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Jul 20th, 2017
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  1. Crashlog for Cemu 1.8.1t1
  2. Date: 20-07-2017 15:37:08
  4. -----------------------------------------
  5. Stack trace
  6. -----------------------------------------
  7. 0x00007ff709c2d670 (+0x00007ff709c2d670) NULL gpu7Texture_forceInvalidateByImagePtr
  8. 0x00007ff709c2d670 (+0x00007ff709c2d670) NULL gpu7Texture_forceInvalidateByImagePtr
  9. 0x00007ffd77dcdc00 (+0x00007ffd77dcdc00) NULL RtlNormalizeString
  10. 0x00007ffd77d791a0 (+0x00007ffd77d791a0) NULL RtlLookupFunctionEntry
  11. 0x00007ffd77e090d0 (+0x00007ffd77e090d0) NULL KiUserExceptionDispatcher
  12. Exception 0xc0000005 at 0x0
  13. cemu.exe at 0x7ff709bd0000
  15. RAX=0000000000000000 RBX=0000027a2249e040 RCX=0000027a2249e040 RDX=000000f9406ff7b0
  16. RSP=000000f9406ff3e8 RBP=000000f9406ff4f0 RDI=0000000000000000 RSI=000000f9406ff6b0
  17. R8 =000000f9406ff6b0 R9 =0000000000000000 R10=0000000000000200 R11=0000000000000800
  18. R12=000000f9406ff6a0 R13=0000000000000200 R14=000000f9406ff7b0 R15=0000000000100000
  20. -----------------------------------------
  21. Game info
  22. -----------------------------------------
  23. Game: Breath of the Wild [US]
  24. TitleId: 50000101c9400
  25. RPXHash: dcac9927
  27. -----------------------------------------
  28. Active PPC instance
  29. -----------------------------------------
  30. Not active
  32. -----------------------------------------
  33. PPC threads
  34. -----------------------------------------
  35. 50e24e60 Ent 00e129f4 IP 02935cfc LR cc5f9302 SUSPENDED Aff 010 Pri 80 Name NULL
  36. 1167e278 Ent 01f9d6f8 IP 01fbfc4c LR 4cfcfb01 SUSPENDED Aff 010 Pri 84 Name Prepare Thread
  37. 1377eea0 Ent 01f9d6f8 IP 01fbfc4c LR 4cfcfb01 SUSPENDED Aff 100 Pri 80 Name WorkerMgr/Worker1(Any)
  38. 137bf778 Ent 01f9d6f8 IP 01fbfc4c LR 4cfcfb01 SUSPENDED Aff 001 Pri 80 Name WorkerMgr/Worker2(Any)
  39. 167ca630 Ent 01f9d6f8 IP 01fbfc4c LR 4cfcfb01 SUSPENDED Aff 010 Pri 81 Name OverlayArena Prepare
  40. 167cc318 Ent 01f9d6f8 IP 01fbfc4c LR 4cfcfb01 SUSPENDED Aff 001 Pri 83 Name DecompThread
  41. 30f603b8 Ent 01f9d6f8 IP 01fbfc4c LR 4cfcfb01 SUSPENDED Aff 001 Pri 83 Name Resource Loading
  42. 30f6afc8 Ent 01f9d6f8 IP 01fbfc4c LR 4cfcfb01 SUSPENDED Aff 100 Pri 84 Name Resource Control
  43. 30f75d48 Ent 01f9d6f8 IP 01fbfc4c LR 4cfcfb01 SUSPENDED Aff 100 Pri 84 Name Resource Memory
  44. 30f80c38 Ent 01f9d6f8 IP 01fbfc4c LR 4cfcfb01 SUSPENDED Aff 100 Pri 84 Name MovableMemory
