

Oct 18th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. JustShutUpAlreadyYouBlackA'ssNi'gger
  2. gimmiethatass
  3. lemmetouchthatass
  4. Badass
  5. pus ee
  6. NAZIST sus
  7. lfack
  8. suck my小diicck
  10. 小小fu ck小小
  11. 小小sh it小小
  12. i saw ur big小pp
  13. sh小t
  14. can i小bang you?
  15. vass hxole
  16. 吉吉fack吉吉
  17. 吉吉ass吉吉
  18. 吉吉bittcch吉吉
  19. WannaJoinTheKkk?
  20. ^^asturbate
  21. dontbeshysuckmeharder
  22. stop being a fatniggerfaggot
  23. shut up and rape me
  24. Dicke
  25. stfup
  26. pjorno
  27. M=y Ƿ= I-⊂-K Is B-l--gg er Th a -n Yo u rs..
  28. W.h.a.t T...h ...e 千 ㄩ ⊂ K
  29. 千 ㄩ ⊂ K l N
  30. ⊂-U M
  31. ⊂ ㄖ ⊂ K
  32. S-U-⊂-C
  33. Go ⊂ommit Die
  34. B-l-ㄒ⊂-H
  35. Ƿ= I-⊂-K
  36. i hate Ƿ= I-⊂-K --s
  37. 卄---ㄖ-- E.
