

Dec 26th, 2014
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  1. [19:50] buttofTheTitanTank: kek
  2. [19:50] buttofTheTitanTank: get the people who wants to see imo
  3. [19:51] bubbletea: ooh
  4. [19:51] ~Cyzus: buttofTheTitanTank,
  5. [19:51] ~Cyzus: Repeat this
  6. [19:51] buttofTheTitanTank: ok
  7. [19:51] ~Cyzus: I, buttofTheTitanTank, take you, bubbletea, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.
  8. [19:51] buttofTheTitanTank: I, buttofTheTitanTank, take you, bubbletea, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.
  9. Porto joined
  10. [19:52] ~Cyzus: bubbletea, repeat this: I, bubbletea, take you, buttofTheTitanTank, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.
  11. [19:52] ~Cyzus: Hey porto
  12. [19:52] ~Cyzus: :}
  13. [19:52] bubbletea: ~Cyzus: bubbletea, repeat this: I, bubbletea, take you, buttofTheTitanTank, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.
  14. [19:52] ~Cyzus: .......
  15. canibani joined
  16. [19:52] ~Cyzus: k then
  17. [19:52] bubbletea: bubbletea, repeat this: I, bubbletea, take you, buttofTheTitanTank, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.
  18. [19:52] bubbletea: ~Cyzus: .......
  19. [19:52] bubbletea: wait
  20. [19:52] ~Cyzus: ._.
  21. [19:53] buttofTheTitanTank: oml
  22. [19:53] bubbletea: I, bubbletea, take you, buttofTheTitanTank, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.
  23. [19:53] buttofTheTitanTank: again immo
  24. [19:53] ~Cyzus: THERE YA GO
  25. &Chaotic, Abraite, +Master Float, ~Cyzus, bubbletea, and 1 others joined; buttofTheTitanTank, bubbletea, ~Cyzus, +Master Float, Abraite, and 2 others left
  26. |deinit
  27. [19:53] ~Cyzus: Okay then
  28. [19:53] buttofTheTitanTank: lmao
  29. [19:53] ~Cyzus: Is everybody here?
  30. [19:53] canibani: >.>
  31. [19:53] ~Cyzus: Should we get more people?
  32. [19:53] buttofTheTitanTank: yes
  33. [19:53] ~Cyzus: Okay
  34. [19:53] ~Cyzus: get them
  35. [19:53] buttofTheTitanTank: imma get my mans
  36. [19:53] canibani: objection!
  37. [19:53] ~Cyzus: I'm giving you 5 minutes
  38. [19:53] buttofTheTitanTank: pls
  39. [19:53] Porto: OBJECTION!
  40. [19:53] bubbletea: WTF
  41. [19:53] buttofTheTitanTank: ill be there
  42. kellykelly be joined
  43. [19:53] buttofTheTitanTank: lmao
  44. [19:54] ~Cyzus: !eval setTimeout(function() { this.add("|html|<b>TIMEEEEEE ISSSSSSSS UPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!"); }, 1000 * 60 * 5);
  45. << [object Object]
  46. [19:54] buttofTheTitanTank: wie invite de staff van dutch? xD
  47. [19:54] buttofTheTitanTank: <-<
  48. [19:54] ~Cyzus: Yep
  49. [19:54] ~Cyzus: Timer is running
  50. [19:54] canibani: butt can't marry!
  51. [19:54] ~Cyzus: hurry
  52. [19:54] Porto: butt is already married
  53. [19:54] ~Cyzus: canibani, you must support him
  54. [19:54] buttofTheTitanTank: Cyzus kan je ons voice maken en ons dan laten trouwen? :x
  55. [19:54] Porto: he can't marry twice without devorce
  56. [19:54] buttofTheTitanTank: pls
  57. [19:54] ~Cyzus: :|
  58. [19:54] buttofTheTitanTank: kden
  59. [19:54] ~Cyzus: get people
  60. [19:54] ~Cyzus: The timer is running bruh
  61. [19:55] canibani: butt, how can you marry someone else
  62. [19:55] buttofTheTitanTank: ik
  63. [19:55] canibani: you have two children
  64. [19:55] buttofTheTitanTank: <-<
  65. [19:55] buttofTheTitanTank: uhh
  66. [19:55] ~Cyzus: YOU FRAUD
  67. [19:55] bubbletea: ??
  68. [19:55] bubbletea: is this true, buttofTheTitanTank?
  69. [19:55] buttofTheTitanTank: Cyzus make bub and me voice imo and modchat :$
  70. [19:55] ~Cyzus: GET PEOPLE
  71. [19:55] buttofTheTitanTank: no bubbletea
  72. [19:55] ~Cyzus: THE TIMER IS RUNNING
  73. [19:55] buttofTheTitanTank: i do
  74. [19:55] Porto: BUTT, YOU CAN'T DO THAT
  75. [19:55] Porto: YOU FRAUD
  76. [19:55] buttofTheTitanTank: oml
  77. [19:55] canibani: buttofTheTitanTank, yes it is
  78. [19:55] ~Cyzus: EXCACTLY
  79. buttofTheTitanTank → !buttofTheTitanTank
  80. buttofTheTitanTank was muted by Cyzus for 7 minutes.
  81. [19:56] canibani: xD
  82. [19:56] ~Cyzus: l0l
  83. !buttofTheTitanTank → buttofTheTitanTank
  84. buttofTheTitanTank was unmuted by Cyzus.
  85. [19:56] Porto: that's a lot better
  86. [19:56] ~Cyzus: TELL US
  87. [19:56] Porto: >unmuting
  88. [19:56] ~Cyzus: IS THIS TRUE????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  89. [19:56] canibani: bubbletea* yes it is
  90. [19:56] Porto: yes cyrus
  91. [19:56] Porto: *cyzus
  92. [19:56] ~Cyzus: >cyrus
  93. [19:56] ~Cyzus: l0l
  94. [19:56] Porto: sorry lel
  95. [19:56] ~Cyzus: np
  96. [19:56] ~Cyzus: IS IT/
  97. [19:56] buttofTheTitanTank: NO IT ISNT
  98. [19:56] ~Cyzus: IT IS
  99. [19:56] ~Cyzus: YOU FRAUD
  100. [19:56] buttofTheTitanTank: NO
  101. [19:56] buttofTheTitanTank: oml
  102. ‽buttofTheTitanTank left
  103. buttofTheTitanTank was banned by Cyzus. (GTFO YOU FRAUD. YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED)
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