

Feb 17th, 2012
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  1. edifice - large building
  2. copious - large quantity
  3. bleared - to make dim such as through tears or inflammation
  4. scruples - a moral or ethical consideration or standard that acts as a restraining force or inhibits certain actions. A small amount.
  5. trepidation - fear
  6. quaint - old-fashioned charm; peculiar in a positive way
  7. redolent - odorous; pleasant odor; reminiscent
  8. Ululation - a howl or to lament loudly
  9. eidolon - phantom; ideal
  10. nepenthe - anything that induces the pleasurable sensation of forgetfulness
  11. corollary - natural consequence; in Math it means a proposition that is solved when solving another proposition
  12. sordid - mean selfish vile
  13. odious - deserving of hatred
  14. importunate - urgent or pesistent in solicitation
  15. acidulous - slightly sour; sharp; moderately acid
  16. reticence - not to speak freely
  17. affray - public fight
  18. perfunctory - performed as a routine; apathetic, uninterested
  19. supine - lying on back; inactive and passive
  20. stolidity - not easily moved or stirred mentally
  21. charnel - repository for dead bodies
  22. furtiveness - taken or done in secret
  23. Illimitable - not limited
  24. prosaic - commonplace or dull
  25. ennui - a feeling of utter weariness and discontent stemming from lack of interest
  26. piquant - agreeably pungent in taste or flavor; agreeably stimulating; lively character
  27. sepulchre - burial chamber
  28. exculpate - to clear from charge or guilt
  29. arras - tapesty hanging from a wall
  30. collocation - arrangement, especially of words in a sentence
  31. hewn - felled and roughly shaped
  32. frenetically - adjective for frantic
  33. ensilage - preservation of fodder in a pit
  34. fodder - coarse food for livestock; expendable people; raw material
  35. hoary - white with age; old; stale
  36. lanthorns - archaic word for lantern
  37. eldritch - unearthly or weird
  38. aperture - an opening such as a hole or slit
  39. lurid - gruesome; terrible in intensity
  40. leprous - something like leprosy; covered with scales
  41. viscous - having a glutinous consistency; like glue
  42. foetid - fetid; foul smelling
  43. verdigris - a green or blue patina that forms on copper and bronze after long periods of exposure; containing copper sulfate
  44. obeisances - a movement that expresses deep respect to a superior; deferance or homage
  45. poignant - keen or strong mentally; pungent to the smell
  46. garish - excessively ornate; crudely or tastelessly extravagant; extremely bright; bright colors
  47. elephantiasis - a disease; untoward growth or development
  48. swarthy - dark skin complexion
  49. ineffable - incapable of being expressed in words; not to bespoken because of sacredness
  50. revel - to take great pleasure or delight; merry making
  51. arcana - a secret remedy; a secret of nature alchemist sought; secret or mystery
  52. pallid - lacking in vitality; pale
  53. interstices - interval of time; small space in between
  54. cupola - any of various domelike structures
  55. ostentation - archaic way of saying pretentious exhibiting
  56. pedantic - ostentatious of one's learning
  57. slake - to allay (thrist hunger) by satisfying; to make less active
  58. choler - anger, wrath irritability
  59. candescence - glowing with heat
  60. sullied - to mar the purity; to soil
  61. opulence - wealth; abundant resources or good
  62. extirpation - to destroy totally; to pull up by the roots
  63. caprices - sudden unpredicatble change
  64. obviate - to anticipate and prevent difficulties by effective measures; render unnecessary
  65. moribund - in a dying state; not progressing or advancing
  66. transient - not lasting a long time
  67. dictum - an authoritative annoucement; a saying
  68. credulous - willing to believe without proper evidence; gullible
  69. vagaries - an unpredicatble action, occurence, instance; whimsical, wild or unusual idea
  70. precocious - prematurely developed mind
  71. staid - of settled or sedated character
  72. impertinence - unmannerly intrusion about a topic not being discussed
  73. pertinent - relating to the matter at hand
  74. cognisant - aware of having knowledge (adjective)
  75. corpulence - bulkiness or largeness of the body
  76. iridescent - display of lustrous colors
