
Alola Girls Ch. 2 (BBW,WG)

Mar 28th, 2020
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  1. Chapter 2
  3. It took another fifteen minutes to get to the property. About ten minutes outside of town and on a rural, spotty road, the estate had nearly ten acres of land and a mansion a bit above the Kala’e Bay shoreline. It had security fencing and much more inside. They came up to the gate and Hilda opened it with a remote. The Limo pulled onto the property and Jack was amazed. Some jungle covered a part of the land around the entrance, but it cleared up as they got closer to the beach. His drunkeness only made his awe more obnoxious. He’d seen pictures, but they never did it full justice.
  5. There was a pavilion and patio area. As they got closer to the fifteen-room mansion he saw the pool fencing. He noticed the mansion was only two stories but had viewing decks in many directions.
  7. “This is fucking incredible.” Jack said loudly.
  9. Hilda shook her head. “Wait until you see the view.”
  11. The limo parked in the carport and Jack stumbled out of a door. Hilda took a key out and opened one of the doors. “Welcome to your new home, Mr. Cobal.”
  13. The entrance looked like what a fancy banquet hall would be like, complete with an imperial staircase and pristine walls. The penthouse in Castelia he’d stayed in seemed low class compared to this. Jack walked through the entryway into the den, equipped with multiple TVs, a sound system, art... He could hardly process everything. Then he saw the view and his jaw dropped. Pictures really couldn’t do it justice. The shimmering sea, the light blue water and the waves coming in softly. Paradise was no longer lost. He opened the sliding glass door to the deck and saw his favorite addition. A hot tub smack dab in the middle. He couldn’t wait to try it out, but the tour had to continue.
  15. Next up was the dining room. A massive table, seating up to twenty people was in the middle.
  17. “This table can shrink.” Hilda explained. He checked out the rather large, restaurant-sized kitchen, along with the little breakfast nook next to it.
  19. “The east wing is this way.” Hilda stated, leading Jack to a long hallway of bedrooms, bathrooms, and a little living room with a computer and tv in the middle of it all. “These will be for your staff.” Hilda explained. “So they don’t have to bother you and vice-versa.”
  21. “Is this where you’re staying?” Jack asked bluntly.
  23. Hilda rolled her eyes at her drunk boss. “Yeah, my room is the first door by the entrance.”
  25. “Nice.”
  27. “Well I am the first member of the staff. Hopefully not the only.” Hilda said.
  29. Hilda then led him back through the mansion, through a couple more common rooms, leading him finally to the master bedroom. It was quite spacious, with an exceptionally made bed and a sliding glass door, a side entrance to the main deck. The bathroom was spacious, as was the massive walk in closet. There was a security door there, however, with a panic room. There were a number of bells and whistles he hoped he’d never have to use, including a bathroom and enough non-perishable food and water to last a month. Hilda led him back out to the main living room, and Jack realized he probably should say something for all the work she’d done.
  31. “Hilda, I know I’ve been a weird ass so far today, but I really do appreciate all the work you’ve put in. This place is incredible.”
  33. Hilda folded her arms smugly. “Well, thanks for the words at least. This place hasn’t been occupied in almost five years, so there was a lot to update. And I think the contractor who put the hot tub in the deck might want to kill you.”
  35. “Thanks for the warning.” He paused, and Hilda stayed standing, waiting for something. “Sorry I didn’t let you pick the staff, I wanted to give my own personal touch to it.”
  37. “It’s fine. I was told to expect getting overruled in the first few weeks of this job.” Hilda explained. “Except with you getting drunk day one, we’re par for the course.”
  39. “Yeah... that wasn’t my plan. I’m really sorry about earlier Hilda.”
  41. Hilda smirked dismissively. “Sorry implies change, boss.” A long pause settled in. He didn’t know if he should interject, but Hilda finally broke the silence. “I’ve got some more stuff to look into. You okay to chill for a while?”
  43. “Yeah. I’ll probably take a nap.”
  45. “Drink some water before you do. No hangovers for you, I don’t care how drunk you’ve been.”
  47. Jack nodded and headed over to his room. Sure enough there was a water filter for him to drink from, he made sure to drink a good deal before crashing.