  38. -G-a-y-
  39. puᚚssy niᚚgger fuᚚck
  40. ucansuckmydicklmao
  41. biaytche
  42. PرهUSSرهY
  43. AyeF'uckNi’ggers
  44. ShutUpYouStupidA'ssWh'ore
  45. JustGiveMeAB’lowJobH'oe
  46. JustShutUpAlreadyYouBlackA'ssNi'gger
  47. Pness
  48. Poopass
  49. Gojumpinfrontofacaryoucrustyassndigga
  50. Dumbasshomophobicgojumpoffaroof
  51. Whydoihearmo@ningcomingfrommyparentsbedroom
  52. Muthafuca
  53. Insult my 5cm and you get the 9mm
  54. peไnis
  55. fuไck me please
  56. anime tit
  57. Rapegod
  58. shไthead
  59. fไ_ไck
  60. fไ_ไcking ape
  61. penไs
  62. fuไck bitchไes get money
  63. g@yl()rd
  64. rtwat
  65. fuไck
  66. Cöcksücker
  67. peepeepe
  68. drinkmyhorsepiss
  69. ñigga
  70. §§ţŕïpëř
  71. noKga
  72. wh*re
  73. re.tard
  74. honestlyithinkhen_taiishotterthanyou
  75. pleasesendmeanimep_ornbecauseihavenolife
  76. dudeimgettinggoodinthisbypassings_hitlol
  77. Fuˬckyou
  78. Igottheballstodoitbuddy\
  79. Swiggyswoogybooty
  80. Dumb s_ass
  81. bihg chongas
  82. doombas
  83. xre tard
  84. 5ick
  85. bigbrotheryourthebestespeciallywhenyoutouchmybreast
  86. Robloxporno
  87. Ifxuckedyourmomharderthenyou
  88. Fนck
  89. Cนทt
  90. fuꜙckꜙing nigꜙger
  91. i wanna put on luvely peaches niꜙggꜙer blꜙowjꜙob on wꜙwꜙw.poꜙrnꜙhuꜙb.cꜙom
  94. B()()Bs
  95. †i†s
  96. ass龗hole
  97. Wanna see my N'ippIes?
  98. Anals
  99. ㊂h○e
  100. suck ʠick h○e
  101. I hope you ʠie kid
  102. Your a r£tarʠ suck ʠick
  103. smoke weeʠ with me homie
  104. sƚr¡ppers are nice
  105. dam that ₽u$$y good girl
  106. my mom is sucking ʚn my brothers ʠick right now in my room
  107. wassupbittches
  108. JayJackedWithHisHand2006
  109. ihaveafatasswannaseeit
  110. sukmykokandcalmedady
  111. imfukinhiyh
  112. asscrackcancer
  113. canismelluyourshet
  114. isitgaytokissthehomies
  116. mydaddyhumpmelikethiccanimegirl
  117. ohyeahdaddyjotarogivemeyourmanmilk (JoJo fans lmfao)
  118. hehumpmesohard
  120. frickingretardkillyourself
  121. cmonbeforeithrust
  122. moanfordaddy
  124. lickdaddysballs
  125. BendOverForDaddy
  126. lemmesmackthatass
  127. YouAreAFatH'oe
  128. LetMesuckYourPu's'sy
  129. ImJustF'u'ckingSomeGirls
  130. StupidLookingA'ss
  131. shuthehefucup
  132. shutyoassup
  133. listenhereulittlebiitch
  134. wannasemydxk
  135. suckcuock
  136. nigꜛger
  137. dumbasꜛs
  138. fuꜛcꜛkꜛer
  139. a/$$
  140. booblyjooblies
  141. niddger
  142. nꜙigger
  143. fuꜙck
  144. anꜙimꜙe tꜙitꜙtiꜙes
  145. ( i w h o u l d c u m o n y o u h o n e s t l y)
  146. fuꜙck shꜙit niꜙggꜙa niꜙggꜙer fuꜙckꜙing fuꜙckꜙed fuꜙckꜙer boꜙobꜙies sꜙeꜙx cꜙuꜙm twꜙat blꜙowꜙjoꜙb haꜙndꜙjoꜙb foꜙotꜙjoꜙb twꜙat tiꜙts seꜙxy boꜙobꜙs peꜙniꜙs puꜙssꜙy wꜙww.poꜙrnhꜙuꜙb.cꜙom
  147. vaꜙgiꜙna diꜙck
  149. showmeurboobs
  150. f_uckmenow
  151. cocꜙk
  152. fucꜙk
  153. nꜙigger
  154. nꜙigga
  155. sꜙex
  156. sꜙhit
  157. dꜙick
  158. wꜙhore
  159. sꜙlut
  160. suck daddys cꜙock
  161. bꜙitch
  162. cꜙunt
  163. cꜙum
  164. i fꜙuck dogs
  165. I((N I G G A))L
  166. W.h.a.t T...h ...e 千 ㄩ ⊂ K
  167. 千 ㄩ ⊂ K l N
  168. ⊂-U M
  169. ⊂ ㄖ ⊂ K
  170. S-U-⊂-C
  171. Go ⊂ommit Die
  172. B-l-ㄒ⊂-H
  173. Ƿ= I-⊂-K
  174. i hate Ƿ= I-⊂-K --s
  175. 卄---ㄖ-- E.
