring to the time that mayuzumi kai's design was made public & they had auditions looking for his 'actor'
  329. "i just thought that me and the people called listeners were in different worlds.
  330. i believe that is mostly true. but strictly speaking isn't it different?
  331. there has never been this much of a definite incongruency with the other worlds connected to by the system.
  332. i am me. mayuzumi kai should be mayuzumi kai.
  333. but there are people who talk about me as if there is someone that isn't me deep inside.
  334. there is someone looking from "niji" [can be 2 o'clock or 2d] to "sanji" [3 o'clock or 3d].
  335. i thought that vtuber was the generic term for someone who was projecting their appearance and consciousness as they were.
  336. that 2.0 and 3d were just those system updates.
  337. but...
  338. if i think about the meaning of a vtuber as they (listeners) say,
  339. i myself (mayuzumi kai)
  340. and even the reality surrounding (orphanage and shishou) me
  342. don't exist. i might be virtual (imaginary) denizen."
  343. as mentioned earlier there's a new twitter account with its name as 2020/07/10 21:50
  344. the profile just says "goodbye" in code
  345. there are three tweets, 2 in code
  346. "i have already left this world.
  347. i wonder if there is anyone who can find this record and decode it.
  348. this unnatural data, and this eerie list of numbers, those who are clever may be attempting to decode this code with the same methods i am using now.
  349. i'm sure when the time comes, i'll tell you everything"
  351. "i wonder if that child has gone.
  352. (you?) must be thinking about that.
  353. though there's no way the current me could know.
  354. but, i'm sure that everything will become clear with this following event. the true meaning that i, no... he said.
  355. now then, when that time comes, will you play along again?"
  356. and the last one is
  357. "Coming Soon…?"
  358. it's hard to tell who the person tweeting is and who they are referring to
  359. they use boku & kimi for pronouns, similarly to the way the diary entry was written in animal crossing
  361. Compiled and organized by Erin~
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