

May 11th, 2017
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  1. $ grep '05/2017.*Aaron_Royal.*/newb' server_log*
  2. server_log.txt:[05/05/2017 09:12:14] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Usama; go to San Andreas News HQ, get inside and type /ad infront of computer to post an ad.
  3. server_log.txt:[06/05/2017 04:03:11] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Alex; Air break.
  4. server_log.txt:[06/05/2017 04:08:46] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Vadim; use /cheer 4 command for protest animation, /stopani to stop it.
  5. server_log.txt:[06/05/2017 04:18:36] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Daniel; Well, this is all IC matter, solve that IC'ly instead of using /newb(ie) chat for such questions.
  6. server_log.txt:[06/05/2017 04:28:06] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Johnny; well thats a bug. This is happening with everyone, wait until our devs fix it.
  7. server_log.txt:[07/05/2017 08:58:37] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @James; Yes, you're right.
  8. server_log.txt:[07/05/2017 09:00:30] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Chriss; By doing /signcheck every hour, you'll get free money and you'll get 1 respect point.
  9. server_log.txt:[07/05/2017 09:01:42] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @James; Nope, you can't do that. Dropping them will drop all of your tikis so don't try.
  10. server_log.txt:[07/05/2017 09:05:58] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Johnny; 1 liter these days is around 1-2m, depends on seller.
  11. server_log.txt:[07/05/2017 09:07:22] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Davis; Yes, you need to play atleast 2 hours to get weapons, and you need license from get from ammu.
  12. server_log.txt:[07/05/2017 09:23:51] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Scarlett; type /jobhelp and select mechanic jobs and it'll tell you commands or use /help.
  13. server_log.txt:[07/05/2017 09:25:29] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Emma; you can't do that scriptwise but you can do it rp'ly and use an animation (/tag) .
  14. server_log.txt:[07/05/2017 09:26:34] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Chives; Yes, FBI has been removed and members are hired into SAPD now.
  15. server_log.txt:[07/05/2017 09:30:45] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Tyshawn; deagle costs 2,000 materials so I will say around 20-30k.
  16. server_log.txt:[07/05/2017 09:31:47] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Loroyce; Well, you can get money by doing profitable jobs, such as armdealer & bodyguard, /jobhelp.
  17. server_log.txt:[07/05/2017 09:34:36] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @John; use /dropcar command. @Tyshawn; maybe a bug, report it at
  18. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 08:58:19] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Matias; I'd say around 800k-1millions if it isn't fully upgraded.
  19. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 09:10:29] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Thijs; you can get job by using (/jobhelp) command and select your job, armdealer & bodyguard are best.
  20. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 09:12:00] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Tyshawn; each material costs 8-10$, so 8m-10m, but it depends on buyer/seller.
  21. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 09:13:55] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Tyshawn; for 500,000 materials it would be 4-5millions, use /calc command in future.
  22. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 09:14:44] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Tyler; 450,000$, 50,000$ per level.
  23. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 09:14:45] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Tyler; 450,000$, 50,000$ per level.
  24. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 09:19:15] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Josh; Maybe you're desynced, I suggest to relog.
  25. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 09:21:25] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Uzuka; maybe a hacker, if you've spotted a hacker, report his ID using /report.
  26. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 09:29:05] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Samuel; Go to bikes dealerships and buyone(/dealerships) or buyone from a player(/ad).
  27. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 09:38:25] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Thijs; Maybe they're AFK or busy while rping, wait until they reply your request help.
  28. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 09:39:48] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Steve; dealerships or players, use /dealerships command to locate dealerships and buyone.
  29. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 09:42:32] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Alex; go to gas station and type /fill before turning off the engine(/engine).
  30. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 09:43:27] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Josh; 15,000$.
  31. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 10:03:15] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Sherlock; depends on your bank amount, you'll get paycheck if you've good bank amount, normally 40-50k.
  32. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 10:08:42] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Alex; keeping fixing the vehicles(/fix), doing that 50x time will level up.
  33. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 10:15:31] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Steve; go to any binco (white t-shirt) icon and type /buyclothes to change your clothes/skin.
  34. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 17:23:10] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @James; /service mechanic, don't use newb for such questions.
  35. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 17:25:34] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @James; Kindly use /service mechanic if no one online then get job by yourself.
  36. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 17:30:10] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @James; type /jobhelp command and select mechanic job.
  37. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 17:40:28] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Spectre; go to > Forms > Game related request, fill it and submit it.
  38. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 17:40:32] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Spectre; go to > Forms > Game related request, fill it and submit it.
  39. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 17:49:22] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Hiroshi; 40-50k these days.
  40. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 17:51:20] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Hiroshi; 90-100k.
  41. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 18:07:16] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Hiroshi; You can get silenced SD pistol from tiki store but not silenced colt, go to /tikistore to get one.
  42. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 18:07:36] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Roy; light medium roleplay server.
  43. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 18:09:03] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Roy; ten years old.
  44. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 18:16:15] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @James; get youtube link of your song, convert into mp3 using and paste in your boombox.
  45. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 18:27:49] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @James; it comes every XX;00, check /time to check whenever it comes.
  46. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 18:42:02] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jean; You can use /legend to check that out.
