
Suicide at the Castle [Pony]

Oct 29th, 2014
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  1. This is set mid S3, before Discord reformation and alicornification
  3. >I don't feel like writing a proper intro
  5. From other thread, scene setting
  6. ---------------------------------------------
  7. Favorite pony (Twilight) calls you disgusting
  8. Least favorite (Dash) asks to hang out
  9. >Dash notices that Anon was looking kind of down
  10. >Decides to try to cheer up the ape
  12. Actual story
  13. ---------------------------------------------
  14. "Sorry Dash, but I kinda think you're a cunt"
  15. "And I would totally cum inside you and all, but I can smell that you definitely don't wash down there."
  16. >Maybe you were a bit hard on her
  17. >Not that you really cared, nothing mattered now anyway
  18. >The only reason you were here in the first place just blew up in your face, what more do you have?
  19. >You were lost in your thoughts for a while
  20. >You didn't even notice how upset Dash had gotten
  21. >"You know what, that's cool"
  22. >"Go ahead and be a disgusting shithead, see if I care."
  23. >Your eyes continued to stare at her as she flew away, but they carried no message.
  24. >Maybe Twilight was right about you, you certainly weren't setting a good image for the human race either
  25. "Fuck it"
  26. >You've had enough of this
  27. >Normally this would have never crossed your mind, but you literally have no one to lose now
  28. >At least, no one more than you've already lost
  29. >Too bad you had no idea how to tie a noose
  30. >Getting mauled in the woods sounds painful too
  31. >After a while you decide upon jumping off the castle
  32. >It was a good thing that you had diplomatic immunity, makes going to the castle that much easier
  33. >You still had to take the God-forsaken train there though
  34. >There were few things that you hated more than the Ponyville railways
  35. >No one ever told you when the next train was coming, and they didn't have it posted anywhere either
  36. >Some conductors wouldn't even let you on, labeling you as a "menace" towards the fillies
  37. >Luckily though, today's spin gave you good old Tim
  38. >That pony never did as much as raise an eyebrow at you, just focused on his job
  39. >You climbed aboard and handed him your ticket
  40. >...
  41. >The train ride was a grueling as ever
  42. >No matter where you stood you could feel their eyes on you
  43. >The whispers weren't nearly as soft as they thought there were either
  44. >Some time passes
  45. >You see Canterlot approaching in the distance
  46. >For a while you forgot why you were even coming here
  47. >That didn't last for long though
  48. >The towering castle in front of you spoke of power and beauty
  49. >A nice image to see for you pass, you thought
  50. >Ponies in Canterlot were a bit different then the ones in Ponyville
  51. >While Ponyville's residents looked at you in disgust, Canterlot's snobs practiced complete aloofness
  52. >You were used to this, but it still didn't make you feel any better
  53. >You made your way to the entrance of the castle
  54. >The guards let you in, as silent as ever
  55. >You notice Celestia walking through the halls
  56. >She stops you
  57. >"Oh, Anonymous. I did not expect you here"
  58. "Yeah, just dropping by"
  59. >That was all you could come up with
  60. >You were never good at coming up with scenarios
  61. >You noticed an intriguing glare from Celestia
  62. >"Very well then, carry on."
  63. >You walk outside
  64. >It truly was a beautiful view, you could see most of Equestria from here
  65. >Aside from a few shadowy places, all the light touched was Princess Celestia's kingdom, and it was gorgeous
  66. >You stepped up on the rail
  67. >It was surprisingly silent, you could hear the wind brush by you
  68. >You tried not to make too much of this situation, if you thought about it too much you might change your mind
  69. >You closed your eyes
  70. >You let one foot of the rail, and your second one shortly followed
  71. >You didn't feel much as you fell, perhaps you just weren't concentrating on it
  72. >At least it was peaceful
  73. >Maybe a little too peaceful
  74. >You felt a sense of weightlessness
  75. >You assume that you've reached terminal velocity now
  76. >Any second now it would all be over
  77. >The glares, the rejections, the back breaking manual labor, everything gone
  78. >...
  79. >.......
  80. >Okay now, just how high up were you?
