
CYOA - Luna pt. 3 (Clop)

Jul 11th, 2013
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  1. >Through the years you watched your son grow
  2. >And with him his happiness and joy
  3. >In particular for Lavender Mirage
  4. >Those two were inseparable
  5. >Lavender probably saw Caesar more than you did
  6. >But that was okay
  7. >He was growing into a young adult, and he couldn't be around you all the time
  8. >You were his father, after all
  9. >As you watched him grow bigger and stronger
  10. >You watched yourself grow older and weaker
  11. >Going from being his hero to annoying father
  12. >It was only a matter of time before he accepted you
  13. >You knew that
  14. >But saying it wasn't difficult would be a blatant lie
  15. >One particular morning you were happy
  16. >But you also felt a slight twinge of sadness in your heart
  17. >Mixed emotions coursing through your body as you walked quietly into his room
  18. >Luna levitating breakfast alongside the two of you
  19. >Caesar is snoring loudly
  20. >His room is a mess as always
  21. >Scrolls, books, and clothes piled eveywhere available
  22. >It looks like someone nuked the place
  23. >You watch him for a little while
  24. >Your son, finally a man
  25. >Turning your head to Luna, you mouth a "1, 2, 3"
  26. "Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!
  27. >Caesar nearly jumps out of his bed
  28. >His eyes are wild and his mouth soaked in drool
  29. >"Wha- Who?"
  30. >As you continue singing away, Caesar yawns loudly
  31. >"It's like seven in the morning. What are you doing?"
  32. >He looks like he could fall asleep at any minute
  33. >Like a volatile concoction being shaken violently
  35. "Happy birthday dear Caesar!"
  36. >Caesar is giving both of you a deadpan stare as you sing
  37. "Happy birthday to you!"
  38. >Luna hands him his breakfast
  39. >It seems to lighten him up just a tad
  40. >As he's munching away on pancakes you stand there
  41. >He's a man now
  42. >Eighteen years old
  43. >He can do whatever he pleases
  44. "Look at you. All grown up. Time flies, huh?"
  45. >"Sure does, dad."
  46. >Caesar doesn't even look at you when he speaks
  47. >He's too lost in his food
  48. >"Oh, I remember when you were just a little satyr."
  49. >Luna's already starting
  50. >Just like she does every year
  51. >She's got tears in her eyes
  52. >Caesar sighs heavily
  53. >"Mom, come on, not again."
  54. >"But look at you! You're a man now! Oh, I'm so proud!"
  55. >You can't help but snicker as Caesar sighs once more
  56. "So, what do you wanna do today, son? Now you can do anything you want."
  57. >Caesar looks up to you and shrugs
  58. >"I dunno. Lavender invited me over for the evening. I think I'll go to her place."
  59. >Although you were happy he had her, you feel a slight twinge of sadness hit you
  60. >You had looked forward to spending the day with your son
  61. >It had been a long time since you just hung out
  63. >All you really want to do is tell him
  64. >Say to him you love him and want to spend time with him
  65. >But as you open your mouth to speak, you can't
  66. >All that enters your mind is frustration
  67. >You just want to tell him
  68. >But that knot in your throat is stopping you
  69. >Anger rises in your body
  70. >Why couldn't he just spend time with you, damn it
  71. >Without thinking you strike out at him
  72. >You accidentally hit him right in the nuts
  73. "How DARE you not want to spend time with your father!"
  74. >Caesar falls sideways onto his bed
  75. >Not a single scream of pain leaves his throat
  76. >His eyes water up and he whimpers
  77. >"Anon, what in the world are you doing?!"
  78. >Luna puts a hoof on your shoulder
  79. >You snap out of it and look at your son
  80. "Holy shit, I'm sorry, Caesar."
  81. >He opens his mouth to speak
  82. >But all that comes out is a quiet groan
  83. "I don't know what came of me. I'm so sorry."
  84. >You place your arms around him and hug him tightly
  85. >He's still cupping his groin and therefore doesn't return it
  86. >"You're an ass, dad", he whispers
  87. >Although he's in pain, you hear a slight giggle in his words
  88. >With a trembling arm he punches you back
  89. >It doesn't hurt at all
  90. >But he did his best
  92. >After a few minutes of cupping his sore groin, Caesar finally speaks
  93. >"All right, dad. Let's spend some time together."
  94. >The happiness that enters your body is almost as much as when he was born
  95. >It nearly brings a tear to your eye hearing him say those words
  96. >Luna giggles in the background and leaves the room
  97. >You sit down on Caesar's bed next to him
  98. >For a moment the two of you just sit there
  99. >Father and son
  100. >Sharing a comfortable silence together
  101. "So."
  102. >"So."
  103. >Caesar looks to you and smiles
  104. "How are things going with Lavender?"
  105. >He looks to the floor and nods
  106. >"Good, good. Everything is great, really."
