

Apr 6th, 2020
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  1. {
  2.     "head": {
  3.         "type": "header",
  4.         "description": "Settings - Bash Sensors (write commands in Bash!)"
  5.     },
  6.     "title": {
  7.         "type": "entry",
  8.         "default": "Bash sensors",
  9.         "description": "Title",
  10.         "tooltip": "Title used when displaying notifications",
  11.         "value": "WireGuard VPN"
  12.     },
  13.     "refreshInterval": {
  14.         "type": "spinbutton",
  15.         "default": 10,
  16.         "min": 0,
  17.         "max": 60,
  18.         "step": 1,
  19.         "units": "seconds",
  20.         "description": "Refresh interval [0 for no refresh]",
  21.         "value": 10
  22.     },
  23.     "shell": {
  24.         "type": "entry",
  25.         "default": "sh",
  26.         "description": "Shell",
  27.         "tooltip": "Shell to be used ('-c' will be used to call commands)",
  28.         "value": "sh"
  29.     },
  30.     "head1": {
  31.         "type": "header",
  32.         "description": "Commands"
  33.     },
  34.     "script1": {
  35.         "type": "entry",
  36.         "default": "echo 'hello, cinnamon!'",
  37.         "description": "Command 1",
  38.         "tooltip": "first line of output (use \f for more lines)",
  39.         "value": "echo ''"
  40.     },
  41.     "enableScript2": {
  42.         "type": "checkbox",
  43.         "default": true,
  44.         "description": "Two-line mode (command 2 enabled)",
  45.         "value": false
  46.     },
  47.     "script2": {
  48.         "type": "entry",
  49.         "default": "echo 'configuration required'",
  50.         "description": "Command 2",
  51.         "tooltip": "second line of output (optional)",
  52.         "dependency": "enableScript2",
  53.         "value": "echo 'configuration required'"
  54.     },
  55.     "head2": {
  56.         "type": "header",
  57.         "description": "Icon"
  58.     },
  59.     "dynamicIcon": {
  60.         "type": "checkbox",
  61.         "default": false,
  62.         "description": "Dynamic icon (use output of icon command as icon)",
  63.         "value": true
  64.     },
  65.     "iconScript": {
  66.         "type": "entry",
  67.         "default": "",
  68.         "description": "Static icon or command returning the full path to an icon",
  69.         "tooltip": "command should return an icon (leave empty for no icon)",
  70.         "value": "ls /sys/class/net | grep integrity > /dev/null  && echo \"/home/joso/Documents/vpn_on.png\" || echo \"/home/joso/Documents/vpn_off.png\""
  71.     },
  72.     "head3": {
  73.         "type": "header",
  74.         "description": "Tooltip"
  75.     },
  76.     "dynamicTooltip": {
  77.         "type": "checkbox",
  78.         "default": false,
  79.         "description": "Dynamic tooltip (use output of tooltip command as tooltip)",
  80.         "value": true
  81.     },
  82.     "tooltipScript": {
  83.         "type": "entry",
  84.         "default": "Bash sensors!",
  85.         "description": "Tooltip command or static tooltip text",
  86.         "tooltip": "tooltip (static or dynamic)",
  87.         "value": "ls /sys/class/net | grep integrity > /dev/null  && echo \"integrity_vpn: UP\" || echo \"integrity_vpn: DOWN\""
  88.     },
  89.     "head4": {
  90.         "type": "header",
  91.         "description": "Command on applet click"
  92.     },
  93.     "menuScript": {
  94.         "type": "entry",
  95.         "default": "sensors",
  96.         "description": "Menu command (on applet left-click)",
  97.         "tooltip": "allows to display lots of information in popup menu",
  98.         "value": "ls /sys/class/net | grep integrity_vpn && sudo wg-quick down integrity_vpn || sudo wg-quick up integrity_vpn"
  99.     },
  100.     "menuScriptDisplay": {
  101.         "type": "checkbox",
  102.         "default": true,
  103.         "description": "Display output of menu command",
  104.         "value": false
  105.     },
  106.     "head5": {
  107.         "type": "header",
  108.         "description": "Command on start-up"
  109.     },
  110.     "startupScript": {
  111.         "type": "entry",
  112.         "default": "",
  113.         "description": "Command run at start-up",
  114.         "value": ""
  115.     },
  116.     "__md5__": "fbde543e0668ba00551446110656b3a7"
  117. }
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