  81. >You opened your eyes
  82. >You see the rail next to you
  83. >Rather, you see the rail approaching you
  84. >This state of confusion lasts for a while
  85. >Your body manages itself back onto the balcony
  86. >You were in too much of a trance to fully understand what was going on
  87. >"Anonymous"
  88. >It was abrupt
  89. >Not loud, but it carried all the importance that it should
  90. >You couldn't help but respond
  91. "Yes-"
  92. >Actually, you had no idea who you were talking to
  93. >Before you could find out, you felt your body moving again on its own
  94. >It wasn't before long you found yourself in the throne room of the castle
  95. >The sensation on your body ceased
  96. >For the first time in a while you were able to get a good look around
  97. >You see a white figure in front of you
  98. >"Anonymous, would you care to explain what you were doing?"
  99. >The voice seemed to clear to you this time
  100. "Nothing really"
  101. >Celestia walks towards you
  102. >"Anonymous, I want an exact recount of your actions after entering with this castle"
  103. >The authority in her voice was too much
  104. >You told her everything
  105. >Even about Twilight's harsh words and your own towards Rainbow Dash
  106. >You could tell Celestia wasn't too pleased about your actions
  107. >Still, she showed no animosity towards them
  108. >Rather, she was acting understanding and, dare you say it, motherly
  109. >She listened to your affairs, and responds a bit coldly
  110. >"Listen Anonymous, you can't let these things get to you"
  111. >"I also can't have you killing yourself here either"
  112. "How come?
  113. >She looks very stern
  114. >"Multiple reasons Anonymous"
  115. >You weren't exactly feeling very comforted by this exchange
  116. >"Do you honestly think that you're the only one who's suffered before?"
  117. "Of course not, but-
  118. >"Do you not think that others have experienced unrequited feelings before?"
  119. >"And what of pain of loved ones?"
  120. >"I myself can not count how many loves I've had, and how many I've lost"
  121. >"But I had my kingdom to run, I couldn't give in to selfish desires."
  122. >And there you had it, a glaring difference
  123. "Exactly, you have countless people who rely and depend on you"
  124. "Many ponies would grieve your absence and as such you had to survive"
  125. "I on the other hand have no one."
  126. "I gave up everything I had to come here, only to fuck up my life again."
  127. "I'm completely alone now"
  128. >She looks at you with heavy eyes
  129. >"You are never alone Anonymous"
  130. >"Separation is but an illusion"
  131. >"No matter how far apart one may be, we are all still connected "
  132. >"I myself feel a bit connected towards you as well"
  133. >?
  134. >You weren't exactly sure what was happening, but it sounded like some spiritual mumbo jumbo
  135. >Besides that, what exactly was that last part"
  136. >Before you could sort out all your thoughts, she continues to speak
  137. >"It is decided then"
  138. >"You shall live in my quarters for the time being, until you are able to make a full recovery"
  139. >Recovery?
  140. >All I did was try to off myself
  141. "I don't exactly think that's necessary"
  142. >"Nonsense Anonymous, now follow me"
  143. >You followed Celestia down the seemingly endless corridors
  144. >You had a bit of a limp in your step, still weren't feeling the best
  145. >Celestia began to speak
  146. >"I trust that you are familiar with my star pupil Twilight Sparkle"
  147. "O-Of course"
  148. >You still weren't over how what she said to you
  149. >To her you were just some offensive, rude, and disgusting individual
  150. >To be fair, you probably are a little out there
  151. >But to hear those words from her own lips
  152. >...You try not to think about it
  153. >"My student Twilight continued her studies in the magic of Friendship with her acquaintances in Ponyville"
  154. >Because of this, she was able to counter many odds, reforming my sister, defeating Discord, and saving the Crystal Empire."
  155. >"It is for this reason that I believe you too should follow in here studies"
  156. "What do you mean?"
  157. >She stops
  158. >"I mean to say that you will be learning about friendship here around Canterlot"
  159. >"I want you to report to me your findings"
  160. >You weren't exactly up to this
  161. "And what if I refuse?"
  162. >"Well I always have a spare room in the dungeon"
  163. >"And trust me, I'll make sure that you survive"
  164. "Well then"
  165. >You couldn't think of a rebuttal
  166. "But what about this, 'we're all connected' stuff"
  167. >"I'll explain everything in due time, but my priority right now is your mental state"
  168. >You were touched
  169. >Sure she came off a bit professional and business-like, but you sensed that she cared about you
  170. >You got a bit closer to her and you continued walking
  171. >...