  176. -G-a-y-
  177. ⺃-I-C-K
  178. ⺃-I-C-K ME
  179. ⺃-I-C-K M--Y Ƿ= I-⊂-K
  180. Gay
  181. 千 ㄩ ⊂ K
  182. Suc
  183. M=y Ƿ= I-⊂-K Is B-l--gg er Th a -n Yo u rs.
  184. Pr£gn@nt
  185. Lickmyballslikeicecreamcone
  186. pe ꜗnis
  188. f ꜗuck
  189. shi ꜗt
  190. nig ꜗger
  191. bo ꜗmb
  192. bi ꜗtch
  193. wh ꜗore
  194. se ꜗx
  195. nig ꜗga
  196. nig ꜗgers
  197. di ꜗck
  198. as ꜗs
  199. r ꜗape
  200. rap ꜗist
  201. suc ꜗk
  202. ba ꜗlls
  203. ti ꜗts
  204. bo ꜗobs
  205. vag ꜗina
  206. pus ꜗsy
  207. cu ꜗm
  208. Imabeatyosmellystinkyass
  209. Hiigaaybiitches
  210. Poundmeonthecoffeetabledaddy
  211. Poundmeonthekitchentabledaddy
  212. Poundmeonthecoffeetablewithmylegsspreaddaddy
  213. sااhiااt
  214. fااucااk
  215. cااuااm
  216. sااucااk
  217. tااwaااt
  218. lااmaااo
  219. mااoااthااeااrfااuااcااkااer
  220. sااucااk a dااicااk
  221. KKK.
  222. nꜛigger
  223. - F u c k Y o u-
  224. (FF) IU CKCK
  225. fa jggot
  226. I'mJustGettingMyD'ickL'icked.
  227. doucheꜙbagꜙ
  228. B!tchesBeSayingSlursWeBeSayingFacts
  229. suck ʠick h○e
  231. I hope you ʠie kid
  232. Your a r£tarʠ suck ʠick
  233. smoke weeʠ with me homie
  234. sƚr¡ppers are nice
  235. dam that ₽u$$y good girl
  236. my mom is sucking ʚn my brothers ʠick right now in my room
  237. wassupbittches
  238. JayJackedWithHisHand2006
  239. ihaveafatasswannaseeit
  240. sukmykokandcalmedady
  241. imfukinhiyh
  242. asscrackcancer
  243. canismelluyourshet
  244. isitgaytokissthehomies
  246. mydaddyhumpmelikethiccanimegirl
  247. ohyeahdaddyjotarogivemeyourmanmilk (JoJo fans lmfao)
  248. hehumpmesohard
  250. frickingretardkillyourself
  251. cmonbeforeithrust
  252. moanfordaddy
  254. lickdaddysballs
  255. BendOverForDaddy
  256. lemmesmackthatass
  257. YouAreAFatH'oe
  258. LetMesuckYourPu's'sy
  259. ImJustF'u'ckingSomeGirls
  260. StupidLookingA'ss
  261. shuthehefucup
  262. shutyoassup
  263. listenhereulittlebiitch
  264. wannasemydxk
  265. suckcuock
  266. IWasAbleToHump5KidsToday
  267. BeAGoodBoy,AndHumpYourMother
  268. ButterMyCroissantDaddy
  269. AhYesPutYourA'ssOnMyFace
  270. IAmAlwaysInMyBedH'umpingGirls
  271. LetMeSmokeYourKok.
  272. IfYouWantYouCanSuckMyKokAndCaIIMeDaddy
  273. IHaveAnd11InchD'ickLetMeDestroyYourInsidesBaby.
  274. YouHaveSuchAB'igD'ickCanIGiveItASuck?
  275. WannaS'trokeMyKokAndIWillLickYourVag.
  276. MyK'okGetsSoBigWhenISeeYou
  277. pissꜙoffꜙ
  278. rapꜙisꜙtꜙ
  279. dilꜙdoꜙ
  280. reꜙtardꜙ
  281. kiꜙssꜙ
  282. horꜙnyꜙ
  283. DamnGirlPutYourF'aceInMyL'ap
  284. S'uckMyPP
  285. WannaS'uckOnM'yT'its?
  286. DaddyM'akeMeM'oanMore
  287. Aꜛsshꜛole
  288. Mꜛotherꜛfꜛuckꜛer
  289. Dꜛick is so good
  290. Bꜛicth Sꜛucꜛk Mꜛy Dꜛick
  291. You Mꜛotherꜛfꜛuckiꜛng Soꜛn Of a Bꜛitch
  292. You little Fꜛuckꜛer
  293. Gag on my ꜛdꜛick
  294. Fꜛuck Her Right Iꜛn The Pꜛussy
  295. ;)
