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Dec 10th, 2017
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  1. package praxis.slipcor.classranksBP;
  3. import;
  4. import;
  5. import;
  6. import;
  7. import java.util.Map;
  8. import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
  9. import java.util.jar.JarFile;
  10. import java.util.logging.Level;
  11. import java.util.logging.Logger;
  13. import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
  14. import org.bukkit.Material;
  15. import org.bukkit.command.Command;
  16. import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
  17. import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
  18. import org.bukkit.event.Event;
  19. import org.bukkit.event.Event.Priority;
  20. import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
  21. import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile;
  22. import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager;
  23. import;
  24. import org.bukkit.util.config.Configuration;
  26. import com.alta189.sqlLibrary.MySQL.mysqlCore;
  27. import com.alta189.sqlLibrary.SQLite.sqlCore;
  29. import de.bananaco.permissions.Permissions;
  30. import de.bananaco.permissions.worlds.WorldPermissionsManager;
  31. import praxis.classranks.register.payment.Method;
  32. import praxis.slipcor.classranksBP.CRClasses;
  33. import praxis.slipcor.classranksBP.CRFormats;
  35. /*
  36. * main class
  37. *
  38. * v0.1.4.2 - Reagents => Items ; Cooldown ; Sign usage
  39. *
  40. * History:
  41. *
  42. * v0.1.4.0 - Register API
  43. * v0.1.3.4 - Fix: cost parsing
  44. * - Fix: class change announcement
  45. * - Cleanup: static plugin access
  46. * - Cleanup: ordering
  47. * v0.1.3.3 - Possibility to require items for upranking
  48. * v0.1.3.2 - little fix of auto completion, cleanup
  49. * v0.1.3.1 - database filling via content.yml
  50. * v0.1.3.0 - big rewrite: +SQL, +classadmin
  51. * v0.1.2.8 - rewritten config, ready for ingame ranks and permissionsbukkit
  52. * v0.1.2.7 - consistency tweaks, removed debugging, username autocomplete
  53. * v0.1.2.6 - corrected permission nodes
  54. * v0.1.2.3 - world and player color customizable
  55. * v0.1.2.0 - renaming for release
  56. *
  57. * 2do:
  58. *
  59. * @author slipcor
  60. */
  62. public class ClassRanks extends JavaPlugin {
  63. private final CRPlayerListener playerListener = new CRPlayerListener();
  64. public static CRServerListener serverListener = new CRServerListener();
  65. public static WorldPermissionsManager permissionHandler; // Permissions access
  66. public static Method method = null; // eConomy access
  67. private static Logger Logger; // Logfile access
  68. //mySQL access
  69. public mysqlCore manageMySQL; // MySQL handler
  70. public sqlCore manageSQLite; // SQLite handler
  72. // Settings Variables
  73. public Boolean MySQL = false;
  74. public String dbHost = null;
  75. public String dbUser = null;
  76. public String dbPass = null;
  77. public String dbDatabase = null;
  79. /*
  80. * Function that gets executed when players use a command
  81. * (non-Javadoc)
  82. * @see, org.bukkit.command.Command, java.lang.String, java.lang.String[])
  83. */
  84. public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String commandLabel, String[] args){
  85. if ((cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("rankup")) || (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("rankdown"))) {
  86. // if we use the shortcut /rankup or /rankdown, shift the array
  87. String[] tStr = new String[args.length+1];
  88. System.arraycopy(args, 0, tStr, 1, args.length);
  89. tStr[0] = cmd.getName();
  90. return CRClasses.parseCommand((Player) sender, tStr);
  91. }
  93. if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("class")){
  94. // standard class command, parse it!
  95. return CRClasses.parseCommand((Player) sender, args);
  96. }
  97. if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("classadmin")) {
  98. // admin class command, parse it!