  172. >You arrive in the spare room
  173. >It was awe inspiring to say the least, giant windows and curtains everywhere.
  174. >You felt out of place
  175. "Princess Celestia, I don't need something this extravagant"
  176. "Surely you have something a bit simpler?"
  177. >"You may drop the princess, and think nothing of it"
  178. >"If you need anything, feel free to ask any guard and they'll be happy to oblige"
  179. >"You can also bug my sister too, she doesn't get that much socializing in anyway"
  180. "T-thank you very much Celestia"
  181. >You almost had to choke that one out
  182. >Shit, you can feel tears coming
  183. >You turn away
  184. >To your surprise, you see a handkerchief suddenly find itself on your face
  185. >"Please Anonymous, there is no need to cry"
  186. >"Now if you could wait while arrange something for you, that would be great"
  187. >You try to get a hold of yourself before she walks out the room
  188. "You can just call me Anon you know."
  189. >She remains silent for a while
  190. >"Of course, Anon"
  191. >"Wait here"
  192. >You found yourself alone again
  193. >This time feels different though
  194. >There was someone waiting for you
  195. >There was a reason to wake up in the morning
  196. >And holy shit was this bed comfy
  197. >You were a bit curious about what Celestia was arranging for you, but you were too preoccupied in exploring your room to care
  198. >To your dismay, all the drawers were empty
  199. >The room suddenly seemed a lot emptier than it had before
  200. >You decide to chill on the bed and think to yourself for a while
  201. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  202. >...
  203. "Really!?"
  204. >...
  205. >"But you can't, he-"
  206. >...!
  207. "Alright, I understand"
  208. >"So I expect you there by 8:00"
  209. "Of course princess"
  210. >"I'll see you then Twilight"
  211. >With that she left
  212. "Just what does she see in that guy?"
  213. >You had just been informed of Anon's recent suicide attempt
  214. >Now Celestia wants you and your friends to pay him a visit
  215. >You didn't care too much for him, but you decided to put your feelings aside for the sake of professionalism
  216. >After all, you trust your mentor knows what she is doing
  217. "Spike, come here!"
  218. >You hear his frantic footsteps as he runs to join you
  219. >"Yes, what is it Twilight?"
  220. "You're going to need to be in charge of the library while I'm gone"
  221. "Celestia has called for me and my friends in Canterlot"
  222. >He pouts a little
  223. >"And I'm not invited? What does she want you there for anyway?"
  224. >You look away
  225. >"We're to meet with Anonymous"
  226. >"The human, what for?"
  227. >Shit, can't tell the young dragon about his suicide
  228. >He may be stronger than he looks, but you don't feel the need to worry him about these matters
  229. "She just wants us to tell him about friendship"
  230. >"Smells fishy if you ask me"
  231. >"But whatever, I've got the whole place for myself"
  232. >You give him a stern look
  233. >"T-that I'll keep tidy and organized, stop your worrying already."
  234. >You weren't so sure about that, but you had no choice
  235. >You left to gather your friends
  236. >Luckily, Rarity wasn't too far away when you went outside
  237. >In fact, she was buying materials at the nearest store
  238. >You approach her and tell her the situation
  239. >...
  240. >"Good heavens, he really went that far?"
  241. >"Hmm, I'm not that well versed in human attire but I'll make sure to whip something up for him post haste"
  242. >She's being awfully generous
  243. "How well do you know him anyway Rarity?"
  244. >"Oh not that much, but Sweetie Belle certainly seemed to take an interest in him"
  245. "She told you that?"
  246. >"Well my information might have been a tad more indirect than that, not that it matters."
  247. >Right
  248. >You move onto your other friends
  249. >Sugarcube corner was close by
  250. >It would seem that Pinkie was next on the list
  251. >You enter the establishment, but before you can even make it to the ocunter you feel a sudden force topple on you
  252. >"Hiya Twilight, Rarity!"
