

Oct 20th, 2017
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  1. [22:45:07] Isoxls: wuss good
  2. [22:45:12] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Lmk what you need to talk about then you can report me
  3. [22:45:14] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Not much haha
  4. [22:45:19] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Just chilling it's Diwali
  5. [22:45:26] Isoxls: ur indian?
  6. [22:45:27] Hiisoxlsplstalk: And I'm Indian lol so
  7. [22:45:30] Hiisoxlsplstalk: We get litttt
  8. [22:45:38] Isoxls: there was just a storm there ru good
  9. [22:45:47] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Yeah I live in US
  10. [22:45:48] Isoxls: do u do tech scams and pizza orders
  11. [22:45:50] Isoxls: o
  12. [22:45:52] Hiisoxlsplstalk: My parents are Indians haha
  13. [22:45:56] Hiisoxlsplstalk: As in from India
  14. [22:46:02] Hiisoxlsplstalk: I'm born in us
  15. [22:46:16] Isoxls: so how are we gonna tackle tomorrows official
  16. [22:46:36] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Um tomorrow?
  17. [22:46:40] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Why tomorrow
  18. [22:46:45] Isoxls: i dont know
  19. [22:46:45] Hiisoxlsplstalk: I'm down but why
  20. [22:46:52] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Ok I mean do you really want to
  21. [22:46:54] Isoxls: idk
  22. [22:46:58] Isoxls: do i
  23. [22:46:59] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Keep in mind you'll get banned
  24. [22:47:04] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Honestly I'm not gonna convince you
  25. [22:47:06] Isoxls: that is not good
  26. [22:47:08] Hiisoxlsplstalk: It's a personal decision
  27. [22:47:13] Isoxls: do you like me as a user
  28. [22:47:19] Isoxls: to a user
  29. [22:47:21] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Like I'm not here to get anyone else banned unless they suck
  30. [22:47:29] Isoxls: like ftf right
  31. [22:47:32] Hiisoxlsplstalk: You're very fun and actually quite insightful at times
  32. [22:47:33] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Lol ya
  33. [22:47:39] Hiisoxlsplstalk: You're very very good as scum
  34. [22:47:55] Hiisoxlsplstalk: That's the extent to which I've noticed though
  35. [22:48:10] Isoxls: why do u hate ftf
  36. [22:48:26] Isoxls: ?
  37. [22:49:14] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Lol so
  38. [22:49:19] Hiisoxlsplstalk: I trolled a game
  39. [22:49:24] Isoxls: and?
  40. [22:49:26] Hiisoxlsplstalk: And he started saying
  41. [22:49:35] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Fuck u gats ur so lonely etc
  42. [22:49:37] Hiisoxlsplstalk: So I decided
  43. [22:49:40] Isoxls: aw rats
  44. [22:49:42] Hiisoxlsplstalk: I'd hit him where it hurts
  45. [22:49:55] Hiisoxlsplstalk: By making fun of him being stupid (even though he really isn't) in chat
  46. [22:49:59] Hiisoxlsplstalk: It has been successful
  47. [22:50:04] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Honestly it's not personal
  48. [22:50:15] Hiisoxlsplstalk: It's moreso that I can't have people insult me and get away with it
  49. [22:50:21] Hiisoxlsplstalk: I need to defend honor
  50. [22:50:23] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Lol
  51. [22:50:32] Isoxls: ftf called ur utcs trash
  52. [22:50:35] Isoxls: riP
  53. [22:50:52] Isoxls: so what got you into trolling mafia
  54. [22:51:00] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Yeah I think he does that just to be the guy who says "hey Gatsby sucks" etc
  55. [22:51:05] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Idk if he actually saw them
  56. [22:51:11] Hiisoxlsplstalk: But if they suck they suck
  57. [22:51:12] Isoxls: we all did
  58. [22:51:14] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Nothing you can do
  59. [22:51:19] Isoxls: the stuff with the harry potter utc
  60. [22:51:21] Isoxls: uct
  61. [22:51:33] Isoxls: not actually too bad imo
  62. [22:51:47] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Oh I trolled basically cause there were a couple things I didn't like going on in the room that still happen to an extent
  63. [22:51:52] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Thx
  64. [22:52:02] Hiisoxlsplstalk: I'm actually happy with my ucts that have been accepted
  65. [22:52:05] Isoxls: such as?