  47. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 18:57:46] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jean; San Andreas National Guards, a faction.
  48. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 18:59:34] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Theo; depends on you probably, I'd say like 4-6millions.
  49. server_log.txt:[08/05/2017 19:00:29] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Roy; /wt [text]
  50. server_log.txt:[09/05/2017 03:58:38] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Roman; that feature isn't added yet.
  51. server_log.txt:[09/05/2017 04:04:11] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Orton; FCR-900 is much better, it has much speed and handling comparing to PCJ.
  52. server_log.txt:[09/05/2017 04:10:07] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Tan; GH stands for General Hacks.
  53. server_log.txt:[09/05/2017 04:10:51] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Imad; Use /dmv command and it'll give you a checkpoint(red marker) and just follow it.
  54. server_log.txt:[09/05/2017 04:10:59] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Imad; Use /dmv command and it'll give you a checkpoint(red marker) and just follow it.
  55. server_log.txt:[09/05/2017 17:09:22] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Steven; Nope, not for me. If it is bugged for you, report it using /reportbug.
  56. server_log.txt:[09/05/2017 17:20:19] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Carlos; Well, you can do that RP'ly.
  57. server_log.txt:[09/05/2017 17:25:45] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Hiroshi; /animlist to check all commands.
  58. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 07:24:33] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @James; If it is an IC prison, solve it ICly, if it is an OOC prison then ask an admin using /report.
  59. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 07:25:35] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @James; Don't abuse /newb(ie) chat, keep it for Q/As related to script. @Homoriusz; apply on
  60. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 07:26:40] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @James; Nope, time will pass when you'll active ingame, time will be stop once you go AFK.
  61. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 07:33:16] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @James; Not a script related question, kindly avoid from it and refrain from asking that.
  62. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 07:35:53] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @James; I have never seen a thread or a list of donated cars, you can google that.
  63. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 07:42:22] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Hugo; Money farming, creating alts and transfering money into main account.
  64. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 07:44:42] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Hugo; Keep this chat for Q/As related to script only.
  65. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 07:45:41] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @James; Well, you can use /oaddress to check any offline player's house.
  66. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 08:13:45] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Hiroshi; Sniper costs 7,500 materials.
  67. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 08:19:13] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Hiroshi; each material costs 8-10$, so 1,000 material price would be 8000-10,000$.
  68. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 08:32:47] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Dapeg; Hello and welcome to SARP, kindly use /newb for Q/As related to script only, @Benjamin; /skill.s
  69. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 08:44:02] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Dominique; get a spraycan from a 24/7(pink milkshake icon) and type /colorcar, for IDs, google > SAMP color ids.
  70. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 08:46:55] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @James; Fully depends on the house & seller, I'd simple house would 1-3m.
  71. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 08:51:29] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @James; type /hood while driving your car and hood will be open.
  72. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 08:52:15] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jacob; /requestadunmute or contact SAN IC'ly using thier hotline 63971.
  73. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 08:52:19] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jacob; /requestadunmute or contact SAN IC'ly using thier hotline 63971.
  74. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 08:57:14] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Emily; Who knows. Only Director of Administrator can do that. Not even a script related question.
  75. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 09:16:26] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jacob; Yes, it is a donated vehicle.
  76. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 09:16:44] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Hiroshi; It is due to SARP's economy.
  77. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 09:17:13] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Ahmed; You can't leave prison if it is an OOC prison, if it is an IC prison, roleplay escaping from it.
  78. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 09:17:17] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Ahmed; You can't leave prison if it is an OOC prison, if it is an IC prison, roleplay escaping from it.
  79. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 09:18:43] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Ahmed; That is a command for roleplay, ask for help for roleplay information > /helpme.
  80. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 09:23:36] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Ahmed; you should check how much your prison time, check it using (/prisontime) command.
  81. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 09:25:03] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Grace; Google that.
  82. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 09:49:33] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Ashley; If you're asking SAFMD then you need level 3+ and apply on
  83. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 09:50:17] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Hiroshi; You need level 5+ for SAPD.
  84. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 09:50:34] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Hiroshi; You need level 5+ for SAPD. @Lucas; An armdealer or bodyguard jobs are best, /jobhelp.
  85. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 09:53:39] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Lucas; you can craft guns by using /sellgun command, for more info use /jobhelp > armdealer.
  86. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 09:54:53] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Alex; you can get 3 vehicles, for 4th slot you have to pay 15m at WillowField garage.
  87. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 09:59:58] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Hiroshi; There is something in your trunk.
  88. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 10:01:07] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Hiroshi; Keep this chat for Q/As related to script only, use /pm for that.
  89. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 10:03:04] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Mesut; dont abuse /newb(ie) chat, ask tikis over /report not over /newb.
  90. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 10:03:39] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Anthony; You can earn them by doing profitable jobs which are Armdealer & bodyguard, /jobhelp for more info.
  91. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 10:03:50] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Anthony; You can earn them by doing profitable jobs which are Armdealer & bodyguard, /jobhelp for more info.
  92. server_log.txt:[10/05/2017 10:03:57] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Anthony; You can earn them by doing profitable jobs which are Armdealer & bodyguard, /jobhelp for more info.
