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a guest
Feb 22nd, 2020
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  1. [en]
  2. MENU_AUTH_TITLE = \wWelcome to PVP.World Game Server.^n\yEntrance Gate
  3. MENU_REGISTER_TITLE = Join the PVP.World Army^n\wDon't have an account? ^nNo problem, Let's get you registered
  4. MENU_LOGIN_TITLE = Login to the battlefield^n\wAlready have a PVP.World account? Login then.
  5. MENU_ITEM_LOGIN = \yLogin
  6. MENU_ITEM_REGISTER = Register an account^n
  7. MENU_ITEM_USERNAME = \yUsername: \w%s
  8. MENU_ITEM_PASSWORD_LOGIN = \yPassword: \w%s^n
  9. MENU_ITEM_PASSWORD_REG = \yPassword: \w%s
  10. MENU_ITEM_PASSWORD2 = \yConfirm Password: \w%s^n
  11. MENU_ITEM_REGISTER = \yRegister
  12. MENU_ITEM_REGISTERING = \dRegistering...
  13. MENU_ITEM_LOGIN= \yLogin
  14. MENU_ITEM_LOGGING = \dLogging in...
  15. MENU_ITEM_VERIFYING = \dVerifying...
  17. MENU_MAIN_TITLE = \wPVP.World Community \r(WWW.PVP.WORLD)^n^n\y%s,^nLv.%d [Exp: %s]^n^n\yMain Menu
  18. MENU_ITEM_CHOOSETEAM = Choose Team
  19. MENU_ITEM_LOGOUT = \rLogout
  21. CANT_PICK_TEAM = !tInfo:!y Team changing is not allowed at the moment.
  22. TEAM_PICK_LOCKED = !tInfo:!y Team changing is not allowed in this server.
  24. AUTH_LOGGING = !tInfo!y: We are logging you in, please wait...
  25. AUTH_ALREADY_LOGGED = !tInfo!y: You've already logged in.
  26. AUTH_LOGIN_EMPTY = !tInfo!y: Username or password is empty.
  27. AUTH_REGISTERING = !tInfo!y: We are registering you, please wait...
  28. AUTH_REGISTER_EMPTY = !tInfo!y: Username, password or confirmation password is empty.
  29. AUTH_REGISTER_PASS_SIZE = !tInfo!y: Password can not be more than 64 characters.
  30. AUTH_REGISTER_PASS_NOMATCH = !tInfo!y: Password and Confirmation Password don't match.
  31. AUTH_ERROR_01 = !tInfo!y: Username can not be empty.
  32. AUTH_ERROR_02 = !tInfo!y: Username can not be more than 32 characters.
  33. AUTH_ERROR_03 = !tInfo!y: The following characters are prohibited: !t/!y !t'!y !t\!y !t`!y !t^"!y.
  34. AUTH_ERROR_04 = !tInfo!y: This feature is not available at the moment.
  35. AUTH_ERROR_05 = !tInfo!y: Password can not be empty.
  36. AUTH_ERROR_06 = !tInfo!y: Password can not be more than 64 characters.
  37. AUTH_ATTEMPT = !tLogin!y: You've reached %i/%i wrong attempts, please reconnect and try again.
  38. AUTH_ERROR_07 = !tInfo!y: Unable to log you in (I.S.E).
  39. AUTH_LOGIN_REQUEST = !tLogin!y: Authentication is requested, waiting for server's response...
  40. AUTH_ERROR_08 = !tInfo!y: Unable to register you (I.S.E).
  41. AUTH_REGISTER_REQUEST = !tRegistration!y: Registration is requested, waiting for server's response...
  42. AUTH_LOGIN_VERIFYING = !tLogin!y: Verifying authentication...
  43. AUTH_LOGIN_CUSTOMERROR = !tLogin!y: %s.
  44. AUTH_REGISTER_DONE = !tRegistration!y: !gYou've successfully registered, now please login.!y.
  45. AUTH_REGISTER_CUSTOMERROR = !tRegistration!y: %s.
  46. AUTH_LOGIN_DONE_SELF = !tLogin!y: !gYou've logged in, hello !t%s#%d!y.
  47. AUTH_LOGIN_DONE_ALL = Player !t%s#%d!y has logged in.
  48. AUTH_LOGIN_FAIL = !tLogin!y: Login is unsuccesful.
  49. AUTH_LOGIN_FAIL_REASON = !tReason!y: This account is currently logged in !t%s!y as !t%s!y at !t%s!y.
  50. AUTH_LOGOUT = !tInfo!y: You've logged out.
  52. GAMEPROFILE_ERROR_LOADQUERY = !tError!y: Unable to load your game profile, we've logged you out. !t(Please contact an admin)!y
  53. GAMEPROFILE_ERROR_LOADQUERY2 = !tError!y: Unable to initialize your game profile, we've logged you out. !t(Please contact an admin)!y
  54. GAMEPROFILE_FIRST_LOGIN = !tInfo!y: !gInitializing game profile...!y
  56. LEVELING_LEVELUP = !tGame!y: !gYou've leveled up to !tLv.%d!g.!y
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