  66. [22:52:16] Hiisoxlsplstalk: I won't say just cause they'll be taken down
  67. [22:52:20] Hiisoxlsplstalk: As in whisper
  68. [22:52:26] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Which was taken down
  69. [22:52:27] Isoxls: you made whisper?
  70. [22:52:30] Hiisoxlsplstalk: When it was revealed I did it
  71. [22:52:32] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Yeah haha
  72. [22:52:39] Hiisoxlsplstalk: But they don't do it anymore :(
  73. [22:52:49] Isoxls: do you have big ucts up right now
  74. [22:53:00] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Nah I stopped after hp
  75. [22:53:05] Hiisoxlsplstalk: I enjoy playing more
  76. [22:53:09] Isoxls: hp?
  77. [22:53:15] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Harry Potter
  78. [22:53:18] Isoxls: oh
  79. [22:53:31] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Playing maf is fun overall though
  80. [22:53:41] Isoxls: what were the things in the room that got you into trolling though
  81. [22:53:45] Hiisoxlsplstalk: You know who I genuinely really really do like though
  82. [22:53:47] Hiisoxlsplstalk: I'll get to that
  83. [22:53:49] Hiisoxlsplstalk: But snaq
  84. [22:53:52] Isoxls: snaq?
  85. [22:53:52] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Is absolutely fantastic
  86. [22:53:56] Isoxls: i agree
  87. [22:54:04] Isoxls: talk dutch slang with him
  88. [22:54:05] Hiisoxlsplstalk: I didn't like Ros much cause they never actually interact that often
  89. [22:54:16] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Like rssp1 and aj ddidnt do much
  90. [22:54:27] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Aelita hosts ssb once in a while
  91. [22:54:36] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Snaq is active, consistently good, and makes fun games
  92. [22:54:43] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Ok but at to why I troll
  93. [22:54:48] Isoxls: okay
  94. [22:54:56] Isoxls: snaq is only a recent ro though
  95. [22:55:01] Isoxls: aj is very nice
  96. [22:55:01] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Started with tballz alt revealing during fishul for towncred
  97. [22:55:05] Isoxls: we talk hockey
  98. [22:55:09] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Yeah ik snaq is recent I've been here a while
  99. [22:55:13] Isoxls: and we live near eachother
  100. [22:55:20] Isoxls: how long have you been on
  101. [22:55:22] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Oh dang that's cool do you know each other
  102. [22:55:28] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Over a year but only 3 months as gats
  103. [22:55:39] Isoxls: no he's like 30 mins away
  104. [22:55:42] Isoxls: LONZO BALL
  105. [22:55:55] Hiisoxlsplstalk: I used to just use all sorts of alts, before anyone cared if you apted
  106. [22:55:57] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Huh?
  107. [22:55:59] Isoxls: wdym 3 months as gats
  108. [22:56:06] Isoxls: sry watching basketball
  109. [22:56:13] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Like I used to play normally, I've only been trolling three months
  110. [22:56:20] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Dude lonzo is overrated
  111. [22:56:23] Isoxls: under which usernames
  112. [22:56:35] Isoxls: >avgs a td summerleague
  113. [22:56:37] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Under which user names did I troll?