  77. lustrous - brilliant; shiny
  78. diffedent - lacking confidence in one's own abilities; restrained or reserved in manner
  79. pariah - a person who is despised and avoided; outcast
  80. tempest - a violent windstorm; verb: a violent disturbance
  81. scaffold - any raised platform
  82. aberrant - deviating from normal or usual types
  83. languid - lacking in vitality; lacking in spirit
  84. catechism - a book of instruction usually in the manner of questions and answers
  85. effacing - to wipe out; to make oneself inconspicuous
  86. portentous - marvelous; omniously indicative
  87. palpitation - unusually or abnormaly rapid or violent beating of the heart
  88. peruse - to read thoroughly
  89. miasma - noxious exhalations from putrescent organic matter; germs polluting the atmosphere
  90. tenebrous - dark, gloomy, obscure
  91. impetus - a moving force
  92. cachinnate - to laugh loudly or immoderality
  93. chiaroscuro - the distribution of light and shade in a picture
  94. heath - a tract of open and uncultivated land; wasteland overgrown
  95. fathom - to penetrate the truth of
  96. malleable - capable of being extended or shaped by a hammer; adaptable or tractable
  97. torrid - subject to burning heat; ardent or passionate; oppressively hot
  98. dower - a natural gift or endowment
  99. genial - warmly and pleasantly cheerful; favorable for life
  100. specious - pleasing to the eye but deceptive
  101. taciturn - silent by nature
  102. verdure - the greeness of growing vegitation
  103. portents - something that foreshadows a coming event
  104. huskily - hoarse as if with emotion
  105. vestige - a mark, trace or sign left by something vanished or lost
  106. atavism - reversion to an earlier type; reapperance of a trait of a remote ancestor not present in intervening generations
  107. asseverate - to declare earnestly or solemnly
  108. mendacity - an instance of lying; tendency to lie
  109. veracity - habitual observance of truth in speech or manner
  110. tremulous - characterized by trembling as from fear or nervousness
  111. askance - with suspicion or mistrust (adjective)
  112. spuriousness - not genuine, authentic or true; of illegitimate birth
  113. impute - to attribute or ascribe
  114. purport - profess or claim, often falsely; purpose, intention
  115. concomitant - existing or ocurring with something else, often to a lesser degree
  116. adroit - expert or nimble in the use of the hands or body; cleverly skillful
  117. spasmodic - given or characterized by bursts of excitement; relating to spasms
  118. gaols - British word for jail
  119. dearth - inadequate supply
  120. contour - the outline of a figure or shape of the body
  121. antiquarian - study of antiquities; interested in old and rare books
  122. esoteric - belonging to a select few
  123. desultory - lacking in consisency; digressing from the main subject
  124. squalid - foul and repulsive as if from lack of care or cleaning
  125. sardonic - characterized by bitter or scornful derision
  126. convivial - friendly; fond of feasting, drinking and merry making
  127. vinous - containing wine; produced by, indicative of, or given indulgence of wine
  128. garrulousness - excessively talkative in a rambling and roundabout manner
  129. maudlin - foolishly sentimental due to drunkeness
  130. egress - the act of going from an enclosed space; an exit; permission to leave
  131. ballast - anything that gives a steady mental, political, moral ground
  132. tarpaulin - a protective covering of a canvas; a hat especially of a sailor
  133. patois - a rural or provincial form of language; regional form of language especially french
  134. undulanting - wave like in motion
  135. hitherto - up to this time
  136. troglodytic - pre-historic cave dweller; person of degraded, brutal or primitive character; person living in seclusion;
  137. tenacious - highly retentive; stubborn; adhesive
  138. griskin - chop or steak, especially pork
  139. sodden - soaked with liquid; lacking in spirit; soaked
  140. brayed - any similar harsh loud sound like a donkey
  141. triturated - to reduce to fine particles by rubbing, grinding etc; pulverize
  142. desinent - termination or ending such as of a verse; suffix of a word
  143. exsiccated - to dry or remove moisture
  144. sere - adjective for dry or withered
  145. truculent - adjective for fierce and cruel and savagely brutal