  107. >You find yourself nodding as well
  108. "That's good. So, you're eighteen now."
  109. >"Yup."
  110. "That means you can go drinking."
  111. >Caesar's eyes suddenly light up
  112. >As if the mysteries of the universe had just been revealed to him
  113. >"You're RIGHT! I can go drinking! This is awesome!"
  114. >He gets up from his bed and starts pacing back and forth in his room
  115. >"Oh, wow! I can go to parties and everything!"
  116. >He reminds you a lot of yourself
  117. >The same reactions to the same situations
  118. >Hopefully he would fare better at the social games involved
  119. >Not that he needed to, having a girlfriend already
  120. >Suddenly he snaps his fingers and looks at you
  121. >"I should totally host a party here in the castle."
  123. >That's actually not a half bad idea
  124. >The castle was enormous
  125. >Perfect place for a party
  126. "We'll do it tonight."
  127. >Caesar's eyes go wide for just a moment
  128. >A brief moment of happiness and joy
  129. >But his stare quickly meets the ground
  130. >An awkward smile on his lips
  131. >"I'd love to dad, but, Lavender is more important. I'd rather spend time with her."
  132. >Your heart drops a few floors in your body
  133. "Oh."
  134. >That's all you can manage
  135. >Speaking to your son has become difficult
  136. >Like you're not good enough at it
  137. >"But maybe we could do it another day?"
  138. >Caesar has a small smile on his lips
  139. >It's a genuine smile, though
  140. >One of sincerity
  142. >You really wanted to do this today, though
  143. >This was his birthday, after all
  144. >And you really wanted to spend time with him
  145. >Show him you could be a fun dad too
  146. "Tonight is better, don't you think? It's your birthday after all. Your eighteenth, too. That doesn't come along often."
  147. >Caesar takes the words to heart
  148. >He puts a hand underneath his chin
  149. >Pondering the suggestion
  150. "We can even have the royal guards deliver express invitations."
  151. >Caesar nods slowly as you speak
  152. >Taking in all of your words
  153. >Processing them in his mind
  154. >"I did promise Lavender I'd be there tonight, though."
  155. >You stand up and chuckle
  156. "So invite her! I'm sure she'd enjoy a good party, too."
  157. >Caesar bites his lower lip as he thinks
  158. >You can see the battle raging inside his mind
  159. >After a few moments of back and forth inside his mind, he finally speaks
  160. >"Oh, all right! Let's do it!"
  161. >You really have to stop yourself from fist pumping
  162. >Caesar told you you were too old for that
  163. "All right! I'll get on it right away."
  164. >"Thanks, dad. You're the best."
  165. >Caesar holds up his fist
  166. >You bump your fist into his and chuckle
  168. >You ruffle your boy's hair and chuckle
  169. >"Dad, come on."
  170. >You just leave the room with a smile on your face
  171. >Luna is reading some ancient tome
  172. >You tried to learn the languages of old, but it proved near impossible
  173. >Even with Luna as your mentor it was tough
  174. >Sometimes she would read to you from the tomes and scrolls
  175. >There were quite a lot of interesting stories and spells in there
  176. >For now, you leave her to her reading
  177. >You walk into the hall and find the nearest guard
  178. "Hey, could you do me a favor?"
  179. >"Sir, yes sir!"
  180. >You sigh and shake your head
  181. >These guards never stopped that shit
  182. "At ease. Look, I just want you to gather up the guards and send out invites to the students at Celestia's school, all right?"
  183. >The guard shoots you a confused look
  184. >"Invites?"
  185. >You smile widely at him
  186. "Yeah, I'm hosting a party for my son's birthday. I want you to invite everyone from the senior classes here."
  187. >The guard nods once
  188. >"Yes, sir."
  189. >You swear, one of these days you'd strangle these guards
  190. "Oh, and make sure to send a special invite to Lavender Mirage. One that grants her access to restricted areas of the castle."
  191. >Before he can protest, you add
  192. "On order of the husband of Luna."
  193. >He just nods again and salutes
  194. >You sigh as he runs off to fetch the other guards
  195. >"Honey, are we having a party? In the castle?"
  196. >Luna almost scares the shit out of you
  197. >She could be sneaky sometimes
  199. "Indeed, faggot. The biggest, faggotry party ever."
  200. >Luna smiles at you and giggles
  201. >"I haven't been to a party in so long. It's going to be fun."
  202. >She gives you a quick peck on the cheek and goes back inside to her reading
  204. >That night, the castle was bustling with life
  205. >More life than it had seen in a long, long time
  206. >Music was blasting through the corridors and hallways
  207. >Ponies were dancing, chatting, and drinking
  208. >Although the party had only been going for 30 minutes, some ponies were already puking
  209. >You were glad you didn't have to clean that mess up
  210. >Lavender had luckily come to the party happy and excited
  211. >She had forgotten all about the planned dated
  212. >She wasn't drinking, though
  213. >Not that much, at least
  214. >Granted, she didn't seem much like the party type
  215. >But she seemed cheerful enough tonight
  216. >"Hey, dad!"
