
Find bridge in graph

Jun 26th, 2022
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  1. '''
  2. when disc[u]<low[v]-------------------------->(1)
  3. add (u,v) to bridge list
  4. In case of articulation point we use condition disc[u]<=low[v] and root children condition.
  5. Here we use only one condition and remember there is no equal condition in (1) which differs from articulation points
  6. '''
  7. from collections import defaultdict as dd
  8. class Solution:
  9.     def criticalConnections(self, n: int, cons: List[List[int]]) -> List[List[int]]:
  10.         adj=dd(set)
  11.         for u,v in cons:
  12.             adj[u].add(v)
  13.             adj[v].add(u)
  14.         parent,disc,low,time,ans=[-1]*n,[-1]*n,[0]*n,0,[]
  15.         def dfs(u):
  16.             nonlocal time
  17.             low[u]=disc[u]=time
  18.             time+=1
  19.             for v in adj[u]:
  20.                 if v==parent[u]:continue#ignore parent
  21.                 if disc[v]==-1:#if not visited
  22.                     parent[v]=u
  23.                     dfs(v)
  24.                     low[u]=min(low[u],low[v])
  25.                     if disc[u]<low[v]:#----------------------->VVIMP condition
  26.                         ans.append((u,v))
  27.                 else:
  28.                     low[u]=min(low[u],disc[v])#--------------->for visited nodes same as tarjan algo+articulation points
  29.         for i in range(n):
  30.             if disc[i]==-1:
  31.                 dfs(i)
  32.         return ans
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