  146. derogate - to detract from authority, estimation etc; to stray in character or conduct
  147. pellucid - allowing the maximum passage of light; clear; clear in meaning
  148. quietus - a finishing stroke that effectively ends or finishes something; discharge or release from life; a period of retirement
  149. comminuted - to pulverize; adjective for to make into small parts
  150. lissom - agile, nimble or active
  151. sanguine - adjective for cheerfully optimistic; reddish and ruddy; bloody
  152. rheumic - thin discharge of the mucus membrane
  153. voracious - craving or consuming large quantities of food; exceedingly eager
  154. plenary - attended by all full members,
  155. vacillating - not resolute; fluctuating
  156. clemency - act or deed of showing mercy; mild when referencing weather
  157. epistolary - contained in or carried on by letters
  158. coalescence - to come together as one
  159. colloquy - a conversational exchange
  160. cascade - a waterfall; anything that resembles a waterfall
  161. promontory - a high point of land portruding out into the sea
  162. chalcedony - microcrystalline, transluscent variety of quartz
  163. mellifluous - sweetly or smooth flowing
  164. febrile - pertaining to or marked by fever
  165. testudineous - resembling the shell of a tortoise
  166. dapper - neat, trim and smart; small and active; live and brisk
  167. swain - a male admirer; a country lad
  168. sycophant - fawning parasite
  169. hauteur - haughty in manner and spirit
  170. prate - to babble (verb without a subject); to utter in foolish talk (verb with an object)
  171. quiescent - being at rest
  172. taciturn - inclined to silence; dour, stern and silent in expression and manner
  173. asquiescence - the act of silently giving consent to laws or forfeiture of rights
  174. jocoseness - characterized by joking nature
  175. coruscation - a sudden gleam; a striking display of brilliance or wit
  176. perforated - pierced with hole or holes
  177. tryst - appointed meeting place; appointed meeting place especially by lovers
  178. stoical - calm and passive with an austere fortitude
  179. cyclopean - gigantic and vast; in architecture it means undressed stones stacked without the use or mortar
  180. basrelief - relief sculpture in which it portrudes from a background slightly
  181. cartouches - a box for cartridges;
  182. cairn - a heap of stones set us as a monument, tombstone, landmark etc
  183. detritus - any disintegrated material; rock particles broken away from a mass
  184. cavalcade - any procession of horses/cars; noteworthy series
  185. demurred - object on thr grounds of scruples
  186. garrolousness - wordy; extremely talkative in a rambling roundabout manner
  187. recumbent - lying down; inactive
  188. perturbed - to disturb greatly in mind; to throw into great disorder
  189. bibulous - spongy; addicted to drink
  190. harangue - scolding or long intense verbal attack; long passsionate vehement speech
  191. sundry - various or diverse
  192. susurrous - full of whispering or rustling sounds
  193. congeries - a collection of items into one mass
  194. rugose - having rinkles
  195. trussed - to tie; to make fast with skewers
  196. stentorian - very loud and powerful in voice
  197. phantasmagorically - a changing scene of many elements; shifting series of phantasms as in a dream
  198. melange - a mixture
  199. epilepsy - disorder of nerves in which the sufferer may either lose attention episodically to convulsions and loss of consciousness
  200. proboscis - a long flexible snout; unusually long human nose
  201. remitten - abating for a time or intervals
  202. truncated - shortened by cutting off a part
  203. ephemeral - lasting a very short time
  204. prognathous - having protrusive jawsover a gnathic index of 103
  205. ballyhoo - clamor; blatant attempt to win over customers using exaggerations
  206. throng - multitude of people crowded together; great crowd of something
  207. puerility - the state or quality of being a child
  208. expatiating - to enlarge in discourse or writing;
  209. furor - general outburst of excitement
  210. nascent - beginning to exist or develop
  211. paroxysm - any sudden or violent outburst
  212. adumbrate - to darken or conceal partially; to produce a faint image
  213. lugubrious - mourn, dismal, or gloomy especially in a unrelieved manner