  93. server_log.txt:[11/05/2017 08:38:32] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Yang; /drop boombox
  94. server_log.txt:[11/05/2017 08:39:19] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @John; NRG is a donated vehicle, so I'd say like 8-10millions these days.
  95. server_log.txt:[11/05/2017 08:39:34] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @John; NRG is a donated vehicle, so I'd say like 8-10millions these days. @David; Armdealer & bodguard, /jobhelp.
  96. server_log.txt:[11/05/2017 08:39:41] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @John; NRG is a donated vehicle, so I'd say like 8-10millions these days. @David; Armdealer & bodguard.
  97. server_log.txt:[11/05/2017 08:44:58] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Donald; Level 2+ can own a business.
  98. server_log.txt:[11/05/2017 08:47:35] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jacob; Sultan is rare car these days so I'll say like 8-15millions.
  99. server_log.txt:[11/05/2017 08:50:41] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @James; go to willowfiled garage, type /v upgrade and select custom plate & change it.
  100. server_log.txt:[11/05/2017 08:52:47] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jacob; Sure you can. Better use /report now because admins are online.
  101. server_log.txt:[11/05/2017 09:04:16] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Imad; Yes because it has been removed, use /pedmove.
  102. server_log.txt:[11/05/2017 09:15:27] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Kalta; Bodyguard(legal) and armdealer(illegal) jobs are best to earn money, use /jobhelp or /helpme.
  103. server_log.txt:[11/05/2017 09:17:14] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @David; You need to type /exit near that door where you entered first.
  104. server_log.txt:[11/05/2017 09:52:03] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Dwayne; Nope, you need to CK your character to remove all of your crimes.
  105. server_log.txt:[11/05/2017 09:55:33] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @John; you need to get spraycan from 24/7(pink milk shake icon) and type /colorcar [ID] while in your car.
  106. server_log.txt:[11/05/2017 10:13:51] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @John; You can't get that, only admins are supposed to give full armor for free.
  108. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[07/04/2017 16:56:04] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 11 Use /report to get an admin's reply related that matter, no need to abuse /newb.
  109. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[07/04/2017 16:56:07] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 11 Use /report to get an admin's reply related that matter, no need to abuse /newb.
  110. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[08/04/2017 09:18:41] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb mc
  111. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[08/04/2017 09:32:17] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb -,. then type /buycar to buyone.
  112. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[08/04/2017 10:05:20] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 50 Verbally warned. Dont abuse /newb.
  113. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[08/04/2017 10:08:53] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb mc
  114. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[08/04/2017 16:53:49] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 33 Warned for abuse and caps. Don't use /newb(ie) chat for that.
  115. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[08/04/2017 17:03:24] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 44 Okay, no need to tell over /newb(ie) chat then.
  116. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[08/04/2017 17:45:11] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /ap 1 You don't abuse /newb(ie) chat as high level.
  117. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[09/04/2017 17:07:02] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Pablo; Cars prices an IC matter. Find it IC'ly using /ad.
  118. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[09/04/2017 17:14:34] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Damon; don't abuse /newb. Use /report to ask.
  119. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[09/04/2017 17:15:33] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Damon; Yes.
  120. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[09/04/2017 17:18:22] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Damon; General administrator.
  121. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[09/04/2017 17:24:28] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @damon; press tab and orange colored ids are prisoned
  122. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[09/04/2017 17:25:20] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Damon; Due to event.
  123. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[09/04/2017 17:28:41] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Damon; you can't check all on one command, use indivual commands to check.
  124. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[09/04/2017 17:29:55] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Damon; Apply for it at > Forms > mapper application.
  125. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[09/04/2017 17:32:18] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Damon; Not even a script related question. Avoid from it.
  126. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[09/04/2017 17:34:35] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Damon; Level 10+ I assume. You need good faction history to join FBI and good English.
  127. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[09/04/2017 17:38:21] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Witt; No one knows. They are giving due to an event I suppose.
  128. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[09/04/2017 17:40:29] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Damon; Just relog.
  129. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[09/04/2017 18:00:39] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Damon; Not for me. Relog if you are lagging.
  130. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[09/04/2017 18:02:42] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Peter; Go to > Public services > Government > Judicial department
  131. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[09/04/2017 18:02:49] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb -,. post a lawsuit there.
  132. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[09/04/2017 18:03:04] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb -,. post a lawsuit there.
  133. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[09/04/2017 18:03:35] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb -,. post a lawsuit there. @Terrel; You can use /version to check.
  134. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[09/04/2017 18:06:35] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Damon; If you are facing problems while playing SARP with current connection, buy new one.
  135. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[09/04/2017 18:20:08] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Damon; You need to find that on Google. No need to abuse /newb.
  136. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[09/04/2017 18:20:21] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Damon; You need to find that on Google. No need to abuse /newb.
  137. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[09/04/2017 18:21:00] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Leu; You need members, plan and an admin's permission to rob bank. use /report.
  138. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[09/04/2017 18:26:23] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Damon; If you want. You can get slot by applying for it at Gang section on
  139. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[09/04/2017 18:57:43] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Mehdi; report it to online testers(/testers) using /reportbug command.
  140. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[09/04/2017 19:12:03] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Oscar; 20-30k for deagle, 50k for M4, and 100k for spas.
