
Hoof's Meeting with Able 12/28/14

Dec 29th, 2014
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  1. [21:16] * GreenHoof heads up to Able's door, brown cloak fluttering in the night wind. The green stallion's heart beats with anxiety, his mind going through conflicting thoughts and emotions. He lifts up a hoof and knocks.
  3. [21:22] <Able_Tome> Smoke seemed to pour slowly out of sizable dwelling's chimney and light was definitely present. However nopony was answering the door... at least for several good, long moments, until *click*
  5. [21:24] <Able_Tome> The door opened opened up, revealing a tired looking face.... with a little grey pony giggling and pulling that disheaveled mane apart. The greeting stallion's face didn't looked all that amused...
  7. [21:25] <Able_Tome> "Hoo- owww, cut it!", the grey stallion winced and stepped away from the door as his horn sparked up, covering a little grey filly in the silvery glow, "Eveeee... ugh..."
  9. [21:27] * GreenHoof looks to Able with a troubled expression, though he can't help but smirk at the sight of the filly fucking with her daddy. "H-heh... Evenin'," Hoof says quietly, "Eh... if you're busy..."
  11. [21:29] <Able_Tome> "Come in, come in, sorr-- gaaah. Bloody h---", he sighed out with slight frustration as certain little pony blinked her eyes, sensing the familiar glow around her.... which only made her even more inclined to clench to his mane, "-- nnh, j-just, give a moment. Mak- nn----- m-make yourself c-comfortable.", he blurted out and tried to levitate the pony away, but, dat deathly hold...
  13. [21:32] * Able_Tome siiighs, turning away with a frown and proceeds to trot into the living room, "Eve, I swear to-- *sigh* daddy will need those tomorrow, dea-- nngh!!", and disappears behind the corner in the living room, with a louder, "Come in here, H----!!!!"
  15. [21:34] * GreenHoof bites his bottom lip, holding back a chuckle at the sight. He never could get used to Able being a father. The green stallion walks in with a slight limp, breathing in the warm home air, following Able into the living room. "Take your time, heh... I know how it is."
  17. [21:38] <Able_Tome> When Hoof entered the living room... well.... nothing really changed about the new, larger dwelling. A sizable hall felt warm with the big stonework fireplace lit up and illuminating sofas and the coffee table in the far end, by windows. The only differing details was a Christmas tree by the wall.... with dark, onyx black stones hanging off it like decorations.
  19. [21:39] <Able_Tome> In the far corner of the room next to sofa's edge, Hoof could spot a certain lizard chicken.... but at present, the critter was snoozing with quiet coo's.
  21. [21:40] * Able_Tome at the time was already by the sofa, battling with the small filly over brown locks..... but after several seconds of a struggle, just decided to flick his magic off, making the small child giggle victoriously and flick his horn, something that produced another pained groan out of the stallion.
  23. [21:44] * GreenHoof looks around the room and over the tree with silent admiration, though his expression drops when he sees Horatio, as if the sight of the cock reminded him of why he was here, that old anxiety churning in his stomach as he goes over to the sofa, sitting on his haunches next to it and watching the filly play with her dad with a troubled, preoccupied look on his face.
  25. [21:46] * Able_Tome brought himself to the table, and judging by his expression was silently repressing the pain while he stared a Hoof, "... u-ugh, sorry again. You want some tea? Honey's biscuits?"
  27. [21:49] * GreenHoof shakes his head. "I just ate, but thanks. Don't be sorry. I'm sorry to drop by unexpected at this hour," Hoof says almost timidly, "I just needed some clearing up."
  29. [22:51] * GreenHoof sighs, nodding in understanding, leaning over to shift the weight on one of his haunches. "Right, right... I know. They've been on edge. I can't blame them, they just need time. Concerned about Equestrians, and vault, and what's gonna become of all this."
  31. [22:54] * Able_Tome raised his brow at the Vault remark, "Concerned about Vault? What is there to be concerned about, heh.", he rested his head against the sofa, while his hooves rested the small pony on the sofa, "Though, I'd keep an eye on Vanguards... heard that they were operating in the region again."
