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Oct 20th, 2019
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  1. Arcitus and Palamon were two noble ex-knights from the realm of Thebes who were being held as prisoners in a tower in Athens. In the tower, they both gazed upon the beauty of Emily, the sister of Theseus who was the Duke of the land, and upon seeing her beauty they both fell in love with her. After several years of heartache and jealousy, Arcitus was released from prison and told not to come back to Athens. Once his appearance had changed enough, he decided to come back to Athens under a different name and he ended up working for the chamber of Emily. Theseus has heard of his good nature and deeds, and so Arcitus was appointed as a squire. After a few years, Palamon escaped from prison, and after an altercation with Arcitus, a battle was set up by Theseus in the amphitheater between the two for the hand of his sister. After Arcitus won, furies sprang from the ground and killed him. After many tears, a pyre funeral, and a long speech on death and loss, Emily was wed to Palamon, and they loved eachother dearly.
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