
G-Rank Kulve Taroth Weapons of Worth

May 9th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Kulve Taroth Weapons Worth Upgrading to G-Rank Versions
  2. Taroth weapons are listed as sublimated weapons in the rewards and for melding them.
  3. Kjarr weapons are listed as incandescent weapons in the rewards and for melding them.
  4. Taroth and Kjarr weapons can be melded from AT-KT and G-Rank KT parts (and they drop from the AT-KT siege).
  5. After you get your weapons you then upgrade them to G-Rank levels by using G-Rank KT's parts.
  6. G-Rank KT is fought via the Event Quest where you have to Slay her, the Siege is still AT-KT.
  8. GS: nothing
  10. LS: nope
  12. SnS: Kjarr "Numb" (For Para usage. Replaces the Safi equivalent.)
  14. DB: All the Kjarr element (only element, not status, not blast) duals are better than the Safi equivalents, better get farming.
  16. Hammer: nada
  18. HH: Kjarr "Crusher" and Taroth "Sleep" (both beat Safi blast, former is stronger than the latter)
  19. Element: Kjarr "Myth", Kjarr "Water", Kjarr "Dragon" (beats the thunder, water, and dragon Safi equivalents)
  21. Lance: naw
  23. GL: hahahaha
  25. SA: All the Kjarr Element Phial axes are worth it if you want to run an elemental build.
  27. CB: Same as the Swaxes.
  29. IG: Kjarr "Paralysis" / Kjarr "Water"
  31. LBG: Taroth "Support" (For RF N2s)
  32. Kjarr "Thunder" (For SF Ice. Yeah. Not the RF Thunder. Figure that one out Darwin, you beardy bastard.)
  34. HBG: Two element choices here that actually outstrip raw on suitably weak targets:
  35. Kjarr "Ice" (vs. Shara, Seething Bagels, and KT during Phases 3 and 4) / Kjarr "Water" (vs. Lavasioth and Uragaan)
  37. Bow: All the elements have options, so I will list them below in order of effectiveness (for each element).
  38. Fire: Kjarr "King" (Beats Safi handily) / Taroth "Fire" (Beats Safi depending on build, BiS specificially against Nami)
  39. Water: Yes but no. Kjarr "Water" but be advised, no Power coatings. It's only stronger than Safi when out of Power coatings.
  40. Dragon: Kjarr "Decay" (Beats Safi slightly)
  41. Ice: Kjarr "Stream" (Beats Safi handily)
  42. Thunder: Taroth "Thunder" (Depends on matchup) / Kjarr "Spark" (Worse than either but has Para and is more comfy)
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