
no idea for a title

Aug 16th, 2015
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  1. 11:05 Salesman was in the shop, restocking and keeping the Golems from messing up, they trip and break stuff surprisingly often. "Clumsy pieces of Clay, be careful with the health potions!"
  2. 11:08 GregClaskovic walked downstairs, stretching, yawning, groaning words of wake. He rubbed his eyes a little, squinting at the clock. "What time is it?" He asked, his sense of time wasn't the greatest. He wandered behind the counter, sorted through the money and checked below the desk.
  3. 11:12 Salesman "Good Morning Greg, its almost opening time. Just gotta finish restocking and put the Golems up"
  4. 11:20 GregClaskovic "Huh... say, did we get any letters, by any chance? I'm expecting one."
  5. 11:25 Salesman "No I don't think so. You check under the counter?
  6. 11:25 Salesman "
  7. 11:26 GregClaskovic "Let me check..."
  8. 11:28 GregClaskovic looks under the counter, sorting through old papers and documents. Something about Godly Magic, How to make your own Fire Spell... nothing of importance. He then sees a envelope, he looks for an address, nothing's on it. "This yours?" He waves it in general sight.
  9. 11:30 Salesman "Maybe? Thomas usually calls or uses that teleport spell. What does it say?"
  10. 11:36 GregClaskovic opens it. It's a note. Something about someone's son. It's /his/ son. "Yeah, uh. This is mine, don't worry." He reads through it. His son's name, Deryl, lives all the way in Los Angeles. Says something about him being interested in meeting Greg to talk over things. "It's about my 'son'."
  11. 11:37 Salesman "...oh. *cough* W-well. I...Its not saying hes coming over is it?"
  12. 11:41 GregClaskovic "Says that in given time he'll contact me. He has something to show me." To Greg, being a father is just reflecting what his father said and did to him, so, this won't be the best turnout of events. "I'm just... sort of worried, about this."
  13. 11:44 Salesman "Its understandable why. You, never even seen your kid have you? How old would he even be?"
  14. 11:45 GregClaskovic "Let's see... 13... 14... 15... 16... It's been at least, maybe... 19, 20 years? I'm not good at keeping track of these things."
  15. 11:48 Salesman "ah 20 years well tha-20 years!? Oh man. Hopefully his mother was good to him. Growing up into metal, sure its normal here in Neon, but that must of been a confusing puberty"
  16. 11:51 GregClaskovic "Considering who his Mother was, I don't think he could've been treated very well. Maybe we oughta' be careful about this..."
  17. 11:53 Salesman "you even remember her name? And please don't say something like 'cookie, brown love...'I-I don't really know hooker names You get what I mean!'
  18. 11:57 GregClaskovic "I think her name... her name was Raquelle... Something like that. She was called Sweet-thighs as well, but, didn't get to know that till she told me."
  19. 12:01 Salesman "Sweet Thighs, really? Well, I'm sure things will turn out for the best. Tons of kids go with no father"
  20. 12:06 GregClaskovic "Yeah, but I'm just thinking why he didn't contact me before, he obviously had the time to do it now..."
  21. 12:08 Salesman "I'm a bit more worried HOW he got in contact. We don't have a website or anything...You didn't get on the news again did you?"
  22. 12:10 GregClaskovic "No, maybe he just saw me on the news and waited for it to all die down to get in contact with me. Or maybe he asked his mother about me, maybe she's alive as well."
  23. 12:15 Salesman "Well, if he comes here I'm not letting him live here. You pay rent by working"
  24. 12:22 GregClaskovic "Yeah, well, I'm not particularly fond of meeting him either, as they say. He might have pent up aggression, or something... Do you have any paper, so maybe I could write back to him?"
  25. 12:23 Salesman "I should yeah, I usually keep it under the desk, you might of moved ti while looking for the letter"
  26. 12:31 GregClaskovic took a page out under the desk and grabbed a pen. He starts to scribble and write some words down on the page, visibly, his handwriting's very poor. "...How do you spell Fam-il-ee, again?"
  27. 12:31 Salesman "F a m i l y"
  28. 12:37 GregClaskovic "Thank you." He finishes the letter off by writing his name at the end of the page, grabbing one of the used envelopes, he slips in the paper, shuts it down with some Sellotape and writes the receiving address on it. Greg takes a moment to think. "How do I mail one of these?"
  29. 12:37 Salesman "give it here, I'll drop it off when I go out to the bar or shopping"
  30. 12:40 Salesman " sure you want to do this Greg? What if this kid has powers that can beat yours, what if he is unstable, hell what if this is just Trance tricking us?"
  31. 12:46 GregClaskovic leans over the counter and hands Sales the letter. "If it's Trance, the worst they could do is come in and try something. And besides, wouldn't mind getting back at that other man from the tournament."
  32. 13:00 Salesman "lets hope things work out then"
  33. 13:05 GregClaskovic "So, anything out of the normal happen lately?"
  34. 13:07 Salesman "no, not really. You hear bout the pyramid head dude who robbed the bank?"\
  35. 13:07 GregClaskovic "Anna told me all about it. She apparently got frozen, from the word of it."
  36. 13:08 Salesman "really? Hope shes ok"
  37. 13:10 GregClaskovic "Says it was a shock to her, but she'll manage. She also hasn't heard from Wells in a while, says it's worrying her."
  38. 13:11 Salesman "I'm sure Wells is fine. Actually, remember the Blue kid? the one who uh, made a mess in our shop?"
  39. 13:12 GregClaskovic "The piss kid? What about him?"
  40. 13:14 Salesman "Wells left a check paying for it. I think he's his dad" he laughs a bit "Maybe he and Isidora have been a thing for a few years and no one knew"
  41. 13:17 GregClaskovic "So he pecked a flower, huh? Well then. At least he's paying for the kid's accident. Would explain the weird demeanor, anyways."
  42. 13:20 Isidora Outside of the shop there seems to be a long, angry rumble of thunder when the ala's name is mentioned. But nothing comes of it.
  43. 13:22 Salesman "Storm must be coming in"
  44. 13:23 GregClaskovic "Mhmm, probably won't bring in much customers."
  45. 13:24 *** Isidora quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  46. 13:29 GregClaskovic "Oh, hey, did you see the block?"
  47. 13:30 Salesman "Block?"
  48. 13:31 GregClaskovic "Yeah, remember? I was turning it into another thing." Greg takes out the block, It's fully gold now. "I've been also doing this to other blocks around the house as well, too!" Greg takes out 2 other blocks, one is pure glass and another one is a mash between Wood and some, fleshy kind of substance. "Pretty good, right?"
  49. 13:33 Salesman "well, the first two yes, that one," He points the the fleshy thing "That is bad. Probably should burn it"
  50. 13:34 Salesman "We don't want a humoncluli
  51. 13:34 Salesman "We don't want a homunculi on our hands"
  52. 13:34 GregClaskovic "But- a humonwhat?"
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