

Jan 8th, 2015
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  1. Guest_kelzangel: can i ask a few question plz
  2. MozeyBlackHeart: Ask.
  3. Guest_kelzangel: why did angel block family?
  4. Guest_kelzangel: the*
  5. MozeyBlackHeart: Because we are not interested keep contact with a drama makers.
  6. MozeyBlackHeart: We are happy togheter and we don't care about other drama or even peoples who try to invol us
  7. MozeyBlackHeart: We just want to be happy that's all.
  8. Guest_kelzangel: has angel told you the whole story
  9. MozeyBlackHeart: Yes I know whole story.
  10. Guest_kelzangel: wot is the whole story you have been told
  11. MozeyBlackHeart: And it's so funny how peoples in a imvu acting like a kids trying eahc other proof sme pointless things
  12. MozeyBlackHeart: Kiss runaways?
  13. MozeyBlackHeart: I don't care.
  14. Guest_kelzangel: i slightly confused to wot she has told you
  15. MozeyBlackHeart: Look I don't care anything about the story or past or something else. We love each other and we trust each other.
  16. MozeyBlackHeart: I am really not interested in a childish game drama.
  17. Guest_kelzangel: thats fine its your chioce and no one has done any drama apart from angel today
  18. MozeyBlackHeart: Okey, just let us be and that's all.
  19. AngelofSurrender: fuck you
  20. AngelofSurrender: yo all drama
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