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Oct 17th, 2018
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  1. import time
  4. def getanswer(prompt):
  5. while True:
  6. answer = input(prompt).lower()
  7. if answer.__contains__("done!!"):
  8. input("Well Said! I'm glad you were able to say how you felt :)")
  9. input("I appreciate you opening up to me like that, it's always humbling to see")
  10. input("I hope in some way this made you feel better, or at least give you the courage to go out and talk to a friend in the same way :)")
  11. input("Press <enter> if you would like to go back to the menu")
  12. depScript("depression")
  15. def depScript(txt):
  16. if txt.lower().__contains__("dep"):
  17. print("\nThis is a list of things I am able to do for you regarding Depression: \n\n1. Chat with you for a while :)\n2. Give you a list of distractions/fun activities to try\n3. Give a list of helpful tips\n4. Link some sites that have helped me cope\n5. List other helpful resources")
  18. prompt4 = input("\nPlease type a number you wish to try, or type <Anxiety>\nIf you would like to look at the helpful options for dealing with Anxiety: ")
  19. if prompt4 =="1":
  20. dep2(num=1)
  21. elif prompt4 =="2":
  22. dep2(num=2)
  23. elif prompt4 =="3":
  24. dep2(num=3)
  25. elif prompt4 =="4":
  26. dep2(num=4)
  27. elif prompt4 == "5":
  28. dep2(num=5)
  29. elif prompt4.lower().__contains__("anx"):
  30. anxScript("anxiety")
  31. elif prompt4 != "í":
  32. depScript("depression")
  34. def anxScript(txt):
  35. if txt.lower().__contains__("anxiety"):
  36. print("\nThis is a list of things I am able to do for you regarding Anxiety: \n\n1. List helpful tips for stopping self harm\n2. Reset Breathing (helps with panic attacks)\n3. Link sites I find helpful with destressing\n4. Other helpful resources")
  37. prompt3 = input("\nPlease type a number you wish to try, or type <Depression>\nIf you would like to look at the helpful options for dealing with Depression: ")
  38. if prompt3 == "1":
  39. anx2(num=1)
  40. elif prompt3 == "2":
  41. anx2(num=2)
  42. elif prompt3 == "3":
  43. anx2(num=3)
  44. elif prompt3 == "4":
  45. anx2(num=4)
  46. elif prompt3.lower().__contains__("dep"):
  47. depScript("depression")
  48. elif prompt3 != "í":
  49. anxScript("anxiety")
  50. def anx2(num):
  51. if num == 1:
  52. print("Firstly, I'd like to go over the important information of self harm: ")
  53. input("While there are many reasons behind starting it (ie to feel something, to let the emotional pain slip into physical, self punishment, etc.) \n It is important to realize that this is an UNHEALTHY way of coping with anxiety/depression\n The sad truth is that it can be addictive with the amount of endorphins released when self harming. While the goal should be to wean off of it entirely while finding healthier coping mechanisms, this is a list of short term replacements while you find a new outlet: ")
  54. input("1. Take a pen and draw whatever you want on the area you have the urge to cut. (suggestion: draw a cute animal and name it after a loved one.")
  55. input("2. Take a (very) blunt object and press against where you have the urge to cut")
  56. input("3. Take a piece of ice and squeeze really hard or rub it over the place you have the urge to cut")
  57. input("\n AGAIN>>> These are NOT long term solutions, but should be used whenever the urge comes, and you haven't found any better healthy coping mechanisms ")
  58. input("Here are a couple more things to remember: ")
  59. input("Finding the root behind why you are doing this in the first place is very helpful in weeding out the problem")
  60. input("Expanding your support network is extremely valuable and can save your life :)")
  61. input("Don't allow chances for yourself to harm yourself, meaning throw away the blades, or better yet, symbolically bury them as you start a NEW chapter in your life")
  62. print("\nI hope this managed to help in some way :) just remember you are not alone in this and there is always someone there to help, even if you don't know it yet\n")
  63. prompt3 = input("Press Enter to go back to the other options: ")
  64. if prompt3 != "í":
  65. anxScript("anxiety")
  66. if num == 2:
  69. input("Press <Enter> When you would like to start this activity")
  70. counter = 0
  71. while counter < 5:
  72. print("Biiiiiiiiiig breath in through the nose")
  73. time.sleep(4)
  74. print("Now hold it in!!!")
  75. time.sleep(3)
  76. print("Now exhale through your mouth")
  77. time.sleep(6)
  78. counter += 1
  79. print ("Yay go you! You've set your breathing to a normal pace")
  80. prompt3 = input("Press Enter to go back to the other options: ")
  81. if prompt3 != "í":
  82. anxScript("anxiety")
  83. if num == 3:
  84. input("Here are some sites I have personally found helpful in dealing with anxiety/panick attacks: ")
  85. input("\n *\n *\n *")
  86. print("\n I hope you found at least one of these helpful :) Just know its ok to feel stressed, panicked, etc. It's ok to not feel ok. It's just not ok to stay that way\nI hope you are able to get the help you desire because you deserve a lot :)")
  87. prompt3 = input("Press Enter to go back to the other options: ")
  88. if prompt3 != "í":
  89. anxScript("anxiety")
  90. if num == 4:
  91. input("\n Here are some other helpful resources for dealing with anxiety: ")
  92. print("\n *")
  93. print("\n *")
  94. print("\n *")
  95. print("\n *")
  96. prompt3 = input("\nPress Enter to go back to the other options: ")
  97. if prompt3 != "í":
  98. anxScript("anxiety")
  99. def dep2(num):
  100. if num == 1:
  101. input("Hey, how's everything going?")