  217. >Caesar taps you on the shoulder
  218. >You turn around and see him standing there
  219. >Smiling, an arm around Lavender
  220. >"Thanks for doing this. It's great!"
  222. "You're welcome kiddo."
  223. >You give your son a fist bump
  224. "Enjoying this faggotry, Lavender, dear?"
  225. >She smiles polietly at you
  226. >"Well, I haven't seen the castle like this before. It's quite the experience."
  227. >Something about what she said makes you laugh heartily
  228. >It was strange seeing these two together
  229. >So very much alike, yet so very different
  230. "Go out and enjoy yourselves."
  231. >Both of them nod before turning to leave
  232. >You grab a hold of Caesar and whisper in his ear
  233. "Don't forget to show her the restricted areas."
  234. >A sly smile creeps upon your lips
  235. >Caesar sighs
  236. >"Yeah, dad, I will."
  237. >He's smiling as he speaks, though
  238. >You pat his back twice and let him off
  239. >Watching the two of them walk away, you feel proud
  240. >For a moment you just stand there
  241. >Feeling like a great and awesome dad
  242. >A tug at your legs snap you out of it
  243. >You turn to face a brown mare
  244. >She's one of Caesar's classmates
  245. >"H-hey there! Great par-party! Woo!"
  246. >She's swaying on all four legs
  247. >It'd probably be a good idea for her to slow down on the drinking
  248. >"W-wanna hang out with me and my friends?"
  249. >A vulgar burp escapes her mouth at the end of the sentence
  250. >Apparently that's hilarious to drunk ponies
  251. >Because she laughs like a blithering moron
  253. >You smile politely at the young mare
  254. "No thank you. I'm sure there's other ponies out there who'd love to join you, though."
  255. >The mare just shrugs and goes off
  256. >Most ponies here are way too young for you to talk to
  257. >Granted, you'd like to be young again
  258. >But you just weren't
  259. >So instead of wasting your time talking to drunk teenagers, you go in search of your wife
  260. >You have to wade through a sea of singing, drinking ponies
  261. >It almost feels like you're sailing on the seven seas
  262. >After snailing your way around the castle for ten minutes, you see your wife in the hallway
  263. >She's talking to some guards who are off duty
  264. >A bottle of spirits in her hoof
  265. >Luna didn't drink often
  266. >But once she did, she went all out
  267. >You wonder how she's even having fun with only teenagers here
  268. >She is a lot older than them, after all
  269. >Luna turns her head as you approach her
  270. >Her cheeks are red and her eyes hazy
  271. >"Heeey, sweetie! We were just talking about you!"
  272. >Oh, this couldn't be good
  273. "You were?"
  274. >Already you feel nervous
  275. >Luna needed to shut up sometimes
  276. >Especially when she was drunk
  277. >"Yeah! It's like, have you noticed you walk on two legs?"
  278. >She clearly had more to drink than you realised
  279. >"It's so weird! How, how do you even stay up?"
  281. >Actually trying to reply would be futile
  282. >So instead, you try to outwit her
  283. "Aren't you the moon? How do you stay awake?"
  284. >Luna opens her mouth to speak
  285. >And she just lets her jaw hang there
  286. >She raises her eyebrow high on her face
  287. >"That's... woooow... I don't knoooow!"
  288. >With a thump, her ass hits the ground
  289. >She's staring into nothing
  290. >Trying to crack the question you asked
  291. >It must be tough for the poor mare
  292. >Intoxicated and trying to solve the mysteries of herself
  293. >You chuckle at your stumped wife and grab her hoof
  294. "Come on, let's go have fun."
  295. >"That sounds fun!"
  296. >You swear Luna was like a schoolgirl when she got drunk
  297. >But it was endearing in away
  298. >To see a millenea old ruler act like this
  299. >You drag her drunk self through the castle until you get away from the music
  300. >Not before grabbing a bottle of whiskey for yourself, though
  301. >You decide on going to the observatory
  302. >It's beautiful and quiet
  303. >A nice place for the two of you to relax
  304. >Luna just sits on a coushion and looks at you
  305. >You take a large swig of the whiskey
  306. >It's damn good whiskey
  307. >"Hey, hey, Anon?"
  308. >You smile at your wife
  309. >"What do you think they're doing? You know. Car... Cei... Our son and Lavender?"
  311. >With a chuckle you take another swig
  312. "I'll leave that up to your imagination, dear."
  313. >Luna's eyes go wide
  314. >Wider than you've ever seen them go
  315. >Although her cheeks were already red from drinking, you can clearly see her blushing
  316. >Slowly her wings begin to stiffen
  317. >You watch in awe
  318. >Complete and utter awe
  319. >When her wings stand at full attention, she speaks
  320. >"That's hot."