  49. He woke up a few hours later and went out to the deck. He felt a bit nauseous and had a decently painful headache. He took a look outside and saw the sky was beginning to darken. He checked his phone and saw it was just close to 7:00 PM. He yawned and roused himself. He then remembered his little “afternoon delight” with Lusamine and couldn’t help but feel a bit proud.
  51. He searched the mansion for Hilda, finding her in the office near his room.
  53. “Good morning sleepyhead.” Hilda said, eyes fixed on her computer screen.
  55. “Is there any food here?” Jack asked.
  57. “No.” Hilda replied coldly. “ How hungover are you?”
  59. “Scale to ten... prolly a four.”
  61. Hilda shrugged. “Can’t be helped. I assume you’re hungry?”
  63. “Very.”
  65. “Well, I’d like to keep looking through these. There are a couple cars you can take if you want.” Hilda said, opening the drawer next to her and finding a pair of keys. “This is to the SUV. It’s parked by the pool.” Hilda mentioned. “It has a remote inside for the gate for when you need to get back in.”
  67. Jack took the keys and walked out front. A large black SUV awaited him, next to a white jeep. “Maybe next time.” He said with a grin, looking at the jeep. He hopped into the luxury vehicle and pulled out. There was some wilderness between the estate and the Hau’Oli outskirts, and it was his first time driving on the road so he took it slow.
  69. He hadn’t seen a car at all for almost a mile when he saw a floating blue and purple light in the middle of the road just ahead of him. He slowed down, but it didn’t move from Jack’s path. He had to come to a stop about 15 feet from the floating figure.
  71. The thing turned to him and shivered a bit, causing it’s light blue, pom-pom shaped appendages to move. Jack could tell it was some sort of Pokemon, but he’d never even heard of any like this one. He put his car in park, turned the hazards on, and got his Poke Ball containing his trusty Mightyena ready in case something happened. He started to approach the oddly colored object when he a frustrated, feminine voice.
  73. “Nebby, get back here!” The figure swiveled around to the brush and started shaking more intensely than before.
  75. Jack kept one hand on his belt and raised his hand to wave at the Pokemon, but he saw something else instead. Out from the brush on the side of the road came a large, very fat young woman. She had a white dress that was so wide it almost resembled a bed sheet. She had a white hat and silvery blonde hair flowing from underneath it. She looked to be at least 300 pounds, although probably a good 20-30 pounds over that once he got a good look at her. Her white dress was stained, and she was out of breath. He couldn’t help but think the large young woman in front of him was rather hot.
  77. “Hey there.” Jack called out to her.
  79. “Hey!” The girl wheezed. “Could you help me?”
  81. Jack took his hand off his poke ball and walked over. “What’s going on?”
  83. The girl looked absolutely ragged the closer he got. Stains and tears were all throughout her dress. She’d obviously been out in the wilderness a good while.
  85. “I uh... It’s hard to explain.” She said then pointed a blubber-coated arm to the odd Pokemon. “Nebby here teleported us out into the forest out here in the morning, and we’ve been so lost.” The fat, blonde girl explained. “What island are we on?"
  87. “Oh.. Melemele.” Jack replied.
  89. “Would you mind taking us to Hau’Oli?” She asked.
  91. “I can do that. Hop in.” Jack said.
  93. “Oh thank you!” The fat blonde cried out.
  95. “One more thing, actually.” He said as got his keys out. “My name is Jack.”
  97. The big girl gasped. “I totally forgot to introduce myself.” She said, then waddled over to him extending her hand. “I’m Lillie.”
  99. “Pleasure to meet you, Lillie.” Jack said, shaking her hand.
  101. No car had passed by since he stopped, so Jack took his time making sure Lillie got into the front seat okay. She was clearly exhausted, and had to really heave herself onto the step to get into the high up floor of the SUV. When she settled her fat ass into the seat she sighed with relief. “It’s been such a rough day.” She said.
  103. “I bet.” Jack said, taking his eyes off her. He was completely smitten with the enormous girl in his front seat. Nebby hovered into the car and onto Lillie’s lap, covering its lit up face with its pom-pom like appendages.
  105. “Aw, this one is worn out too.” Lillie commented.