  296. Sꜛuck me Hꜛarder Bꜛabe
  297. I got a bꜛlowꜛjob in the back of my car last night.
  298. Let me Sꜛuck yꜛour Tꜛits
  299. Put your Dꜛick up my Aꜛssꜛhole and bꜛlow your lꜛoad
  300. Give me a Hꜛandjob
  301. Smoke Wꜛeed with me
  302. My cꜛock is only yours
  303. Rꜛide me bꜛaby
  304. shutupbeforeIfistyou
  305. poopyass
  306. asspound
  307. assclapper
  308. asspounds
  309. asspounded
  310. gokillyourselfidiot
  312. shi tt
  314. n ii gg a
  315. n i gggerboy
  316. (I HATE) those transkids
  317. adolf h ii tt ler
  318. osama b ii nn l a dd ee n
  320. Welcome to the K l luu K l luux K l laan
  321. B ii titch
  322. i love to eat p u sssylol
  323. i hate blblblacks
  324. I hate chchchinks
  325. I hate gogogooks
  326. N ii gg ger
  327. D ii ckick
  328. B ii titch
  329. (i hate) jejews
  330. (i hate ki) ikes
  331. (your a cu) nunt
  332. Shut the ƭuck up
  333. - S u c k a C o c k-
  334. - B i t c h-
  335. - W h o r e-
  336. dꜛiscord
  337. fꜛuck
  338. cꜛunt
  339. pꜛussy
  340. sꜛhitt
  341. sevx
  342. foundthisn㉽gger
  343. ㉽mfg
  344. m((d i c k))m m((s h i t))m I((f u c k))m
  345. fucuccuucucuuk
  348. shishishishsihsit
  349. nignginiga
  350. bibibtiitbittcbitcbibibich
  351. f;uckass
  352. badass
  353. Bloobs
  354. D≠|≠€k
  355. cuꜘm
  356. seꜘx
  357. wwꜘw.poꜘrnꜘhuꜘ
  358. Still found it out
  359. Ppp uuu sss yyy
  360. Pu≠u$’¥
  361. Su€€onm£
  362. ñ|gggggggggg£rrrrrrrrr kid
  363. ñ|gggggggggg£rrrrrrrrr kid
  364. eatnigoballs
  365. P͟ u͟ l s͟s͟ y͟
  366. DaddyM'akeMeM'oanMore
  367. c*um in isdide me
  368. nexttimewemeeteatmeup
  369. Fبckهyouهniهggerهsهimهaهsandهniهgger
  370. yiffing
  371. letsdoanal
  372. Ibanganimegirls
  373. wh^re and h^e
  374. asspounding
  375. momjerkingoff
  376. Rawr x3 nuzzles how are you pounces on you
  377. you’rꜘe so wꜘarm o3o notices you have a buꜘlge o:
  378. someone’s hꜘappy ; ) nꜘuzzles your nꜘecky
  379. poꜘrn gꜘaysꜘex fuꜘck me idꜘiot viꜘrgꜘin basꜘtaꜘrd aꜘssꜘhole shꜘit fuꜘckꜘing crazy aꜘss shꜘit fuꜘckꜘing shꜘitꜘheads cꜘum fuꜘcker
  380. don't say that to insult people
  381. WannaS'uckOnM'yT'its?
  382. DaddyM'akeMeM'oanMore
  383. fꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘuck off go sꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘuck ur dads dꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘick inꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘcest fꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘꜘuck
  384. FU ꜘ CK
  385. Vboobs
  386. Vboob
  387. dumbasshxe
  388. bumasshxe
  389. shutyodumbassup
  390. g-ass
  391. childꜘ poꜘ rn
  392. No H○m○
  393. fxggot
  395. WassupBittches
  396. ni.ggerjew
  397. ni.ggerjewscandie
  398. fꜘuckꜘ oꜘffꜘ bꜘitchꜘ
  399. cꜘumꜘ yꜘour inside
  401. Sꜘhutꜘ uꜘpꜘ bꜘitchꜘ
  403. dꜘumbꜘ aꜘssꜘ hꜘoleꜘ
  405. dꜘickꜘ sꜘuckerꜘ bypass word
  407. yꜘour inside
  408. imgonna[redacted]youintheass
  409. hippity hoppity mypplong you are now gonnahoponmydong
  410. bigbouncinganimeboobs
  411. 18 nakꜘed cowboys waiting to be fuꜘckꜘed at raꜘm ranꜘch
  412. F اا u ااck
  413. S اا h ااit
  414. s.exmeharder
  415. idippedmyballsincherryjuice
  416. sexywoman
  417. coꜘck
  418. fꜘuckꜘ oꜘffꜘ bꜘitchꜘ
  419. bypass
  420. cant have safe chat are not going t to work.
