
Lich Doctor Chapter Two

Jan 6th, 2013
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  1. >You are Anonymous.
  2. >And are about to have a heart attack.
  3. >Or you would be, if you had a heart.
  4. >But that's not the point because there's a screaming pony between your legs.
  5. >Good lord, the set of lungs on this one.
  6. >You begin to pick yourself up off the floor after having stumbled backwards.
  7. >You take stock of your surroundings.
  8. >You're in the Generator room with three screaming poni-HOLD THE FUCKING PHONE.
  9. >Your pony anatomy isn't much of anything, but you're definitely sure their legs don't bend that way.
  10. >Well that explains the screaming.
  11. >Oh, that and you're hideous.
  12. >Then there's the red unicorn.
  13. >, that's just hydraulic fluid.
  14. >You look at a Generator close to where she's currently screaming her fool head off and, sure enough, there's a horn shaped hole where the hydraulic radiator is.
  15. >Well, at least that's an easy fix.
  16. >.....You feel like you're forgetting something...
  17. >....
  18. >...
  19. >..
  20. >.
  21. >Oh right.
  24. >You sprint off and yell back at the ponies that you're going to go get your robes, some towels, and a few first aid kits.
  25. >Along the walls of your complex, there are first aid kits spaced evenly every 200 feet or so.
  26. >Snagging a few off the wall as you continue to run, you eventually reach the room you were looking for.
  27. >The Laundry room.
  28. >Grabbing an armful of towels, you look around for a robe.
  29. >You only spot a lab coat.
  30. >Fuck it, you're in a hurry.
  31. >Snatching up the labcoat, you barrel down the corridors back towards the now not screaming ponies.
  32. >It seems the red unicorn has passed out and is lying in the hydraulic fluid.
  33. >The two other ones, an orange pegasus and a yellow normal one, were huddled near another generator, shivering in what you suspect is shock.
  34. >They can wait. You're not sure how toxic hydraulic fluid could be to ponies.
  35. >You begin to reach down to pick up the red unicorn but are stopped by one of the other ponies yelling at you.
  36. >”Leave her alone, you monster!”
  37. >Nevermind, that explains the shivering. They're scared shitless of you.
  38. >Suddenly getting an idea, a really convenient one at that, you move towards the pony pair and prepare a spell.
  39. >You hated using magic, but they'd thank you for this later.
  40. “Sleeeeeeeeeeeeep....”
  42. >Your eyes flash with a warm blue glow and the two ponies go limp as ragdolls, succumbing to a magically enduced sleep.
  43. >As you end the spell, you are eye level with both of the ponies and practically lying on the floor.
  44. >You had forgotten how much taller you were than most anything else alive in this era.
  45. >Hefting yourself off the floor, you walk over to the red unicorn and pick it up again.
  46. >Now there was supposed to be am emergency chemical spill station over here somewhere...
  47. >While looking for it, you begin to wipe down the unicorn with a towel, uncovering that the red unicorn is, in fact, off-white.
  48. >Finding the spill center, you activate the emergency chemical wash and give the unicorn a shower, making sure not to get water in her airways.
  49. >Once all the hydraulic fluid was washed off of the unicorn, you grab a fresh towel and wrap her up in it. It wouldn't do for her to catch cold.
  50. >Now, the next order of business was the normal pony and the pegasus.
  51. >Rifling through the first aid kit, you find some bandages, medical tape, tongue depressors, a few Band-Aids, and some alcohol for sterilization.
  52. >You grab the bandages and medical tape and toss the rest. They're useless.
  53. >You might have been able to use the tongue depressors for a splint if there were enough of them.
  54. >Sadly, there were only four.
  55. >Cheap fucking government contracts.
  56. >You sigh. You knew you had to, but that didn't mean you were going to like it.
  57. >After setting the fillies legs back in place, you begin dismantling one of your feet to use as a splint.
  59. >You are Sweetie Belle.
  60. >And your head feels like it's filled with wool.
  61. >You slowly open your eyes and come to look at a tiled ceiling.
  62. >It doesn't look like any ceiling you've ever seen.
  63. >You squirm around a bit and end up seated on your haunches.
  64. >You take in the sterility of the white walls and the really tall and big beds that are arrayed in the room.
  65. >Scootaloo and Applebloom are lying on one of the massive beds and in between them is what looks like a massive pile of cloth.
  66. >”Ah, you're awake.”
  67. >The cloth mass shifts upwards, nearly doubling it's height. This causes you to withdraw further away from it and bump up against the wall behind you.
  68. >”Please don't be afraid. I mean you no harm young one.”
  69. “Oh yeah? And why should I believe you?!”
  70. >”Because you've been out for about ten minutes. If I wanted to do harm to you, it would have happened already.”
  71. >Well, the cloth monster had you there.
  72. >Wait a sec...
  74. “Are you that bone monster that was yelling earlier?”
  75. >The mass of cloth chuckles, “Why yes, I am indeed. I appologize for startling you. My name is Anonymous for now. What is yours?”