  214. unctuous - characterized by excessive piousness; excessively smooth
  215. gala - festival
  216. dour - stern; gloomy
  217. moor - a tract of land preserved for game; tract of open wasteland common in northern latitudes where drainage is poor
  218. evanescent - vanishing or fading away
  219. squamose - covered or formed with scales
  220. cromlech - a megalith chamber tomb
  221. menhir - an upright monumental stone standing either alone or with others, as in an alignment, found chiefly in Cornwall and Brittany
  222. idiosyncratic - a characteristic, habit or manner that is peculiar to an individual
  223. sullen - showing irritation or gloomy humor by silence; gloomy or dismal
  224. caustic - capable of burning, corroding living tissue
  225. unfilial - violating the customary obligation of a child to a parent
  226. dolorous - causing pain or sorrow
  227. discordant - disagreeable to the ear
  228. baleful - full of malign influences
  229. cortege - a line or trail of attendants; a procession especially a ceremonial one
  230. vitriolic - very scathing
  231. languor - lack of energy or vitality; lack of spirit
  232. insipidity - without interesting qualities; bland
  233. irreverent - deficient of veneration
  234. surreptiously - obtained or done in stealth
  235. surcease - to cease an action; to come to an end
  236. pernicious - causing insidious harm; deadly
  237. salacious - lustful or lecherous; obscene of writings or pictures
  238. agnation - relatives through the male side
  239. solipsism - theory that only the self can be proven to exist; indulgence in one's self
  240. lacunae - gap or missing part
  241. indemnity - protection or security against loss; compensation against loss; insurance
  242. samite - heavy silk fabric interwoven with gold made in the Middle Ages
  243. byrnies - coat of mail
  244. trews - close fitting trousers of tartan cloth worn by Scottish soldiers
  245. ameliorate - to make it better
  246. iterative - repetitive; frequantive
  247. colloquial - expression; style or usage
  248. pejorative - having a disparaging, belittling effect
  249. post-modernism - movements throughout the 1970s that rejected previously accepted dogma in literature, arts, architecture etc.
  250. heuristic - encouraging a person to learn, understand and solve problems on his own; serving to indicate or point out.
  251. filigree - delicate, ornamental work of silver gold etc; anything very delicate of fanciful
  252. plectrum - a small piece of metal/plastic/ivory used for plucking strings of a guitar
  253. idylls - a simple descriptive narrative or piece in verse or prose; poem or prose describing charming pastoral places
  254. schema - underlying organizational pattern or structure
  255. fulcrum - any prop or support
  256. exordium - the beginning of anything; introduction in a treatise, oration etc
  257. shallop - any of various vesssels formerly used for sailing or rowing in shallow waters
  258. serendipity - luck; penchant for making discoveries unintentionally
  259. pulchritudinous - physically beautiful
  260. vitiate - to corrupt
  261. effluvium - a slight or invisible exhalation or vapor, especially one that is disagreeable or noxious
  262. sagacity - acuteness of mental discernment and sound of judgement
  263. soporific - causing or pertaining to sleep
  264. stultifying - to make or cause to appear ridicilous or foolish
  265. timorous - full of fear; timid
  266. hegemony - leadership or predominance of once country over others
  267. biblotheca, atheneum - collection of books
  268. ritzing - ostentatious or pretentious display
  269. heralds - someone who precedes or comes before;
  270. exultation - triumphant joy over succesful
  271. arcologies - an ideal city in a vertical building retaining natural ecological phenomenon
  272. gestalt - example of a unified whole
  273. bezoar - obselete way of saying counterpoison; concretion found in the intestines of certain animals
  274. droll - amusing in an odd way
  275. shoal - a place where a body of water is shallow
  276. assidously - constant in application
  277. foyer - the lobby of a theater, hotel, or apartment house
  278. lozenge - a small, flavored tablet of sugar or syrup often medicated and originally in a diamond shape
  279. subcutaneous - situated or set under the skin
  280. precis - a concise summary