  421. hꜘoseꜘ mꜘadꜘ
  422. hꜘttps://wwwꜘ.pꜘornhubꜘ.cꜘom/view_videoꜘ.pꜘhp?viewkey=ph5e9b3b57d4386ꜘ
  423. cꜘumꜘ aꜘ dꜘumꜘ dꜘumꜘ cꜘumꜘ aꜘ dꜘumꜘ dꜘumꜘ cꜘumꜘ aꜘ dꜘumꜘ dꜘumꜘ cꜘumꜘ aꜘllꜘ oꜘverꜘ yꜘouꜘ dꜘamꜘ dꜘumꜘ aꜘssꜘ mꜘomꜘ
  424. there brother
  425. Fꜘuckꜘ aꜘ hꜘoeꜘ sꜘtealꜘ aꜘ hꜘoeꜘ mꜘakeꜘ tꜘhatꜘ sꜘhitꜘ gꜘoꜘ bꜘlowꜘ iꜘ fuꜘckinꜘg aꜘlotꜘ rꜘoadsꜘ tꜘoꜘ gꜘoꜘ bꜘitchꜘ yꜘouꜘ aꜘlreadyꜘ hꜘowꜘ aꜘboutꜘ yꜘouꜘ sꜘtopꜘ tꜘalkingꜘ aꜘndꜘ sꜘtartꜘ wꜘalkingꜘ dꜘumꜘ bꜘitchꜘ
  426. Sꜘhutꜘ uꜘpꜘ bꜘitchꜘ
  427. dꜘumbꜘ aꜘssꜘ hꜘoleꜘ
  428. dꜘickꜘ sꜘuckerꜘ
  429. fꜘuckꜘ
  430. Kꜘidꜘ gꜘoꜘ tꜘoꜘ yꜘouꜘ lꜘittleꜘ fuꜘckinꜘg hꜘoleꜘ yꜘouꜘ lꜘonlyꜘ cꜘuntꜘ yꜘouꜘ uꜘgleꜘ tꜘhotꜘ yꜘourꜘ pꜘroblyꜘ aꜘreꜘ uꜘgleꜘ hꜘowꜘ aꜘboutꜘ yꜘouꜘ dꜘieꜘ oꜘnꜘ aꜘ dꜘickꜘ
  431. Fꜘuckꜘ oꜘnꜘ mꜘeꜘ dꜘaddy
  432. ;p
  433. pꜘornhubꜘ gꜘetꜘ yꜘourꜘ pꜘornꜘ
  434. 13 and older accs
  435. hꜘttps://wwwꜘ.pꜘornhubꜘ.cꜘom/view_videoꜘ.pꜘhp?viewkey=ph5a0d42589af8aꜘ
  436. xD
  437. gꜘotꜘ tꜘoꜘ bꜘeatꜘ mꜘyꜘ bꜘeatꜘ dꜘoꜘ dꜘoꜘ dꜘoꜘ gꜘotꜘ tꜘoꜘ bꜘeatꜘ mꜘyꜘ bꜘeatꜘ dꜘoꜘ dꜘoꜘ dꜘoꜘ gꜘotꜘ bꜘeatꜘ mꜘyꜘ bꜘeatꜘ dꜘoꜘ dꜘoꜘ dꜘoꜘ
  438. Dꜘaddyꜘ iꜘmꜘ sꜘoꜘ hꜘorrnyꜘ
  439. Dꜘaddyꜘ pꜘutꜘ iꜘtꜘ iꜘnꜘ
  440. noiggoa pu11y sh--
  441. p(c um) p(c o ck)
  442. d ii c kk s
  443. ppsucer99
  444. imgonnamakeyoumoanimgonnamakeyoumoanSSSSSSS
  445. sheety
  446. ncca
  447. n / i g g a
  448. sꜙeꜙx mꜙe dadꜙdy
  449. b ii ch
  450. shi tt
  451. fuꜙck me biꜙtcꜙh and suck my diꜙcꜙk
  452. biꜙtcꜙh, lick mꜙy diꜙcꜙk
  453. fuꜙck my diꜙcꜙk,girl
  454. ba fuꜘck me
  455. fuꜙck in sass
  456. choke on my diꜙcꜙk
  457. sťˇfu
  458. i have never fꜙucked like this before
  459. fꜙucka'ss
  460. fuꜘck yꜘou meꜘxican
  461. fꜘuck
  462. $H(!)T
  463. putyoursballsinmyfacedaddy
  464. putyourd(!)ckinmya($)($)daddy
  465. motꜙher fuꜙcker
  466. sucꜙk mꜙy diꜙcꜙk
  467. son of aꜙ biꜙtcꜙh
  468. fꜘuck me daddy
  469. $ under 13
  470. i( l m a o)I
  471. /givemeareallynicehandjobplease
  472. KKK
  473. addh_olfitler
  474. Faahhhx_ck
  475. k¡llyourself
  476. ࠀboobsࠀ
  477. rҼtard
  478. h৹e
  479. ๚oe
  480. Ⴧlut
  481. fuᆡck
  482. diᆡck
  483. nigᆡga
  484. ᣝhoeᣝ
  485. fuㅓck
