
Banker Gui ~ Vasture

Jun 27th, 2021
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  1. command /banker:
  2. trigger:
  3. if {bank::%{uuid}%} is null:
  4. set {bank::%{uuid}%} to 0
  5. else:
  6. set {_p} to "%player%" parsed as player
  7. set metadata tag "bankerGUI" of player to chest inventory with 3 rows named "&e&lBanker"
  8. set slot 0 of metadata tag "bankerGUI" of player to skull of {_p} named "&3%player%"
  9. set slot 12 of metadata tag "bankerGUI" of player to paper named "&a&lWithdraw"
  10. set slot 14 of metadata tag "bankerGUI" of player to paper named "&c&lDeposit"
  11. set slot 26 of metadata tag "bankerGUI" of player to an emerald named "&aBalance" with lore "&ePocket: &a%{_p}'s balance%" and "&eBank: &a$%{bank::%{uuid}%}%"
  12. open (metadata tag "bankerGUI" of player) to player
  19. on inventory click:
  20. if compare(metadata tag "bankerGUI" of player, event-inventory) = true:
  21. cancel event
  22. if event-slot is 12:
  23. close inventory of player
  24. set { of player%} to true
  25. send "&a&l[!] &aPlease put the amount of money you want to withdraw in chat."
  26. wait 30 seconds
  27. if { of player%} is set:
  28. delete { of player%}
  29. send "&c&l[!] &cRan out of time, please try again."
  30. wait 1 second
  31. open (metadata tag "bankerGUI" of player) to player
  32. else:
  33. stop
  34. if index of event-slot is 14:
  35. close inventory of player
  36. set { of player%} to true
  37. send "&a&l[!] &aPlease put the amount of money you want to deposit in chat."
  38. wait 30 seconds
  39. if { of player%} is set:
  40. delete { of player%}
  41. send "&c&l[!] &cRan out of time, please try again."
  42. wait 1 second
  43. open (metadata tag "bankerGUI" of player) to player
  44. else:
  45. stop
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