  45. 374e87c8 Ent 01f9d6f8 IP 01fbfc4c LR 4cfcfb01 SUSPENDED Aff 100 Pri 84 Name res::Compaction
  46. 10566520 Ent 030c8788 IP 030c8914 LR 14890c03 SUSPENDED Aff 100 Pri 67 Name nw::snd::TaskThread
  47. 3eb9a8e0 Ent 01f9d6f8 IP 01fbfc4c LR 4cfcfb01 SUSPENDED Aff 100 Pri 82 Name aal::LowPrioWorkerThread
  48. 3ef61ca0 Ent 01f9d6f8 IP 01fbfc4c LR 4cfcfb01 SUSPENDED Aff 100 Pri 72 Name AsyncPatternRumbleThread
  49. 3fa26db8 Ent 01f9d6f8 IP 02794580 LR 80457902 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 86 Name ProductReportBackGround Thread
  50. 3fc56268 Ent 01f9d6f8 IP 022f6e2c LR 2c6e2f02 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 83 Name NFP Thread
  51. 11a97d10 Ent 02e537f8 IP 02e2af70 LR 70afe202 SUSPENDED Aff 001 Pri 80 Name Physics:HavokWorkerEntity(Core2)
  52. 11a99540 Ent 02e537f8 IP 02e2af70 LR 70afe202 SUSPENDED Aff 100 Pri 80 Name Physics:HavokWorkerEntity(Core0)
  53. 11b39e50 Ent 02e537f8 IP 02e2af70 LR 70afe202 SUSPENDED Aff 001 Pri 80 Name Physics:HavokWorkerSensor(Core2)
  54. 11b39640 Ent 02e537f8 IP 02e2af70 LR 70afe202 SUSPENDED Aff 100 Pri 80 Name Physics:HavokWorkerSensor(Core0)
  55. 3fd65f88 Ent 01f9d6f8 IP 01fbfc4c LR 4cfcfb01 SUSPENDED Aff 100 Pri 84 Name NavMeshSystemThread
  56. 3fde2538 Ent 01f9d6f8 IP 01fbfc4c LR 4cfcfb01 SUSPENDED Aff 010 Pri 84 Name
  57. 3fe0d5e8 Ent 01f9d6f8 IP 01fbfc4c LR 4cfcfb01 SUSPENDED Aff 100 Pri 84 Name
  58. 3fe38698 Ent 01f9d6f8 IP 01fbfc4c LR 4cfcfb01 SUSPENDED Aff 001 Pri 84 Name
  59. 3ff51500 Ent 01f9d6f8 IP 01fbfc4c LR 4cfcfb01 SUSPENDED Aff 100 Pri 82 Name SaveMgrThread
  60. 423f9000 Ent 01f9d6f8 IP 01fbfc4c LR 4cfcfb01 SUSPENDED Aff 100 Pri 81 Name WorkerSupport[0]
  61. 4241a310 Ent 01f9d6f8 IP 01fbfc4c LR 4cfcfb01 SUSPENDED Aff 001 Pri 81 Name WorkerSupport[1]
  62. 4241beb0 Ent 01f9d6f8 IP 020d8ad0 LR d08a0d02 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 79 Name Sleeper
  63. 42529388 Ent 01f9d6f8 IP 01fbfc4c LR 4cfcfb01 SUSPENDED Aff 001 Pri 84 Name ActorCreate
  64. 42500770 Ent 01f9d6f8 IP 01fbfc4c LR 4cfcfb01 SUSPENDED Aff 100 Pri 84 Name ActorCreate
  65. 425f8140 Ent 01f9d6f8 IP 01fbfc4c LR 4cfcfb01 SUSPENDED Aff 010 Pri 81 Name GameScen TaskMgr
  66. 43e345d8 Ent 01f9d6f8 IP 01fbfc4c LR 4cfcfb01 SUSPENDED Aff 001 Pri 84 Name uiLowPrioThreadMgr
  67. 424d7b58 Ent 01f9d6f8 IP 01fbfc4c LR 4cfcfb01 SUSPENDED Aff 010 Pri 84 Name ActorCreate
  68. 42ff2d08 Ent 01f9d6f8 IP 01fbfc4c LR 4cfcfb01 SUSPENDED Aff 100 Pri 84 Name tera::ImageResourceMgr
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