
tonka v2

Apr 10th, 2023
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  1. if not game:IsLoaded() then
  2.     game.Loaded:Wait()
  3. end
  5. getgenv().TONKA = {
  6.     AIM = {
  7.         AIM_PART = "HumanoidRootPart",
  8.         CHECK_IF_JUMPED_AIMPART = "HumanoidRootPart",
  9.         KEYBIND = "e",
  10.         DISTANCE = 600, --studs
  11.         ENABLED = true,
  12.         CHECK_IF_JUMPED = false
  13.     },
  14.     CONFIG = {
  15.         PREDICT_MOVEMENT = false,
  16.         PREDICTION = 0.0135,
  17.         UNLOCK_ON_DEATH = true,
  18.         UNLOCK_ON_YOURDEATH = true,
  19.         EASING_STYLE = "Exponential", -- (to change the curve style go here--->https://create.roblox.com/docs/reference/engine/enums/EasingStyle)
  20.         USE_JUMP_EASING = true,
  21.         JUMP_EASING_STYLE = "Quart" -- https://create.roblox.com/docs/reference/engine/enums/EasingStyle
  22.     },
  23.     SMOOTHNESS = {
  24.         USE_SMOOTHNESS = true,
  25.         SMOOTHNESS_AMOUNT = 0.0150,
  26.         SMOOTHNESS_Y = true,
  27.         SMOOTHNESS_Y_VALUE = 0.0150,
  28.         SHAKE = true,
  29.         SHAKE_VALUE = {
  30.             X = 10,
  31.             Y = 10,
  32.             Z = 10,
  33.         }
  34.     },
  35.     FOV = {
  36.         SHOW_FOV = false,
  37.         FOV_SIDES = 40,
  38.         FOV_COLOR = "Black", -- Red, Black, Purple, Pink, Yellow, Grey, Blue, White
  39.     },
  40. }
  41. getgenv().TonkaV2 = {
  42.     SILENTAIM = {
  43.         TOGGLE = "P",
  44.         ENABLED = false,
  45.         PREDICTION = 0.13,
  46.         AUTOPREDICTION = true,
  47.         AIMPART = "HumanoidRootPart",
  48.         CLOSEST_BODY_PART = true,
  49.         ANTI_GROUND_SHOTS = true,
  50.         HITCHANCE = 300,
  51.         WALLCHECK = true,
  52.         UNLOCKONDEATH = true,
  53.     },
  54.     FOV = {
  55.         VISIBLE = false,
  56.         RADIUS = 25
  57.     },
  58. }
  59. loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://pastebin.com/raw/E4YEhb35"))()
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