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Dialog bug description, and attempting to get a chat archive

a guest
May 27th, 2018
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  1. 05-28 00:36 <Dav999> So this white dialog bug is pretty fascinating
  2. 05-28 00:37 <Dav999> Basically, the animation variable normally goes from -15 to 16, where dialogs spawn with -15, that rolls to 0 for normal display, and when closing, 1 is added to that, and if > 0, it will roll to 16 (at which point it's considered closed)
  3. 05-28 00:38 <Dav999> Basically, if you try to close the dialog while it's almost fully closed, you can close it beyond 16
  4. 05-28 00:38 <Dav999> And when I wrote it, I made checks whether the animation variable equals 16, instead of greater than or equal to 16
  5. 05-28 00:39 <Info Teddy> nice
  6. 05-28 00:39 <Dav999> And the dialog also fades in and out, which is done with the alpha, and presumably negative alpha values mess the colors up to be fully white
  7. 05-28 00:39 <Info Teddy> xd
  8. 05-28 00:40 <Dav999> And this can happen if your FPS isn't nicely round or something, because the animation depends on the FPS - it won't go slower if your FPS is slower, but the animation variable will be added to with non-integer values
  9. 05-28 00:41 <Dav999> So 15.5 + 1 is 16.5
  10. 05-28 00:41 <Info Teddy> lmao
  11. 05-28 00:44 <Dav999> Normally this is pretty hard to time exactly right but if it lags, it becomes easier
  12. 05-28 00:44 <Info Teddy> ye
  15. And since it took a hilarious amount of effort to get one of three bots to give this archive without problems, here's how it went on:
  17. 05-28 00:51 <Dav999> \archive 15
  18. 05-28 00:51 <[\]> **`>`**``Dav999``**`#`**``\archive 15``
  19. ++==-==---+--------+-------=+-----------------------------------------------------------------+
  20. || ❗ |
  21. || Unable to find that channel. Please specify a channel ID, a name, or a mention. |
  22. ++--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  23. 05-28 00:51 <Dav999> \archive #ved 15
  24. 05-28 00:51 <[\]> **`>`**``Dav999``**`#`**``\archive #ved 15``
  25. ++==-==---+--------+-------=+-----------------------------------------------------------------+
  26. || ❗ |
  27. || Matched a voice channel - text-to-speech is not implemented. |
  28. ++--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  29. 05-28 00:51 <Dav999> Yay
  30. 05-28 00:52 <Dav999> ]archive #ved 25
  31. 05-28 00:52 <].> **`>`**``Dav999``**`#`**``]archive #ved 25``
  32. ++==-==---+--------+-------=+-----------------------------------------------------------------+
  33. || ❗ |
  34. || Unable to find that channel. Please specify a channel ID, a name, or a mention. |
  35. ++--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  36. 05-28 00:52 <Info Teddy> this is productive
  37. 05-28 00:52 <Dav999> Ok never mind, I'll not pastebin a chat log then
  38. 05-28 00:54 <Dav999> Ok, one last try
  39. 05-28 00:54 <Dav999> \archive 403718283855134720 35
  40. 05-28 00:54 <[\]> **`>`**``Dav999``**`#`**``\archive 403718283855134720 35``
  41. ++==-==---+--------+-------=+-----------------------------------------------------------------+
  42. || ❗ |
  43. || Matched a voice channel - text-to-speech is not implemented. |
  44. ++--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  45. 05-28 00:55 <Info Teddy> slash help archive
  46. 05-28 00:55 <[\]> **`>`**``Info Teddy``**`$`**``slash help archive``
  47. ++---=---=+==-----=+---====-+-----------------------------------------------------------------+
  48. || `\archive` – Create a chat log of the latest messages in a given channel. Not |
  49. || available for non-admins (yet). **Syntax**: `\archive <channel> [limit=100]` The maximum |
  50. || limit is determined by the `maxarchive` config setting, which is global for the bot. |
  51. ++--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  52. 05-28 00:55 <Dav999> @Info Teddy Something needs fixing
  53. 05-28 00:55 <Info Teddy> yes
  54. 05-28 00:55 <CinnamonKiwi> >>eval match_input("channel", 403718283855134720, guild)
  55. 05-28 00:55 <NekoBotBeta> ```py
  56. TypeError: match_input() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given
  57. ```
  58. 05-28 00:56 <CinnamonKiwi> >>eval match_input("channel", 403718283855134720, guild=guild)
  59. 05-28 00:56 <NekoBotBeta> ```py
  60. AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'startswith'
  61. ```
  62. 05-28 00:56 <CinnamonKiwi> oh
  63. 05-28 00:56 <Dav999> +archive 450457324855885827 450459329192001547
  64. 05-28 00:56 <CinnamonKiwi> DAV
  65. 05-28 00:56 <CinnamonKiwi> THATS TOO MANY MESSAGES
  66. 05-28 00:56 <CinnamonKiwi> +help archive
  67. 05-28 00:56 <42>
  68. ++========+=--==--=+========+-----------------------------------------------------------------+
  69. || Help for `+archive` [1/30s] `+archive` e `+archive ['limit']` `+archive 'start id' |
  70. || 'limit'` `+archive 'limit' 'end id'` `+archive 'start id' 'end id'` To get a message's ID, |
  71. || go to settings > appearance and turn on Developer Mode. This adds a 'Copy ID' button to |
  72. || the message cog. |
  73. ++--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  74. 05-28 00:56 <Info Teddy> CAPS
  75. 05-28 00:56 <Dav999> Except I actually read the help
  76. 05-28 00:56 <CinnamonKiwi> oh, right
  77. 05-28 00:56 <Dav999> I wasn't actually going to break it
  78. 05-28 00:57 <Info Teddy> yes there is no other reason he picked those two seemingly-arbitrary numbers
  79. 05-28 00:57 <CinnamonKiwi> i wonder how that works though
  80. 05-28 00:57 <Dav999> I didn't get a DM, for the record
  81. 05-28 00:57 <Dav999> +archive 100
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