  253. >You exchange greetings
  254. "Pinkie, I have something to tell you about Anon"
  255. "You see-"
  256. >You were interrupted before you could continue
  257. >"Oh it is simply dreadful dear, I have no idea how it could of happened."
  258. >"Sounds serious, what happened?"
  259. >Your place in this conversation was gone
  260. >...
  261. >"No way!!!!"
  262. >"That's awful!"
  263. >"That guy's in call for a special Pinkie Pie brand greeting on the double!"
  264. >"Come on girls, lets go get Applejack!"
  265. >Pinkie has taken full charge of the situation
  266. >Fortunately, it was what you were going to do anyway
  267. >You made your way to Sweet Apple Acres
  268. >Pinkie was in the lead the entire way
  269. >You approach a closed barn
  270. "Well I don't see her in the fields, so she must be insid-"
  271. >You hear a sudden pounding on the door
  272. >"Applejack! Come out here this instant!!"
  273. >The doors open slowly
  274. >You see Granny Smith
  275. "Why Hello Granny Smith, do you know if-"
  276. >"Tell us where Applejack is!"
  277. >Granny Smith appears a bit confused, but before she can speak up another pony approaches from behind her
  278. >"Ah'm right here Pinkie, hold your breath for once"
  279. >You take this moment to explain the situation
  280. "Applejack, Celestia wants us to pay a visit to Anon "
  281. "It seems he tried to end his life recently, the princess thinks this might cheer him up"
  282. >"Really now, aint that something"
  283. >"Never knew the fella, tried to apply for work but here at Sweet Apple Acres we take pride in our family oriented business"
  284. >"Why did I ever tell you the time we all got together just to harvest one apple tree?"
  285. >"I tell ya that tree was stubborn, but we-"
  286. >Rarity spoke up
  287. >"Now darling, I'm sure your apple story is great, but we've got a schedule to keep!"
  288. >Hey, that's supposed to be your line
  289. >"Shoot, I guess I did get caught up in my stories, I'll tell you on the way then"
  290. >You made your way to Fluttershy's cottage
  291. >Unfortunately, it was locked and completely dark inside
  292. >"Now just where is that gal, she barely ever leaves her house!"
  293. >You wondered about this as well
  294. "She could be in the forest, but it seems a bit unlikely, all things considering"
  295. >"Well she aint feeding her chickens"
  296. >"Nor is she caring for angel or anyone else", Rarity added
  297. "I guess we have no choice then"
  298. "Pinkie Pie and Applejack, you too search the woods"
  299. "Rarity and I will look in Ponyville"
  300. "We'll reconvene in the center of town, make sure to take the same path we usually do"
  301. >With that you went back to town
  302. >You and Rarity search around Ponyville in Fluttershy's usual spots
  303. >Rarity begins to speak to you
  304. >"So Twiliight, I can't help but notice you're not too thrilled about all of this"
  305. >You sigh
  306. "Well to be honest Rarity, I'm not"
  307. >"But why?"
  308. "I don't really want to talk about it, he was just plain crude"
  309. >"Well how so?"
  310. "Well he, "
  311. >You stopped to think
  312. "Well when I first saw him , I noticed him staring at some rather crude places of all the town's citizens"
  313. "Plus his language, it's like he has no grasp of politeness
  314. "I've heard him talking to ponies, and he wasn't that kind
  315. "And he has a horrible sense of humor!"
  316. "It's like he doesn't have a single ethic in his body!"
  317. >You stopped when you realized that you were ranting
  318. "Let's just say I don't get along with his types, okay?"
  319. >"Fair enough, although I do think that you're getting a bit more worked up then you should be dear."
  320. "Let's just keep looking for Fluttershy"
  321. >You continued to scan to ground and sky, when you noticed a blue streak out the corner of your eye
  322. "Rainbow Dash, come here!"
  323. >The cerulean pegasus heard your call
  324. >She flies down to greet you
  325. >"Hey girls, what's shakin'?"
  326. >"It's Anonymous dear, it seems he's at the end of his rope"
  327. "Yes, and now Celestia is having all of us talk to him about the magic of friendship"
  328. >Rainbow Dash didn't seem to take that very well
  329. >"Uh-uh, no way am I cheering up that gorilla!"
  330. >"That guy's a total dick."