  33. [22:56] <Able_Tome> "Hm... I'd be more concerned about that health... and possible Arrant-tier or Self-tier host status... hm... You've heard from Arrant, by the way?"
  35. [22:58] <Able_Tome> "Hidden's been asking about him and several ponies were searching the guy to ask about his 'pets', but the radio tower went empty.... besides that gong on top of it."
  37. [22:59] <GreenHoof> "That's why I came here. To get knowlege to assauge their fears, unfounded or not." Hoof frowns at the mention of Unify and Arrant, shaking his head. "I'd *heard* that Arrant is no longer alive. And I know Unify was killed some time ago."
  39. [23:01] <Able_Tome> "What about Melody? She mentioned back in the day that she was moving in with him... and, well, ponies at the theater haven't seen her since forever."
  41. [23:05] * GreenHoof furrows his brow in thought, recalling the image of Melodious Harmony. "Hrm... I haven't heard or seen anything about her for... a year? I don't know. If Arrant's dead, maybe she is too?" Hoof frowns, dissapointed with himself for not knowing their fate. "Huh... They were just kids themselves," the diminuative stallion mutters to himself quietly.
  43. [23:09] <Able_Tome> "Mmm... mm-yes... there's only one problem with that and 'death'. No bodies, no records, nothing. Dwelling's empty.... hm.. actually, another mare, Snow Blind, moved into it because it was 'vacant'. Believe me, after someone back in Mist Veil mentioned him and rattlecats, ponies were trying to dig more on him, but... nothing conclusive."
  45. [23:10] * Able_Tome lowers his voice a bit, "What makes it morbid though is that the guy was carrying a fae creation inside of him."
  46. [23:12] <Able_Tome> "Second expedition into Ghost Leaf and... uh.... I don't even remember what it was called. I remember that it had a minion named Wisp who guided us, but it's odd."
  48. [23:14] <GreenHoof> "I remember. I think Whitelight, one of the mares at Mist Veil, managed to tame one and is even keeping it as a pet..." Hoof grimaces, looking up to Able. "I didn't know Arrant did. I thought it was Unify. I wonder if Unify's death was connected. From what I heard, his death was mostly unexplained. But Sling..." Hoof lets his gaze drift around the room, "He's concerned the Vault may try to do things to him. y'know, like... against his will."
  50. [23:19] * Able_Tome hmm'd lengthily as he observed the fire, before he asked "... do you know how host-based mind control works, Hoof?"
  52. [23:20] * GreenHoof shakes his head. "No. Do you?"
  54. [23:21] <Able_Tome> "A glimpse, because we had to deal with Unify and... certain white noise a good year ago..."
  56. [23:22] <Able_Tome> "Can you tell me what happened with Mr. Swivel in the woods?"
  58. [23:30] <GreenHoof> "I don't know exactly what happened. But... right now I just need to know what the vault's plans are, if any, concerning him. I need to bring him some relief."
  60. [23:32] * Able_Tome 's voice quiets down, "Same as I need to know what happened after leader got consumed."
  62. [23:38] <GreenHoof> "From what I could see, the leader was consumed... and never came out."
  63. [23:40] <GreenHoof> "What have you heard about it?"
  65. [23:40] * Able_Tome groans a bit casts a 'you serious' glance at Hoof, "Afterwards, Hoof, afterwards. What happened to the creature and Mr. Swivel."
  67. [23:43] * Able_Tome maintains his gaze centered on the stallion
  69. [23:46] * GreenHoof sighs, rubbing his forehead. "I came here to get assurances that Sling would not be messed with..."