  281. rictus - the gaping or opening of a mouth (of a bird)
  282. parvenus - someone who has quickly accrued wealth or influence or a position but has not adopted the correct mannerisms
  283. corrugate - to wrinkle or bend into folds
  284. hypnagogic - of pertaining to drowsiness
  285. slough - an area of soft, muddy ground; swamp-like
  286. warren - place where rabbits breed; building or area filled with tenants in a limited space
  287. albatross - a seemingly inescapable moral or emotional burden
  288. carthasis - purging of emotion
  289. sop - anything throughly soaked; piece of solid food to be dipped in liquid food; weak-willed, spineless person; something given to pacify; to drench
  290. ascetic - someone who dedicates their life to contemplative ideals especially through extreme self-denial of pleasures
  291. chateaux - a castle, fortress or country estate either French or of French influence
  292. blithe - joyous and merry; without regard
  293. dross - waste matter
  294. cottony - or of like cotton; soft
  295. acrid - sharp or biting of taste and smell; extremely stinging
  296. laconic - concise; using few words
  297. demarcate - to determine the boundaries
  298. parsimony - extreme or excessive economy and frugality
  299. bellicose - inclined or eager to fight
  300. abrogated - to abolish by formal means
  301. vituperation - violent denounciamation
  302. irascible - easily provoked to anger, characterized by rage
  303. rumination - to chew the cud; to mediate
  304. expurgation - to amend the words; to clean of moral offensiveness
  305. exigencies - a case of situation requiring prompt attention
  306. aloof - reticent; at a distance, especially of interest and feeling
  307. equivocal - of doubtful nature; of uncertain significance
  308. inimical - adverse in tendency; hostile
  309. votive - of the nature or expressive of a wish or desire
  310. fusillade - simultaneous discharge of firearms
  311. aplomb - imperturbable self-posession
  312. finical - finicky
  313. laconically - expressing much in a few words; concise
  314. morose - gloomy or sullenly ill humored
  315. apropos - fitting; at the right time
  316. providence -
  317. wan - of unnatural or sickly pallor
  318. pert - jaunty and stylish; chic
  319. abject - utterly hopeless, miserable, humiliating or wretched
  320. venal - willing to sell one's influence; able to be bribed
  321. equanimity - mental or emotional stability
  322. derilection - deliberate or conscious neglect
  323. temerity - reckless boldness
  324. scoria - (metallurgy) the waste left after smelting metal; (geology) a cinderlike basic cellular lava
  325. iniquity - gross injustice or wickedness
  326. knavery - unprincipled, untrustworthy, or dishonest dealing
  327. apex - the tip, or top
  328. hosanna - an exclamation usually an appeal for deliverance from God or Christ
  329. obrogation - the anulment or alteration of a previous law through new law
  330. kenosis - doctrine that Christ rid himself of divine attributes to experience human suffering
  331. turpitude - vile, shameful act; depravity
  332. logos - the rational principle that governs and develops the universe; the divine word and reason incarnate in Jesus Christ
  333. hetoimasia - Catholic theory that God emptied himself out of his divinity; to empty oneself out
  334. coquetry - a flirtatious behavior; dalliance
  335. repartee - a quick, witty reply; skill in making such replies
  336. puerile - of pertaining to children or childhood; childish foolishness
  337. inculcated - to implant by repeated statement or admonition; to cause or influence someone with an idea or feeling
  338. jocular - given to or characterized by joking or jesting
  339. faceitous - not meant to be taken seriously or literally; amusing or humorous
  340. gregarious - fond of the company of others; pertaining to a flock or crowd
  341. praxis - habit or custom; a set of examples for practice
  342. acumen - keen insight
  343. lambaste - to beat or whip severely; to reprimand or censure
  344. debonair - corteous, gracious and having a sophisticated charm; jaunty and carefree
  345. raison d'etre - reason or justification for existence
  346. effusive - unduly demonstrative; lacking in reserve; pouring at
  347. astute - of keen penetration of discernment; sagacious
