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Feb 18th, 2021
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  1. ******************** New request ***************
  2. [22749][15:16:09] REMOTE_ADDR:
  3. [22749][15:16:09] HTTP_USER_AGENT: Lizmap
  4. [22749][15:16:09] inserting pair MAP // /data/lizmap/test/test.qgs into the parameter map
  5. [22749][15:16:09] inserting pair REQUEST // GetCapabilities into the parameter map
  6. [22749][15:16:09] inserting pair SERVICE // WMS into the parameter map
  7. [22749][15:16:09] inserting pair VERSION // 1.3.0 into the parameter map
  8. [22749][15:16:09] inserting pair LIZMAP_USER // into the parameter map
  9. [22749][15:16:09] inserting pair LIZMAP_USER_GROUPS // into the parameter map
  10. [22749][15:16:09] LIZMAP_USER:
  11. [22749][15:16:09] LIZMAP_USER_GROUPS:
  12. [22749][15:16:09] MAP:/data/lizmap/test/test.qgs
  13. [22749][15:16:09] REQUEST:GetCapabilities
  14. [22749][15:16:09] SERVICE:WMS
  15. [22749][15:16:09] VERSION:1.3.0
  16. [22749][15:16:09] Found capabilities document in cache
  17. [22749][15:16:09] Checking byte array is ok to set...
  18. [22749][15:16:09] Byte array looks good, setting response...
  19. [22749][15:16:09] Sending HTTP response
  20. [22749][15:16:09] Request finished in 4 ms
  21. [22749][15:16:09] ******************** New request ***************
  22. [22749][15:16:09] REMOTE_ADDR:
  23. [22749][15:16:09] HTTP_USER_AGENT: Lizmap
  24. [22749][15:16:09] inserting pair SERVICE // LIZMAP into the parameter map
  25. [22749][15:16:09] inserting pair REQUEST // GetServerSettings into the parameter map
  26. [22749][15:16:09] inserting pair MAP // /data/lizmap/test/test.qgs into the parameter map
  27. [22749][15:16:09] MAP:/data/lizmap/test/test.qgs
  28. [22749][15:16:09] REQUEST:GetServerSettings
  29. [22749][15:16:09] SERVICE:LIZMAP
  30. [22749][15:16:09] Checking byte array is ok to set...
  31. [22749][15:16:09] Byte array looks good, setting response...
  32. [22749][15:16:09] Sending HTTP response
  33. [22749][15:16:09] Request finished in 1 ms
  34. [22749][15:16:09] ******************** New request ***************
  35. [22749][15:16:09] REMOTE_ADDR:
  36. [22749][15:16:09] HTTP_USER_AGENT: Lizmap
  37. [22749][15:16:09] inserting pair SERVICE // WMS into the parameter map
  38. [22749][15:16:09] inserting pair REQUEST // GetCapabilitiesAtlas into the parameter map
  39. [22749][15:16:09] inserting pair MAP // /data/lizmap/test/test.qgs into the parameter map
  40. [22749][15:16:09] MAP:/data/lizmap/test/test.qgs
  41. [22749][15:16:09] REQUEST:GetCapabilitiesAtlas
  42. [22749][15:16:09] SERVICE:WMS
  43. [22749][15:16:09] Checking byte array is ok to set...
  44. [22749][15:16:09] Byte array looks good, setting response...
  45. [22749][15:16:09] Sending HTTP response
  46. [22749][15:16:09] Request finished in 1 ms
  47. [22749][15:16:09] ******************** New request ***************
  48. [22749][15:16:09] REMOTE_ADDR:
  49. [22749][15:16:09] CONTENT_TYPE: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  50. [22749][15:16:09] HTTP_USER_AGENT: Lizmap
  51. [22749][15:16:09] QgsPostRequestHandler::parseInput
  52. [22749][15:16:09] QgsHttpRequestHandler::readPostBody
  53. [22749][15:16:09] length is: 426
  54. [22749][15:16:09] bbox=%2D795574%2E708372%2C3951826%2E657088%2C3729497%2E365481%2C6114077%2E312918&crs=EPSG%3A3857&dpi=96&exceptions=application%2Fvnd%2Eogc%2Ese%5Finimage&format=image%2Fpng&height=884&layers=well%5Fdec&map=%2Fdata%2Flizmap%2Ftest%2Ftest%2Eqgs&request=getmap&service=WMS&styles=predefinito&transparent=TRUE&version=1%2E3%2E0&width=1850&Lizmap%5FUser=&Lizmap%5FUser%5FGroups=
  55. [22749][15:16:09] Error at line 1, column 1: error occurred while parsing element.
