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May 27th, 2017
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  1. Born as an orphan, grew up on the streets as an urchin. I had a Hard life as a half-elf, and my only true friend was my pocket mouse named Soup. I survived by picking pockets and selling self-made “potions". Just after I turned 16, I heard that Duke Eltan, leader of the corrupt Flaming Fist, had amounted a lot of wealth by extorting the poor and the farmers, and I set out to take back the money, and spread it amongst the poor. Long story short, the robbery went south after his wife, while cleaning, found me sneaking around in the attic. Panicked, she tries to take a step backwards to run from me, but instead trips backwards, and falls down the stairs. Stair after stair, I hear bones breaking. By the time she hits the final step, I can hear her neck snap. I rushed after her, and hoped that it wasn’t too late. I tried everything I could to save her with the potions I brewed up myself, but It was of no use, she was already dead. The Duke, who heard the commotion, walked up the stairs to find me covered in blood next to his dying wife, and drew his conclusions. I ran as fast and as far as I could, and after two days of wandering, I ended up in cloak wood. Here I spent my days barely surviving in nature, scavenging for berries and hunting animals to the best of my abilities. After a month I started to see Flaming Fist patrols in the forest, but I never had much trouble evading them, I already knew the forest much better than they did. After a while I adapted to the forest, and somehow even became friends with wolf, who would join me when I hunted smaller animals. Two years later when returning from gathering, I let my guard down, and didn’t erase my tracks when returning to my tent. At night I awoke to voices and torches in the distance, which were heading right for me. I grabbed all the gear I could wear and all the valuables I could stuff into my pockets, and crept off into the night. I knew that I had to leave, and I couldn’t hide here any longer. I returned to Baldur’s gate, and snuck onto the first ship I saw. The next morning, we were on open seas, and I had my life ahead of me.
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