  107. Jack turned the car on and quickly got rolling. He didn’t know his way around too well, but he found the highway leading back to Hau’Oli.
  109. “I’ve never seen a pokemon like that before.” Jack said.
  111. “Oh... Yeah... it’s a... um...” Lillie clearly had something she wanted to hide. “It’s experimental.” She concluded.
  113. Jack raised his eyebrows. “Oh, cool. So that’s a one of a kind pokemon?”
  115. “Not exactly.” Lillie replied.
  117. “So how’d you end up with it?”
  119. “Well, it’s uh... I’m its caretaker.”
  121. “Oh, can I ask why it teleported you all the way out here?”
  123. “Uh, yeah. There’s a facility on another island where I live, and they were going to do uh... do some um... tests on it, and it got really scared and clung to me.”
  125. He could sense her apprehension at getting into more details, but tried to get what he could from her. “Okay...” Jack said. “What island?”
  127. Lillie shook her head. “I can’t really say.”
  129. “Is this some like secret agent stuff?” Jack asked jokingly.
  131. Lillie froze up. “Uh... kind of, actually.”
  133. “Woah." Jack said, taking a deep breath and giving the situation some thought. The first stoplight of Hau’Oli up and came to a stop, turning to his rotund passenger. “Are you in danger?”
  134. “No, but this little one is.” She said, motioning to the sleeping pile on her fleshy thighs.
  136. “Is there a place you can go? A friend’s house?”
  138. Lillie thought long and hard. “Well, maybe someone. But I haven’t seen them in a few years.”
  140. “Oh...” Jack pondered for a while. “Any friends or relatives? Do you have a phone?”
  142. Lillie shook her head. “No phone, it wasn’t with me this morning when the incident happened." Lillie took a deep breath. “My mother works at the facility, so for Nebby’s well being, I don’t think I can go back for a while.”
  144. Jack grimaced, then saw a diner coming up, and he turned in. “This okay?”
  146. “More than okay.” Lillie said, holding her enormous gut. “I’m soooo hungry.” Lillie suddenly gasped. “I just realized something.” She blurted out.
  148. “What?”
  150. “I don’t have any money...” Lillie said.
  152. Jack shook his had. “My treat. What about Nebby?” He said, pointing at the oddly colored pokemon still napping on Lillie’s ample lap.
  154. “Nebby should stay in here. Can you crack the windows?” Lillie asked.
  156. “Yeah.”
  158. And with that they went in the diner. Under the light, he could see Lillie’s dress was very worse for wear. Plus she stank a good deal, so he didn’t end up eating too much. Lillie ate a tall stack of pancakes, a number of links of sausage, and the rest of his meal as well.
  160. “Oooooh...” She moaned. “That was so good.” She said, grabbing her gut. “I really needed that. Thank you Jack.” She smiled what was probably the most sincere smile he’d seen in a long time.
  162. “You’re welcome, Lillie, I’m happy to help.” Jack paused, changing the subject. “So, where am I taking you?”
  164. Lillie tensed up. “I’m... I really don’t know. I don’t even know where my friend on Melemele lives.”
  166. Jack chuckled. Hilda was going to be pissed when he got back. “I’ve got an extra room at my place if you need a place to stay the night.”
  168. Lillie smiled uneasily. “I hope that’s not too much to ask...”
  170. Jack shook his head. “Not at all. I’m not busy tomorrow, so I can help you out. I do have a... roommate who might get a little pissy though.” Jack warned. “Actually, they will definitely get pissy. You might get kind of interrogated.” He said, laughing.
  172. “Oh...” Lillie said nervously.
  174. Jack picked up some groceries from a drug store, leaving Lillie and Nebby in the car. He even got her some toiletries.
  176. “How far away do you live?” Lillie asked when he got in the car. He’d left it on so there’d be air.
  177. “Ten to fifteen minutes outside of town.” Jack said, shifting the SUV in gear and pulling out. At a stoplight, he saw Nebby floating to the back to check out the bags of groceries he’d grabbed.
  178. It was closer to 9:00 when he was back on his estate. Lillie gasped when she saw how expansive it was.
  180. “You live out here? By yourself?” Lillie exclaimed.
  182. “Yeah, except for my agent.”
  184. “You must be really rich.”
