
More law shit

Nov 22nd, 2017
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  1. Covet: Cadence had rode with Tyler, so she could direct him where to go, while updating him on what was going on tonight. "This is something serious so please keep your brotherly antics to yourself." She told him as they pulled up the drive and parked. // Tyler looked at Cadence, "Bun.. You need to calm down. I know how to behave myself. And I get that this is serious. And sensative. I can take this seriously. I am taking this seriously." He said then looked at the house, "Hot damn, now this is a house."
  2. Alexithymiaa: (Tyler arent you rich)
  3. Tsaaq: ((lmaoooo.))
  4. Covet: [Yeah but he has a bachelor pad, penthouse.. that's like.. a different kind of rich. This is family rich. XD]
  5. Tsaaq: ((This is old money we had plantations in the civil war rich.))
  6. Covet: [Course now he's going to be like... I need to settle down and get an estate...Just because an estate makes a statement. ]
  7. Tsaaq: ((Good tyler.))
  8. Covet: [XD]
  9. Alexithymiaa: (An estatement......)
  10. Covet: [See.. I refrained from saying it... But I'm so proud of you.]
  11. Tsaaq: ((Btw I'm saying Remy drove Hayley and Adam.))
  12. Alexithymiaa: (I couldnt resist)
  13. Alexithymiaa: (Okay that works)
  14. Tsaaq: Hayley crossed her arms as she sat in the passenger seat. Mean mugging as they went past the security then drove up the driveway and slowly came to a halt. "I've never met Bliss' uncle." She muttered, thinking of the male Maverick track record. // "Stop frowning please." He sighed as he inhaled his cigarette. "Okay get out and ring the bell." He instructed as he put the lambo in park and waved at Cadence and co. A.k.a. Tyler.
  15. Alexithymiaa: -Adam pushed the door of Remy's car open so that he could climb out, turning to offer Hayley a hand to help her out of the car. Seeing Cadence and Tyler pull up as well, he sent them a wave before turning to lead Hayley up toward the front door. "I haven't either. But if he's willing to help, he must be nice, right?" He asked, trying to be reassuring.-
  16. Covet: "Yes it is, congrats big bro. You're coming so far in your education." she told him patting his shoulder. "C'mon." She said climbing out of his black sports car. She walked around and made her way over to Remy, lacing her fingers with his.// Tyler scowled at Cadence then climbed out, pulling on the lapels of his blazer and sleeves, walking up with everyone to the door.
  17. Tsaaq: "I guess." Hayley murmured skeptically then went to ring the doorbell with a pout. She went to lean into Adam as she waited on the door to be opened. // Remy flicked away his cigarette butt then went to kiss Cadence's cheek. "Looking like a ten as usual babe." He said to her in a whisper then went to joint he rest of the group. // Sedrick heard the door and jogged over to it. "Coming!" He called out and went to fling the door open and waved the group inside. "Oh great. Everyone is here. Let's move to the basement. We'll sit by the fire place." He declared. Waving the group to follow him as he went down the steps.
  18. Alexithymiaa: -Adam gingerly stepped inside the house, following Sedrick down the stairs to the basement, making sure to keep close to Hayley because he knew she was a little uncomfortable. "I don't think I've ever been in the basement before." He said matter of factly as he glanced around.-
  19. Covet: "Thank you." She whispered back smiling, looking all hot secretary business looking. "Good evening Sedrick." She said as he ushered them in and let them sit on the couches since there was more of them this time. // Tyler walked in and was taking note of the place, because this is what swanky looked like. Keeping his response simple with just a nod as he stepped in.
  20. Tsaaq: She nodded her head and held onto the banister as they went down the stairs. "Hi." She whispered and went over to the couches immediately. She crossed her arms and went to slouch. "I have. There's like laundry things and a mini theater down here." She told Adam. // "Evening Sed." He greeted and went to kind of idle before looking to the couch. He waited on Cadence to sit before he did. // "For those who don't know me I'm Sedrick Maverick Esquire." He introduced going to shake, Adam, Hayley and Tyler's hands. "Before I start anything would anyone like a drink?" He asked as he went over to the bar.
  21. Alexithymiaa: -Adam followed over to the couches, taking a seat down beside Hayley and offering his hand to Sedrick for him to shake. "It's nice to meet you Sedrick. We appreciate your help with this." He shook his head at the offer of a beverage. "No, thank you."-
  22. Covet: Cadence sat down crossing one leg over the other as she looked over at Sedrick, "No thank you, but appreciated." // Tyler shook Sedrick's hand, "Cadence has updated me about you and what's going on, Pleasure to meet you Sedrick." He said then nodded, "I'll take two fingers of whiskey, if you've got it."
  23. Tsaaq: "No." She answered as she kept her arms crossed over her chest. "But nice to meet you." // Remy went to put his hand on Cadence's knee. "I gotta drive. otherwise I'd be with it." He said. "So Sed. How're are things looking?" // "Of course we do." He answered Tyler then went to retrieve his whiskey. He went to walk over to them, handing the glass then sat down with them. "I'm guessing you're Hayley." He said. "Well they've finally picked a judge for the criminal case. The prosecutor will be gathering their jury, but so will Thaddeus' lawyer. Who I haven't met yet by the way." He announced. "What's important now is we don't sensationalize and we make sure there's a good image of the victims."
  24. Alexithymiaa: -Adam nodded as he listened, waiting for a pause in Sedrick's explanation to begin speaking. "And how can we ensure there's a good image of the victims?"-
  25. Covet: Cadence nodded, "What do we know about the judge?" She asked then listened "I'm assuming that means we have to keep things close knit and close to the chest?" she said looking at Remy, putting her hands on his. // Tyler nodded his head and took the glass, then listened. "I'm with this kid, how do we do that?"