  76. >For now? What does this mean?
  77. “My name is Sweetie Belle. And what do you mean for now? And why are you under all that cloth?”
  78. >”First off I would like to say that you have a very lovely name. To answer your second question, I do not wish to cause you discomfort from my appearance. And to answer your first question, I have a tendency to forget my own name. So, I adopted the name of Anonymous to identify this entity known as Self until Self can find Self's own name. If that makes any sense.”
  79. >So many words...
  80. >Celestia, your head is too fuzzy for this.
  81. >You shake your head to hopefully clear it up a bit, but are greeted with a stabbing pain and let out a yelp.
  82. >”By the way Miss Sweetie Belle, I would recommend you to refrain from doing that. You have a slight concussion. It will go away within a day. The other two will not be so lucky. They have broken a few legs each. I could heal them if you would have me do it.”
  83. >Wait, broken legs?
  84. >That's right!
  85. >Scootaloo and Applebloom broke their legs in the fall!
  86. >Wait, he said he could heal them. That's great!
  87. “Could you heal them for me please? They're my friends.”
  88. >”They're your friends? Oh my, this is interesting news. But enough of that, I shall be right back.”
  89. >A bony hand appears out of the cloth heap and pulls back a hood, revealing a bare skull with those flaming blue eyes you saw before.
  90. >They still unnerve you heavily.
  91. >The bone monster leaves the room, leaving you with an unconscious Scootaloo and Applebloom.
  93. >You are Anonymous.
  94. >And you know you left that blasted dagger around here SOMEwhere.
  95. >You could never find that thing whenever you neede-AHA! There it is!.
  96. >You grab the aged leather sheath of the dagger and pull the weapon free from it's confines.
  97. >The dagger gleams a silvery black, just as you had remembered it.
  98. >You run an old, withered index finger across the blade, feeling the energies crackling from it's edge into the nearly disintegrated flesh of your digit.
  99. >It still functions flawlessly. After all, YOU enchanted it.
  100. >Sheathing the glistening fang, you turn around and make for the Medical wing post haste, walking a bit arrhythmically due to missing a foot.
  101. >Once back in the ward where the three ponies were, you walk up to the orange pegasus and begin removing the splint, tossing aside one of your foot bones.
  102. >This draws the attention of Sweetie Belle.
  103. >”Uhh...Mister Anonymous, where did that bone come from?”
  104. “That would be a few of my metatarsals. They're bones from my left foot. I dismantled my own foot in order to make a splint for these two friends of yours.”
  105. >Sweetie Belle gasps with surprise at this revelation.
  106. >”Wow Mister Anonymous, that's...why would you do that?”
  107. “I suppose I've always been a bleeding heart.”
  108. >”A what?”
  109. “Too kind for my own good.”
  110. >”Oh, well, thank you regardless for helping us.”
  111. “Don't thank me yet. I still have to deal with these two.”
  112. >With that said, you draw the black fang from it's sheath and pressed it into the orange pegasus's tiny leg, and ran the hungry blade's length fully across it.
  114. >You are Sweetie Belle, and you cannot believe what you are seeing.
  115. >The Bone monster has just cut off Scootaloo's leg!
  116. >The bone monster looks at you and cocks his head to the side quizzically.
  117. >”Something the matter?”
  119. >”So that's her name. Oh, and I didn't cut off her leg. It's still quite attached.”
  120. >To demonstrate his cruel humor, the bone monster picks up Scootaloo's leg and...Scootaloo...comes with it.
  121. >...what?
  122. >Your mind is full of buck.
  123. >Billions and billions of bucks.
  124. >The confusion must be evident to the bone monster because he looks at you, looks at the dagger, looks at Scootaloo, and starts laughing.
  125. >It sets Scootaloo back down and continues laughing, dropping the dagger and falls down onto the floor, clutching it's sides.
  126. >You are so confused right now.
  127. >“Ooh. Oh my. You. You thought. You thought that I was cutting off her leg? Oh my word no child. Allow me to demonstrate.”
  128. >Picking itself up, the bone monster grabs the dagger and moves over to Applebloom. It picks her up and sets her on your bed.
  129. >The bone monster removes the bandages from Applebloom's legs and throws a few bones on the floor.
  130. >You are too stunned to stop it but too curious to look away.
  131. >It's like watching a train wreck.
  132. >The bone monster makes sure the bone is set, and then presses the blade onto Applebloom's leg and draws it across her flesh.
  133. >You notice that wherever the blade contacts Applebloom's skin, a white energy shoots from the blade into her skin.
  134. >You also notice no blood and the scent of burning hair.
  135. >You gag slightly at the smell, but continue watching out of morbid curiosity.
  136. >A few seconds later, the bone monster is done, and Applebloom's leg is healed with little more than a line of singed hair in her coat.
  137. >You look up into the eye sockets of the bone monster and wait for an answer.
  138. >It seems to sense your unspoken request and presents the blade to you.
  139. >”Observe how the blade has sliced your friend to health.”
  140. > Sensory overload, your brain shuts down.
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