  141. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 08:01:02] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Max; Apply for it at > Forms > SAPD application.
  142. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 08:12:39] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Max; you can get a car by buying it from players(/ad) or buyone from dealerships.(/dealerships)
  143. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 08:16:28] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Max; Report it to an admin and he'll teleport your vehicle if it don't GPS.
  144. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 08:17:55] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Max; It'll be spawn at dealerships if you have bought one and haven't /v park'ed it.
  145. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 08:21:17] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Max; You can use /v spawn [slot number] to spawn your vehicle.
  146. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 08:23:02] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Max; use /v cars to check slots of your vehicle then use /v spawn slot_number.
  147. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 08:49:38] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Nawfal; If any admins break any rule, just FC him on > Forms > Admin complaint.
  148. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 08:50:26] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Fred; It is an IC matter, handle it IC'ly and RP'ly.
  149. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 08:50:28] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Fred; It is an IC matter, handle it IC'ly and RP'ly.
  150. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 08:52:15] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Fred; IC'ly contact your leader or members to show you.
  151. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 09:15:25] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Rahul; Only you are lagging I guess.
  152. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 09:23:47] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb Jason Hunter.
  153. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 09:29:42] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Nogwa; Use /report to ask. No need to abuse /newb(ie) chat.
  154. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 09:34:10] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Ashleigh; You can donate 5$ to change your house interior at
  155. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 09:37:39] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jermany; Nope you don't need.
  156. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 09:42:37] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Maria; Apply for FMD on > Forms > FMD application.
  157. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 09:45:57] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Carrick; Yes you need a valid reason to kill someone otherwise it would be DM.
  158. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 09:47:27] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Fred; NG means National Guards, use /factions to check current factions.
  159. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 09:49:57] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Joseph; Yes, you can use /version to check new updates of server.
  160. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 09:52:34] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Maria; Apply for FMD at > Forms > SAFMD application.
  161. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 09:53:13] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Maria; San Andreas Fire and Medical Department.
  162. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 09:53:23] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Maria; San Andreas Fire and Medical Department. @Tom; /report
  163. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 09:53:25] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Maria; San Andreas Fire and Medical Department. @Tom; /report
  164. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 09:53:58] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jackie; Keep this chat for Q/As related to script only.
  165. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 09:54:28] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Maria; You need level 3+ and knowledge of roleplay to get into FMD.
  166. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 09:59:40] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Xavier; Money and items, depends on location of point.
  167. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 10:00:39] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Maria; Well, I prefer to do test according to rules and you'll get one.
  168. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 10:01:41] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Carrick; Not a script related question, kindly avoid from it.
  169. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 10:02:19] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Justin; 5L prices would be 5-10m. and Silver VIP price is 12$(IRL) or 30 tikis.
  170. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 10:02:28] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Justin; 5L prices would be 5-10m. and Silver VIP price is 12$(IRL) or 30 tikis.
  171. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 10:02:40] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Justin; 5L prices would be 5-10m. and Silver VIP price is 12$(IRL) or 30 tikis. @Murgiwara; 10-20m.
  172. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 10:03:54] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Maria; You can use /report to ask an admin to teleport you.
  173. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 10:10:33] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Bundok; A general administrator.
  174. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 10:17:25] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Fred; You can use /helpme and helper will guide you with directions.
  175. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 17:10:19] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Lucas; Apply for it at > Forms > weapon license. Make sure to meet reqs.
  176. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[10/04/2017 17:29:56] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Smith; They are back now. use /points to check
  177. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[11/04/2017 07:41:31] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Hank; 8-10$ per each material costs, use calculator(/calc) to calculate it.
  178. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[11/04/2017 07:42:16] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jenko; /fixvw
  179. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[11/04/2017 07:42:28] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jenko; /fixvw to fix your virtual world if you can't see any car.
  180. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[11/04/2017 07:43:49] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jenko; /v spawn to spawn your vehicle and then use /v track to find your car's location.
  181. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[11/04/2017 07:44:23] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Carrick; FMD isn't part of FBI.
  182. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[11/04/2017 07:45:13] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Carrick; FMD isn't part of FBI.
  183. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[11/04/2017 07:47:52] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jenko; /v spawn [car slot number] to spawn your car.
  184. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[11/04/2017 07:49:59] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Bodega; Yes, you can CS in only paintball.
  185. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[11/04/2017 07:58:55] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Bodega; Yes, it will bugged. Use /reportbug to report it.
  186. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[11/04/2017 08:08:28] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Rocky; They are handpicked.
  187. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[11/04/2017 08:09:43] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Damon; /v to check all commands. /purchasecar to accept.
  188. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[11/04/2017 08:44:58] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Zayne; Judicial department and FBI are.
  189. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[11/04/2017 09:01:52] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Damon; Nope, you can get it from dealerships(/dealerships).
  190. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[11/04/2017 09:04:50] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Padang; you can get them from 24/7(pink milkshake icon) and use /breakin.
  191. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[11/04/2017 09:21:26] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Derrick; You can earn money by doing armdealer or bodyguard job, use /jobhelp.
  192. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[11/04/2017 09:26:56] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Mehdi; I suggest you to search that on
  193. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[11/04/2017 09:27:44] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Fred; Roleplay it using /me and /do.
