
Check My Inventory - Configuración

Sep 15th, 2016
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  1. # Language file you want to use
  2. Language: EN
  3. Vault:
  4. # If your having issues with vault grabbing correct players' group or balance, consider to turn this to false
  5. Money: true
  6. Group: true
  7. # Shows if there is an available new version on login with cmi.versioncheck permission node
  8. ShowNewVersion: true
  9. Spawners:
  10. Break:
  11. # Enable or disable spawner handler for spawner break
  12. # If enabled player will get spawner if using silktouch pickaxe and have cmi.dropspawner permission node
  13. # If player has cmi.dropspawner.nosilk permission node, player is not required to use silk touch pickaxe to get droped spawner
  14. Enabled: false
  15. # Minimal silktouch level required to get spawner back
  16. SilkTouchLevel: 1
  17. SpawnMob:
  18. # Defines how many passengers entities can be spawned at once
  19. MaxQuantity: 10
  20. MaxPassengers: 10
  21. Counter:
  22. # Default range to use when performing /counter start
  23. Range: 10
  24. NetherPortal:
  25. # Maximum height nether portal can be created. Vanilla size is 23
  26. MaxHeight: 23
  27. # Maximum width nether portal can be created. Vanilla size is 23
  28. MaxWidth: 23
  29. # All posible damage causes: contact, entity_attack, projectile, suffocation, fall, fire, fire_tick, melting, lava, drowning, block_explosion, entity_explosion, void, lightning, suicide, starvation, poison, magic, wither, falling_block, thorns, dragon_breath, custom, fly_into_wall, hot_floor,
  30. # Sintax should be [permissionNode]:[damageCause]:[multiplier]
  31. # Example: nolavadamage:lava:0 will prevent lava damage with cmi.damagecontrol.nolavadamage permission node
  32. # Negative values will heal player instead of damaging him
  33. # If player have more than one permission node for same damage cause, then last one in list will be used to determine final damage
  34. DamageControl:
  35. - nolavadamage:lava:-1
  36. - nofalldamage:fall:0
  37. - nodrowningdamage:drowning:-1
  38. - nofiredamage:fire:0
  39. - nopoisondamage:poison:0
  40. Elytra:
  41. # cmi.elytra - allows usage of elytra
  42. # cmi.elytra.boost - allows usage of boost
  43. # cmi.elytra.superboost - allows ussage of super boost
  44. # cmi.elytra.speedometer - allows to see speedometer
  45. Boost:
  46. # Max speed until player wont get any boost
  47. SpeedLimit: 200
  48. # When enabled items/exp wont be consumed if player is over speed limit
  49. SpeedLimitStop: false
  50. # Do you want to show decimals in speed
  51. SpeedDecimals: true
  52. # By how much boost player on each use
  53. GeneralMultyplier: 0.1
  54. # By how much boost player on each super boost use
  55. # Use shift while using simple boost
  56. SuperMultyplier: 0.3
  57. # Uses defined items instead of exp
  58. UseItems: false
  59. # item id
  60. Item: 288
  61. # Requires to hold defined item in hand. Only when UseItems is set to false
  62. RequiresItem: true
  63. # Amount consumed on each boost
  64. Amount: 1
  65. # Amount consumed on each super boost
  66. SuperAmount: 5
  67. # Shows particles when flying
  68. ShowParticles: true
  69. Messages:
  70. Login:
  71. # If set to true, login message wont be shown
  72. Disabled: false
  73. Custom:
  74. # If set to true, custom login message will be used.
  75. Use: true
  76. Message: ' &6[playerName] &ese ha conectado.'
  77. Logout:
  78. # If set to true, logout message wont be shown
  79. Disabled: false
  80. Custom:
  81. # If set to true, custom logout message will be used.
  82. Use: true
  83. Message: ' &6[playerName] &ese ha desconectado.'
  84. DynamicViewRange:
  85. # By setting to true will enable dynamic view range feature. Its still in beta stage and can result in some CPU load increase.