  26. Tsaaq: "I'm not a victim. I'm a survivor." Hayley corrected. Still looking a little stand offish. "And I don't want to be a 'good' victim." She made air quotes with her fingers. // Remy's eyes widened as he looked over to Hayley. "Sed doesn't believe in that. We have to play people. This is like a manipulation thing." He told her. // "Well. It's a male judge, yet to know if that will help or hurt. He usually is pretty unforgiving though. Judging by other cases he's been involved with. That's the only information I have so far." He turned to Hayley and sighed. "It is not my intention to offend you. I agree. You're a survivor. But Thaddeus' lawyer will try to make you a victim. Most likely one who haplessly stumbled into Wright's web. The best thing to do is to carry yourself as a role model. People will be looking to you even though there's other people involved in this case. Especially in the civil trial. We can definitely sell on the fact that Wright threw your young innocent life into dissaray." He explained. "Now, did we decide on a price for the civil suit?"
  27. Alexithymiaa: -Adam moved his hand to cover Hayley's trying to calm her a bit. "You just need to counteract any attacks Thaddeus' lawyer tries to use in an attempt to victim blame. That's your only job, and everyone will be willing to help you with that too."-
  28. Covet: "I think Hayley's already done a pretty good job of that. She had a very strong emotional perfromance last week that was definitely a statement of being a survivor. It wasn't an in your face angry performance, just one of being stronger than everything trying to bring her and the rest of us down." Cadence said then looked at Remy, not sure of the ammount that was came up with. // Tyler nodded his head, " Is there even a tangible price to put on something like this?" he asked as he sipped his drink.
  29. Tsaaq: "Thank you Cadence." She murmured. She pursed her lips and nodded slowly. "Yeah. That makes sense." She whispered. "But Cadence and Steph were attacked too. And they're like... Good success stories too." Hayley argued. "I'm sorry, price?" She tilted her head. // Remy patted Cadence's thigh. "Yeah. It was great." He chimed in. "Well this is more of a guestimation at this point. But I'm thinking betwee Cadence, and Hay? Like two hundred seventy g's?" He said. "That seems like a lot." // Sedrick nodded his head. "You kind of have to in civil cases." He told Tyler. "Well this seems like a good price. Did you ask the other girl her price?" Sedrick asked. "Well yes I'm sure thats true but Cadence and I thought this was a good strategy."
  30. Alexithymiaa: "I'm sure everyone has to cooperate Halo. But right now we're just focusing on you, okay?" He asked her gently because this was kind of weird and he felt like he was walking on eggshells here.-
  31. Covet: "You're welcome Sis," Cadence told Hayley, "Steph's still getting us her information, but it would be a substantial ammount. She was in a rather expensive retreat and recovery clinic after all of Thad's consant harassment about her Anorexia." She said. // Tyler listened to them deliberate.
  32. Tsaaq: She inhaled deeply and slouched a bit as she leaned against Adam. "I guess..." She frowned. "I guess all of this is overwhelming." Hayley's expression softened as she uncrossed her arms. "That's fine..." Her eyes subtely widening at the amount of money. "I get half of that?" She asked. // Remy nodded his head. "Okay great. Should I tell Steph's brother about the case. Maybe he can come around and testify some stuff. Make her seem sympathetic too if anything. We all need the proper sympathies when it comes to the turmoil this asshole reigned on us." // "Okay okay, great. I'm glad she's on board with us." Sedrick smiled. "Thank you Hayley. It'll be overwhelming but you'll get through it. It won't be easy but it will be fufilling." He nodded. "Well, yes. I'm already thinking about my opening statement but I still need to wait on the criminal case to get started."
  33. Alexithymiaa: -Giving her a reassuring pat on the arm, Adam smiled to her. "We're all here for you. We're going to do this together. No one is alone in this, okay?" He pushed up to his feet, glancing around. "I'm just going to use the restroom. I'll be right back." He announced to their group, turning to make his way down the hallway in search of it.-
  34. Covet: Cadence looked over at Hayley, "That and more if we can manage it. That's just from the past, that's not really even including future things." She said. "Adam's right. We've got your back Hayley." She said politely, watching as adam got up. "Is there anything else we need to go over tonight? I can see if Steph can meet up with us for the next meeting." // Tyler checked his phone then looked at the time, "Well, If we're done here, I need to head back to my own place, I have an engagement with my bed, and a trade firm tomorrow. But it was great to meet you Sedrick, and I'm pleased that you're helping them out with this. Thank you for the drink.
  35. Covet: *"
  36. Tsaaq: "Okay." she nodded at Adam then looked to Remy. "We have to wait for him before we leave." She stated the obvious. "I wouldn't even know what to do with all that money..." Hayley whispered. "Thank you Mr. Maverick. For helping us I mean." She finally said as she stood up. // "I think that about covers it." Remy said. "Well obviously." He replied sarcastically to Hayley. "Night Ty. See you around." He waved. // Sedrick nodded and pointed. "It's through my office across from the theater." He called out to Adam. "Yes we're done. And please do. I'd love to meet with everyone if possible. But you guys can let your selves out. And you're more than welcome. Quiet though, ma is sleeping." He waved to Prudence's room.
  37. Covet: "Of course." We'll wait with you Hayley. "She said squeezing Remy's hand. Leaving with Adam and Hayley when he got back out.
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