  99. return CRClasses.parseAdminCommand((Player) sender, args);
  100. }
  101. return true;
  102. }
  104. /*
  105. * Function that gets executed on plugin activation
  106. * (non-Javadoc)
  107. * @see org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin#onEnable()
  108. */
  109. public void onEnable(){
  110. Logger = java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
  112. PluginManager pm = getServer().getPluginManager();
  113. pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.PLAYER_COMMAND_PREPROCESS, playerListener, Priority.Normal, this);
  114. pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.PLAYER_INTERACT, playerListener, Priority.Normal, this);
  115. pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.PLUGIN_ENABLE, serverListener, Priority.Normal, this);
  116. pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.PLUGIN_DISABLE, serverListener, Priority.Normal, this);
  118. loadConfig(); // load the config file
  120. if (!setupPermissions()) {
  121. // Disable plugin, because useless without Permissions
  122. getServer().getPluginManager().disablePlugin(this);
  123. return;
  124. }
  125. CRClasses.plugin = this; // hand over plugin
  126. PluginDescriptionFile pdfFile = this.getDescription();
  128. log("v" + pdfFile.getVersion() + " enabled", Level.INFO);
  129. }
  131. /*
  132. * Function that stores the values out of the config.yml into the plugin
  133. */
  134. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
  135. public void loadConfig() {
  136. if(!this.getDataFolder().exists()){
  137. this.getDataFolder().mkdir();
  138. }
  140. File fConfig = new File(this.getDataFolder(),"config.yml");
  141. if(!fConfig.isFile()){
  142. try{ // save the default config.yml (from jar) into the data folder
  143. File jarloc = new File(getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toURI()).getCanonicalFile();
  144. if(jarloc.isFile()){
  145. JarFile jar = new JarFile(jarloc);
  146. JarEntry entry = jar.getJarEntry("config.yml");
  148. if(entry != null && !entry.isDirectory()){
  149. InputStream in = jar.getInputStream(entry);
  150. FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(fConfig);
  151. byte[] tempbytes = new byte[512];
  152. int readbytes =,0,512);
  153. while(readbytes>-1){
  154. out.write(tempbytes,0,readbytes);
  155. readbytes =,0,512);
  156. }
  157. out.close();
  158. in.close();
  160. log("Created default config.yml", Level.INFO);
  161. }
  162. }
  163. }catch(Exception e){
  164. log("Unable to create default config.yml:" + e, Level.INFO);
  165. }
  166. }
  168. Configuration config = new Configuration(fConfig);
  169. config.load();
  171. // set prices
  172. Map<Integer,String> prices = (Map<Integer,String>) config.getProperty("prices");
  173. CRClasses.cost = new double[prices.size()];
  174. int i = 0;
  175. for (Integer Key : prices.keySet()) {
  176. String sVal = prices.get(Key);
  177. try {
  178. CRClasses.cost[i] = Double.parseDouble(sVal);
  179. } catch (Exception e) {
  180. CRClasses.cost[i] = 0;
  181. log("Unrecognized cost key '" + String.valueOf(Key) + "': "+sVal, Level.INFO);
  182. }
  183. i++;
  184. }
  186. // set subcolors
  187. CRClasses.colPlayer = CRFormats.cColorbyCode(config.getString("playercolor"));
  188. CRClasses.colWorld = CRFormats.cColorbyCode(config.getString("worldcolor"));
  190. // set other variables
  191. CRClasses.rankpublic = config.getBoolean("rankpublic", false);
  193. boolean signs = config.getBoolean("signcheck", false);
  194. if (signs) {
  195. CRClasses.signCheck[0] = config.getString("signchoose","[choose]");
  196. CRClasses.signCheck[1] = config.getString("signrankup","[rankup]");
  197. CRClasses.signCheck[2] = config.getString("signrankdown","[rankdown]");
  198. }
  200. CRClasses.coolDown = config.getInt("cooldown", 0);
  202. ItemStack[][] itemStacks;
  203. Map<String, Object> items = (Map<String, Object>) config.getProperty("items");
  204. if (items == null) {
  205. itemStacks = new ItemStack[3][1];