  348. loquacious - talking or tending to talk much freely; characterized by excessive talking
  349. ebullient - overflowing with excitment, fervor or excitement; bubbling up like a boiling liquid
  350. volte-face - a turnabout, especially of opinion or policy
  351. acerbic - sour or astringent in taste; harsh or severe in expression
  352. peroration - long speech characterized by lofty and often pompous language; the concluding part of a speech where main points are re-addressed with great earnest
  353. rostrum - a platform or stage for public speaking
  354. demure - characterized by shyness or modesty; coyly decourous
  355. strident - making or having a harsh sound; having a shrill, irritating quality or character
  356. plenary - full; complete; entire; attended by qualified members; fully constituted
  357. antiquarian - of dealing with ancient books or rare books
  358. wharfage - storage of goods at a wharf; the use of a wharf; the charge or to ask payment for the usage of a wharf
  359. alembics - a vessel with a beaked cap or head used in distillery; anything that transforms or purifies or refines
  360. porters - person hired to carry burdens or baggage; person who does cleaning or maintenance work at a building
  361. livery - a uniform worn by servants
  362. marginalia - marginal notes
  363. quay - a landing place, especially of stone masonry contructed along the edge of a body of water
  364. impecunious - having little or no money
  365. connubial - of marriage or wedlock
  366. wedlock - the stage of marriage
  367. assiduity - constant or close application or effort
  368. gamut - the entire scale or range
  369. anent - in regard to; beside
  370. molder - to turn to dust by natural decay
  371. missive - a written message or letter
  372. providence - a manifestation of divine care
  373. acede - to give consent or approval; to attain office;
  374. circumspect - watchful and discreet; well considered
  375. abstruse - hard to understand
  376. revenant - a person who returns after death as a spirit
  377. adduces - to bring forward in an argument or as evidence; cite as pertinent or conclusive
  378. phthisis - wasting away; pulmary tuberculosis
  379. canticle - a song, poem or hymn especially of praise
  380. amanuensis - a person hired to write what another dictates or to copy existing works written by another
  381. stertor - heavy snoring sound accompanied in respiration due to certain diseases
  382. trammels - a hinderance or impediment to free action
  383. paean - any song of praise
  384. encomium - a formal expression of high praise; eulogy
  385. pith - the important or essential part; significant weight or substance
  386. paucity - smallness of quantity; insufficiency of number
  387. emendations - a correction or change, as of a text
  388. panoply - complete suit of armor; protective covering; full cermonial attire
  389. prevaricating - to speak false or misleading; deliberately create a false impression
  390. cogency - the quality or state of being persuasive
  391. brogue - Irish accent in English; any regional accent
  392. sagacity - acuteness of mental discernment and soundness of judgement
  393. legerdemain - sleight of hand; trickery or deceit; artful trick
  394. aquiesce - to submit or comply silently without protest; agree
  395. fetial - concern with declarations of war and treaties of peace
  396. petulant - impatient irritation especially over some trifling annoyance
  397. varlet - knavish person; rascal
  398. solemn - grave, sober or mirthless; serious or earnest; characterized by serious formality; made in due legal form
  399. keen - finely sharpened; characterized by strength of perception; animated by showing strong feeling or desire
  400. bedlam - a state of wild uproar and confusion; an insane asylum or madhouse
  401. querulously - full of complaints or complaining
  402. conscientiously - controlled by one's conscience; meticulous
  403. contrite - caused by or showing sincere remorse; filled with a sense of guilt or desire for atonement
  404. saccharine - of the nature or resembling sugar; cloyingly agreeable; exaggeratedly sweet or sentitmental
  405. apotheosis - the elevation or exaltation of a person into the rank of a god; the ideal example
  406. flagtitious - shamefully wicked as persons, actions or time; heinous as a crime
  407. apostasy - total departure from ones religion or principles or cause etc.