  321. >You roar in laughter at her words
  322. >The entire room is being filled with your heartwarming laughter
  323. >Luna just sits there, staring into nothingness
  324. >Her blush continues intensifying
  325. >You really don't want to know what she's thinking in this instant
  326. >Slowly you feel warmth spread in your body
  327. >While the whiskey is great, it's also very potent
  328. >You feel a drunken haze claiming you
  329. >All the while watching your wife get off on strange thoughts
  330. >Your laughter quickly dies down as you hear muffled voices
  331. >Luna perks her ears up
  332. >Listening intently
  333. >The voices are getting louder and louder
  334. >It's definitely Caesar and Lavender
  335. >They're coming right for the room you're in
  337. "Quick, hide!"
  338. >Luna instantly gets up and looks around
  339. >There's no hiding spot for a pony of her size
  340. >You can see the panic in her eyes for a brief moment
  341. >But that panic is soon replaced by a giggle
  342. >With a woosh her horn glows brightly
  343. >And in the blink of an eye she's gone
  344. >Despite her drunken state, her magical prowess doesn't falter
  345. >You her hear go to a corner in her invisible state
  346. >You simply have to make do and hide behind a pile of old books
  347. >The door opens and in walks Caesar and Lavender
  348. >They're laughing warmly and chatting away
  349. >Both of them get coushins and sit down in the middle of the room
  350. >"I'm so glad we could get some alone time."
  351. >Lavender sounds a little too happy
  352. >"The party's great, but I came here for you."
  353. >"Oh yeah?"
  354. >You could almost feel the vomit creeping up your throat
  355. >"Mhmmm."
  356. >Oh, God, Lavender is leaning in
  357. >Oh, Jesus, she's on top of him
  358. >Within mere moments they are engaged in a passionate make out session
  359. >You'd love nothing more than to get out
  360. >But Luna's invisible and can't teleport you out without them noticing
  361. >So you will just have to wait it out
  362. >And for half an hour you wait
  363. >Watching your son making out with his girlfriend
  364. >For some reason you can't keep your eyes off them
  365. >It's strangely... arousing
  366. >No, what the fuck is wrong with you
  367. >It's your son
  368. >But you can't help it
  369. >The liquor is changing you
  370. >Making you enjoy this act of passion and love
  371. >Finally they stop
  372. >"Let's go."
  373. >Both of them leave the room
  375. >With a sigh of relief, you call out to Luna
  376. "All right, we can get out now."
  377. >She doesn't show herself
  378. "Luna?"
  379. >You look around for her
  380. >Which was quite a stupid move on your part
  381. >Seeing the invisible isn't exactly easy
  382. "Luna, come on."
  383. >She replies with a moan
  384. >A quiet, passionate moan
  385. "... Luna? What are you doing? Where are you?"
  386. >With a woosh, she finally appears
  387. >She's lying on her back
  388. >A hoof between her thighs
  389. >Rubbing away at her marehood with passion and speed
  390. >Her tongue is hanging out of her mouth
  391. >Her eyes have rolled up in the back of her skull
  392. >Although you find it revolting that she's doing this, it's strangely arousing
  393. >She notices you staring and spreads her legs further apart
  394. >"Do you... like it, dear?"
  395. >She's pulling all the right strings
  396. >In your intoxicated state it takes you mere seconds to get hard
  397. >"Mmmh."
  398. >Luna's voice is sweet and gentle
  399. >Like she got a thousand years younger
  400. >Realising there is no fighting this, you drop your pants
  401. >As you move closer, Luna smiles
  402. >Just as you are about to position yourself, the door slams open
  403. >"Ooh, my head."
  404. >You stare in disbelief
  405. >Celestia
  406. >Fucking Celestia
  407. >Again
  408. >She looks from you to Luna
  409. >Back and forth
  410. >"Luna, come on. At least keep it in the bedroom. Go away, I need privacy. The castle keeps spinning."
  411. >With speed no man have ever known, you get your pants back on
  412. >Shame in your heart, you exit the room with Luna
  413. >She's just giggling away
  415. "I'm going to kill you Luna, and nobody will ever find out."
  416. >You glare daggers at your wife
  417. >She could at least have waited until you were in your bedroom
  418. >But no, she had to get it on right there
  419. >God damn it
  420. >Luna just keeps giggling
  421. >Your going is aching
  422. >Boner is still at full capacity
  423. >It's aching for release
  424. >Little by little you pick up the pace
  425. >Until you are almost running through the hallways
  426. "I swear, I will murder you, Luna."