  206. } else {
  207. // for each items => ItemStack[][1,2,3]
  208. int iI = 0;
  209. itemStacks = new ItemStack[items.size()][];
  210. for (String isKey : items.keySet()) {
  211. String values = (String) items.get(isKey);
  212. String[] vStr = values.split(" ");
  213. itemStacks[iI] = new ItemStack[vStr.length];
  214. for (int iJ = 0 ; iJ < vStr.length ; iJ++) {
  216. String[] vValue = vStr[iJ].split(":");
  218. int vAmount = vValue.length > 1 ? Integer.parseInt(vValue[1]) : 1;
  219. try {
  220. itemStacks[iI][iJ] = new ItemStack(
  221. Material.valueOf(vValue[0]),
  222. vAmount
  223. );
  224. } catch (Exception e) {
  225. log("Unrecognized reagent: " + vValue[0], Level.WARNING);
  226. continue;
  227. }
  228. }
  229. iI++;
  230. }
  231. }
  234. CRClasses.rankItems = itemStacks;
  236. // get variables from settings handler
  237. if (config.getBoolean("MySQL", false)) {
  238. this.MySQL = config.getBoolean("MySQL", false);
  239. this.dbHost = config.getString("MySQLhost");
  240. this.dbUser = config.getString("MySQLuser");
  241. this.dbPass = config.getString("MySQLpass");
  242. this.dbDatabase = config.getString("MySQLdb");
  243. }
  245. // Check Settings
  246. if (this.MySQL) {
  247. if (this.dbHost.equals(null)) { this.MySQL = false; log("MySQL is on, but host is not defined, defaulting to SQLite", Level.SEVERE); }
  248. if (this.dbUser.equals(null)) { this.MySQL = false; log("MySQL is on, but username is not defined, defaulting to SQLite", Level.SEVERE); }
  249. if (this.dbPass.equals(null)) { this.MySQL = false; log("MySQL is on, but password is not defined, defaulting to SQLite", Level.SEVERE); }
  250. if (this.dbDatabase.equals(null)) { this.MySQL = false; log("MySQL is on, but database is not defined, defaulting to SQLite", Level.SEVERE); }
  251. }
  253. // Enabled SQL/MySQL
  254. if (this.MySQL) {
  255. // Declare MySQL Handler
  256. this.manageMySQL = new mysqlCore(Logger, "[ClassRanks] ", this.dbHost, this.dbDatabase, this.dbUser, this.dbPass);
  258. log("MySQL Initializing", Level.INFO);
  259. // Initialize MySQL Handler
  260. this.manageMySQL.initialize();
  262. try {
  263. if (this.manageMySQL.checkConnection()) {
  264. log("MySQL connection successful", Level.INFO);
  265. // Check if the tables exist, if not, create them
  266. if (!this.manageMySQL.checkTable("classranks_classes")) {
  267. log("Creating table classranks_classes", Level.INFO);
  268. String query = "CREATE TABLE `classranks_classes` ( `id` int(3) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `classname` varchar(42) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;";
  269. this.manageMySQL.createTable(query);
  270. }
  271. if (!this.manageMySQL.checkTable("classranks_ranks")) { // Check if the table exists in the database if not create it
  272. log("Creating table classranks_ranks", Level.INFO);
  273. String query = "CREATE TABLE `classranks_ranks` ( `id` int(4) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `cid` int(3) NOT NULL, `oid` int(20) NOT NULL, `permname` varchar(42) NOT NULL, `dispname` varchar(42) DEFAULT NULL, `color` int(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '15', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;";
  274. this.manageMySQL.createTable(query);
  275. }
  276. } else {
  277. log("MySQL connection failed", Level.SEVERE);
  278. this.MySQL = false;
  279. }
  280. } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
  281. e.printStackTrace();
  282. } catch (InstantiationException e) {
  283. e.printStackTrace();
  284. } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
  285. e.printStackTrace();
  286. }
  287. } else {
  288. log("SQLite Initializing", Level.INFO);
  290. // Declare SQLite handler
  291. this.manageSQLite = new sqlCore(Logger, "[ClassRanks]", "ClassRanks", this.getDataFolder().toString());
  293. // Initialize SQLite handler
  294. this.manageSQLite.initialize();
  296. // Check if the tables exist, if not, create them