  331. >Rarity takes you aside and whispers
  332. >"It would seem our friend here has made quite the impression"
  333. "Look Rainbow Dash, I don't care for him either, but these are Princess Celestia's orders."
  334. >"You Wouldn't want to betray your princess would you?"
  335. >That seems to have loosened her a bit
  336. >"Of, of course I wouldn't!"
  337. >"But he called me a cunt and practically tried to rape me then and there!"
  338. >You gave Rarity a "I told you so look"
  339. >She glared at you, but it was obvious she was feeling a bit uneasy herself
  340. >Still, she took his side
  341. >"Well maybe he just wasn't feeling himself that day"
  342. >Rainbow immediately rebutted
  343. >"I'm not buying it, but I still have to go, don't I?"
  344. >You both nod
  345. >"Fine then, but we better make it quick"
  346. >You suddenly light up, remembering about why you were here
  347. "Rainbow, have you seen Fluttershy anywhere?"
  348. >"Oh, yeah."
  349. >"We were just hanging out, she's probably home by now."
  350. >You tell Dash how you had split up
  351. >You wait at the rendezvous point
  352. >Sure enough, you see AJ, Pinkie, and Fluttershy all coming towards you
  353. >She's looking a bit down, apparently she's already been debriefed
  354. >It felt like forever, but all your friends are here now.
  355. >And Applejack's here too
  356. >You all exchange some looks, and you decide it's time to pay the human a visit
  357. >You and your party make it on the train and give the conductor your tickets
  358. >It was a normal ride, nothing in particular happened
  359. >...
  360. >You made it to Canterlot Castle
  361. "8:45..."
  362. "We're late"
  363. >You hated that you had lost so much time looking for Fluttershy, but you put it behind you
  364. "Well, lets go girls"
  365. ///////////////////////////////////////////////
  366. >You're still just lounging about in your room
  367. >It's getting late
  368. >You had thought about pestering one of the guards, but you decide to try to keep a good image here
  369. >Besides, they aren't exactly the most approachable bunch out there
  370. >The loneliness was kicking in
  371. >You looked around for anything sharp
  372. "Figures"
  373. >Celestia already had the room prepped
  374. >You really didn't feel like going through the trouble of killing yourself now anyway
  375. >Rather, you just wanted to lay there, alone
  376. >This status lasted longer than you would have liked
  377. >For a while, you continued to lay
  378. >...
  379. >You heard the door creak
  380. >It was Celestia
  381. >"Hello Anon, I'm sorry to say that things are running a bit late"
  382. >You still weren't sure what she meant, but something was supposed to have happened by now apparently
  383. "Eh, it's no problem Celestia."
  384. "Nothing I'm not used to."
  385. >Celestia didn't seem too pleased with your grumbling
  386. >She held out a wing behind you and grabbed you ever so slightly
  387. >You could feel her warmth emanating from her body
  388. >You felt safe
  389. >You didn't want to leave this state
  390. >The two of you sat in silence
  391. >It was a while until one of you spoke up
  392. >"Well I must be getting back to my duties Anon, I'm sure that if you just wait -"
  393. >Her concentration was broken by the echoing sound of the large entrance being opened
  394. >"It would appear that it is time, please wait a little while longer"
  395. >You've had just about enough of waiting, but Celestia's words were calming
  396. >You lay on your bed, missing the previous warmth you had felt
  397. >It wasn't too long though until you saw a familiar set of ponies enter through the door
  398. >Fuck, Twilight was there
  399. >And Dash too
  400. >Oh shit, you were pretty rude to her weren't you?
  401. >This is it, this is how you die
  402. >But not if I kill myself first
  403. >The balcony wasn't too far away, surely a second time would- "
  404. >You didn't realize how tense you had gotten until Celestia came back in and offered out an extended wing towards you
  405. >You look up at her, like a sad puppy
  406. >She tilts her head a gives you a smile
  407. >You look back at the 6 ponies in front of you
  408. >Dash still looked angered
  409. >Applejack looked a bit apathetic
  410. >Fluttershy was hiding behind her wing
  411. >Rarity and Pinkie Pie seemed to be the most caring, with ponk almost in tears
  412. >Fuck, you definitely didn't deserve this
  413. >You were scared to look at Twilight, but sure enough the two of you locked eyes
  414. >It was only for a moment, but you saw that same look of disgust as she had given you before
  415. >You felt like tearing up right then, until Pinkie spoke up
  416. >She could sense the tension in the room
  417. >"Anon!"