  427. >Every time you say something to her, she just smiles slyly
  428. >It's pissing you off to no end
  429. >That mare is going to get dicked so hard she doesn't even know
  430. >Instead of going to your bedroom, which is no doubt full of drunk ponies, you go to a guest room down the hall
  431. >Luna unlocks the door with her magic and opens the door
  432. "Get in."
  433. >You have no patience for this shit
  434. >As soon as you enter, you relock the door and get your clothes off
  435. >"Anon, please be gentle."
  436. >Luna shoots you a cocky smile
  437. >Doing the puppy eyes
  438. >You have no patience for this shit
  439. >With all of your might, you push her onto the bed
  440. >You get up behind her and pull her rump up to you
  441. >"Oh, Anon, not so rough."
  442. >She looks back to you
  443. >That shit-eating grin still plastered on her stupid face
  445. "Say, my little faggot. Caesar will soon leave the castle to explore the world. Should we give him a sister?"
  446. >You don't give her time to reply
  447. >With one swift motion you thrust your dick into her soaking wet pussy
  448. >You bury it balls deep inside her
  449. >So very far inside her
  450. >Luna screams out in surprise and pleasure
  451. >Wasting no time with teasing or foreplay, you start slamming her snatch
  452. >Pounding her harder than ever before
  453. >Your balls slapping against her slit
  454. >With a free hand you grab her mane and pull it back
  455. >With the other you spank her ass repeatedly
  456. >Luna is gurgling out moans
  457. >Her tongue is hanging limply out of her mouth
  458. >With furious anger you slam her silly
  459. >Plowing her with your dick
  460. >Using her as your personal masturbatory toy
  461. >Despite her age and having given birth, she is still tight as ever
  462. >And the way her insides stretch and shrink as you continually slam her feels godlike
  463. >After a few minutes you let go of her mane
  464. >Her head slams into the pillow
  465. >She really picks up the moaning
  466. >It's drowning out every sound in the castle
  467. >It feels satisfying, using her like this
  468. >Dominating her like the whore she is
  469. >You feel a rush of adrenaline shoot through you
  470. >The power makes you feel like a king
  471. >Like you can do anything you want to
  472. >You give her ass an extra hard spank
  473. >It sends a shiver through her body
  474. >And that shiver turns into full on spasms
  475. >Luna comes with the loudest moan ever heard
  476. >Spraying her juices all over your dick
  478. >You don't slow down in the slightest
  479. >In fact, you pick up speed and pound her faster
  480. >Her moaning reaches eardrum-crushing levels
  481. >But you don't care
  482. >She is going to get it, and she is going to get it good
  483. >You pound into her so hard she collapses on the bed
  484. >A particularly long and loud moan escapes her throat
  485. >But as it dies down, you see Luna's eyes close
  486. >Her body goes limp as you pound into her
  487. >Massaging your dick with her tight cunt
  488. >You keep thrusting ferociously into her limp body
  489. >Not caring that she does not make a sound
  490. >She is yours to use and yours alone
  491. >Even though she has fainted, you continue spanking her
  492. >And as you realise just what you've done
  493. >You made your wife faint from taking your dick
  494. >Just the thought of it makes you get close to release
  495. >And as you spank her one final time you come
  496. >With such vigor and fury you have never seen before
  497. >You bury your dick deep inside her cunt and fill her up
  498. >Making sure she takes every last drop
  499. >Drinks it all up with her greedy pussy
  500. >Panting and sweating, you admire your work
  501. >As you look at your fainted wife, dick buried inside her, the door slams open
  502. >You don't even have to turn around
  503. >You can already feel the anger
  504. >"What's going on?! Luna was screaming!"
  505. "Celestia. Get. The. Fuck. Out."
  506. >You don't bother to look at her
  507. >You just wait for her to leave
  508. >"Looks like you did good."
  509. >Celestia snickers before finally leaving the room
  511. >With a sigh of relief and pleasure, you pull out of Luna
  512. >Some of your seed drips out of her
  513. >You move the sheets so she doesn't get it on her fur
  514. >With care you pull the sheets over her body
  515. >You make sure to really tuck her into bed properly
  516. >As if she was your child
  517. >After giving her a peck on the cheek, you go to the bathroom to clean up
  518. >You take a quick shower and get dressed
  519. >In the distance you can hear the party going on
  520. >Since you aren't tired in the slightest, you decide to go back
  521. >Just to check what everyone is doing
  522. >And how badly damaged your home is
  523. >As you're walking down the halls, you see ponies sleeping
  524. >Some are making out
  525. >Others are being cared for, sick as they are
  526. >Just like any other party, really
  527. >According to the volume coming from inside your home, you can tell the party is still going strong
  528. >It had only been two hours, too
  529. >Just as you're about to enter, you hear something faint
  530. >Something fragile in the distance
  531. >A faint crying
  532. >It sounds horrible
  533. >Tearing your heart apart
  534. >Instead of going into your home, you pursue the crying
  535. >You get a ways away from the party
  536. >Looking around for the source of the sound
  537. >It takes you a while to find the room from which it comes
  538. >You gently knock on the door and open it
  539. >Inside it you see a pony
  540. >A familiar pony bawling her eyes out
  541. >Lavender Mirage is a mess
  542. >Completely broken down
  543. >"L-L-Leave m-me al-alone."
