
Blocksteal Redux - Prevents accidentally pick up

Jul 25th, 2017
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  1. <purpose>
  2. - How many times have you stolen something with no intention of doing so ? Also, how many times have you picked up a bowl while you intended to pick the apple INSIDE the bowl ? Well, not anymore.
  3. - This mod makes it so that you CAN'T steal while standing up, to steal you have to show intention by Sneaking and being subtle.. Also, it allows you to register certain items as unwanted like bowls, pots or cups etc.. so that you can't pick them up if you wanted to, which is super useful, because there are items in the game that are super useless to have them in inventory unless you are a geek decorator.
  4. </purpose>
  6. <notes>
  7. - Go to MCM and check :
  8. * Activate - Activate this mod. default setting is uncheck.
  9. * Sneaking - Can pick up in sneak mode.
  10. * UNCHECK all other options, this will make it so that you can't steal valuables unless you're sneaking, and you can't steal trinkets loaded in the basket (such as plates and goblets) even if you're sneaking or multi-taping!
  11. * Load Basket - Load the basket items from text file.
  12. The Result should look like this :
  13. </notes>
  15. <download-installation>
  16. - Download 'blocksteal redux 1_5' main file
  17. - Download 'All vannila miscItem basket text by White Shadow' optional file -> Just place it in 'SKSE/Plugins' IN THE MOD FOLDER and hit "Load Basket" in the MCM.
  18. </download-installation>
  20. <compatibility-issues>
  21. </compatibility-issues>
  23. <load-order>
  24. </load-order>
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