  71. [23:50] * Able_Tome lowers voice even more, "Listen, let me be perfectly honest with you, Hoof. No one at the facility is going to say this, or mention this, maybe talk in between or whatever - I'm telling this from my perspective. Last time you've handled a delicate subject, it ended up in several injuries, a dead officer of the guard, a test arrangement that could've prevented loss of life getting
  72. [23:50] * Able_Tome wrecked, and you getting busted to the point that others had to pump you up with remedies. Not only that, but you gladly and honestly escorted the subject around town, willingly leading the shifter into barracks, into inn, escorting and pampering up 'good ol' friend Phoenix', until the guy slit the throat.... and that 'slitted throat' could've been yours, could've been mine, could've been anyone's from this household or yours, or anyone really."
  73. [23:51] <Able_Tome> "There were no reports to someone who handles the matter, there were no attempts to find help, there were no *reasonable* attempts to say, hey, lets call someone who tries to make sure things are perfectly fine. Nothing. Nill."
  74. [23:52] <Able_Tome> "And I'm telling you this because, iunno, maybe because I knew you since the beginning? Maybe because of those talks during Silver and Tide shenanigans? Maybe because you've saved my arse back in swamps?"
  75. [23:53] * Able_Tome was telling all this with a calm voice "Let me be perfectly clear, Hoof...", he lifted his own hoof slightly up
  76. [23:55] <Able_Tome> "You've informed about the distressing situation before you left to Kashver. Department took over investigation and found out that Vanguards on site, that were messing around Sling's house, were A+ crooks and possibly wanted to raze entire place down, alright? I wonder why that didn't happened...."
  77. [23:58] <Able_Tome> "The point is, though, you already knew Sling back then, you were there through the experience. Then Sling's buddy mentioned that you were supposed to be there for that Christmas dinner, but couldn't make it... and now you're coming here on Mr. Sling's behalf to ask about things and, well, most probably pass information further. It's reasonable to assume that you two were communicating with each one on some daily basis..."You know that I'm usually verbose and honest about inquiries, but tell me, how can be so positively sure about "
  78. [00:01] * Able_Tome makes a pause and rests his hoof down on his lap, "You know that I'm usually verbose and honest about inquiries, but tell me, how can you be so sure about anything that involves mind magic and hosts: after being fucked in the head by a Vanguard official and after Phoenix; that Mr. Sling is... well.... haven't been susceptible to effects?"
  79. [00:03] <Able_Tome> "I'm asking you a reasonable question, because you were there, you've seen shit, and yet after a whole large year plus of living through all this 'happy candy horse theme park', you mumble out something like 'I came here to get assurances'.... seriously, Hoof... seriously..."
  80. [00:04] * Able_Tome shakes his head and looks down at the filly, trying not to sound too rough of words and keep his--- fuck, he did mentioned 'fucked' and 'shit'... something that made him groan internally as the little one seemed to listen quite closely to that wall......
  81. [00:06] * Able_Tome facehoofs as his horn sparked up, "One second... I need to put somepony in bed...", enveloping the little filly in aura and gently tugged her up into air as he got up
  83. [00:18] <Able_Tome> "Should take long... be right back..", he said and proceeded to carry a squirming filly, before he let her rest on his back, "Come now, dear, it's time to rest..." and with that, two ponies disappeared out of the room
  85. [00:19] <Able_Tome> The cockatrice continued to snooze quietly on pillows..
  87. [00:23] <Able_Tome> After several long minutes, the grey clothless stallion limped back into the room, and makes his way to the sofa
  88. [00:24] <Able_Tome> "Sorry... lullying 'n all- *sigh*...", and landed down on the sofa, "You sure you don't want tea? There should be some in the kitchen..."