  418. >"What do you think you're doing!?"
  419. >She was so quick in coming to your side that she almost tripped over her balloons
  420. >You weren't really feeling the sympathy in her words, but you never did with these types
  421. >Still, you believe that's just how she was
  422. >She seems to have broken the ice a bit though
  423. >Rarity took the stand
  424. >"Darling, I have no idea why you would do what you would ever think about what you did, not when you have so many people who would miss you!"
  425. >Her words felt empty too
  426. >She didn't know you
  427. >You couldn't believe it
  428. >You hated this
  429. >This was what you've always wanted
  430. >But it wasn't right
  431. >Nothing was
  432. >These ponies didn't care for you, barely any of them even really knew you at all
  433. >Eventually the other ponies followed suit , giving their own words of praise
  434. >Hollow
  435. >Every single one of them
  436. >You could tell how forced Dash's was
  437. >Twilight was last, but even for her you didn't believe it
  438. >You knew it all too well
  439. >She hated you
  440. >...
  441. >The pity party continued, making sure everyone got their share
  442. >You couldn't wait for it to end
  443. >If everyone else was going to force their smiles, you were too
  444. >You accepted their praise, and apologized when you had to
  445. >Dear God, make it stop
  446. >...
  447. >It was eons before they finally finished.
  448. >You had a feeling some of the responses came prepared before hand
  449. >They all left the room
  450. >Not one of them even gave a final look before they left
  451. >Not even Pinkie Pie
  452. >Celestia looked happy for her star pupil
  453. >Proud of her for apologizing and handling the situation maturely
  454. >You couldn't tell her how you really felt, not after this
  455. >"Well Anon, do you feel any better now that you've experienced real friendship?"
  456. >You think for a while
  457. "Yeah, I think I do."
  458. >She looked pleased
  459. >"Well then I expect you to write me a passage on what you've learned today."
  460. >Great, having to bullshit an essay
  461. >You felt like you were in school again
  462. >She hands you a scroll and quill and exits the room
  463. >"I'll be retiring for the rest of the night"
  464. >She lets out a yawn
  465. >"I really should of been in bed a long time ago, I have to get up in a while to raise the sun"
  466. >"Well, see you Anon"
  467. "Yeah, see you later Celestia"
  468. >You looked at your scroll and quill, and back again
  469. >You thought about your circumstances
  470. >You were never going to be honest with her after that
  471. >You at least knew yourself in that regard
  472. "I can't deal with this"
  473. "Well, Celestia's Asleep now, maybe now's my chance"
  474. >You slowly walk up to your door
  475. >Pitting a hand on it, you reluctantly push forward
  476. >And it doesn't budge
  477. >Your door's locked from the outside
  478. >There's guards at every corner outside your window
  479. >They look pretty durable too, there's no way you could break them
  480. >This is hell
  481. >And there's no way out
  482. >You get frantic
  483. >You're searching all over the place for something, anything to end your suffering
  484. >There's no sheets on the bed
  485. >No pillow
  486. >You can't choke yourself, you'd just loosen your grip when you went unconscious
  487. >The drawers are cushioned
  488. >Eventually you give up and just go to sleep
  489. >You'd write your "friendship report" in the morning
  490. >The days are awful
  491. >Guards are always watching
  492. >You can never do anything out of their watchful eyes
  493. >You gave up everyone who loved you to come here
  494. >You were a fool
  495. >There was no one here who knew you
  496. >There was no one here who cared to know you
  497. >Twilight hated you
  498. >You've ruined your relationship with Celestia
  499. >Now every time you meet is just for the annual "doing fine!"
  500. >Even if you wanted to be honest she's always too busy with royal duties to pay attention
  501. >No one outside is warming up to you
  502. >They just fear the guards
  503. >You have Celestia's full protection now
  504. >And it's the worst thing in the world
  505. >You give up
  506. >You're dead inside
  507. >You've become so used to your daily routine that you eventually stop thinking
  508. >It's over
  509. BAD END
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