  114. [22:56:41] Isoxls: >summerleague mvp
  115. [22:56:44] Isoxls: >overrated
  116. [22:56:49] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Ya
  117. [22:56:56] Hiisoxlsplstalk: He's not gonna be good in NBA
  118. [22:57:03] Hiisoxlsplstalk: As good as he's hyped up to be
  119. [22:57:04] Isoxls: no which names did you use previously
  120. [22:57:13] Isoxls: before your gatsby scheme
  121. [22:57:18] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Before trolling? I used a different one literally every game
  122. [22:57:32] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Player meta is shit so I always changed
  123. [22:57:39] Hiisoxlsplstalk: I'd randomly choose stuff
  124. [22:57:42] Isoxls: another dime by zo
  125. [22:58:06] Isoxls: you do seem to be good at choosing random names
  126. [22:58:18] Hiisoxlsplstalk: :) ya but sometimes they're easy to read
  127. [22:58:20] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Like this one
  128. [22:58:21] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Lol
  129. [22:58:22] Isoxls: very inconspicuous
  130. [22:58:30] Isoxls: well
  131. [22:58:35] Isoxls: you arent in a room rn
  132. [22:58:57] Hiisoxlsplstalk: I haven't been able to get a consistent alt for a whole though, mods ban after one or two games. Cause when I play I'm very active and try to townlead
  133. [22:59:04] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Then I'm asked to alt reveal and am screwed lol
  134. [22:59:26] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Ok I gtg so I'll post something in mafia chat and leave
  135. [22:59:31] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Anything you'd like me to say?
  136. [22:59:38] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Within reason
  137. [23:00:23] Hiisoxlsplstalk: ??
  138. [23:00:27] Isoxls: devin booker
  139. [23:00:31] Isoxls: just got injured
  140. [23:00:31] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Lol ok
  141. [23:00:35] Isoxls: not good
  142. [23:00:37] Hiisoxlsplstalk: What should I post
  143. [23:00:41] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Quick gtg
  144. [23:00:53] Isoxls: nothing imo
  145. [23:00:57] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Rip nah
  146. [23:01:02] Isoxls: i think you should start rebuilding
  147. [23:01:10] Hiisoxlsplstalk: The problem is
  148. [23:01:15] Isoxls: continue talking to me
  149. [23:01:17] Hiisoxlsplstalk: I have to pretend to be bad for too long
  150. [23:01:21] Hiisoxlsplstalk: That is the main problem
  151. [23:01:25] Isoxls: i can speak through the auth
  152. [23:01:31] Isoxls: if you stay clean
  153. [23:01:40] Isoxls: ill make sure youre unbanned
  154. [23:01:44] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Idk dude I've had ironic and zor both vouch for me
  155. [23:01:55] Hiisoxlsplstalk: I also do have plans though I'm starting a new alt in a week or two
  156. [23:01:57] Hiisoxlsplstalk: So dw
  157. [23:01:57] Isoxls: so you think ill turn on you
  158. [23:02:00] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Nah
  159. [23:02:06] Isoxls: if you trust snaq
  160. [23:02:11] Isoxls: ill speak with him
  161. [23:02:12] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Not that I trust snaq
  162. [23:02:15] Hiisoxlsplstalk: He hates me
  163. [23:02:20] Isoxls: i know that
  164. [23:02:25] Isoxls: but if you legitimately
  165. [23:02:26] Hiisoxlsplstalk: He's just a good role
  166. [23:02:27] Isoxls: try
  167. [23:02:28] Hiisoxlsplstalk: *RO
  168. [23:02:41] Isoxls: he might consider allowing you to stay
  169. [23:02:54] Isoxls: there was a very bad user in wifi a few years back
  170. [23:03:01] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Nah too much work kek
  171. [23:03:03] Isoxls: much worse than anything youve done
  172. [23:03:09] Isoxls: swapping dupes and fakes
  173. [23:03:13] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Dang haha
  174. [23:03:13] Isoxls: in trades
  175. [23:03:18] Isoxls: all the time
  176. [23:03:25] Isoxls: he worked himself back up
  177. [23:03:31] Isoxls: hes a breeder now i think
  178. [23:03:36] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Damn that's good
  179. [23:03:37] Isoxls: idk his username
  180. [23:03:41] Hiisoxlsplstalk: But really all that means
  181. [23:03:44] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Is that he's soft.
  182. [23:03:45] Hiisoxlsplstalk: I'm not.
  183. [23:03:47] Isoxls: so why dont you think about that
  184. [23:03:48] Hiisoxlsplstalk: Bye.
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