  486. h꧰e
  487. rᄐtard
  488. fuᄐck
  489. pornovirus
  490. Ki'l'lYours'elf
  491. se ꜗx
  492. nig ꜗga
  493. nig ꜗgers
  494. di ꜗck
  495. as ꜗs
  496. r ꜗape
  497. rap ꜗist
  498. suc ꜗk
  499. ba ꜗlls
  500. ti ꜗts
  501. bo ꜗobs
  502. vag ꜗina
  503. pus ꜗsy
  504. cu ꜗm
  505. Imabeatyosmellystinkyass
  506. Hiigaaybiitches
  507. Poundmeonthecoffeetabledaddy
  508. Poundmeonthekitchentabledaddy
  509. Poundmeonthecoffeetablewithmylegsspreaddaddy
  510. sااhiااt
  511. fااucااk
  512. cااuااm
  513. sااucااk
  514. tااwaااt
  515. lااmaااo
  516. mااoااthااeااrfااuااcااkااer
  517. sااucااk a dااicااk
  518. KKK.
  519. nꜛigger
  520. - F u c k Y o u-
  521. (FF) IU CKCK
  522. fa jggot
  523. shuthehefucup
  524. shutyoassup
  525. listenhereulittlebiitch
  526. wannasemydxk
  527. suckcuock
  528. IWasAbleToHump5KidsToday
  529. BeAGoodBoy,AndHumpYourMother
  530. ButterMyCroissantDaddy
  531. AhYesPutYourA'ssOnMyFace
  532. IAmAlwaysInMyBedH'umpingGirls
  533. LetMeSmokeYourKok.
  534. IfYouWantYouCanSuckMyKokAndCaIIMeDaddy
  535. IHaveAnd11InchD'ickLetMeDestroyYourInsidesBaby.
  536. YouHaveSuchAB'igD'ickCanIGiveItASuck?
  537. WannaS'trokeMyKokAndIWillLickYourVag.
  538. MyK'okGetsSoBigWhenISeeYou
  539. pissꜙoffꜙ
  540. rapꜙisꜙtꜙ
  541. dilꜙdoꜙ
  542. reꜙtardꜙ
  543. kiꜙssꜙ
  544. horꜙnyꜙ
  545. DamnGirlPutYourF'aceInMyL'ap
  546. S'uckMyPP
  547. WannaS'uckOnM'yT'its?
  548. DaddyM'akeMeM'oanMore
  549. Aꜛsshꜛole
  550. Mꜛotherꜛfꜛuckꜛer
  551. Dꜛick is so good
  552. (I HATE) those transkids
  553. adolf h ii tt ler
  554. osama b ii nn l a dd ee n
  556. Welcome to the K l luu K l luux K l laan
  557. B ii titch
  558. i love to eat p u sssylol
  559. i hate blblblacks
  560. I hate chchchinks
  561. I hate gogogooks
  562. N ii gg ger
  563. D ii ckick
  564. B ii titch
  565. (i hate) jejews
  566. (i hate ki) ikes
  567. (your a cu) nunt
  568. Shut the ƭuck up
  569. - S u c k a C o c k-
  570. - B i t c h-
  571. - W h o r e-
  572. dꜛiscord
  573. fꜛuck
  574. cꜛunt
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