
Solar system 2

Jan 26th, 2024
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  1. I've been on a roll with alternate solar systems lately, so I came up with an idea. For this one, I allowed myself to move any object in the solar system to wherever I wanted it to be. The only rule that I came up with was that I could not add in any new or hypothetical objects.
  3. First Planet:
  5. The first planet is Caca and was formed from a large asteroid (Pallas) that got knocked out of the asteroid belt during the formation of the solar system. Subsequent encounters with debris lead the planet becoming fully spherical, with a diameter of around 900km (560) miles. Caca's physical appearance is rather dark, like charcoal. It exists in a small debris belt on the interior orbit of Mercury - dubbed the Vulcanoid belt. Caca and the debris belt have only been discovered thanks to modern developments in astronomy in the 18th and 19th century.
  7. Second Planet:
  9. Mercury is the second planet with a mass of 0.055 Earths. With a 3:2 orbital resonance, the planet rotates 3 times for every two times it orbits around the sun. Mercury is a bleak world with temperature extremes with no signifiant atmosphere to speak of. Mercury has captured a small asteroidal moon into an unstable orbit. It is not sure how long how this minor moon has been there, but it has the size of 10 kilometers (6 miles). Because of it's likely recent capture - it has the name Juventas, the Roman goddess of youth.
  11. Third Planet:
  13. Lucifer is the third planet from the sun, with a mass of 0.107 Earths. Due to the planet's small size and proximity to the Sun, it's atmosphere is very thin. It still is thick enough to form clouds. It is a hot, dry, desolate and arid world. Named for the morning star, Lucifer is usually seen in the morning or evening skies as a pale reddish-brown dot. The planet has a 25 degree tilt, and a day of 11 hours. Thanks to it's small size and lack of a large moon, it's rotation period is rather fast. Lucifer has picked up a few asteroidal moons, of Phobos, Deimos, and Dispater. All of which are 20, 15, and 87km in size respectively. The 3 of them orbit fairly close to the planet. Thanks to the gravitational influence of other planets, Lucifer's axial tilt varies over geological timeframes.
  15. Fourth Planet:
  17. Earth and the Moon exist as normal, however in modern times an asteroid flew by the Earth and got caught within Earth's gravitational field, and broke apart, forming a narrow ring over the equator.
  19. Fifth Planet:
  21. Venus. Venus is the brightest planet, thanks to it's highly reflective icey surface. The planet is very much a frozen Earth, with some areas of standing water and a teaming ecosystem. Eros (ceres) is the largest moon of Venus, which is host to around a dozen smaller asteroid moons.
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