  545. >Despite her protests, you go inside
  546. >Making sure to close and lock the door, you walk over to her
  547. >"G-go away."
  548. >Her face is buried in her hooves
  549. >You sit down next to her
  550. >With a hand you gently start stroking her mane
  551. >You don't speak, you simply comfort her slowly
  552. >Make her calm down little by little
  553. >Her intensive crying eventually turns to sobs
  554. >When you feel she's ready, you finally ask
  555. "Lavender, what's wrong?"
  556. >You already know what she's going to say
  557. >And it breaks your heart to know
  558. >But she has to say it herself
  559. >Get it out of her system
  560. >"C-Caesar broke up w-with me."
  561. >You sigh lightly
  562. >This was expected
  563. >Only Caesar could make this mare cry like this
  564. >Inside your chest, your heart sinks down into your stomach
  565. >Instead of pressing on, you simply stroke her mane
  566. >She needs to go on at her own pace
  567. >"H-he never w-wants to see m-me again."
  568. >The tears return once more
  569. >She isn't quite done yet
  570. >And so she cries
  571. >Her pleading heart letting out all her sorrow
  572. "I'll go talk to him, okay, Lavender?"
  573. >You pat her head gently before getting up to leave
  574. >"N-no, please."
  575. >Lavender looks up to you with broken eyes
  576. >"It's m-my fault. I... I che-cheated on him."
  577. >Her eyes plead for mercy
  578. >Beg of you to stay
  579. >To hold her just a little longer
  581. >However much you want to comfort her, she made a mistake
  582. >And no amount of hugging will change that
  583. "Look, we all make mistakes. But you broke the trust he had for you. His faith and loyalty. I doubt he'll change his mind."
  584. >Lavender does her very best to hold back the tears as you speak
  585. "I'll talk to him. Tell him how I found you. How sorry you are. But I can't do anything about this situation. You will have to deal with this yourself."
  586. >The challenge proves too hard for Lavender
  587. >She's hulking as she watches you
  588. >Still pleading silently
  589. >Wanting nothing more than for you to fix everything
  590. >Make everything good again
  591. >But you are no magician
  592. >You are but a man
  593. >And Lavender has done something that may never be forgiven
  594. "I want nothing more than for the two of you to be happy. Hopefully together. But I cannot help you. I do hope you succeed, though."
  595. >Lavender hides her head in her hooves once more
  596. >You sit down next to her again
  597. "I can stay, if you like. Nobody deserves to be alone with their problems."
  598. >Without a word she flings her hooves around your waist
  599. >Burying her face in your shirt
  600. >You put your arm around her and rub her side
  601. "There, there."
  602. >"I-I'm so sorry! P-Please, Anon! I-I love Ca-Caesar!"
  603. >Her hulking continues relentlessly
  604. >Your shirt is drenched with the mare's sorrow
  605. >You want to help
  606. >You truly do
  607. >But there is nothing you can do for her
  609. >Lavender keeps crying
  610. >Like a broken dam the tears keep coming
  611. >No matter what you do or say, she doesn't stop
  612. >This mare is lost to her sorrow
  613. >There is nothing you can do for her
  614. "I'll go talk to Caesar. If you want to, you can stay."
  615. >"P-please, don't l-leave."
  616. >You gently nudge yourself out of her grasp
  617. "This is for the best."
  618. >Lavender simply collapses on the floor, her crying knowing no bounds
  619. >With a slight twinge of guilt, you leave the room
  620. >As you walk down the halls, you feel the emptiness consume you
  621. >Ponies are dancing and singing all around you
  622. >But you can barely hear them
  623. >All you want is your son
  624. >Walking around, you see him nowhere
  625. >You spend ten minutes looking for him
  626. >But he is nowhere to be seen
  627. >Eventually, you grab a hold of a mare
  628. >She points you towards the gardens
  629. >You know exactly where he is
  630. >Into the cold night air you go
  631. >Into the gardens
  632. >They are beautiful
  633. >Exquisite
  634. >But its beauty is not what you are here for
  635. >You go to hedge off to the side
  636. >Behind it sits your son
  637. >He's gently stroking the ground
  638. >That very same spot
  639. >You remember it all too well
  640. >Silently, you walk up behind him
  641. >He isn't sobbing, nor crying
  642. >He's just sitting there
  643. >Gently running his fingers through the grass
  644. "Hey, kiddo."
  645. >"... Hey, dad."