  56. [22749][15:16:09] inserting pair BBOX // -795574.708372,3951826.657088,3729497.365481,6114077.312918 into the parameter map
  57. [22749][15:16:09] inserting pair CRS // EPSG:3857 into the parameter map
  58. [22749][15:16:09] inserting pair DPI // 96 into the parameter map
  59. [22749][15:16:09] inserting pair EXCEPTIONS // application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage into the parameter map
  60. [22749][15:16:09] inserting pair FORMAT // image/png into the parameter map
  61. [22749][15:16:09] inserting pair HEIGHT // 884 into the parameter map
  62. [22749][15:16:09] inserting pair LAYERS // well_dec into the parameter map
  63. [22749][15:16:09] inserting pair MAP // /data/lizmap/test/test.qgs into the parameter map
  64. [22749][15:16:09] inserting pair REQUEST // getmap into the parameter map
  65. [22749][15:16:09] inserting pair SERVICE // WMS into the parameter map
  66. [22749][15:16:09] inserting pair STYLES // predefinito into the parameter map
  67. [22749][15:16:09] inserting pair TRANSPARENT // TRUE into the parameter map
  68. [22749][15:16:09] inserting pair VERSION // 1.3.0 into the parameter map
  69. [22749][15:16:09] inserting pair WIDTH // 1850 into the parameter map
  70. [22749][15:16:09] inserting pair LIZMAP_USER // into the parameter map
  71. [22749][15:16:09] inserting pair LIZMAP_USER_GROUPS // into the parameter map
  72. [22749][15:16:09] formatString is: image/png
  73. [22749][15:16:09] BBOX:-795574.708372,3951826.657088,3729497.365481,6114077.312918
  74. [22749][15:16:09] CRS:EPSG:3857
  75. [22749][15:16:09] DPI:96
  76. [22749][15:16:09] EXCEPTIONS:application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage
  77. [22749][15:16:09] FORMAT:image/png
  78. [22749][15:16:09] HEIGHT:884
  79. [22749][15:16:09] LAYERS:well_dec
  80. [22749][15:16:09] LIZMAP_USER:
  81. [22749][15:16:09] LIZMAP_USER_GROUPS:
  82. [22749][15:16:09] MAP:/data/lizmap/test/test.qgs
  83. [22749][15:16:09] REQUEST:getmap
  84. [22749][15:16:09] SERVICE:WMS
  85. [22749][15:16:09] STYLES:predefinito
  86. [22749][15:16:09] TRANSPARENT:TRUE
  87. [22749][15:16:09] VERSION:1.3.0
  88. [22749][15:16:09] WIDTH:1850
  89. [22749][15:16:09] enable on the fly projection
  90. [22749][15:16:09] Calculating layerset using 1 layers, 1 styles and CRS WGS 84 / Pseudo Mercator
  91. [22749][15:16:09] Trying to get layer well_dec//predefinito
  92. [22749][15:16:10] Checking layer: well_dec
  93. [22749][15:16:12] Setting GetMap response
  94. [22749][15:16:12] setting getmap response...
  95. [22749][15:16:12] Checking byte array is ok to set...
  96. [22749][15:16:12] Byte array looks good, setting response...
  97. [22749][15:16:12] Response sent
  98. [22749][15:16:12] Sending HTTP response
  99. [22749][15:16:12] Request finished in 2632 ms
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