  86. # Don't enable if you are not using this feature on your server
  87. Enabled: false
  88. WorldLimits:
  89. # By setting to true fly and gamemode limitations per world will be aplied for player on world change if they dont have appropiate permission node
  90. Enabled: false
  91. # World list with default game modes
  92. # If player will have cmi.worldlimit.gamemode.bypass permission node, game mode wont be changed
  93. # Posible modes: creative, survival, adventure, spectator,
  94. Gamemode:
  95. - Supervivencia:Survival
  96. # If player will have permission node, fly mode wont be changed
  97. Fly:
  98. - Supervivencia:False
  99. # If player will have cmi.worldlimit.god.bypass permission node, fly mode wont be changed
  100. GodMode:
  101. - Supervivencia:False
  102. # Checks and shows on players login if he have been changed hes name over Mojang
  103. # Looks to be working only with online servers, duhhhh
  104. CheckForNameChange:
  105. OnLogin: false
  106. OnInfoShow: false
  107. inv:
  108. # Do you want to save the player's inventory on his death
  109. SaveOnDeath: true
  110. # How many inventories, we will keep
  111. SavedInventories: 100
  112. hunger:
  113. # Do you want to give more than 20 hunger for players
  114. overide: false
  115. heal:
  116. RemoveNegative:
  117. # Do you want to remove negative potion effects from player on heal
  118. use: false
  119. List:
  120. - blindness
  121. - confusion
  122. - harm
  123. - hunger
  124. - poison
  125. - slow
  126. - slow_digging
  127. - weakness
  128. - wither
  129. Cuff:
  130. AllowedCommands:
  131. - msg
  132. - r
  133. - tell
  134. Cooldowns:
  135. Enabled: false
  136. List:
  137. - Heal:180
  138. - Feed:120
  139. scan:
  140. # Tps cap from which to start adjusting scan speed
  141. SoftCap: 19.0
  142. # Staring speed when scanning. Range from 1 to 30
  143. DefaultSpeed: 15
  144. # When this set to true, when using scan feature and not providing range, whole map will be scanned
  145. GlobalRangeByDefault: false
  146. # Range in chunks. 2 is 25 chunks, 1 is 9 and 0 is only chunk you are standing in
  147. DefaultRange: 2
  148. # When this set to true, all found items in containers will be removed automaticaly durring scan. Ex: /scan id 7 purge
  149. EnablePurge: false
  150. search:
  151. # When this set to true, all found items in inventories will be deleted durring search. Ex: /cmi search id 7 purge
  152. EnablePurge: false
  153. lfix:
  154. # Tps cap from which to start adjusting light fix speed
  155. SoftCap: 19.0
  156. # Staring speed when fixing light. Range from 1 to 100
  157. DefaultSpeed: 15
  158. purge:
  159. # Cleans files on server startup
  160. CleanOnStart: false
  161. # How long player should be offline for his data to be moved
  162. OfflineDays: 900
  163. PlayerData:
  164. # Do you want to enable player data file cleaning
  165. Enabled: false
  166. # Source folder to take files from
  167. SourceFolder: Supervivencia/playerdata
  168. # When this is false, data files will be moved to backup folder. When its true files will be deleted
  169. DeleteFiles: false
  170. # Target folder to put files into if DeleteFiles set to false
  171. DestinationFolder: Supervivencia/playerdata_backup
  172. PlayerStats:
  173. # Do you want to enable player stats file cleaning
  174. Enabled: false
  175. # Source folder to take files from
  176. SourceFolder: Supervivencia/stats
  177. # When this is false, data files will be moved to backup folder. When its true files will be deleted
  178. DeleteFiles: false
  179. # Target folder to put files into if DeleteFiles set to false
  180. DestinationFolder: Supervivencia/stats_backup
  181. Essentials:
  182. # Do you want to enable essentials playerdata file cleaning
  183. Enabled: false
  184. # Source folder to take files from
  185. SourceFolder: plugins/Essentials/userdata
  186. # When this is false, data files will be moved to backup folder. When its true files will be deleted
  187. DeleteFiles: false
  188. # Target folder to put files into if DeleteFiles set to false
  189. DestinationFolder: plugins/Essentials/userdata_backup
  190. LWC:
  191. # Do you want to enable lwc protection cleaning
  192. Enabled: false
  193. Time:
  194. # Defines preset time
  195. Day: '12:00'
  196. Night: '24:00'
  197. Morning: 06:00
  198. Dusk: '18:00'
  199. AutoTime:
  200. # Time in seconds time in game will be adjusted to match real
  201. # Keep it at arround one minute
  202. Interval: 60
  203. # Worlds effected by autotime adjustment
  204. Worlds:
  205. - ''
  206. Alias:
  207. # All aliases to use with this plugin, if it interferes with another plugin, just disable it here and reload plugin with /cmi reload
  208. ci: false
  209. cinv: false
  210. invsee: true
  211. ce: false
  212. ec: false
  213. cend: false
  214. enderchest: false
  215. wb: false
  216. workbench: true
  217. merchant: true
  218. cback: false
  219. chat: true
  220. hat: true
  221. fly: true
  222. effect: true
  223. god: true
  224. tgod: false
  225. tp: true
  226. exp: true
  227. xp: true
  228. heal: true
  229. feed: true
  230. clear: true
  231. flyspeed: true
  232. walkspeed: true
  233. gm: true
  234. gamemode: true
  235. head: true
  236. search: true
  237. scan: true
  238. fixchunk: true
  239. tppos: true
  240. maxhp: true
  241. hunger: true
  242. saturation: true
  243. whois: true
  244. whowas: true
  245. air: true
  246. sc: false
  247. spawner: true
  248. spawnmob: true
  249. give: true
  250. giveall: true
  251. ping: true
  252. repair: true
  253. enchant: true
  254. itemname: true
  255. iname: true
  256. itemlore: true
  257. ilore: true
  258. lfix: true
  259. preview: true
  260. viewrange: true
  261. tfly: true
  262. glow: true
  263. lastonline: true
  264. ptime: true
  265. time: true
  266. day: true
  267. night: true
  268. morning: true
  269. dusk: true
  270. weather: true
  271. sun: true
  272. rain: true
  273. storm: true
  274. groundclean: true
  275. unloadchunks: true
  276. se: true
  277. scopy: true
  278. cuff: true
  279. uncuff: true
  280. lockip: true
  281. more: true
  282. colors: true
  283. cc: true
  284. counter: true
  285. maxplayers: true
  286. CustomAlias:
  287. # Custom alias to use with this plugin
  288. # To define new alias use format like: [command]-[AliasCommand] in example to have fast game mode change to creative you can define it like this:
  289. # cmi gm 1-g1
  290. # This will allow usage of /g1 to change into game mode 1
  291. Use: false
  292. List:
  293. - cmi gm 1-g1
  294. - cmi gm 0-g0
  295. - cmi enchant-e
  296. Enchanting:
  297. enchantLimits:
  298. # By disabling this, no limitation to enchanting will be applied
  299. Enabled: false
  300. MaxLevel:
  301. protection_environmental: 4
  302. protection_fire: 4
  303. protection_fall: 4
  304. protection_explosions: 4
  305. protection_projectile: 4
  306. oxygen: 3
  307. water_worker: 1
  308. mending: 1
  309. thorns: 3
  310. depth_strider: 3
  311. frost_walker: 2
  312. damage_all: 5
  313. damage_undead: 5
  314. damage_arthropods: 5
  315. knockback: 2
  316. fire_aspect: 2
  317. loot_bonus_mobs: 3
  318. dig_speed: 5
  319. silk_touch: 1
  320. durability: 3
  321. loot_bonus_blocks: 3
  322. arrow_damage: 5
  323. arrow_knockback: 2
  324. arrow_fire: 1
  325. arrow_infinite: 1
  326. luck: 3
  327. lure: 3
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