  194. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[11/04/2017 09:27:46] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Fred; Roleplay it using /me and /do.
  195. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[11/04/2017 09:40:02] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Gavin; Server advertisment.
  196. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[11/04/2017 09:47:51] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jackie; Killing on sight. Mean killing without any proper roleplay.
  197. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[11/04/2017 09:58:22] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Gavin; /v track and checkpoint will show that where your car is.
  198. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[11/04/2017 10:04:20] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Dwayne; 2,000$ to 3000$ per each gram.
  199. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[11/04/2017 10:12:39] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Fred; Keep this chat for Q/As related to script only, avoid from it.
  200. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[11/04/2017 16:45:45] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Brayton; Find that IC'ly using /ad.
  201. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[11/04/2017 16:51:06] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Johny; You can't fly until you have jetpack.
  202. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[11/04/2017 17:01:06] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Johny; Nothing.
  203. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[14/04/2017 05:49:19] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jason; Please dont abuse /newb(ie) chat, keep it for Q/As related to script only, use /pm.
  204. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[18/04/2017 17:25:34] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Royal; You can't do that.
  205. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[18/04/2017 17:27:55] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Royal; go to icon where you entered the building then type /exit to exit from it.
  206. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[18/04/2017 17:30:21] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Royal; I prefer to get screenshots by pressing F8 and post FC on or /report.
  207. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[18/04/2017 17:33:55] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Richard; You can use /jobhelp and select job or use /helpme for help from help.
  208. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[18/04/2017 17:47:51] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Low; use /dmv and follow the checkpoint.
  209. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[18/04/2017 18:01:11] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Antonio; Nope, not for me. I suggest to restart your router.
  210. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[18/04/2017 18:05:47] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Umar; go to gas station, turn off engine(/engine) and type /fill.
  211. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[19/04/2017 09:04:28] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Ximena; /v spawn [slot number or car name], /v cars to check slots.
  212. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[19/04/2017 09:08:58] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Chives; Well, you need proper reason to kill someone, killing without any proper reason is DM.
  213. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[19/04/2017 09:21:23] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Stefano; Use /version to check.
  214. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[19/04/2017 09:31:26] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Salvator; Use /jobhelp and select mechanic job.
  215. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[19/04/2017 09:36:28] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Kareem; 2006/2007.
  216. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[19/04/2017 09:39:37] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Salvator; I suggest you to do an armdealer(illegal) or bodyguard(legal). both are best jobs.
  217. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[19/04/2017 09:43:10] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Kareem; They are active pretty much. You can check families using /families command.
  218. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[19/04/2017 09:44:57] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Kareem; There are various families if you check the list, you can just go and roleplay with them.
  219. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[19/04/2017 09:47:12] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Terrel; Depends on admin. around 120minutes(2hours).
  220. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[19/04/2017 09:57:38] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Smokey; I guess it is.
  221. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[19/04/2017 10:02:48] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Thomas; Depends. lvl 3+ for FMD, lvl 5+ for SANG/PD and 10+ for FBI.
  222. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[19/04/2017 10:05:04] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Thomas; Yes, you can kidnap anyone, make sure to roleplay it using /me and /do.
  223. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[19/04/2017 10:05:59] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Kareem; You needs to be level 4+ to rob or get rob.
  224. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[19/04/2017 10:06:50] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Kareem; Everyone who is robbing must be level 4+ I guess.
  225. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[19/04/2017 10:08:51] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Kareem; Well, level 4+ should rob and you can share the money later on.
  226. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[19/04/2017 10:09:59] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Kareem; As I said earlier everyone whos robbing victim must be level 4+, You can't rob as level 1.
  227. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[19/04/2017 18:01:19] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jose; Keep this chat for Q/As related to script only. Refrain from it.
  228. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[19/04/2017 18:13:08] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Maciel; I think it is due to modifications, try to remove them and try again.
  229. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[19/04/2017 18:20:40] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Alex; Not for me. I suggest you to restart your router which might fix it.
  230. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[19/04/2017 18:24:39] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @John; You can change your name using /report. or go to cityhall and change it, it is fixed now.
  231. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[19/04/2017 18:25:16] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Alex; Keep this chat for Q/As related to script only, Refrain from asking such questions.
  232. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[19/04/2017 18:25:26] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Alex; Keep this chat for Q/As related to script only, Refrain from asking such questions.
  233. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[19/04/2017 18:25:32] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Alex; Keep this chat for Q/As related to script only, Refrain from asking such questions.
  234. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[19/04/2017 18:26:14] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Antonio; You are high level and you should know that you must be patient while /report'ing.
  235. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[19/04/2017 18:26:20] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Antonio; You are high level and you should know that you must be patient while /report'ing.
  236. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[19/04/2017 18:26:24] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Antonio; You are high level and you should know that you must be patient while /report'ing.
  237. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[19/04/2017 18:28:47] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @John; go to > property management > Restricted surnames.
  238. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[20/04/2017 19:31:44] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Kenzi; Nope, Probationary+ can approve namechanges nowadays.
  239. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[20/04/2017 19:36:54] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Tajae; You can join family rp'ly but not scriptwise, you should leave faction to join family scriptwise.