  647. >Without touching him you sit down
  648. >The two of you sit there
  649. >Father and son
  650. >Caesar doesn't say a word
  651. >He just keeps stroking the grass
  652. "So. What happened?"
  653. >Not taking his eyes off the spot on the ground, Caesar replies
  654. >"Lavender cheated on me."
  655. >You nod slightly
  656. "Yeah. I found her crying alone."
  657. >"She deserves it."
  658. >As gently as you can, you put your hand on his back
  659. "Nobody deserves that, Caesar. Not even her."
  660. >"Yes she does. I loved her, dad."
  661. >Caesar's voice is calm
  662. >Collected
  663. >But there is a hint of anger deep within him
  664. >Hiding, waiting to strike
  665. >"I loved her more than anything. I would have done anything for her."
  666. "I know, son."
  667. >You stroke your son's back lovingly
  668. >Trying to warm his heart even just slightly
  669. >"I gave her everything. For five years, dad. She used me."
  670. >You try to make eye contact with Caesar
  671. >But it's impossible
  672. >His eyes are blank
  673. >Not staring at anything physical
  674. "She didn't use you. She made a mistake. But you have every right to be angry."
  675. >Finally he looks to you
  676. >And as his eyes return to the mortal plane
  677. >You see nothing but spite and sorrow in them
  678. >"She used me. She took everything I ever gave her and broke it. Right in front of my eyes. I never want to see her again. Ever."
  679. >With those words, he stares at you
  680. >For a moment he just stares
  681. >Makes sure you know
  682. >Makes sure you see his suffering
  683. >When he is done, he gets up
  684. >He walks away, leaving you alone in the grass
  685. >Walking slowly through the gardens
  687. >Now your eyes are plastered to the spot
  688. >That very same spot where their love began
  689. >And you feel the rage
  690. >The anger, remorse, and fury
  691. >It wells up within you
  692. >Threatening to turn you into a monster
  693. >You reach out to touch the grass
  694. >Your hands are shaking
  695. >Trembling uncontrollably
  696. >As your fingertips touch the grass, it gets too much
  697. >You rips the grass out of the ground and get up
  698. >With anger blinding your path, you walk straight back into the castle
  699. >Straight back to Lavender
  700. >You shove ponies out of your way
  701. >You don't care about a single one of them
  702. >It's all about Lavender
  703. >You storm back into the room
  704. >She is still sitting there
  705. >Her eyes wet
  706. >Finally void of tears
  707. "Okay, you're going to explain yourself, right now!"
  708. >Lavender flinches and whimpers
  709. "NOW!"
  710. >You yell louder than you meant to
  711. >But it doesn't matter
  712. >"I-It just happened! I-I didn't m-mean for it t-to happen! I w-was drunk a-and there was t-this stallion!"
  713. >Her voice is a mess of sorrow and anguish
  714. >Still she sobs after all this time
  715. >"I-I'm sorry! P-Please, Anon! I-I didn't mean it!"
  717. >You shake your head violently and snap out of it
  718. >You're yelling at a mare filled with grief and sorrow
  719. >This isn't the man you wanted to be
  720. >Without a word you turn and leave the room
  721. >Better that than create more problems
  722. >You needed help
  723. >You desperately needed to talk to an adult
  724. >Luna
  725. >Almost running through the halls, you reach the guest room in less than three minutes
  726. >You slam the door open
  727. >It startles the poor mare
  728. >"Wha- Huh?!"
  729. >Her breathing is quick and sharp
  730. >She quickly notices you
  731. >"Anon! What's going on?"
  732. >Once you're actually inside, you slump onto the bed
  733. >You can feel the tears creeping in the corner of your eyes
  734. "Lavender cheated on Caesar."
  735. >Darkness replaces your vision as you bury your face in your hands
  736. >A gentle hoof strokes your back
  737. >"Why in the world would she do that? Oh, poor Caesar."
  738. "She was drunk. It was a mistake. But Caesar... He's furious. I haven't seen him like this ever."
  739. >You stop fighting and let the tears slide into your hands
  740. >"Anon, there's nothing you can do. You can't fix everyone's problems. Caesar will have to figure this one out on his own."
  741. >You're actually sobbing now
  742. >But you don't care
  743. "I just want to help, Luna. I want my son to be happy."
  744. >"I know, Anon."
  745. >She wraps you in her hooves
  746. >Sharing all of her love with you
  748. >"Come on, Anon."
  749. >Luna gently pushes you up
  750. >"Let's go find Caesar."
  751. >You just nod and slump alongside your wife
  752. >The two of you walk slowly throughout the castle
  753. >It's getting quiet now
  754. >Ponies are going home
  755. >Maybe continuing the party elsewhere
  756. >Maybe Caesar sent them away
  757. >It doesn't matter
  758. >But the silence is nice
  759. >Relieving in a way
  760. >You just want the good old life back
  761. >A happy Caesar and a fantastic wife
  762. >Your home is a mess
  763. >There's bottles and glasses everywhere
  764. >But that's not a problem
  765. >So long as you have your wife and your son
  766. >Everything will be fine
  767. >You go to the door leading to Caesar's room
  768. >Luna gently knocks
  769. >"Please, leave me alone."
