
Takakashi Hyper Moment Sharingan App

Sep 18th, 2019
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  1. Key: Takakashi z
  2. Character: Mori
  3. Skill(or transformation): Sharingan t5
  4. Reasoning: After the meeting in regards to tending to the rift, Mori is approached by Zachary. Being accused of being the murderer of Quiwi, without any rightful evidence, he is cornered and threatened to be detained. Knowing that he's innocent, the hard-headed Mori naturally refuses, and takes it upon himself to resist the arrest that they wrongfully attempt to place on him. Subsequently, he's double-teamed by both Zachary and Xiang Long, the duo attacking him in tandem with intent to harm. With a new twist of betrayal in his gut, Mori is naturally being forced back by the duo, who use any advantage they can to acquire the upper-hand.
  6. He's out-numbered and his wrongful incarceration is on the line..accompanied with this is a growing sense of loathing and hatred towards those within the city, as they attempt to make him into the monster that would benefit their agenda. Being forced into place as a villain, Mori attempts to fight the cities 'justice' on his own accord. . .!
  8. (Black man in distress, police brutality imminent)
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