
Divided Attention

Sep 8th, 2016
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  1. >Lincoln had been spending more time with Lana than usual ever since they got back from camping
  2. >Lincoln was teaching Lana about starting fires, Lana was teaching Lincoln about the various uses of mud
  3. >Lola sat by the window watching Lincoln and Lana play in the mud, it had been a month since they had practiced for a pageant, and 2 months since Lincoln helped do her hair
  4. >Rather than waiting for Lincoln to remember, Lola decided it was time to speak up a bit
  5. >"Lincyyyy!" Called Lola from the front door "Could you help me with my hair?"
  6. >"Huh?" said Lincoln as he formed a brick from the mud "Sure I'll be right there!"
  7. >"Sorry Lana, We're gonna have to continue this later" Said Lincoln, getting up and grabbing his crutches
  8. >"oh...ok" Responded Lana "I'll go play with the dogs"
  9. >As Lincoln hobbled towards the house, Lana couldn't help but look at the cast covering his Leg
  10. >She could Remember the nights they spent huddled by the fire in their mud hut, hoping someone would find them
  11. >With a quick shake of the head she snapped out of it, and wiped the tears from her eyes
  12. >"It'll be okay" Mumbled Lana to herself "W-We'll play again tomorrow..."
  14. >As Lincoln helped Lola brush her hair, he felt as if something was wrong
  15. >"It must have been Horrible out there Lincy" Said Lana as Lincoln brushed her hair
  16. >"Hmm? oh yeah, it sucked." Mumbled Lincoln absentmindedly
  17. >"It must feel nice getting away from all that mud, Isn't it?"
  18. >"Yeah, sure..."Muttered Lincoln, looking out the window
  19. >As Lincoln's attention began to drift he caught a snag in Lola's hair
  20. >"OW" yelped Lola
  21. >"OH MY GOD, IM SORRY!" Shouted Lincoln as grabbed Lola and hugged her tight
  22. >"Geez it's fine Lincoln "exclaimed Lola, trying to get Lincoln off of her "Now get offa me before you mess up my hair
  23. >Lincoln released the hug he had Lola in
  24. >"Sorry, sorry it's just......*sigh*, nevermind. Let me get the hairspray"
  25. >As Lincoln went to get the hairspray he heard a shout come from downstairs
  26. >"Lincoln!" Shouted Lana "That show you were telling me about is on!"
  27. >"It's on already?" Exclaimed Lincoln "I'LL BE RIGHT THERE!"
  28. >"Can we finish this later Lola, I can't miss this episode of guy vs nature"
  29. >"It's fine, it's fine" Grumbled Lola as she picked up the spray can "I can do it myself...."
  30. >As Lincoln hobbled towards the stairs, Lola began to get annoyed
  31. >"stupid survival show..*grumble, mumble* Not even in the woods anymore...*Grumble,Mumble*"
  32. >"*in a mocking tone* Oh look Lincoln, you can make toilet paper out of maggots and roots"
  33. >Lola dropped the spraycan and sat down, not even bothering to fix her hair
  35. >Fast forward a few days
  36. >Lincoln and Lana were on the couch watching guy vs nature again
  37. >"What's he doing with those shells Lincoln" Asked Lana, her eyes glued to the screen
  38. >"I dunno....wait, Why is he pulling down his pants?" Said Lincoln Nervously
  39. >"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!"Shouted the two of them simultaneously
  40. >"And That's how you use seashells if you don't have any toiletries" Said the man on the TV
  41. >"THAT'S NASTY!" Shouted Lincoln, looking ready to vomit
  42. >"I know right!" Responded Lana "Why would you use seashells of all things? I think I would rather Hold it in."
  43. >As the two were shouting and laughing on the couch, Lola walked in
  44. >"Hey Lincy, Wanna watch the pageant?" Asked Lola, holding up a TV guide
  45. >"Aww, But he was just getting ready to show us how to cook a lobster in a leather boot" Exclaimed Lana
  46. >"A lobster...In a boot?" Said Lola, a mixture of disgust and confusion forming on her face
  47. >"Why would you want to cook a lobster in a boot?"
  48. >"well... you might not have any pots in the wild" Explained Lincoln "and this may be your best chance at cooking a meal"
  49. >"You should watch with us!" Shouted Lana excitedly "You might learn something cool!"
  50. >"uhh.... no thanks" Replied Lola "I think I'll just go watch it with Leni"
  51. >"Ok then, Suit yourself" Said Lincoln as Lana scooched Closer
  52. >The two continued watching TV till they both fell asleep on the couch
  54. >Fast forward a week
  55. >Lola was starting to get desperate
  56. >Every attempt to get Lincoln away from Lana had failed, and Lola was starting to feel more and more alone
  57. >"why does Lincy want to spend so much time with Lana?" Lola asked herself frustrated with the whole situation
  58. >"I'm cuter, I'm cleaner, I'm more fun to be around" She continued, pacing about the room
  59. >"Did Lincoln forget all the fun we had? Doing my hair, Practicing walking, organizing dresses..."
