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Feb 26th, 2017
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  1. There was a SmileBASIC Source convention that was going to happen near the coastline of west Japan, Lumage and randomouscrap have been site PM-ing to each other about it for several months now, it was nearly the two year anniversary mark of SmileBASIC Source. Lumage and randomouscrap was generating income from ads that were on SmileBASIC Source to pay for any transportation costs for users that are well known throughout the site. However, there were only going to be around ten to twenty people, so Lumage decided to not rent out a whole stage but rent a hotel for everybody to stay in(well, around two floors, that'd be WAY too expensive). This was not yet public at this point.
  2. Once Lumage and randomouscrap entirely planned it out, they started sending emails to users who have been invited for the convention; 12Me21, Trinitro21, MYCRAFTisbest, SIM3ON, slackerSnail, CoinzReturns, PhilFish, AnswerXOX, MasterR3CORD and SparkGaming. Every one of these users were going to meet face to face within that hotel, it was sure to be a fun time, for some. People were arriving one by one at the Rankō hotel, as more and more people get flooded into this hotel, randomouscrap seemed to have some sort of a suspicion of what even goes on at this hotel. Lumage keeps hinting at a special theme that the hotel has, randomouscrap continues to trust him for a short little while. Randomouscrap keeps eyeing at the counter and keep seeing in the last and found little toys and latex gloves, a weird thing to leave behind at a hotel.
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