  770. >She opens it up anyway
  771. >He's sitting in his bed
  772. >Staring out the window
  773. >Staring out at the night sky
  774. >The two of you stand next to him
  775. >All three of you simply stand there
  776. >As if telepathic, you and Luna lean down at the same time
  777. >Hugging your son tightly
  778. >He doesn't react in the slightest
  779. >But even if he doesn't care, you do
  780. >It feels good to hug
  781. >Hugging is good
  782. >It makes the pain fade away
  783. >Hopefully it does the same for Caesar
  784. >You don't know how much time passes
  785. >But you never want it to end
  786. >You have your son and your wife
  787. >Caesar eventually moves his arms
  788. >Wraps them around the two of you
  789. >Hugging you tighter than ever before
  790. >And his arms they tremble
  791. >Caesar finally lets tears fall to the floor
  792. >Let's all of it out
  793. >All the while hugging you and your wife
  795. >With gentle movements you stroke Caesar's back
  796. >Although he might be crying, you know it's helping
  797. "Would you like to get a chance to see Lavender?"
  798. >Caesar sniffs and sobs
  799. >"N-Not right now."
  800. >You keep stroking his back
  801. "All right."
  802. >Caesar finally breaks completely
  803. >He tosses himself at you
  804. >Buries his face in your shoulders
  805. >Letting open the floodgates
  806. >You put a hand on his head
  807. "It's gonna be okay, Caesar."
  808. >"I l-loved her, d-dad."
  809. >You gently rock from side to side as he cries
  810. >Letting loose his sorrow upon the world
  811. "I know you did."
  812. >"I loved her", he whispers
  813. >Luna is watching the two of you
  814. >Tears are gently streaming down her cheeks
  815. >All you do is hold your boy tight and rocking from side to side
  816. >"It's n-not fair."
  817. "It's not your fault."
  818. >"I lo-loved her."
  819. "It's not your fault."
  820. >"She s-said she l-loved me t-too."
  821. "Caesar, it's not your fault."
  822. >Finally he breaks
  823. >Finally he screams
  824. >As he's wanted to for so long
  825. >"I LOVED HER!"
  826. >Gently, so very gently, you stroke his hair
  827. "I know, Caesar. And it's not your fault."
  828. >You sit there for what feels like hours
  829. >Hugging him tightly
  830. >He almost crushes you in his grip
  831. >Never wanting to let go
  833. >You lean back and out of the hug
  834. >Caesar reluctantly lets go and looks you in the eye
  835. >The pain hits you immediately and hard
  836. >His eyes hurt you in places you never knew you could hurt
  837. >But instead of dwelling on the sorrow, you speak to him
  838. "Come on. Let's go somewhere else."
  839. >He doesn't protest
  840. >He just follows you as you exit the room
  841. >Luna stays behind, stil crying
  842. >Through the empty halls you go
  843. >No sounds except for your footsteps fill the air
  844. >All the way to the stairs you go
  845. >And all the way up the stairs you walk
  846. >You hold open the door for your son
  847. >As he looks around the observatory, a small smile appears on his face
  848. >He goes to the globes on the table
  849. >With a gentle hand he spins them, one by one
  850. >Just as he did when he was just a kid
  851. >For a while he walks around
  852. >Simply enjoying the objects he always loved
  853. >The things he forgot existed
  854. >And he smiles
  855. >A weak, tainted smile
  856. >But a smile nonetheless
  857. >With a hand on the telescope, he turns his head to you
  858. >"Why did you bring me here, dad?"
  860. >Finally feeling the happiness return
  861. >After what feels so long
  862. >You can finally return his smile
  863. "To see if it would make you feel better. And I think it worked."
  864. >"Heh."
  865. >With slow steps you walk over to your son
  866. >You put your hand on his shoulder and look him right in the eye
  867. "I just want you to be happy. That is the only thing I want."
  868. >Caesar puts his hand on yours
  869. "I can't bear to see you like before. I just want you to be happy."
  870. >"I know, dad."
  871. >No, he doesn't know
  872. >He doesn't understand
  873. >He never truly will
  874. >Not until he has kids of his own one day
  875. >Until then, he will never understand how you feel
  876. "There's going to be rough days ahead. But remember this: I'm always here. No matter what. I'm your father, and I promise to always be there for you. I promise."
  877. >Of his own accord, Caesar moves in
  878. >Showing his love for you with a hug
  879. >"I know you will. And that's why I love you."
  880. >You put your chin on his head and stare out the window
  881. "I'll always be here. And so will your mother. Always."
  883. End of part 3.
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