
Hei's profile code

Jun 15th, 2018
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  138. <div id="credit"><a target="_blank" href="" target="_blank">[Coder]</a></div>
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  152. <div id="title">Hei</div>
  154. <div id="one" class="detail" class="content"><div id="maininfo"> <h3>Info</h3> <span style="float:left;"><b>Name:</b></span> <span style="float:right;">Hei.</span><br>
  155. <span style="float:left;"><b>Alias(es):</b></span><span style="float:right;"> <a title="BK-201
  156. the Black Reaper
  157. Li Shengshun
  158. Nanashi Kuroda
  159. Lee Hyunsik">Hover</a>.</span><br>
  160. <span style="float:left;"><b>Gender:</b></span> <span style="float:right;"> Male.</span><br>
  161. <span style="float:left;"><b>Race:</b> </span> <span style="float:right;"> Human/Contractor</span><br>
  162. <span style="float:left;"><b>Age:</b> </span> <span style="float:right;"> 25</span><br>
  163. <span style="float:left;"><b>Height:</b> </span> <span style="float:right;"> 6'7 </span><br>
  164. <span style="float:left;"><b>Weight:</b> </span> <span style="float:right;"> N/A </span><br>
  165. <span style="float:left;"><b>Orientation:</b> </span> <span style="float:right;">Heterosexual</span><br>
  166. <span style="float:left;"><b>Marital:</b> </span> <span style="float:right;">Single</span><br>
  167. <span style="float:left;"><b>Eyes:</b> </span> <span style="float:right;">Cold dark blue.</span><br>
  168. <span style="float:left;"><b>Hair:</b> </span> <span style="float:right;">Black.</span><br>
  169. <span style="float:left;"><b>Personal Quote:</b> </span> <span style="float:right;"><a title="If you pretend to feel a certain way, the feeling can become genuine all by accident.">Hover</a>.</span><br></div><div id="mainimage">
  170. <img src="" width="400" height="200">
  171. </div>
  173. </div>
  175. <div id="two" class="detail" class="content"><div id="maininfo"><h3>Abilities and Weapons</h3> <span style="float:left;"><b>Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant:</b> </span> <span style="float:right;"><a title="Hei is an extremely skilled in martial arts and is an accomplished acrobat easily able to do backflips and mid-air cartwheels with little effort in terms of physical strain. Hei's natural abilities are so impressive that even without his contractor powers Hei is easily able to take on other contractors. A combination of these physical attributes coupled with what appears to be the most powerful contractor power as well as a lack of obeisance arguably makes Hei the strongest character in the series.">Hover</a>.</span><br>
  176. <span style="float:left;"><b>Tactician:</b> </span> <span style="float:right;"><a title="Not unlike many Contractors, Hei possesses a very pragmatic and resourceful intellect; demonstrating a knack for improvisation during the heat of combat. Since Hei's contractor ability can only kill once in direct contact with the intended target, Hei often relies on taking his opponents by surprise in order to gain the advantage (as evidenced by his gambit during his first fight with Wei). His tactical unpredictability and resourcefulness coupled with his almost bullet-time speed makes him a daring foe.">Hover</a>.</span><br>
  177. <span style="float:left;"><b>Molecular/Electricity Manipulation:</b> </span> <span style="float:right;"><a title="Hei possesses the ability to generate and discharge electricity through conductive media (i.e. he cannot discharge it through air or concrete) at sufficiently high amounts to kill grown men or short out a building's electrical systems. The power is more than simple electric shocks, as he can alter matter on the quantum level. He has shown the ability to transform integral particles on the quantum level.">Hover</a>.</span><br>
  178. <span style="float:left;"><b>Special Particle Luminance</b> </span> <span style="float:right;"><a title="He is able to change molecules similar to how humans are changed into contractors. This ability is also one of the most, if not the most, powerful and coveted powers known as it is the only one capable of altering gate particles at will. This ability is not actually his as he is really only human, but it was granted to him when his sister fused with him. While in possession of the Meteor Fragment, Hei's powers were amplified to the extent that he was able to destroy a large portion of South America almost effortlessly. ">Hover</a>.</span><br>
  179. <span style="float:left;"><b>Mask</b> </span> <span style="float:right;"><a title="Hei wears a white pierrot-inspired mask that fully conceals his face with a purple lightning symbol over the right eye. It also has a thin red slit across the mouth.">Hover</a>.</span><br>
  180. <span style="float:left;"><b>Knife</b> </span> <span style="float:right;"><a title="His trademark weapon is a knife on a metal wire, which he uses as an offensive weapon, a grappling hook, or as a conduit through which to discharge his electricity.">Hover</a>.</span><br><span style="float:left;"><b>Wire</b> </span> <span style="float:right;"><a title="In addition to using it with his knife, Hei also uses his wire with a carabiner attached to the end, which allows the wire to anchor to any object that it wraps around. This is also used to wrap around enemies necks and allows Hei to deliver lethal shocks.">Hover</a>.</span><br>
  181. <span style="float:left;"><b>Black trench coat</b> </span> <span style="float:right;"><a title="Hei's long black trench coat is bullet proof (often used as a shield), and works only with his powers.">Hover</a>.</span><br></div>
  183. <div id="mainimage">
  184. <img src="" width="400" height="200">
  185. </div></div>
  187. <div id="three" class="detail" class="content"><div id="maininfo"> <h3>Story</h3>Before he became a Contractor, Hei was a caring older brother who looked after his little sister Bai. Despite his age Hei was like a guardian to Bai. During a meteor shower his sister became a Contractor, with the ability to control and change matter on a molecular level, causing her to become the original BK-201. Soon after, Bai was recruited into the Syndicate. Although Hei hated killing, he became a mercenary in order to watch over and be with his sister. Due to his exceptional combat capabilities (martial arts, usage of improvised weaponry, and speed) he became feared even amongst contractors, earning the title of "Black Reaper". However as "Heaven's War" went on Hei became appalled by Bai's actions and began to have thoughts of killing her, however his love for his sister prevented him from doing this. During the "Heaven's War", Bai went missing with the rest of Hei's team. Unknowingly to him Bai had merged her being with Hei, giving him her powers and the star BK-201. He continued to serve the Syndicate in hopes of finding out what happened in South America's Heaven's Gate, and more importantly what happened to his sister. Hei also has a past history with the leader of the Evening Primrose and former Syndicate co-worker, Amber and hopes to find her in order to discover the truth. </div>
  189. <div id="mainimage">
  190. <img src="" width="400" height="200">
  191. </div></div>
  193. <div id="four" class="detail" class="content"><div id="maininfo"><h3>Rules</h3> Under Construction.</div></div></body>
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