  90. [00:29] * GreenHoof goes largely limp, leaning his back against the wall. His wide eyed, increasingly glazed-over gaze drifts down to the filly. Somehow, Hoof knew that this conversation was going to go towards his mistake in the vault, the mistake that cost the life of an innocent bystander, took a mare's lover from her hooves, guards their commanding officer and comrades their close friend. All because of a selfish emotional need to believe his friend was alive despite the obvious truth. Not a night went by that the little green stallion did not fall asleep with the glaring tragedy he had caused; not a morning passed without the image of a pony with a slit throat laying on the floor in a puddle of his own blood because of his horrible recklessness. A pony with a life, hopes, dreams, family, and past all gone in the blink of an eye because of carelessness. Hoof watched as the grey stallion got up and took the child upstairs, the realization not escaping him that the child would have died before it left the womb, and the stallion and his lovers, if Hoof had not made another careless mistake taking Talassa to the wrong house shortly before. As if bringing the other crimes of his to the forefront of his mind that had been whispering in the background, his various fallen victims, friends he could have saved, and events of magnitude in this 'happy candy horse theme park' screamed at him. Hoof's first reaction, while Able was gone, was to bolt out the front door, but his body would not obey. The stallion watched, as if observing a ghost, as Able reentered the room and sat on the couch, Hoof's body completely tense and his wide eyed pupils the size of pin pricks. As he tried to formulate a response in his mind to the simple question, he opens his mouth to speak, but instead of words coming out... he vomits all over the floor.
  92. [00:34] * GreenHoof slumps back against the wall again, shivering and looking down at the mess he had just made with wide eyes.
  94. [00:47] * Able_Tome till this day was oblivious to the fact that the shapeshifter wanted to visit their household that evening, sitting down on the couch with an oof and asking that question about the tea, his gaze and attention seemingly blurred out of it all, or the guest's ill-looking condition, eyes not noticing anything, but then he heard the sound, "....", something that brought him back away
  96. [00:47] * Able_Tome from thoughts, "...?", his gaze quickly snapped to the Green pony and the mess, "What the h-!?? Hoof?!", the unicorn exclaimed in a surprised manner and jolted off his spot, "Are you feeling alright?!"
  98. [00:50] * Able_Tome looked down on the floor, then a quick glance through the archway into the hall and then back on Hoof, keeping his ground... tightly... still as different thoughts began to surge through worried stallion's head, ranging from benign to more paranoid ones as he was trying to understand what just happened.
  100. [00:52] * GreenHoof opens his mouth again, but nothing but a whimper comes out as he shakily takes the cloak from around his body, dropping it on the vomit and making a pitiful attempt to mop it up, quiet apologies muttering from his lips. "S-sorry... I'm sorry..."
  102. [00:54] * Able_Tome raises his hoof, "No no, leave it where it is. I'm going to get a mop... You... you take a rest...", he said last words on a down, "... must have been something in that dinner.", and proceeds to trot to the archway.
  104. [01:00] * GreenHoof scrambles to his hooves shakingly, taking deep breaths as if he were just suffocated. The stallion swallows the bile in his mouth, reaching a hoof down and scooping up the soiled cloak and slinging it over his back. "I'm s-so s-sorry... I'll t-talk to you tomor-row..." Hoof mutters, unsure hoofsteps heading out the living room to the front door.
  106. [01:07] * Able_Tome stopped in his tracks in the lobby, freezing in one spot as the stallion started to trot away, not quite looking in his direction, "Tomorrow I'll be gone, Hoof.....", he said with a distant voice while staring at kitchen's door, "... tell Rain if you're not feeling well that she should better stay home and look after you..."
  108. [01:10] * GreenHoof just shakes his head and continues, heading out the door but turning around to glance at Able one last time. "N-no, I'm fine. We'll talk when y'all get back. I'm sorry," he says more clearly before shutting the door and hurrying back over to his house with the wet cloak over his back.
  110. [01:16] * Able_Tome opened his mouth and before Hoof was able to exit, "What ponies wanted to present is a goodwilled invitation for a simple medical examin-.", but then it door closes down..... and the unicorn sighs, adding an airy "If you'll need to know more, you know where to find me..." to himself...
  112. [01:19] * Able_Tome waited for several seconds in silence, staring at the door in front of him.... but remembering that Hidden should arrive from her shift, soon, and Sunny, immediately resumes his chores, bringing out the bucket and a mop from kitchen, quietly contempating what just happened, *Might as well mop it up fast and clean... Take care...*
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