
Hidden Mansion

Sep 12th, 2015
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  1. Western School Mysteries ~ Hidden Mansion
  2. (Audio Playlist)
  4. Track 1- This Dull World's Unchanging Pessimism (Hopeless Masquerade)
  5. "A hidden mansion?"
  6. Yuuki Watanabe was taken aback by the urban legend she was told by her classmates. Normally she wasn't one to listen to such rumors, what with her world-weariness making her immune to such things, but once in a while there was some things that did catch her interest.
  7. "Yeah. They say that up near Ittica's falls there's a hidden mansion that used to belong to the town's founder. I hear that it only appears on foggy nights, and if you don't leave by dawn then you'll vanish with it."
  8. "Oh my god, how scary!" Screamed one of the girls.
  9. "Eh, I don't believe it" Said Yuuki bluntly.
  10. "Well why don't you go see for yourself?"
  11. "Me?!"
  12. The two girls gave rather sinister grins to their classmate,
  13. "You know, you should invite that baseball player you like so much. I'm sure you and him could definitely get closer in such a situation like that."
  14. Yuuki felt her face burn up when she pictured that situation. Being alone with Devon Worth, with no one around for miles...
  15. "Would that really...?"
  16. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained!" said the bubbly classmate, "Be sure to tell us what you find~!"
  17. "Who says I'm going?!"
  18. "We do. And if you don't, we'll tell that baseball player all the things you have written in your pink notebook~"
  19. Yuuki's face went pale.
  20. "Pleasepleasepleasedon'ttellhiiiiim! I'll do iiiit!"
  23. Track 2- Suspicious Eyes (Steins;Gate)
  24. Hiking through the mountains at night was something that was unnerving, but Yuuki pressed on. While she did have the company of
  25. Devon with her, there was one other joining their trek.
  26. "What terrible things were you planning to do to Dev all the way out here, Yuyu?"
  27. Sean Kennedy gave her a cheeky grin. Even if there weren't any hard feelings between them, the two seemed to regularly cause frustration for one another.
  28. "Were you really planning something, Yuuki?"
  29. "Noo, of course not! What do you take me for, Devon?"
  30. "A pubescent high school girl with a growing sex drive?"
  31. She smacked him in the back of the head with her flashlight.
  32. "Owowow! No need to be so violent, geeze..."
  33. The trio marched on, deeper into the foggy forest. Just as they felt ready to turn back, something appeared in the distance.
  34. "Hey, hey, hey, is that the place Yuyu?"
  35. The girl nodded. From within the fog, a derelict building stuck out. The worn-down mansion still had some of the elegance it might have had when it was first built, but now it also had a haunting feel to it. The windows were cracked and parts of the
  36. walls had rotted away.
  37. "Well, I guess it's time we went in..." Yuuki said nervously.
  38. With shaking hands, she walked up to the entrance and opened the door.
  40. Track 3- Chapter 1 Main Theme (Corpse Party)
  41. "Ah, it's like a maze in here!" Devon whined.
  42. Since entering, the three walked around the various ruins of the building, searching for anything of interest. Fortunately, their flashlights weren't the only way they could see what was ahead.
  43. "I figured you had other motives for asking me to borrow the camera, but I guess I was wrong."
  44. Sean held the camera steady as he scanned ahead of them with the night-vision mode. Aside from a few rabbits, nothing interesting had been seen.
  45. "For a haunted mansion, this place is rather...dull."
  46. "I know it is, but I didn't have a choice. My life was on the line!"
  47. After wading around more, the trio found themselves outside a room locked away with a metal door.
  48. "Huh, wait a minute..." Sean walked up to the door and scanned it with the camera. "Hey, there's some weird marking on this thing."
  49. "Really? Lemme see." Devon took the camera and looked at the door. "Holy shit, what the hell are those symbols."
  50. "They look like they come from the Lesser Key of Solomon."
  51. The two boys turned to look at Yuuki.
  52. "What? I read about it a while back."
  53. The two shrugged before taking the handles of the door and entering the sealed room.
  55. Track 4- Heretic Mansion (SMT Nocturne)
  56. What laid beyond the door was a dark room filled with a large brass telescope, whose glass was scattered below the opening on the roof.
  57. "Wow, I didn't know they made telescopes this big back in the old days."
  58. Devon slowly stepped forward, walking towards the light. As he did, the ground beneath them began to quake.
  59. "W-Wait, stop Devon!"
  60. A strange purple light began to erupt from several places on the floor, forming a circle around the telescope.
  61. "H-Hey, are those marks on the floor familiar to you, Yuyu?"
  62. "Y-Yes...t-they're the marks from a Devil's Trap."
  63. "Dev, get your sweet ass back here now!"
  64. He stopped and turned to see what was wrong...unaware of the shadow that appeared in front of him.
  66. Track 5- The End Begins
  67. At that moment, the magic circle began to burn, separating the friends.
  68. "Devon, look out!"
  69. The boy turned and found himself face-to-face with a mad-looking man covered in head to toe in a black cloak. In his hand was an axe.
  70. "Aaaaah!"
  71. Devon jumped back, avoiding the swing. Unwilling to stay any longer, he turned and dove through the firewall, pushing his two friends back in the process.
  72. "We need to get the hell out of here!"
  73. "Agreed!"
  75. Track 6- The last Crusade (Epica)
  76. As they ran back through the halls, several other people in strange cloaks began to appear, each one branding a different weapon and taking a swing at the three friends.
  77. "Shit, I think we found ourselves a cult!" Devon yelled,
  78. "You think?!"
  79. Upon making it to the atrium, they find that the door they had entered through was now locked.
  80. "Shit, what do we do?!"
  81. "Pray?" Sean said weakly.
  82. The turned and saw the mob that had been chasing them surround them, each one of them ready to tear into them.
  83. "Come now children, join uuuus..." Said one of the cloaked figures.
  84. "No, thank you!!"
  85. The three turned back towards the door and began to slam against it, trying to break the lock.
  87. Track 7- REINFORCE (Utatemeguri)
  88. Just as hope seemed lost, the door gave way.
  89. "Kyaaah!"
  90. The three fell down onto the porch outside. Without even bothering to look back, the three ran back into the forest with all their might. By the time they finally did stop, it was dawn.
  91. "Haaah...haaah....d-did we lose them?" Yuuki asked,
  92. "I think we did, Yuyu..."
  93. "Oh thank god, I thought we were mince meat." Devon said, relief evident on his face. "I think it's time to go home..."
  94. As the three made their way back to their car, neither one dared look back, afraid that perhaps one of those cloaked figures was still chasing them...
  96. Track 8- Beautiful Days (Danganronpa)
  97. " you guys found cultists instead?!"
  98. "Yes!"
  99. The girls shook their heads.
  100. "You know, you don't have to lie. If you didn't see anything that's fine. No need to keep that urban legend alive."
  101. "But I--"
  102. Yuuki sighed.
  103. "You know, I think some mysteries are best left unsolved..."
  104. And so, the mystery of the hidden mansion was now closed. But perhaps this isn't the end for Yuuki and her friends...
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