  240. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[20/04/2017 19:44:20] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Eduardo; If it is bugged, you can report to tester using /reportbug or report on
  241. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[20/04/2017 19:46:59] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Frankie; I think that is a bug, you can report that on or use /reportbug.
  242. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[21/04/2017 05:48:44] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Tyler; An admin is there, use /report so admin can ban him.
  243. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[21/04/2017 05:56:19] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Kingsley; you can own only one house scriptwise.
  244. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[21/04/2017 05:57:31] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Tyler; Keep this chat for Q/As related script only, refrain from asking such questions.
  245. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[21/04/2017 05:58:37] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Huraira; Detective isn't a profitable job, you can earn it by doing armdealer or bodyguard job, /jobhelp.
  246. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[22/04/2017 15:08:35] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Luke; Yes, they can.
  247. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[22/04/2017 15:22:29] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Abby; you should go to SAN HQ and type /ad near computer, /helpme for directions.
  248. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[22/04/2017 15:23:29] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jonas; Nope.
  249. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[22/04/2017 15:25:32] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Abby; You can do an advertisement to join paintball if you want.
  250. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[22/04/2017 15:27:24] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Abby; It is IC as it is related to PD.
  251. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[22/04/2017 15:32:30] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Dre; Yes, you can find ATM at gas station and Los Santos Bank, use /helpme for directions.
  252. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[22/04/2017 15:45:52] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jonas; Yes, you can get one if you are VIP from 24/7.
  253. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[22/04/2017 15:49:14] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Abdul; You can get from players by doing an advertisement. It costs 20-40k.
  254. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[22/04/2017 15:53:58] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Dre; /jobhelp, it will show you the list of jobs or use /help.
  255. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[22/04/2017 15:55:18] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Abdul; MC means miss or misschat, send wrong message in another chat.
  256. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[22/04/2017 15:58:56] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Desmond; Not yet.
  257. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[22/04/2017 16:00:41] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Abdul; You can get cracks by buying from players. each crack costs 2-3k per each gram.
  258. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[22/04/2017 16:02:01] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Abdul; You can't get cracks from crack lab just because lab is removed and closed.
  259. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[22/04/2017 16:03:51] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jacob; Yes.
  260. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[22/04/2017 16:04:39] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Abd; /sethousetag
  261. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[22/04/2017 16:04:42] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Abd; /sethousetag
  262. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[22/04/2017 16:57:58] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @James; Nothing I guess, you can donate 2$ to get forum namechange.
  263. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[22/04/2017 17:00:48] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Shawn; They are expensive, 50-150m rougly.
  264. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[22/04/2017 17:04:22] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Tyrone; Cheapest vehicle is Faggio and cheapest car is merit.
  265. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[22/04/2017 17:06:50] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Tyrone; Each pot gram costs 500-100$ so 5-10,000$.
  266. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[22/04/2017 17:09:39] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @James; 15.000$
  267. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[22/04/2017 17:10:19] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Tyrone; You can do match with somebody and can win cash rp'ly.
  268. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[22/04/2017 17:10:26] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Tyrone; You can do match with somebody and can win cash rp'ly. /jobhelp for more jobs.
  269. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[22/04/2017 17:10:32] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Tyrone; You can do match with somebody and can win cash rp'ly. /jobhelp for more jobs.
  270. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 05:55:59] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Carl; Well, you need to find that IC'ly using /ad & its donated.
  271. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 06:02:03] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Rex; Yes, it is passed.
  272. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 08:19:33] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Emily; Well, if location is good then 100-200k daily, and it costs 50-100m.
  273. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 08:23:59] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Emily; Biz will be removed if it isn't restocked for 7days, Yes.
  274. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 08:30:03] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Ali; Yes, they're coming back.
  275. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 08:30:44] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Justin; Each product costs 500$, 10,000$ for 20 products.
  276. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 08:30:53] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Justin; Each product costs 500$, 10,000$ for 20 products.
  277. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 08:32:14] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Carlo; Yep.
  278. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 08:32:59] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jessica; By an admin or due to bugged command I think.
  279. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 08:33:10] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jessica; By an admin or by a helper probably.
  280. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 08:40:04] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Carlo; Yes, there are tanks and SANG has power to use them.
  281. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 08:46:33] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jenko; Nope, admin's recruitment is closed at the moment.
  282. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 08:56:04] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Ognjen; Kindly use english over /newb(ie) chat.
  283. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 08:57:06] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Emily; Not a script related question, kindly avoid from it and use it for Q/As related to script only.
  284. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 09:00:13] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jenko; Yes, they are open, but EU zone's recruitment is closed.
  285. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 09:01:11] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Emily; Depends on location and dealer, I think around 50-150m if it is around ganton.
  286. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 09:02:43] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Emily; Yes, you can donate for business, check > Business.
  287. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 09:04:04] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Emily; Well, there are few locations where you can't place your biz, such as ganton or stacks.
  288. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 09:06:57] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Nancy; Maybe you've turned on any animations, use space button or use /stopani.
  289. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 09:07:56] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Bodega; Use /report to ask.
  290. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 09:09:13] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Emily; One liter of blood costs 1-2m, so 35-70m, depends on the seller of blood.
