

Dec 27th, 2017
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  1. Now you've fucking pissed me off. This is the THIRD diss on you. THE THIRD FUCKING DISS. You are one lucky kid dat. It's a shame i'm done with it. This is my last diss.
  2. So I hope you like it. Im givin it ALL I got. Your FINISHED. OFFICALLY. Well, Until you piss me off again BEYOND my limitations.
  3. So let me rephrase it. You. Are. FINISHED. (Ah Ha Ha Haaaaa!)
  5. First of all I'm getting pretty earitiated about this whole thing. You think your all though and know your shit. But wait, you got scammed out of 175 dollars?
  6. And I thought I was retarded. Im not the fire im the match I'm the one to start the shit. You are not a cool rich kid dat you are your parents discrase.
  7. You're scared of beef. You ignore it all to look innocent, but if we're being honest. If you we're to speak your "Mind" you would have the nose that goes from the US to Tokyo.
  8. We know your crush on chelsea is a coverup, you really just want that dick up your ass. You think I'm gay? You need to look at yourself for once. Jesus fucking hell.
  9. And now I'm willing to admit to some shit that you wouldnt ever talk about. Yes I fuck my desk in 5th grade, Yes I have multiple crushes, Yes I say rasict shit.
  10. And you? Well it's a though place to start. You fapped to cheslea's pic on instagram when she was only 7. You love white guys, You think because you got Breheem on your side your so tough. Dude I'll knock Breheem's fucking teeth out the shove them down your throat.
  11. Where's your ghost rider? Oh he's gone? Did he even exist? Because I got my ghost rider. Next time don't fucking try me, or me and my ghost rider are gonna have to make a FORTH diss track for your ass. Then I'll be fucking pissed off.
  12. You think I'm scared of your friends? You think I'm the slightest shaken? Your such a fucking idiot dat. "But you just copied that from another diss track!" SAYS THE ONE THAT COPIES JAKE PAUL SONGS.
  13. Did I just hear a tear? That's sad. Why? I HAVENT EVEN FUCKING GOTTEN CLOSE TO FINISHING! (Ah Ha Ha Haaaaaaaaaaaa!) You thought I was fucking finished but no theres so much more to cover about you Sr. Ricegum.
  14. Your another Ricegum and Jake Paul in one. You mix em in a pot and what do ya get? Salt and Vinigga. You wanted to start shit with me and what did you do? You tried to look innocent because your "Always right" Bitch please.
  15. Whats you salary dat eh? $1000? That's it? Then why the fuck do you look so god damn plain? Mr.$4000 a month isn't so god damn rich. Why? "Itunes cards! Gimmie Itunes cards!" Or just invest your money. Dumbass.
  16. "I'm telling!" Please fucking do you little shit. You think your so fucking cool but when someone picks on you it's "Teacher Teacher!" Your WORSE then ricegum. Guess we'll call you Caillu's older brother with hair. "But I don't have cancer you idiot!" JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FAT LITTLE CUNT WAD.
  17. Im cranking up the volume on this little fucker. I want to see what he's got to say. "..." oh yea. You've been staying silent the whole damn time worrying about if your dick will grow back. Though luck mate it wont.
  18. You think your so cool with your Iphone but tough shit my dude. Andriod will and always will be superior. Oh you cant get virus's and your software runs better? Well good for you. Let's count the crash texts that apple got for their phones that they NEVER fixed.
  19. One, Two, Three, Four,Five,Six, Oh holy shit. Over 50. How many texts are there for Andriod that crash your phone? Damn. Not that many. Alright you know what I'm getting exicted and all for your reaction. But you've reached a dead end.
  20. Come at me with another diss track dat. Im waiting on it. But a fair warning. Messing with me will result in the best fucking diss track I've EVER done.
  21. Im out this bitch. I'll see you on the battlefield. Peace. (Ah Ha Ha Haaaaaaa!)
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