  60. >Lola looked outside to see Lincoln and Lana making bricks in the mud again
  61. >"so, he likes to get dirty huh...." Said Lola, an idea forming in her head "I'll show him just how dirty I can be"
  62. >Lola threw open her closet and started making preparations
  64. >Lincoln was in his room reading his comics in his underwear, as he had done so many times before
  65. >His cast was resting on a few pillows as the doctor had instructed
  66. >As he read his the latest "Ace savvy" heard a noise
  67. >*Knock Knock*
  68. >"Come in" Said Lincoln, his eyes glued to the comic
  69. >Lola opened the door and walked in
  70. >"oh hey Lola what's uuuuhhhh........." Lincoln's jaw dropped as he saw Lola
  71. >Lola was wearing a sheer pink nightdress, One that she had accidentally bought when looking for a "light weight" pageant gown, and no underwear
  72. >"Like it?" asked Lola as she spun around "It's been sitting in the closet for so long, and I thought I should give it some Use"
  73. >Lola jumped up onto the bed and sat next to Lincoln
  74. >"So I was thinking" Said Lola putting a hand on Lincoln's leg "We haven't really gotten to spend that much time together recently"
  75. >Lincoln was starting to get nervous
  76. >"so why don't we spend some Quality Time together tonight"
  77. >Lola began scooching closer to Lincoln
  78. >"uh Lola" Started Lincoln "I don't think this i-aah"
  79. >Lola bumped Lincoln's cast
  80. >"ohh, my poor sweet Lincy" Said Lola in a sickeningly sweet tone "That must be so painful"
  81. >She turned around, on her knees facing the cast
  82. >"Let me kiss it and make it better"
  84. >Lola kissed Lincoln's cast
  85. >"Hmm, That won't work" Commented Lola "Maybe I should move up a bit"
  86. >Lola started to move up Lincoln's leg, Kissing his knee, then his thigh, moving ever upwards
  87. >"L-Lola, What are you NNNGGGH!"
  88. >Lola's cheek was against Lincoln's underwear, Her face was starting to go red
  89. >"Oh my" Said Lola eyeing the bulge in Lincoln's undies "Looks like you have another Leg in need of attention"
  90. >Lola began to pull down Lincoln's pants
  91. >"Wait!" Exclaimed Lincoln "Lola, What's gotten into you"
  92. >"Nothing...yet" Replied Lola as she climbed on top of Lincoln
  93. >"Now, Let's enjoy ourselves"
  94. >As Lola was getting Lincoln into position he grabbed her by the arms
  95. >"Lola, STOP!" Shouted Lincoln
  96. >W-What's the matter Lincoln?" Asked Lola looking down "Don't you still love me?"
  97. >"What? Of course I still love you!" Replied Lincoln
  98. >"Then" Lola looked Lincoln in the eyes, tears streaming down her cheeks "Then why won't you spend time with me anymore?"
  99. >Lola was sobbing and shaking
  100. >"Is that what this was all about?" Asked Lincoln, A look of guilt on his face
  101. >"Y-You've been spending all your time with Lana, and it's like I don't even exist" Explained Lola through sobs and tears
  102. >Lincoln sat up and hugged Lola
  103. >"*sigh* Look, I'm sorry if I've been ignoring you lately" Lincoln started "I've been spending so much time with Lana because it didn't want her to be alone after what happened"
  104. >Lincoln put a hand on his cast
  105. >"Lana has been through some scary stuff, We both have..."
  107. >"She's been so scared of going through all that again" Said Lincoln, holding back tears of his own
  108. >"I thought that if I spent enough time with her and helped her learn more survival stuff, Maybe she wouldn't feel so scared about leaving the house alone..."
  109. >"W-Wha?" muttered Lola "What do you mean?"
  110. >"*Sigh* Look" Started Lincoln, putting his underwear back on "I never told you or the others about this but... we almost died out there"
  111. >Lola felt her heart sink
  112. >"I put on a brave face and told everyone that that we had things under control but.... there were many times when we thought that we would never be found"
  113. >"I-I'm sorry Lincy" Apologized Lola "I didn't know"
  114. >"I didn't want to tell you because I knew you all would worry" Replied Lincoln, Looking at the floor
  115. >"Once Lana is a bit more comfortable in her own skin and is able to go outside on her own without panicking, things will go back to normal" Explained Lincoln
  116. >"But until then, She's going to need the majority of my attention and care. alright?"
  117. >"I understand." Replied Lola as she wiped the tears from her eyes.
  118. >"W-Would it be ok if I still slept in here tonight?" Asked Lola
  119. >"Yeah" Replied Lincoln "You can sleep with me tonight"
  120. >"But uh Lola" Said Lincoln
  121. >"Yes?"
  122. >"Put on some underwear first"
  124. END
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