  291. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 09:10:53] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Nancy; /untie [Player ID or name], make sure to roleplay it using /me and /do.
  292. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 09:13:31] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Tyrone; You can use /dealerships command to locate any dealership. @Jenko; /dealerships.
  293. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 09:14:54] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Ezi; /furniture, select your objects and remove them.
  294. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 09:16:09] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Ezi; Well, there is no such way to select all objects I assume. @Carlo; Thats neon, get mechanic job.
  295. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 09:24:02] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Mahtashem; Nope, use /report to ask in future.
  296. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 09:26:21] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Angela; You'll get 60percent of original price. I recommend to sell it to players.
  297. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 09:42:29] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jonas; Well, he was reinstated, use /report to ask. Not a script related question.
  298. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 09:43:10] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jonas; Yes, if SMO wants.
  299. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 09:43:18] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jonas; Yes, if SMO wants.
  300. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 09:43:20] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jonas; Yes, if SMO wants.
  301. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 09:58:17] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Carlos; You can get 2 jobs if you have GOLD VIP, you can do many jobs rp'ly.
  302. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 10:13:02] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Emily; Nope.
  303. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 10:34:44] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Carrick; As soon as possible.
  304. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 10:46:30] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Carlo; You can get famed if you're famous and has done noticeable work in community.
  305. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 10:56:46] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Tajae; Well, you can only steal stuff from house RP"ly but not scriptwise.
  306. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 16:59:53] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Avery; Thats not possible I guess. You should RP to PK someone.
  307. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 17:46:23] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Michael; you can use /v dump to sell your car to dealerships.
  308. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 17:55:47] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Johnny; Once you have called backup of PD, you should wait until cop comes to you, IC matter though.
  309. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[23/04/2017 18:08:52] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Johnny; Mean they're admin prisoned for breaking server rules, use /rules to check rules.
  310. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[24/04/2017 07:21:57] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Carl; Yes, there is vehicle bug of having 200percent of vehicle health.
  311. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[24/04/2017 09:09:22] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jeff; /buylevel confirm. You'll get upgrades, use /upgrade armor/health to upgrade them.
  312. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[24/04/2017 09:15:04] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jeff; You can get respect points by doing paycheck which comes every hour, /signcheck to do so.
  313. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[24/04/2017 10:16:25] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jeff; you /v park command to park it, it will spawn at there when you using /v spawn.
  314. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[24/04/2017 10:17:51] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Chives; If it is car then 800-900k and if its bikes then 600-700k.
  315. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[24/04/2017 10:43:14] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb Yes.
  316. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[24/04/2017 14:53:20] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Carl; Not for me.
  317. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[24/04/2017 15:04:08] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Sean; /animlist
  318. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[24/04/2017 15:27:26] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jaylon; /togannoucement
  319. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[24/04/2017 15:28:44] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jaylon; head towards a binco (white T-shirt icon) and use /buyclothes command.
  320. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[24/04/2017 15:29:35] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jim; He is unofficial executive admin.
  321. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[24/04/2017 15:31:01] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Cecilia; Maybe you're bugged, try to relog.
  322. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[24/04/2017 16:36:55] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Cecilia; You should /report to admin instead of using /newb(ie) chat and cut caps.
  323. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[24/04/2017 16:40:56] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jim; /stopplay or /toggleplay.
  324. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[24/04/2017 16:46:46] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Rosalina; you can own three cars, you can get 4th slot by buying it from willowfield garage(15m)
  325. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[25/04/2017 06:52:45] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Larky; I prefer to get evidence by pressing F8 and FC him on
  326. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[25/04/2017 07:30:29] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Hector; Not even script related question, keep this chat for Q/As related to script only.
  327. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[25/04/2017 07:34:12] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Alfael; type /exit at the door wheer you entered the building.
  328. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[25/04/2017 07:35:35] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Tonny; Keep thic chat for Q/As related to script only, don't abuse it, please.
  329. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[25/04/2017 07:36:35] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Hector; You need to do crimes and felonies and PD or FBI needs to add charges to make you Mostwanted.
  330. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[25/04/2017 07:37:01] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Tonny; IDK stands for 'I don't know'.
  331. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[25/04/2017 07:37:30] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Tonny; IDK stands for 'I don't know'. Short form which people use mostly. @Alfael; /guide
  332. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[25/04/2017 07:42:29] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Alfael; Take screenshots by pressing F8 and FC that DMer on > Forms.
  333. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[25/04/2017 21:24:47] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Davon; You can grow pots if you're having pot seeds, /plantweed to plant them.
  334. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[25/04/2017 21:40:09] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Davon; Well, you need at least 2grams of pot so you can use, you can't use 1gram of pot.
  335. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[25/04/2017 21:42:36] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Carl; You should check dealership instead of using /newb(ie) chat, use /dealerships.
  336. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[25/04/2017 21:44:30] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Hakeem; You can change your skin by going to binco(white T-shirt icon on map) and type /buyclothes.
  337. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[28/04/2017 05:44:37] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jason; You should check the contact list on SAPD section for weapon license.
  338. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[28/04/2017 05:46:11] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Roman; If you think it is a bug you can report it on > Forms > Game bug report.
  339. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[28/04/2017 05:47:25] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Dwayne; go to > Forms > Weapon license and apply for it with given reqs.