  186. “Yeah.” Jack said, grinning proudly. He parked the SUV in the carport and grabbed some bags. “Hey Hilda, you up?” He called out.
  188. He heard a sour grunt come from the office and he knew he was in deep shit. “Yeah, what is it?”
  190. “Need you out here for something.” Jack said. Lillie smiled uneasily.
  192. Half a minute later Hilda emerged in her same outfit and coughed (surely trying to cover her real reaction) upon seeing Lillie. “Who are you?” She said after clearing her throat.
  194. Lillie managed a better smile. “I’m Lillie.” She held Nebby in her arms and drew attention to him. “This is Nebby, and we were lost in the wilderness when Jack pulled over and saved us-”
  196. “Okay, cool. I’ve heard enough.” Hilda said crankily, then turned to Jack. “Can I speak to you in private?”
  198. Jack sighed. “Yeah.” They went out a sliding glass door and had it out. Jack tried to convince Hilda he was just helping Lillie out for a night and she and Nebby would be gone by morning once they figured out where her friend on the island was.
  200. Hilda shook her head. “Jack, this could very easily be some stupid ploy. Do you know who she is? Who she really is?”
  202. Jack grimaced. “No, but she’s so-”
  204. Hilda grunted. “You’re getting played, dude! She’s the daughter of Lusamine.”
  206. Jack’s jaw dropped. “No way-”
  208. “They look the exact same, Lusamine has a daughter named Lillie, and she’s probably fat because her mom is really fat too. This innocent girl act is a crock of shit.”
  210. Jack took a deep breath. It was a good point and he needed to think on it.
  212. “What about Nebby though?”
  214. “The weird Pokemon?” Hilda asked. “No clue. Probably some experimental thing from Aether. Maybe trying to blackmail you or some shit-”
  216. “Hey that doesn’t make sense. They want my cooperation with some stuff, and they’re not about to piss off-”
  218. “Blackmail is a much easier way to get that cooperation.” Hilda stated.
  220. “But they want me to not resent them long term.” Jack said.
  222. Hilda folded her arms and looked to the ground. “This is a terrible idea.”
  224. “Yeah...” Jack said, thoughts racing. “I told her she could stay the night.”
  226. Hilda shook her head again. “Damn it Jack...” She trailed off and was clearly racing through thoughts as well. “Okay Jack, we’ll do this for one night. I’ll get in contact with some people and figure more things out. But I get to say I told you so if things go south. And I get to lord this over you for the rest of your life.”
  228. Jack held his hand out. “Sounds good.”
  230. The two re-entered the kitchen, seeing Lillie was doing her best trying to unload groceries. Jack spoke first. “Lillie, you’re free to stay here tonight. But tomorrow we’re going to have to figure some things out, okay?” Jack said.
  232. Lillie smiled. “Nebby and I can’t thank you enough.” She said, and turned to Hilda. “I’m sorry to cause any trouble, I don’t want to mess with your relationship-”
  234. Hilda cleared her throat. “I’m his assistant, he’s technically my boss, but he’s kind of an idiot. Nothing more.” Hilda said.
  236. “Thank you... and what was your name?" Lillie held out a hand.
  238. Hilda kept her arms crossed. “Hilda.” She muttered. “And my Bisharp will be watching the halls tonight, so don’t get freaked out.” Hilda said, taking a poke ball out and releasing the tall steel-dark Pokemon into the kitchen.
  240. “Bisharp!” It cried out, posing with its bladed hands in a defensive position. Nebby made an odd sound shuddered, turning around to hide in Lillie’s fatty arms.
  242. “And you could use a shower, right?” Hilda said. “I’ll get some towels for you, follow me to where you’re staying.”
  244. Hilda returned a couple minutes later. “Jack, you ought to let your Mightyena out tonight to keep an eye on things. Just in case.” Hilda said. “Without any proper security, this could be very dangerous.”
  246. Jack shook his head. “Well you’re very cautious.” Jack said, trying to compliment her. HIlda only grimaced. “I’m going to get some sleep then.” He said, obviously fighting an un-winnable battle with his stubborn agent.
  248. “Good night boss.” Hilda said, beginning to turn away, then she stopped. “And you definitely have a type.”
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