  102. input("I know things may seem rough or bleak right now, but it's important to realize a couple of things:")
  103. input("\n1. You matter. Yes! You may not think it but you truly mean something to someone... How do i know this??")
  104. input("Well, if you're reading this it means you're using the code that I wrote for everyone going through hard times...")
  105. input("I may not know you on a personal level but I wrote this program to help people going through the emotional trauma that I've being going through these past couple years")
  106. input("Right now you're probably in a lot of pain and I just want you to know your life matters to me :)")
  107. input("\n2. It's important to express how you feel!!! I can't stress enough how bad it is to bottle up your emotions")
  108. input("I know how tempting it is to hide the pain you're going through, whether it be because you don't want to burden others with your troubles, you don't want to be judged, or other reasons")
  109. input("However, this is a pretty big mistake, trust me, I've learned several times how it blows up in one big mental breakdown")
  110. input("That's why I want you to write how you feel down below :) Don't worry! I won't judge anything you say(I'm not able to experience judgemental emotions yet)\nTake all the time and space you need. When you think you're done just type <done!!>")
  111. input("Type in the space below ↓")
  112. print(getanswer(": "))
  113. elif num == 2:
  114. input("Here is a list of both Distractions and Fun ideas to try and spice things up! It's important to shake life up and do something!!! BE PRODUCTIVE!!!")
  115. print("\n1. Go out to eat at your favorite restaurant :)\n2. Call a close friend to talk about literally anything\n3. Watch your favorite movie or show\n4. Read your favorite book that brings you comfort\n5. Go on a road trip!\n6. Go to a close by animal shelter!!! Animals are the best imo :0\n7. Go for a long walk/run to clear your head\n8. Try learning how to do something new, like a language!\n9. Write a list down of all the things that make you happy, I'll help you get started :)\n :There's over a million babies smiling in the world right now\n :There's innumerable number of dogs that want to be pet by you right now")
  116. prompt3 = input("Press Enter to go back to the other options: ")
  117. if prompt3 != "í":
  118. depScript("depression")
  119. elif num==3:
  120. input("Here are some helpful tips/wise things to remember when dealing with depression: \n")
  121. print("1. You are not alone!!! There is someone you can always reach out to... Do so even if you think you are fine :)")
  122. print("2. There are a lot of ways to deal with the trauma depression brings with it; ie. SSRI's, Therapy, Group exercises, yoga, etc. Look into all your options!")
  123. print("3. It's important to realize you should come first. Your mental health is very important and you should put it before other things like work or school")
  124. print("4. Your brain makes associations easily, this includes triggers! If you experience anxiety/depression and practice a monotonous routine, try to switch things up!")
  125. print("5. Finding the source of pain is helpful in finding potential solutions")
  126. print("6. Work at your own pace. The world may seem to want you to do everything at breakneck speed but taking your own time to focus on mental health first ts vital.\n You will be able to catch up in time when you recover")
  127. print("7. Remember, things may seem bleak now, but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. \nYou may not be able to see it now but in time when you realize how strong you are, you'll be able to see it :)")
  128. prompt2 = input("\nPress Enter to go back to the other options: ")
  129. if prompt2 != "í":
  130. depScript("depression")
  131. elif num==4:
  132. input("Here are a list of sites I have found helpful in dealing with the emptiness I feel that comes with my bouts of depression: \n")
  133. print("Bob Ross Playlist: (I HIGHLY RECCOMEND PAINTING ALONG)")
  134. print("Take 2:00 and just relax. Let the tension fall from your shoulders. Breathe.")
  135. print("A newspaper that has actual happy things to report:")
  136. print("Relaxing sounds:")
  137. print("Spend some time drawing some wicked cool geometric designs. Get Creative!:\n")
  138. prompt3 = input("Press Enter to go back to the other options: ")
  139. if prompt3 != "í":
  140. depScript("depression")
  141. elif num==5:
  142. print("Some Other Helpful Sites, feel free to look them up and scroll through the info/help they offer:\n")
  143. print("")
  144. print("")
  145. print("")
  146. print("")
  147. print("")
  148. prompt3 = input("\nPress Enter to go back to the other options: ")
  149. if prompt3 != "í":
  150. depScript("depression")
  153. print("Hello! If you are reading this that probably means you're struggling with some form of mental health issues...")
  154. time.sleep(2)
  155. print("If this is an emergency, please call 911 or 1-800-273-8255...")
  156. time.sleep(2)
  157. print("I mostly deal with issues regarding with Anxiety and Depression...")
  158. time.sleep(2)
  159. prompt1 = input("Which would you like me to help you with first, Anxiety? or Depression?: ")
  162. if prompt1.lower().strip().__contains__("anx"):
  163. anxScript("anxiety")
  166. elif prompt1.lower().strip().__contains__("dep"):
  167. depScript("depression")
  169. elif prompt1 != "í":
  170. error = input("Woops! I'm not sure what you typed, please retry here: ")
  171. if error.__contains__("x"):
  172. anxScript("anxiety")
  173. elif error.__contains__("dep"):
  174. depScript("depression")
  175. else:
  176. anxScript("anxiety")
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