
The Choice

Aug 18th, 2014
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  1. >You are just fucking about on your computer, as is usual for you after a rough day at work.
  2. >You're currently on /mlp/, your little guilty pleasure, posting about your waifu.
  3. >The power blinks, and your PC unceremoniously clicks off.
  4. "Ah DAMMIT." You growl, smacking the keyboard ineffectively.
  5. >You had an RTS game running at the same time, so back to the last save you go.
  6. >Oh well.
  7. >The lights kick back on, and you notice a black mist swirling around...until suddenly, it's not a black mist.
  8. >It condenses into a four legged form, complete with what appears to be a robe made out of the very fabric of space itself.
  9. >You can make no features out, aside from two yellow orbs glowing from under the hood.
  10. >"Greetings." 'He' says, voice almost ethereal.
  11. >"I am here to grant you your greatest wish."
  12. "Fucking...what?"
  13. >Realistically, that's all you *can* say.
  14. >"A chance to come with me, to Equestria."
  15. >You simply blink in confusion.
  16. "Wait wait exists?!"
  17. >"Oh yes, Equestria is very real."
  18. >The figure chuckles.
  19. >"There is a pony there that pines for you, as a matter of fact. Would hang on your every word and action as if it would save her life. She, however, believes you to be imaginary as well."
  20. >The stallion locks his solid yellow, glowing eyes to you.
  21. >"You can change that."
  22. "What do I have to do?"
  23. >Your closet door slides open, and instead of your clothing, there is a stark white room.
  24. >On the floor is a child, looking like he was simply snatched from his bed just a few moments ago.
  25. >He's even still asleep.
  26. >"In order to enter, you must kill this child with the weapon you find inside. Only you and your lover will know of this."
  27. >This is...barbaric.
  28. "What if I say no?"
  29. >"Then I simply leave, and you will forget about my visit and that Equestria is real. You will never think of this land as anything more than a fairy tale."
  30. >You deliberated, briefly.
  31. "...let's do this."
  32. >"Splendid."
  33. >He guides you into the room, where a lone weapon hangs on the wall, underneath a window.
  34. >A machete, sharp as it could be.
  35. >You look up, and you see...her.
  36. >The pony that caught your eye and affections, all without even being real.
  37. >She's up in a room, peering through a window.
  38. >Your pony sees you...and simply loses all composure, finally realizing that she *isn't* crazy, and that you *do* exist.
  39. >It's enough to bring a few tears to your eyes.
  40. >Opposite her, in another room surrounded by soundproof glass, is a large group of people.
  41. >They look a bit like the child in complexion and even a few features.
  42. >Family, you assume.
  43. "Hey, this wasn't part of it. You said only she and I would know."
  44. >"That is true. They will find this child butchered in the streets later tomorrow, by an 'unknown assailant'."
  45. >Your stomach was already churning, and now it was doing backflips.
  46. >The family was pounding on the glass, and you could read a few of the words they were *screaming* soundlessly at you.
  47. >"Now, all you must do is pick it up, and swing."
  48. >Your mare was looking at you in a mix of horror and confusion, wondering what you were doing.
  49. >The family was going absolutely ballistic.
  50. >You lifted the machete.
  51. >"Good."
  52. >The dark stallion was standing near the child, waiting for you to do the deed.
  53. >"Remember: Kill him, and Equestria is yours. Your lover is yours."
  54. >You lift it high...
  55. >Then twist your wrist a bit, bringing it down onto the stallion's head and splitting his hat (and head) wide open.
  56. >The yellow orbs that had been staring at you, unblinkingly, finally went dark.
  57. >You wrench the blade out of his head, and suddenly you find yourself standing in your closet.
  58. >No child, no machete.
  59. >But a definite blood spatter is up your arm, from arterial spray.
  60. >Damn that thing had been sharp.
  61. >No body, though there was the same starry black cloak that stallion had been wearing sitting on the floor.
  62. >A small note was sitting inside it.
  63. >Picking it up, you unfold it.
  64. >"Though you will never meet her, she has seen what she needs to see."
  65. >"She is proud of you and will teach other ponies, until the end of her days, about the self-sacrificing and brave human that she almost met."
  66. >"I regret that I cannot bring you to Equestria after this. A deal is a deal, I'm afraid."
  67. >"The child has been returned to his family, and they will not remember this incident. Excellent work, Anon."
  68. >It was signed "Starswirl the Bearded", complete with a little shooting star over his name.
  69. "No way."
  70. >Jogging over to your window, you looked outside.
  71. >Nothing in the streets.
  72. >You couldn't tell anyone about this, naturally.
  73. >They'd think you were crazy.
  74. >But maybe, just maybe...
  75. >One day, you would meet her again.
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