  340. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[28/04/2017 05:51:25] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Dwayne; you can do many jobs, use /jobhelp or /guide command.
  341. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[28/04/2017 06:11:47] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Justin; 500 posts gives you one star on forums, 1000 posts = 2 stars.
  342. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[28/04/2017 06:12:58] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Baig; Use /v track to track your car, make sure to spawn it using /v spawn [slot number].
  343. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[28/04/2017 06:33:09] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Yosef; Find it IC'ly using /ad.
  344. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[28/04/2017 17:10:25] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @James; Your money will be in minus. You can use /report to ask from an admin.
  345. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[28/04/2017 17:15:38] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Zak; go behind the trunk and type /trunk, /trunk > check to check items inside it.
  346. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[28/04/2017 17:16:12] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Zak; You can change the radio using (/carradio) command and change it.
  347. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[28/04/2017 17:16:25] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Zak; You can change the radio using (/carradio) command and change it.
  348. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[28/04/2017 17:16:30] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Zak; You can change the radio using (/carradio) command and change it.
  349. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[28/04/2017 17:22:06] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Baig; /briefcase check
  350. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[28/04/2017 17:26:00] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Zak; You can roleplay that using /me and /do.
  351. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[28/04/2017 17:27:40] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Baig; You can get 10grams of cracks from any player, and get half kevlar and use 10g cracks.
  352. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[28/04/2017 17:28:50] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Baig; Due to having low players I assume.
  353. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[28/04/2017 17:29:23] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Zak; Press 'Y' infront of him and he'll offer you guns.
  354. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[28/04/2017 17:29:38] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Zak; Press 'Y' infront of him and he'll offer you guns.
  355. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[28/04/2017 17:29:42] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Zak; Press 'Y' infront of him and he'll offer you guns. @Julius; Guns.
  356. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[28/04/2017 17:43:35] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Julius; make sure ot have cracks in hand and type /trunk near your car's trunk and select deposit.
  357. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[28/04/2017 17:47:41] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Abd; /togannoucement to toggle it.
  358. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[28/04/2017 17:53:29] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Abd; Go to their HQ and roleplay with their members & leader and they'll invite you.
  359. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[28/04/2017 17:55:16] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Yosef; not a script related question, you gotta find that IC'ly.
  360. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[28/04/2017 17:56:47] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Clarence; Yes, use /admins command to check online admins in future.
  361. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[28/04/2017 17:58:54] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Clarence; You can join it by applying at > forms > SAPD application.
  362. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[29/04/2017 04:47:59] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Marcel; 3,500 mats for ak and 2,000 for deagle.
  363. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[29/04/2017 04:49:45] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Julius; you /taichi for taichi animation, /stopani to stop it.
  364. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[29/04/2017 05:03:01] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Michael; Sure you can, you can do this rp'ly, yes.
  365. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[29/04/2017 05:12:58] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Luka; /togannoucement
  366. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[29/04/2017 05:15:22] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Sameer; You should check rules(/rules) and type /help for any kind of help or /helpme for any visual help from helper.
  367. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[29/04/2017 05:15:30] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Sameer; You should check rules(/rules) and type /help for any kind of help or /helpme for any visual help.
  368. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[29/04/2017 05:16:54] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Julius; It is a rare vehicle, 4-6millions these days.
  369. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[29/04/2017 05:40:05] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Justin; Sure you can go paintball if you want.
  370. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[29/04/2017 05:41:20] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Alex; Yep due to no admin online.
  371. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[29/04/2017 05:42:32] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Justin; take screenshots of everything and make GRR later on to get refund.
  372. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[29/04/2017 08:29:55] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Bodega; it is Josh Day.
  373. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[29/04/2017 08:36:10] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Bodega; Maybe you're bugged, try to relog.
  374. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[29/04/2017 08:38:08] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Gavin; /dropcar command is bugged at the moment.
  375. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[29/04/2017 08:39:08] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Kobe; You can get one from willowfield used cars, type /dealerships and select it.
  376. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[29/04/2017 08:39:53] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @John; meet the requirements then apply for it at > Forms > weapon license.
  377. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[29/04/2017 08:40:01] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @John; meet the requirements then apply for it at > Forms > weapon license.
  378. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[29/04/2017 08:40:32] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Bodega; You can check requirements of weapon license at SAPD section.
  379. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[29/04/2017 08:40:55] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Bodega; You can check requirements of weapon license at SAPD section.
  380. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[29/04/2017 08:52:25] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Tomi; /contract [amount]
  381. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[29/04/2017 08:55:01] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Kobe; go to willow field garage and type /v upgrade, ask help using /helpme.
  382. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[29/04/2017 08:57:42] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jony; /tikis
  383. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[29/04/2017 08:58:23] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jerry; an admin's gift which you can use to get special stuff at tikistore, type /tikistore to locate it.
  384. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[29/04/2017 08:58:35] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Jerry; an admin's gift which you can use to get special stuff at tikistore, type /tikistore to locate it.
  385. server_log_may_03_2017.txt:[29/04/2017 09:05:07] [cmd] [Aaron_Royal] /newb @Dominic; Elegy goes around 15-20m and Sandking around 10-15m these days.
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