  408. mezzanine - lowest balcony in a theater
  409. morbus - cholera morbus: a gastrointestinal disturbance characterized by abdominal pains, diarrhea and sometimes vomiting
  410. pirouette - whirling about on one foot or on the point of toes
  411. magnanimously - generous in forgiving an insult or injury; high-minded and noble; revealing genorisity or noblemindedness
  412. vainglory - excessive pride or glory over one's own accomplishments; boastful vanity; excessive pomp
  413. sibilance - hissing
  414. soupcon - a slight trace as of a particular taste or flavor
  415. indolent - having or showing a disposition to avoid exertion; causing little or no pain
  416. invective - vehement or violent denunciation; a railing accusation; an insultingly abusive word or expression
  417. recondite - beyond ordinary knowledge; dealing with abstruse subject matter
  418. arrant - downright; thorough; wandering
  419. vouchsafe - to allow or grant favor due to graciousness
  420. fain - gladly or willingly; content
  421. travails - painfully difficult or burdensome work; pain or anguish caused by mental or physical hardship; pain of childbirth
  422. redound - to have a good or bad effect or result, as to the advantage or disadvantage of a person or thing
  423. succour - help, relief or aid
  424. perfidy - deliberate breach of faith or trust; an act of treachery
  425. capers - burglary or robbery; a frivolous carefree episode
  426. mendacious - telling lies, habitually dishonest; false or untrue
  427. victuals - food supplies or provisions
  428. extempore - spur of the moment; without notes;
  429. kith - friends and neighbors; a group of people sharing the same culture and living in the same area
  430. auteur - a filmmaker whose complete control over all the aspects of the creation of a film leave a personal and unique stamp
  431. cimmerian - very dark, gloomy and deep; hypothetical western people who lived in perpetual darkness
  432. presage - foreboding; something that portents; foresight; prophetic significance
  433. descant - a variation upon anything
  434. condoled - to express sympathy for a person stricken with sorrow
  435. doleful - sorrowful and mournful
  436. spiffilicated - alcohol intoxicated
  437. doltish - a dull, stupid person
  438. sidled - to move sideways; to edge along furtively
  439. ubiquitous - existing or being everywhere, especially at the same time
  440. thermidor - 11th month of the year in the French Revolutionary calendar from July 19th to August 17th
  441. sheen - luster; gleaming attire
  442. abeyance - temporary inactivity; in law it is when a title of property is not yet given to a titleholder
  443. caustically - capable of burning or corroding living tissue; severely critical or sarcastic
  444. effluvia - a slight or invisible exhalation of vapor that is usually noxious
  445. vermillion - a bright red to orange-reddish color
  446. fatuously - foolish or inane; unreal
  447. surly - unfriendly or hostile
  448. metier - a field of work
  449. apotosis - a normal, genetically regulated process leading to the death of cells triggered by the presence or absence of certain stimuli as DNA damage
  450. intrepid - resolutely fearless
  451. profligacy - reckless extravagance; great abundance
  452. heterotelic - having the purpose of its existence apart from itself
  453. laudanum - a tincture of opium
  454. tincture - a slight infusion; a trace; dye or pigment
  455. limned - to represent in drawing or painting; to portray in words
  456. elegiac - resembling an elegy; expressing sorrow or lamentation
  457. pliant - bending readily; easily influenced
  458. daubed - to smear, soil or defile; to cover or coat with a soft adhesive matter; to apply as in paint
  459. reprovingly - to criticize or correct; to disapprove strongly
  460. lief - gladly or willing
  461. chagrin - a feeling of vexation marked with disappointment or humiliation
  462. florid - rosy; flowery
  463. appurtenance - something subrodinate to another more important thing
  464. mien - air, bearing or demeanor as showing character or feeling
  465. genuflect - to express a servile attitude
  466. lathy - long and thin
  467. salient - prominent or conspicious; projecting or pointing outward; leaping or jumping
  468. excelsior - fine wood shavings
  469. quiescent - being at rest
  470. expostulate - to reason earnestly with someone against what they intend or have done
  471. outrance - the utmost extremity
  472. viscid - sticky or adhesive; viscous
  473. galvanize - to startle into sudden activity
  474. screed - a long discourse or essay, especially a diatribe
  475. fulgurating - pains, sharp and piercing
  476. sacerdotal - priestly
  477. darkle - to appear dark, show indistinctly; to grow dark, gloomy
  478. enucleation - to remove (a kernel, tumor, eyeball etc) from its enveloping cover; to bring out/explain
  479. investiture - the act or process of investing; the formal bestowal of a rank; something that coverns or adorns
  480. effervescence - to give off bubbles of gas such as in fermenting liquor; to show enthusiasm
  481. acephalic - headless; without a leader
  482. lucific - producing light
  483. panegyric - formal or elaborate praise; a lofty oration or writing of a person or thing
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