  297. if (!this.manageSQLite.checkTable("classranks_classes")) {
  298. log("Creating classranks_classes", Level.INFO);
  299. String query = "CREATE TABLE `classranks_classes` ( `id` int(3) PRIMARY KEY, `classname` varchar(42) NOT NULL );";
  300. this.manageSQLite.createTable(query); // Use sqlCore.createTable(query) to create tables
  301. }
  302. if (!this.manageSQLite.checkTable("classranks_ranks")) {
  303. log("Creating classranks_ranks", Level.INFO);
  304. String query = "CREATE TABLE `classranks_ranks` ( `id` int(4) PRIMARY KEY, `cid` int(3) NOT NULL, `oid` int(20) NOT NULL, `permname` varchar(42) NOT NULL, `dispname` varchar(42) DEFAULT NULL, `color` int(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '15' );";
  305. this.manageSQLite.createTable(query); // Use sqlCore.createTable(query) to create tables
  306. }
  307. }
  308. }
  310. /*
  311. * Function that gets executed on plugin deactivation
  312. * (non-Javadoc)
  313. * @see org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin#onDisable()
  314. */
  315. public void onDisable(){
  316. log("disabled", Level.INFO);
  317. }
  319. /*
  320. * Function that logs a message to the logfile
  321. */
  322. public static void log(String message, Level level){
  323. Logger.log(level,"[ClassRanks] " + message);
  324. }
  326. /*
  327. * Function that tries to setup the permissions system, returns result
  328. */
  329. private boolean setupPermissions() {
  330. // try to load permissions, return result
  332. ClassRanks.permissionHandler = Permissions.getWorldPermissionsManager();
  334. if(ClassRanks.permissionHandler == null){
  335. log("bPermissions not found, deactivating.", Level.SEVERE);
  336. return false;
  337. }
  338. log("<3 bPermissions", Level.INFO);
  339. return true;
  340. }
  342. /*
  343. * Function that adds a prefix to a string and sends that to given player
  344. */
  345. public static void pmsg(Player pPlayer, String string) {
  346. pPlayer.sendMessage("[" + ChatColor.AQUA + "ClassRanks" + ChatColor.WHITE + "] " + string);
  347. }
  349. /*
  350. * Function that loads the database with values given in content.yml
  351. */
  352. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
  353. public void loadDatabase(Player pPlayer) {
  354. File fConfig = new File(this.getDataFolder(),"content.yml");
  355. if(!fConfig.isFile()){
  356. try{ // save the default config.yml (from jar) into the data folder
  357. File jarloc = new File(getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toURI()).getCanonicalFile();
  358. if(jarloc.isFile()){
  359. JarFile jar = new JarFile(jarloc);
  360. JarEntry entry = jar.getJarEntry("content.yml");
  362. if(entry != null && !entry.isDirectory()){
  363. InputStream in = jar.getInputStream(entry);
  364. FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(fConfig);
  365. byte[] tempbytes = new byte[512];
  366. int readbytes =,0,512);
  367. while(readbytes>-1){
  368. out.write(tempbytes,0,readbytes);
  369. readbytes =,0,512);
  370. }
  371. out.close();
  372. in.close();
  374. log("Created default content.yml", Level.INFO);
  375. }
  376. }
  377. }catch(Exception e){
  378. log("Unable to create default content.yml:" + e, Level.INFO);
  379. }
  380. }
  382. Configuration config = new Configuration(fConfig);
  383. config.load();
  385. Map<String, Object> contents = (Map<String,Object>) config.getProperty("classes");
  386. for (String cClass : contents.keySet()) {
  387. log(cClass, Level.INFO);
  388. boolean first = true;
  389. Map<String, String> ranks = (Map<String,String>) contents.get(cClass);
  390. for (String rRank : ranks.keySet()) {
  391. log(rRank, Level.INFO);
  392. if (first) {
  393. // class add
  394. CRClasses.configClassAdd(cClass, rRank, ranks.get(rRank), pPlayer);
  395. first = false;
  396. } else {
  397. // rank add
  398. CRClasses.configRankAdd(cClass, rRank, ranks.get(rRank), pPlayer);
  399. }
  400. }
  401. }
  402. }
  403. }
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