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Apr 15th, 2020
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  1. Configure summary:
  2. |
  3. | Building on: linux-oe-g++ (arm64, CPU features: neon crc32)
  4. | Building for: linux-oe-g++ (arm64, CPU features: neon crc32)
  5. | Target compiler: gcc 9.2.0
  6. | Configuration: cross_compile compile_examples enable_new_dtags largefile neon silent shared release c++11 c++14 c++1z concurrent dbus reduce_exports stl
  7. | Build options:
  8. | Mode ................................... release
  9. | Optimize release build for size ........ no
  10. | Building shared libraries .............. yes
  11. | Using C standard ....................... C11
  12. | Using C++ standard ..................... C++17
  13. | Using ccache ........................... no
  14. | Using new DTAGS ........................ yes
  15. | Using precompiled headers .............. no
  16. | Using LTCG ............................. no
  17. | Target compiler supports:
  18. | NEON ................................. yes
  19. | Build parts ............................ examples libs tools
  20. | Qt modules and options:
  21. | Qt Concurrent .......................... yes
  22. | Qt D-Bus ............................... yes
  23. | Qt D-Bus directly linked to libdbus .... yes
  24. | Qt Gui ................................. yes
  25. | Qt Network ............................. yes
  26. | Qt Sql ................................. yes
  27. | Qt Testlib ............................. yes
  28. | Qt Widgets ............................. yes
  29. | Qt Xml ................................. yes
  30. | Support enabled for:
  31. | Using pkg-config ....................... yes
  32. | udev ................................... yes
  33. | Using system zlib ...................... yes
  34. | Zstandard support ...................... no
  35. | Qt Core:
  36. | DoubleConversion ....................... yes
  37. | Using system DoubleConversion ........ no
  38. | GLib ................................... no
  39. | iconv .................................. no
  40. | ICU .................................... no
  41. | Built-in copy of the MIME database ..... yes
  42. | Tracing backend ........................ <none>
  43. | Logging backends:
  44. | journald ............................. no
  45. | syslog ............................... no
  46. | slog2 ................................ no
  47. | Using system PCRE2 ..................... no
  48. | Qt Network:
  49. | getifaddrs() ........................... yes
  50. | IPv6 ifname ............................ yes
  51. | libproxy ............................... no
  52. | Linux AF_NETLINK ....................... yes
  53. | OpenSSL ................................ yes
  54. | Qt directly linked to OpenSSL ........ no
  55. | OpenSSL 1.1 ............................ yes
  56. | DTLS ................................... yes
  57. | OCSP-stapling .......................... yes
  58. | SCTP ................................... no
  59. | Use system proxies ..................... yes
  60. | Qt Gui:
  61. | Accessibility .......................... yes
  62. | FreeType ............................... yes
  63. | Using system FreeType ................ yes
  64. | HarfBuzz ............................... yes
  65. | Using system HarfBuzz ................ no
  66. | Fontconfig ............................. yes
  67. | Image formats:
  68. | GIF .................................. no
  69. | ICO .................................. no
  70. | JPEG ................................. yes
  71. | Using system libjpeg ............... yes
  72. | PNG .................................. yes
  73. | Using system libpng ................ yes
  74. | EGL .................................... no
  75. | OpenVG ................................. no
  76. | OpenGL:
  77. | Desktop OpenGL ....................... no
  78. | OpenGL ES 2.0 ........................ no
  79. | OpenGL ES 3.0 ........................ no
  80. | OpenGL ES 3.1 ........................ no
  81. | OpenGL ES 3.2 ........................ no
  82. | Vulkan ................................. no
  83. | Session Management ..................... no
  84. | Features used by QPA backends:
  85. | evdev .................................. yes
  86. | libinput ............................... yes
  87. | INTEGRITY HID .......................... no
  88. | mtdev .................................. no
  89. | tslib .................................. yes
  90. | xkbcommon .............................. yes
  91. | X11 specific:
  92. | XLib ................................. no
  93. | XCB Xlib ............................. no
  94. | EGL on X11 ........................... no
  95. | QPA backends:
  96. | DirectFB ............................... no
  97. | EGLFS .................................. no
  98. | LinuxFB ................................ no
  99. | VNC .................................... yes
  100. | Mir client ............................. no
  101. | Qt Sql:
  102. | SQL item models ........................ yes
  103. | Qt Widgets:
  104. | GTK+ ................................... no
  105. | Styles ................................. Fusion Windows
  106. | Qt PrintSupport:
  107. | CUPS ................................... no
  108. | Qt Sql Drivers:
  109. | DB2 (IBM) .............................. no
  110. | InterBase .............................. no
  111. | MySql .................................. no
  112. | OCI (Oracle) ........................... no
  113. | ODBC ................................... no
  114. | PostgreSQL ............................. no
  115. | SQLite2 ................................ no
  116. | SQLite ................................. yes
  117. | Using system provided SQLite ......... yes
  118. | TDS (Sybase) ........................... no
  119. | Qt Testlib:
  120. | Tester for item models ................. yes
  121. |
  122. | Note: -hostbindir is not a subdirectory of -hostprefix.
  123. | Note: -hostlibdir is not a subdirectory of -hostprefix.
  124. | Note: -hostdatadir is not a subdirectory of -hostprefix.
  125. |
  126. | WARNING: Feature xcb-xinput is insignificant in this configuration, ignoring related command line option(s).
  127. |
  128. | WARNING: Feature xkb is insignificant in this configuration, ignoring related command line option(s).
  129. |
  130. | WARNING: No QPA platform plugin enabled! This will
  131. | produce a Qt that cannot run GUI applications.
  132. | See "Platform backends" in the output of --help.
  133. |
  134. | ERROR: Feature 'opengles2' was enabled, but the pre-condition '(config.win32 && !features.opengl-dynamic) || (!config.watchos && !features.opengl-desktop && libs.opengl_es2)' failed.
  135. |
  136. | ERROR: Feature 'eglfs' was enabled, but the pre-condition '! && !config.darwin && !config.win32 && !config.wasm && features.egl' failed.
  137. |
  138. | ERROR: The OpenGL functionality tests failed!
  139. | You might need to modify the include and library search paths by editing QMAKE_INCDIR_OPENGL[_ES2],
  140. | QMAKE_LIBDIR_OPENGL[_ES2] and QMAKE_LIBS_OPENGL[_ES2] in the mkspec for your platform.
  141. | WARNING: exit code 3 from a shell command.
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